package toxi.newmesh;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import toxi.geom.AABB;
import toxi.geom.IsectData3D;
import toxi.geom.Ray3D;
import toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D;
import toxi.geom.Sphere;
import toxi.geom.Triangle3D;
import toxi.geom.TriangleIntersector;
import toxi.geom.Vec2D;
import toxi.geom.Vec3D;
import toxi.geom.mesh.subdiv.NewSubdivStrategy;
import toxi.util.datatypes.ItemIndex;
import toxi.util.datatypes.UniqueItemIndex;
public class IndexedTriangleMesh {
public static final String ATTR_EDGES = "edges";
public static final String ATTR_FNORMALS = "fnormals";
public static final String ATTR_UVCOORDS = "uv";
public static final String ATTR_VCOLORS = "col";
public static final String ATTR_VERTICES = "vertices";
public static final String ATTR_VNORMALS = "vnormals";
public SpatialIndex vertices = new SpatialIndex(0.001f);
public ItemIndex<Vec3D> fnormals = new UniqueItemIndex<Vec3D>();
public final ArrayList<AttributedFace> faces = new ArrayList<AttributedFace>();
public final HashMap<String, UniqueItemIndex<Object>> attributes = new HashMap<String, UniqueItemIndex<Object>>();
public IndexedTriangleMesh() {
public IndexedTriangleMesh addFace(Vec3D a, Vec3D b, Vec3D c,
HashMap<String, Object[]> attribs) {
int idA = vertices.index(a);
int idB = vertices.index(b);
int idC = vertices.index(c);
if (idA != idB && idA != idC && idB != idC) {
AttributedFace f = new AttributedFace(idA, idB, idC,
addFaceAttributes(null, attribs));
return this;
public IndexedTriangleMesh addFace(Vec3D a, Vec3D b, Vec3D c, Vec2D uva,
Vec2D uvb, Vec2D uvc) {
HashMap<String, Object[]> attribs = null;
if (uva != null && uvb != null && uvc != null) {
attribs = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
attribs.put(ATTR_UVCOORDS, new Object[] {
uva, uvb, uvc
return addFace(a, b, c, attribs);
public HashMap<String, int[]> addFaceAttribute(AttributedFace f,
String attrib, Object attA, Object attB, Object attC) {
if (f != null && attrib != null && attA != null && attB != null
&& attC != null) {
ItemIndex<Object> idx = getAttributeIndex(attrib);
f.attribs.put(attrib, new int[] {
idx.index(attA), idx.index(attB), idx.index(attC)
return f.attribs;
return null;
public HashMap<String, int[]> addFaceAttributes(AttributedFace f,
HashMap<String, Object[]> attribs) {
HashMap<String, int[]> fattribs = null;
if (attribs != null) {
fattribs = (f != null) ? f.attribs : new HashMap<String, int[]>(
attribs.size(), 1);
for (String attID : attribs.keySet()) {
Object[] items = attribs.get(attID);
if (items.length >= 3) {
ItemIndex<Object> idx = getAttributeIndex(attID);
int[] ids = new int[] {
idx.index(items[0]), idx.index(items[1]),
fattribs.put(attID, ids);
return fattribs;
public IndexedTriangleMesh addMesh(IndexedTriangleMesh mesh) {
Vec3D[] v = null;
for (AttributedFace f : mesh.faces) {
v = mesh.getFaceVertices(f, v);
addFace(v[0], v[1], v[2], null);
return this;
public IndexedTriangleMesh addMeshWithAttribs(IndexedTriangleMesh mesh) {
HashMap<String, Object[]> attribs = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
Vec3D[] v = null;
for (AttributedFace f : mesh.faces) {
for (String a : f.attribs.keySet()) {
attribs.put(a, mesh.getFaceAttribValues(f, a));
v = mesh.getFaceVertices(f, v);
addFace(v[0], v[1], v[2], attribs);
return this;
public IndexedTriangleMesh clear() {
return this;
public HashMap<String, float[]> compile() {
HashSet<String> attribs = new HashSet<String>();
return compile(attribs, null);
public HashMap<String, float[]> compile(HashSet<String> attribs,
HashMap<String, MeshAttributeCompiler> compilers) {
HashMap<String, MeshAttributeCompiler> mergedComps = new HashMap<String, MeshAttributeCompiler>(
if (compilers != null) {
HashMap<String, float[]> buffers = new HashMap<String, float[]>();
int numF = faces.size();
for (String attrib : attribs) {
MeshAttributeCompiler comp = mergedComps.get(attrib);
if (comp != null) {
ItemIndex<?> index = comp.getIndex();
int faceStride = 3 * comp.getStride();
float[] buf = new float[numF * faceStride];
int offset = 0;
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
comp.compileFace(f, index, buf, offset);
offset += faceStride;
buffers.put(attrib, buf);
return buffers;
public List<Object> computeEdges() {
ItemIndex<Object> edges = getAttributeIndex(ATTR_EDGES);
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
if (f.attribs == null) {
f.attribs = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
f.attribs.put(ATTR_EDGES, new int[] {
indexFaceEdge(f, f.a, f.b), indexFaceEdge(f, f.b, f.c),
indexFaceEdge(f, f.c, f.a)
return edges.getItems();
public List<Vec3D> computeFaceNormals() {
Vec3D[] v = null;
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
v = getFaceVertices(f, v);
f.normal = fnormals.index(v[0].sub(v[1]).crossSelf(v[0].sub(v[2]))
return fnormals.getItems();
public List<Object> computeVertexNormals() {
Vec3D[] vnorms = new Vec3D[vertices.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < vnorms.length; i++) {
vnorms[i] = new Vec3D();
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
final Vec3D n = fnormals.forID(f.normal);
for (int i = 0; i < vnorms.length; i++) {
ItemIndex<Object> idx = getAttributeIndex(ATTR_VNORMALS);
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
if (f.attribs == null) {
f.attribs = new HashMap<String, int[]>();
new int[] {
idx.index(vnorms[f.a]), idx.index(vnorms[f.b]),
return idx.getItems();
public IndexedTriangleMesh extrudeFace(AttributedFace f, Vec3D offset,
float scale) {
Vec3D[] v = getFaceVertices(f, null);
Vec3D[] v2 = new Vec3D[3];
Vec3D c = v[0].add(v[1]).addSelf(v[2]).scaleSelf(1 / 3f);
Vec3D n = c.add(offset);
v2[0] = v[0].sub(c).scaleSelf(scale).addSelf(n);
v2[1] = v[1].sub(c).scaleSelf(scale).addSelf(n);
v2[2] = v[2].sub(c).scaleSelf(scale).addSelf(n);
// extruded copy
addFace(v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], null);
// sides
addFace(v[0], v[1], v2[0], null);
addFace(v[1], v2[1], v2[0], null);
addFace(v[1], v[2], v2[1], null);
addFace(v[2], v2[2], v2[1], null);
addFace(v[2], v[0], v2[2], null);
addFace(v[0], v2[0], v2[2], null);
return this;
* Flips the current order of all face vertices and attributes. If face or
* vertex normals are present their direction will be inverted as well.
* @return itself
public IndexedTriangleMesh flipVertexOrder() {
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
int t = f.b;
f.b = f.c;
f.c = t;
if (f.attribs != null) {
for (int[] att : f.attribs.values()) {
t = att[1];
att[1] = att[2];
att[2] = t;
for (Vec3D n : fnormals.getItems()) {
fnormals.reindex(n, n.getInverted());
ItemIndex<Object> vnormals = attributes.get(ATTR_VNORMALS);
if (vnormals != null) {
for (Object n : vnormals.getItems()) {
vnormals.reindex(n, ((Vec3D) n).getInverted());
return this;
public ItemIndex<Object> getAttributeIndex(String attID) {
UniqueItemIndex<Object> idx = attributes.get(attID);
if (idx == null) {
idx = new UniqueItemIndex<Object>();
attributes.put(attID, idx);
return idx;
public Sphere getBoundingSphere() {
return getBounds().getBoundingSphere();
public AABB getBounds() {
return AABB.getBoundingBox(vertices.getItems());
public Vec3D getCentroid() {
return new Vec3D(getBounds());
public Vec3D getClosestVertexToPoint(ReadonlyVec3D p) {
Vec3D closest = null;
float minDist = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for (Vec3D v : vertices.getItems()) {
float d = v.distanceToSquared(p);
if (d < minDist) {
closest = v;
minDist = d;
return closest;
public HashMap<String, MeshAttributeCompiler> getDefaultCompilers() {
HashMap<String, MeshAttributeCompiler> compilers = new HashMap<String, MeshAttributeCompiler>();
compilers.put(ATTR_VERTICES, new MeshVertexCompiler());
compilers.put(ATTR_FNORMALS, new MeshFaceNormalCompiler());
compilers.put(ATTR_VNORMALS, new MeshVertexNormalCompiler());
compilers.put(ATTR_UVCOORDS, new MeshUVCompiler());
compilers.put(ATTR_VCOLORS, new MeshVertexColorCompiler());
return compilers;
* @return the edges
public List<Object> getEdges() {
return getAttributeIndex(ATTR_EDGES).getItems();
public List<AttributedEdge> getEdgesForVertex(Vec3D v) {
List<AttributedEdge> vedges = null;
int id = vertices.getID(v);
if (id != -1) {
vedges = getEdgesForVertexID(id);
return vedges;
public List<AttributedEdge> getEdgesForVertexID(int id) {
List<AttributedEdge> vedges = new ArrayList<AttributedEdge>(2);
for (Object o : getEdges()) {
AttributedEdge e = (AttributedEdge) o;
if (e.a == id || e.b == id) {
return vedges;
public Triangle3D getFaceAsTriangle(AttributedFace f) {
Vec3D[] verts = getFaceVertices(f, null);
return new Triangle3D(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2]);
public HashMap<String, Object[]> getFaceAttribValues(AttributedFace f,
String... attribs) {
HashMap<String, Object[]> values = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(
attribs.length, 1);
for (String a : attribs) {
values.put(a, getFaceAttribValues(f, a));
return values;
public Object[] getFaceAttribValues(AttributedFace f, String att) {
ItemIndex<Object> idx = attributes.get(att);
int[] fattribs = f.attribs.get(att);
if (idx == null || fattribs == null) {
return null;
return new Object[] {
idx.forID(fattribs[0]), idx.forID(fattribs[1]),
* @return the fnormals
public List<Vec3D> getFaceNormals() {
return fnormals.getItems();
* @return the faces
public List<AttributedFace> getFaces() {
return faces;
public List<AttributedFace> getFacesForVertex(Vec3D v) {
List<AttributedFace> vfaces = null;
int id = vertices.getID(v);
if (id != -1) {
vfaces = new ArrayList<AttributedFace>(2);
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
if (f.a == id || f.b == id || f.c == id) {
return vfaces;
public final Vec3D[] getFaceVertices(AttributedFace f, Vec3D[] verts) {
if (verts != null) {
verts[0] = vertices.forID(f.a);
verts[1] = vertices.forID(f.b);
verts[2] = vertices.forID(f.c);
return verts;
} else {
return new Vec3D[] {
vertices.forID(f.a), vertices.forID(f.b),
public List<Vec3D> getNeighborsForVertexID(int id, List<Vec3D> neighbors) {
List<AttributedEdge> vedges = getEdgesForVertexID(id);
if (vedges.size() > 0) {
if (neighbors == null) {
neighbors = new ArrayList<Vec3D>();
} else {
for (AttributedEdge e : vedges) {
neighbors.add(vertices.forID((e.a == id) ? e.b : e.a));
} else if (neighbors != null) {
return neighbors;
public final int getNumFaces() {
return faces.size();
public final int getNumVertices() {
return vertices.size();
public float getVertexDelta() {
return vertices.getDelta();
* @return the vertices
public List<Vec3D> getVertices() {
return vertices.getItems();
public List<Vec3D> getVerticesForIDs(List<Vec3D> verts, int... ids) {
if (verts == null) {
verts = new ArrayList<Vec3D>(ids.length);
for (int id : ids) {
return verts;
protected final int indexFaceEdge(AttributedFace f, int a, int b) {
final AttributedEdge e1 = new AttributedEdge(a, b);
final AttributedEdge e2 = new AttributedEdge(b, a);
ItemIndex<Object> edges = getAttributeIndex(ATTR_EDGES);
final int id1 = edges.getID(e1);
final int id2 = edges.getID(e2);
if (id1 != -1) {
((AttributedEdge) edges.forID(id1)).addFace(f);
return id1;
} else if (id2 != -1) {
((AttributedEdge) edges.forID(id2)).addFace(f);
return id2;
} else {
return edges.index(e1);
public IsectData3D intersectsRay(Ray3D ray) {
TriangleIntersector intersector = new TriangleIntersector();
Triangle3D tri = intersector.getTriangle();
Vec3D[] v = null;
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
v = getFaceVertices(f, v);
tri.set(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
if (intersector.intersectsRay(ray)) {
return intersector.getIntersectionData();
return null;
public void rebuildVertexIndex() {
SpatialIndex newVerts = new SpatialIndex(vertices.getDelta());
Vec3D[] v = null;
for (AttributedFace f : faces) {
v = getFaceVertices(f, v);
f.a = newVerts.index(v[0]);
f.b = newVerts.index(v[1]);
f.c = newVerts.index(v[2]);
vertices = newVerts;
public IndexedTriangleMesh removeFace(AttributedFace f) {
return this;
public IndexedTriangleMesh setVertexDelta(float delta) {
return this;
public IndexedTriangleMesh smooth() {
HashMap<Integer, Vec3D> lapIndex = new HashMap<Integer, Vec3D>();
List<Vec3D> neighbors = null;
for (int i = 0, numV = getNumVertices(); i < numV; i++) {
neighbors = getNeighborsForVertexID(i, neighbors);
if (neighbors != null && neighbors.size() > 0) {
Vec3D l = new Vec3D();
for (Vec3D n : neighbors) {
l.scaleSelf(1f / neighbors.size());
lapIndex.put(i, l);
SpatialIndex newVerts = new SpatialIndex(vertices.getDelta());
for (Iterator<AttributedFace> i = faces.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
AttributedFace f =;
f.a = newVerts.index(lapIndex.get(f.a));
f.b = newVerts.index(lapIndex.get(f.b));
f.c = newVerts.index(lapIndex.get(f.c));
if (f.a == f.b || f.a == f.c || f.b == f.c) {
vertices = newVerts;
return this;
public IndexedTriangleMesh subdivide(NewSubdivStrategy strategy) {
Vec3D[] v = null;
List<Vec3D[]> splitFaces = new ArrayList<Vec3D[]>();
for (AttributedFace f : new ArrayList<AttributedFace>(faces)) {
v = getFaceVertices(f, v);
for (Vec3D[] fverts : strategy.subdivideTriangle(v[0], v[1], v[2],
splitFaces)) {
addFace(fverts[0], fverts[1], fverts[2], null);
return this;
public String toString() {
return String.format("vertices: %d, faces: %d", getNumVertices(),