* Copyright (c) 2004 Stefan Zeiger and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.novocode.com/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Stefan Zeiger (szeiger@novocode.com) - initial API and implementation
package com.novocode.naf.swt.custom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.FontData;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Region;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
* A Shell wrapper which creates balloon popup windows.
* <p>By default, a balloon window has no title bar or system controls.
* The following styles are supported:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>SWT.ON_TOP - Keep the window on top of other windows</li>
* <li>SWT.TOOL - Add a drop shadow to the window (on supported platforms)</li>
* <li>SWT.CLOSE - Show a "close" control on the title bar (implies SWT.TITLE)</li>
* <li>SWT.TITLE - Show a title bar</li>
* </ul>
* @author Stefan Zeiger (szeiger@novocode.com)
* @since Jul 2, 2004
* @version $Id: BalloonWindow.java,v 1.4 2005/06/25 19:01:18 szeiger Exp $
public class BalloonWindow
private final Shell shell;
private final Composite contents;
private Label titleLabel;
private Canvas titleImageLabel;
private final int style;
private int preferredAnchor = SWT.BOTTOM | SWT.RIGHT;
private boolean autoAnchor = true;
private int locX = Integer.MIN_VALUE, locY = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private int marginLeft = 12, marginRight = 12, marginTop = 5, marginBottom = 10;
private int titleSpacing = 3, titleWidgetSpacing = 8;
private ToolBar systemControlsBar;
private ArrayList selectionControls = new ArrayList();
private boolean addedGlobalListener;
private ArrayList selectionListeners = new ArrayList();
public BalloonWindow(Shell parent, int style)
this(null, parent, style);
public BalloonWindow(Display display, int style)
this(display, null, style);
private BalloonWindow(Display display, Shell parent, final int style)
this.style = style;
int shellStyle = style & (SWT.ON_TOP | SWT.TOOL);
this.shell = (display != null)
? new Shell(display, SWT.NO_TRIM | shellStyle)
: new Shell(parent, SWT.NO_TRIM | shellStyle);
this.contents = new Composite(shell, SWT.NONE);
final Color c = new Color(shell.getDisplay(), 255, 255, 225);
final Listener globalListener = new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
Widget w = event.widget;
for(int i=selectionControls.size()-1; i>= 0; i--)
if(selectionControls.get(i) == w)
if((style & SWT.CLOSE) != 0)
for(int j=selectionListeners.size()-1; j>= 0; j--)
event.doit = false;
shell.addListener(SWT.Show, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
shell.getDisplay().addFilter(SWT.MouseDown, globalListener);
addedGlobalListener = true;
shell.addListener(SWT.Hide, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
shell.getDisplay().removeFilter(SWT.MouseDown, globalListener);
addedGlobalListener = false;
shell.addListener(SWT.Dispose, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
shell.getDisplay().removeFilter(SWT.MouseDown, globalListener);
addedGlobalListener = false;
* Adds a control to the list of controls which close the balloon window.
* The background, title image and title text are included by default.
public void addSelectionControl(Control c)
public void addListener(int type, Listener l)
if(type == SWT.Selection) selectionListeners.add(l);
* Set the location of the anchor. This must be one of the following values:
public void setAnchor(int anchor)
case SWT.NONE:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal anchor value "+anchor);
this.preferredAnchor = anchor;
public void setAutoAnchor(boolean autoAnchor)
this.autoAnchor = autoAnchor;
public void setLocation(int x, int y)
this.locX = x;
this.locY = y;
public void setLocation(Point p)
this.locX = p.x;
this.locY = p.y;
public void setText(String title)
public void setImage(Image image)
public void setMargins(int marginLeft, int marginRight, int marginTop, int marginBottom)
this.marginLeft = marginLeft;
this.marginRight = marginRight;
this.marginTop = marginTop;
this.marginBottom = marginBottom;
public void setMargins(int marginX, int marginY)
setMargins(marginX, marginX, marginY, marginY);
public void setMargins(int margin)
setMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin);
public void setTitleSpacing(int titleSpacing)
this.titleSpacing = titleSpacing;
public void setTitleWidgetSpacing(int titleImageSpacing)
this.titleWidgetSpacing = titleImageSpacing;
public Shell getShell() { return shell; }
public Composite getContents() { return contents; }
public void prepareForOpen()
Point contentsSize = contents.getSize();
Point titleSize = new Point(0, 0);
boolean showTitle = ((style & (SWT.CLOSE | SWT.TITLE)) != 0);
if(titleLabel == null)
titleLabel = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE);
FontData[] fds = shell.getFont().getFontData();
for(int i=0; i<fds.length; i++)
fds[i].setStyle(fds[i].getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
final Font font = new Font(shell.getDisplay(), fds);
titleLabel.addListener(SWT.Dispose, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
String titleText = shell.getText();
titleLabel.setText(titleText == null ? "" : titleText);
titleSize = titleLabel.getSize();
final Image titleImage = shell.getImage();
if(titleImageLabel == null && shell.getImage() != null)
titleImageLabel = new Canvas(shell, SWT.NONE);
titleImageLabel.addListener(SWT.Paint, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
event.gc.drawImage(titleImage, 0, 0);
Point tilSize = titleImageLabel.getSize();
titleSize.x += tilSize.x + titleWidgetSpacing;
if(tilSize.y > titleSize.y) titleSize.y = tilSize.y;
if(systemControlsBar == null && (style & SWT.CLOSE) != 0)
//Color closeFG = shell.getForeground(), closeBG = shell.getBackground();
//Color closeFG = shell.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_DARK_GRAY), closeBG = shell.getBackground();
Color closeFG = shell.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_FOREGROUND), closeBG = shell.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_BACKGROUND);
final Image closeImage = createCloseImage(shell.getDisplay(), closeBG, closeFG);
shell.addListener(SWT.Dispose, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event) { closeImage.dispose(); }
systemControlsBar = new ToolBar(shell, SWT.FLAT);
ToolItem closeItem = new ToolItem(systemControlsBar, SWT.PUSH);
closeItem.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
Point closeSize = systemControlsBar.getSize();
titleSize.x += closeSize.x + titleWidgetSpacing;
if(closeSize.y > titleSize.y) titleSize.y = closeSize.y;
titleSize.y += titleSpacing;
if(titleSize.x > contentsSize.x)
contentsSize.x = titleSize.x;
contents.setSize(contentsSize.x, contentsSize.y);
contentsSize.y += titleSize.y;
// @author Michael Partheil
Label lblNichtAnzeigenHint = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE);
lblNichtAnzeigenHint.setText("Hilfe-Blasen abschalten unter \"Optionen->Hilfe-Blasen anzeigen\"");
FontData fd = lblNichtAnzeigenHint.getFont().getFontData()[0];
lblNichtAnzeigenHint.setFont(new Font(shell.getDisplay(), fd));
contentsSize.y += marginBottom + lblNichtAnzeigenHint.getSize().y;
contentsSize.x = Math.max(contentsSize.x, lblNichtAnzeigenHint.getSize().x);
Rectangle screen = shell.getDisplay().getClientArea();
int anchor = preferredAnchor;
if(anchor != SWT.NONE && autoAnchor && locX != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
if((anchor & SWT.LEFT) != 0)
if(locX + contentsSize.x + marginLeft + marginRight - 16 >= screen.x + screen.width) anchor = anchor - SWT.LEFT + SWT.RIGHT;
else // RIGHT
if(locX - contentsSize.x - marginLeft - marginRight + 16 < screen.x) anchor = anchor - SWT.RIGHT + SWT.LEFT;
if((anchor & SWT.TOP) != 0)
if(locY + contentsSize.y + 20 + marginTop + marginBottom >= screen.y + screen.height) anchor = anchor - SWT.TOP + SWT.BOTTOM;
else // BOTTOM
if(locY - contentsSize.y - 20 - marginTop - marginBottom < screen.y) anchor = anchor - SWT.BOTTOM + SWT.TOP;
final Point shellSize = (anchor == SWT.NONE)
? new Point(contentsSize.x + marginLeft + marginRight, contentsSize.y + marginTop + marginBottom)
: new Point(contentsSize.x + marginLeft + marginRight, contentsSize.y + marginTop + marginBottom + 20);
if(shellSize.x < 54 + marginLeft + marginRight) shellSize.x = 54 + marginLeft + marginRight;
if(anchor == SWT.NONE)
if(shellSize.y < 10 + marginTop + marginBottom) shellSize.y = 10 + marginTop + marginBottom;
if(shellSize.y < 30 + marginTop + marginBottom) shellSize.y = 30 + marginTop + marginBottom;
int titleLocY = marginTop + (((anchor & SWT.TOP) != 0) ? 20 : 0);
contents.setLocation(marginLeft, titleSize.y + titleLocY);
lblNichtAnzeigenHint.setLocation(marginLeft, titleLocY+contentsSize.y-lblNichtAnzeigenHint.getSize().y);
int realTitleHeight = titleSize.y - titleSpacing;
if(titleImageLabel != null)
titleImageLabel.setLocation(marginLeft, titleLocY + (realTitleHeight-titleImageLabel.getSize().y)/2);
titleLabel.setLocation(marginLeft + titleImageLabel.getSize().x + titleWidgetSpacing, titleLocY + (realTitleHeight-titleLabel.getSize().y)/2);
else titleLabel.setLocation(marginLeft, titleLocY + (realTitleHeight-titleLabel.getSize().y)/2);
if(systemControlsBar != null)
systemControlsBar.setLocation(shellSize.x - marginRight - systemControlsBar.getSize().x, titleLocY + (realTitleHeight-systemControlsBar.getSize().y)/2);
final Region region = new Region();
region.add(createOutline(shellSize, anchor, true));
shell.addListener(SWT.Dispose, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
final int[] outline = createOutline(shellSize, anchor, false);
shell.addListener(SWT.Paint, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event event)
if(locX != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
Point shellLoc = new Point(locX, locY);
if((anchor & SWT.BOTTOM) != 0) shellLoc.y = shellLoc.y - shellSize.y + 1;
if((anchor & SWT.LEFT) != 0) shellLoc.x -= 15;
else if((anchor & SWT.RIGHT) != 0) shellLoc.x = shellLoc.x - shellSize.x + 16;
if(shellLoc.x < screen.x)
shellLoc.x = screen.x;
else if(shellLoc.x > screen.x + screen.width - shellSize.x)
shellLoc.x = screen.x + screen.width - shellSize.x;
if(anchor == SWT.NONE)
if(shellLoc.y < screen.y)
shellLoc.y = screen.y;
else if(shellLoc.y > screen.y + screen.height - shellSize.y)
shellLoc.y = screen.y + screen.height - shellSize.y;
public void open()
public void close()
public void setVisible(boolean visible)
if(visible) prepareForOpen();
private static int[] createOutline(Point size, int anchor, boolean outer)
int o = outer ? 1 : 0;
int w = size.x + o;
int h = size.y + o;
return new int[]
// top and top right
5, 0, w-6, 0, w-6, 1, w-4, 1, w-4, 2, w-3, 2, w-3, 3, w-2, 3, w-2, 5, w-1, 5,
// right and bottom right
w-1, h-26, w-2, h-26, w-2, h-24, w-3, h-24, w-3, h-23, w-4, h-23, w-4, h-22, w-6, h-22, w-6, h-21,
// bottom with anchor
w-16, h-21, w-16, h-1, w-16-o, h-1, w-16-o, h-2, w-17-o, h-2, w-17-o, h-3, w-18-o, h-3, w-18-o, h-4,
w-19-o, h-4, w-19-o, h-5, w-20-o, h-5, w-20-o, h-6, w-21-o, h-6, w-21-o, h-7, w-22-o, h-7, w-22-o, h-8,
w-23-o, h-8, w-23-o, h-9, w-24-o, h-9, w-24-o, h-10, w-25-o, h-10, w-25-o, h-11, w-26-o, h-11,
w-26-o, h-12, w-27-o, h-12, w-27-o, h-13, w-28-o, h-13, w-28-o, h-14, w-29-o, h-14, w-29-o, h-15,
w-30-o, h-15, w-30-o, h-16, w-31-o, h-16, w-31-o, h-17, w-32-o, h-17, w-32-o, h-18, w-33-o, h-18,
w-33-o, h-19, w-34-o, h-19, w-34-o, h-20, w-35-o, h-20, w-35-o, h-21,
// bottom left
5, h-21, 5, h-22, 3, h-22, 3, h-23, 2, h-23, 2, h-24, 1, h-24, 1, h-26, 0, h-26,
// left and top left
0, 5, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1
return new int[]
// top and top right
5, 0, w-6, 0, w-6, 1, w-4, 1, w-4, 2, w-3, 2, w-3, 3, w-2, 3, w-2, 5, w-1, 5,
// right and bottom right
w-1, h-26, w-2, h-26, w-2, h-24, w-3, h-24, w-3, h-23, w-4, h-23, w-4, h-22, w-6, h-22, w-6, h-21,
// bottom with anchor
34+o, h-21, 34+o, h-20, 33+o, h-20, 33+o, h-19, 32+o, h-19, 32+o, h-18, 31+o, h-18, 31+o, h-17,
30+o, h-17, 30+o, h-16, 29+o, h-16, 29+o, h-15, 28+o, h-15, 28+o, h-14, 27+o, h-14, 27+o, h-13,
26+o, h-13, 26+o, h-12, 25+o, h-12, 25+o, h-11, 24+o, h-11, 24+o, h-10, 23+o, h-10, 23+o, h-9,
22+o, h-9, 22+o, h-8, 21+o, h-8, 21+o, h-7, 20+o, h-7, 20+o, h-6, 19+o, h-6, 19+o, h-5, 18+o, h-5,
18+o, h-4, 17+o, h-4, 17+o, h-3, 16+o, h-3, 16+o, h-2, 15+o, h-2, 15, h-1, 15, h-21,
// bottom left
5, h-21, 5, h-22, 3, h-22, 3, h-23, 2, h-23, 2, h-24, 1, h-24, 1, h-26, 0, h-26,
// left and top left
0, 5, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1
return new int[]
// top with anchor
5, 20, w-35-o, 20, w-35-o, 19, w-34-o, 19, w-34-o, 18, w-33-o, 18, w-33-o, 17, w-32-o, 17, w-32-o, 16,
w-31-o, 16, w-31-o, 15, w-30-o, 15, w-30-o, 14, w-29-o, 14, w-29-o, 13, w-28-o, 13, w-28-o, 12,
w-27-o, 12, w-27-o, 11, w-26-o, 11, w-26-o, 10, w-25-o, 10, w-25-o, 9, w-24-o, 9, w-24-o, 8, w-23-o, 8,
w-23-o, 7, w-22-o, 7, w-22-o, 6, w-21-o, 6, w-21-o, 5, w-20-o, 5, w-20-o, 4, w-19-o, 4, w-19-o, 3,
w-18-o, 3, w-18-o, 2, w-17-o, 2, w-17-o, 1, w-16-o, 1, w-16-o, 0, w-16, 0, w-16, 20,
// top and top right
w-6, 20, w-6, 21, w-4, 21, w-4, 22, w-3, 22, w-3, 23, w-2, 23, w-2, 25, w-1, 25,
// right and bottom right
w-1, h-6, w-2, h-6, w-2, h-4, w-3, h-4, w-3, h-3, w-4, h-3, w-4, h-2, w-6, h-2, w-6, h-1,
// bottom and bottom left
5, h-1, 5, h-2, 3, h-2, 3, h-3, 2, h-3, 2, h-4, 1, h-4, 1, h-6, 0, h-6,
// left and top left
0, 25, 1, 25, 1, 23, 2, 23, 2, 22, 3, 22, 3, 21, 5, 21
return new int[]
// top with anchor
5, 20, 15, 20, 15, 0, 15+o, 0, 16+o, 1, 16+o, 2, 17+o, 2, 17+o, 3, 18+o, 3, 18+o, 4, 19+o, 4, 19+o, 5,
20+o, 5, 20+o, 6, 21+o, 6, 21+o, 7, 22+o, 7, 22+o, 8, 23+o, 8, 23+o, 9, 24+o, 9, 24+o, 10, 25+o, 10,
25+o, 11, 26+o, 11, 26+o, 12, 27+o, 12, 27+o, 13, 28+o, 13, 28+o, 14, 29+o, 14, 29+o, 15, 30+o, 15,
30+o, 16, 31+o, 16, 31+o, 17, 32+o, 17, 32+o, 18, 33+o, 18, 33+o, 19, 34+o, 19, 34+o, 20,
// top and top right
w-6, 20, w-6, 21, w-4, 21, w-4, 22, w-3, 22, w-3, 23, w-2, 23, w-2, 25, w-1, 25,
// right and bottom right
w-1, h-6, w-2, h-6, w-2, h-4, w-3, h-4, w-3, h-3, w-4, h-3, w-4, h-2, w-6, h-2, w-6, h-1,
// bottom and bottom left
5, h-1, 5, h-2, 3, h-2, 3, h-3, 2, h-3, 2, h-4, 1, h-4, 1, h-6, 0, h-6,
// left and top left
0, 25, 1, 25, 1, 23, 2, 23, 2, 22, 3, 22, 3, 21, 5, 21
return new int[]
// top and top right
5, 0, w-6, 0, w-6, 1, w-4, 1, w-4, 2, w-3, 2, w-3, 3, w-2, 3, w-2, 5, w-1, 5,
// right and bottom right
w-1, h-6, w-2, h-6, w-2, h-4, w-3, h-4, w-3, h-3, w-4, h-3, w-4, h-2, w-6, h-2, w-6, h-1,
// bottom and bottom left
5, h-1, 5, h-2, 3, h-2, 3, h-3, 2, h-3, 2, h-4, 1, h-4, 1, h-6, 0, h-6,
// left and top left
0, 5, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1
private static final Image createCloseImage(Display display, Color bg, Color fg)
int size = 11, off = 1;
Image image = new Image(display, size, size);
GC gc = new GC(image);
gc.drawLine(0+off, 0+off, size-1-off, size-1-off);
gc.drawLine(1+off, 0+off, size-1-off, size-2-off);
gc.drawLine(0+off, 1+off, size-2-off, size-1-off);
gc.drawLine(size-1-off, 0+off, 0+off, size-1-off);
gc.drawLine(size-1-off, 1+off, 1+off, size-1-off);
gc.drawLine(size-2-off, 0+off, 0+off, size-2-off);
/*gc.drawLine(1, 0, size-2, 0);
gc.drawLine(1, size-1, size-2, size-1);
gc.drawLine(0, 1, 0, size-2);
gc.drawLine(size-1, 1, size-1, size-2);*/
return image;