package view;
import model.entities.CPerson;
import model.entities.ESex;
import java.util.Scanner;
* Created by zherr on 1/22/14.
public class MarriageOfficialClient {
public static void main(String args[]) {
MarriageService mService = new MarriageService();
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Welcome to the Marriage client interface.");
String line = "";
System.out.println("Please enter 0 to enter a person into the system, 1 to enter marriage management, " +
"2 to enter divorce management, -1 to stop the system, or 'help' to display this info " +
"again: \n");
while(!line.equals("-1")) {
System.out.print(">>> ");
line = sc.nextLine();
if(line.equals("0")) {
personEntry(sc, mService);
else if(line.equals("1")) {
marriageEntry(sc, mService);
else if(line.equals("2")) {
divorceEntry(sc, mService);
else if(line.equals("-1")) {
else if(line.equals("help")) {
System.out.println("Please enter 0 to enter a person into the system, 1 to enter marriage management, " +
"2 to enter divorce management, -1 to stop the system, or 'help' to display this info " +
"again: \n");
public static void personEntry(Scanner sc, MarriageService mService) {
System.out.println("\n\nPlease enter a person in the format: NAME AGE SEX, where NAME is first name only, age is" +
" any positive integer, and sex is 'male' or 'female'. You can keep entering names after each return, ending" +
" input with '-1' as an entry: \n");
String line = "";
while(!line.equals("-1")) {
System.out.print(">>> ");
line = sc.nextLine();
if(line.equals("-1")) {
String[] words = line.split(" ");
if(words.length == 3) {
try {
if(Integer.parseInt(words[1]) > 0 &&
(words[2].toLowerCase().equals("male") || words[2].toLowerCase().equals("female"))) {
ESex sex = words[2].toLowerCase().equals("male") ? ESex.Male : ESex.Female;
mService.addNewSingle(new CPerson(words[0], Integer.parseInt(words[1]), sex));
} catch(NumberFormatException n) {
public static void marriageEntry(Scanner sc, MarriageService mService) {
System.out.println("\n\nMarry two people by entering two names in the following format: NAME1 NAME2. " +
"You can keep entering names after each return, ending input with '-1' as an entry: \n");
String line = "";
while(!line.equals("-1")) {
System.out.print(">>> ");
line = sc.nextLine();
if(line.equals("-1")) {
String[] words = line.split(" ");
if(words.length == 2) {
CPerson p1 = mService.findPerson(words[0]);
CPerson p2 = mService.findPerson(words[1]);
mService.marryCouple(p1, p2);
public static void divorceEntry(Scanner sc, MarriageService mService) {
System.out.println("\n\nDivorce two people by entering two names in the following format: NAME1 NAME2. " +
"You can keep entering names after each return, ending input with '-1' as an entry: \n");
String line = "";
while(!line.equals("-1")) {
System.out.print(">>> ");
line = sc.nextLine();
if(line.equals("-1")) {
String[] words = line.split(" ");
if(words.length == 2) {
CPerson p1 = mService.findPerson(words[0]);
CPerson p2 = mService.findPerson(words[1]);
mService.divorceCouple(p1, p2);