package l2p.gameserver.templates;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import l2p.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager;
import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Skill.SkillType;
import l2p.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance.ItemClass;
import l2p.gameserver.skills.funcs.FuncTemplate;
import l2p.gameserver.tables.SkillTable;
import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2EtcItem.EtcItemType;
import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon.WeaponType;
* This class contains all informations concerning the item (weapon, armor, etc).<BR>
* Mother class of :
* <LI>L2Armor</LI>
* <LI>L2EtcItem</LI>
* <LI>L2Weapon</LI>
public abstract class L2Item
* Pc Cafe Bang Points item id. Используется на корейских серверах, но английский клиент в состоянии
* поддерживать даный функционал.
public static final short ITEM_ID_PC_BANG_POINTS = -100;
* Item ID для клановой репутации
public static final short ITEM_ID_CLAN_REPUTATION_SCORE = -200;
public static final short ITEM_ID_FAME = -300;
public static final int ITEM_ID_ADENA = 57;
public static final int TYPE1_WEAPON_RING_EARRING_NECKLACE = 0;
public static final int TYPE1_SHIELD_ARMOR = 1;
public static final int TYPE1_OTHER = 2;
public static final int TYPE1_ITEM_QUESTITEM_ADENA = 4;
public static final byte TYPE2_WEAPON = 0;
public static final byte TYPE2_SHIELD_ARMOR = 1;
public static final byte TYPE2_ACCESSORY = 2;
public static final byte TYPE2_QUEST = 3;
public static final byte TYPE2_MONEY = 4;
public static final byte TYPE2_OTHER = 5;
public static final byte TYPE2_PET_WOLF = 6;
public static final byte TYPE2_PET_HATCHLING = 7;
public static final byte TYPE2_PET_STRIDER = 8;
public static final byte TYPE2_NODROP = 9;
public static final byte TYPE2_PET_GWOLF = 10;
public static final byte TYPE2_PENDANT = 11;
public static final byte TYPE2_PET_BABY = 12;
public static final int SLOT_NONE = 0x00000;
public static final int SLOT_UNDERWEAR = 0x00001;
public static final int SLOT_CLOAK = 0x0003; //TODO:????
public static final int SLOT_R_EAR = 0x00002;
public static final int SLOT_L_EAR = 0x00004;
public static final int SLOT_NECK = 0x00008;
public static final int SLOT_R_FINGER = 0x00010;
public static final int SLOT_L_FINGER = 0x00020;
public static final int SLOT_HEAD = 0x00040;
public static final int SLOT_R_HAND = 0x00080;
public static final int SLOT_L_HAND = 0x00100;
public static final int SLOT_GLOVES = 0x00200;
public static final int SLOT_CHEST = 0x00400;
public static final int SLOT_LEGS = 0x00800;
public static final int SLOT_FEET = 0x01000;
public static final int SLOT_BACK = 0x02000;
public static final int SLOT_LR_HAND = 0x04000;
public static final int SLOT_FULL_ARMOR = 0x08000;
public static final int SLOT_HAIR = 0x10000;
public static final int SLOT_FORMAL_WEAR = 0x20000;
public static final int SLOT_DHAIR = 0x40000;
public static final int SLOT_HAIRALL = 0x80000;
public static final int SLOT_R_BRACELET = 0x100000;
public static final int SLOT_L_BRACELET = 0x200000;
public static final int SLOT_DECO = 0x400000;
public static final int SLOT_SIGIL = 0x000000; // TODO: fix
public static final int SLOT_BELT = 0x10000000;
public static final int SLOT_WOLF = -100;
public static final int SLOT_HATCHLING = -101;
public static final int SLOT_STRIDER = -102;
public static final int SLOT_BABYPET = -103;
public static final int SLOT_GWOLF = -104;
public static final int SLOT_PENDANT = -105;
public static final int CRYSTAL_NONE = 0;
public static final int CRYSTAL_D = 1458;
public static final int CRYSTAL_C = 1459;
public static final int CRYSTAL_B = 1460;
public static final int CRYSTAL_A = 1461;
public static final int CRYSTAL_S = 1462;
public static enum Grade
S80(CRYSTAL_S, 5),
S84(CRYSTAL_S, 5);
* ID соответствующего грейду кристалла
public final int cry;
* ID грейда, без учета уровня S
public final int externalOrdinal;
private Grade(int crystal, int ext)
cry = crystal;
externalOrdinal = ext;
public static final byte ATTRIBUTE_NONE = -1;
public static final byte ATTRIBUTE_FIRE = 0;
public static final byte ATTRIBUTE_WATER = 1;
public static final byte ATTRIBUTE_WIND = 2;
public static final byte ATTRIBUTE_EARTH = 3;
public static final byte ATTRIBUTE_HOLY = 4;
public static final byte ATTRIBUTE_DARK = 5;
protected final short _itemId;
private final ItemClass _class;
protected final String _name;
protected final String _addname;
protected final String _icon;
private final int _type1; // needed for item list (inventory)
private final int _type2; // different lists for armor, weapon, etc
private final int _weight;
private final boolean _crystallizable;
private final boolean _stackable;
protected final Grade _crystalType; // default to none-grade
private final int _flags;
private final int _durability;
private final boolean _temporal;
private final int _bodyPart;
private final int _referencePrice;
private final short _crystalCount;
private final boolean _sellable;
private final boolean _dropable;
private final boolean _tradeable;
private final boolean _destroyable;
private boolean _rare = false;
private boolean _pvp = false;
private boolean _sa = false;
protected L2Skill[] _skills;
protected L2Skill _enchant4Skill = null; // skill that activates when item is enchanted +4 (for duals)
public final Enum type;
protected FuncTemplate[] _funcTemplates;
private static final Pattern _noskill;
_noskill = Pattern.compile("(^0$)|(^-1$)");
* Constructor<?> of the L2Item that fill class variables.<BR><BR>
* <U><I>Variables filled :</I></U><BR>
* <LI>type</LI>
* <LI>_itemId</LI>
* <LI>_name</LI>
* <LI>_type1 & _type2</LI>
* <LI>_weight</LI>
* <LI>_crystallizable</LI>
* <LI>_stackable</LI>
* <LI>_materialType & _crystalType & _crystlaCount</LI>
* <LI>_durability</LI>
* <LI>_bodypart</LI>
* <LI>_referencePrice</LI>
* <LI>_sellable</LI>
* @param type : Enum designating the type of the item
* @param set : StatsSet corresponding to a set of couples (key,value) for description of the item
protected L2Item(final Enum<?> type, final StatsSet set)
this.type = type;
_itemId = set.getShort("item_id");
_class = ItemClass.valueOf(set.getString("class"));
_name = set.getString("name");
_addname = set.getString("additional_name", "");
_icon = set.getString("icon", "");
_type1 = set.getInteger("type1"); // needed for item list (inventory)
_type2 = set.getInteger("type2"); // different lists for armor, weapon, etc
_weight = set.getInteger("weight");
_crystallizable = set.getBool("crystallizable");
_stackable = set.getBool("stackable", false);
_crystalType = Grade.values()[set.getInteger("crystal_type", Grade.NONE.ordinal())]; // default to none-grade
_durability = set.getInteger("durability", -1);
_temporal = set.getBool("temporal", false);
_bodyPart = set.getInteger("bodypart", 0);
_referencePrice = set.getInteger("price");
_crystalCount = set.getShort("crystal_count", (short) 0);
_sellable = set.getBool("sellable", true);
_dropable = set.getBool("dropable", true);
_destroyable = set.getBool("destroyable", true);
_tradeable = set.getBool("tradeable", true);
_flags = set.getInteger("flags", 0);
String[] skills = set.getString("skill_id", "0").split(";");
String[] skilllevels = set.getString("skill_level", "1").split(";");
for(int i = 0; i < skills.length; i++)
if(!(_noskill.matcher(skills[i]).matches() || _noskill.matcher(skilllevels[i]).matches()))
L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Integer.parseInt(skills[i]), Integer.parseInt(skilllevels[i]));
if(skill != null)
if(skill.getSkillType() == SkillType.NOTDONE)
System.out.println("WARNING: item " + _itemId + " action attached skill not done: " + skill);
System.out.println("WARNING: item " + _itemId + " attached skill not exist: " + skills[i] + " " + skilllevels[i]);
if(getItemType() == WeaponType.POLE)
attachSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(3599, 1));
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Skill: " + set.getString("skill_id", "0"));
System.out.println("Level: " + set.getString("skill_level", "1"));
* Returns the itemType.
* @return Enum
public Enum getItemType()
return type;
public String getIcon()
return _icon;
* Returns the durability of th item
* @return int
public final int getDurability()
return _durability;
public final boolean isTemporal()
return _temporal;
* Returns the ID of the item
* @return int
public final int getItemId()
return _itemId;
public abstract long getItemMask();
* Returns the type 2 of the item
* @return int
public final int getType2()
return _type2;
public final int getType2ForPackets()
int type2 = _type2;
if(_bodyPart == L2Item.SLOT_CHEST)
type2 = TYPE2_WEAPON;
return type2;
* Returns the weight of the item
* @return int
public final int getWeight()
return _weight;
* Returns if the item is crystallizable
* @return boolean
public final boolean isCrystallizable()
return _crystallizable && !isStackable() && getCrystalType() != Grade.NONE && getCrystalCount() > 0;
* Return the type of crystal if item is crystallizable
* @return int
public final Grade getCrystalType()
return _crystalType;
* Returns the grade of the item.<BR><BR>
* <U><I>Concept :</I></U><BR>
* In fact, this fucntion returns the type of crystal of the item.
* @return int
public final Grade getItemGrade()
return getCrystalType();
* Returns the quantity of crystals for crystallization
* @return int
public final int getCrystalCount()
return _crystalCount;
* Returns the name of the item
* @return String
public final String getName()
return _name;
* Returns the additional name of the item
* @return String
public final String getAdditionalName()
return _addname;
* Return the part of the body used with the item.
* @return int
public final int getBodyPart()
return _bodyPart;
* Returns the type 1 of the item
* @return int
public final int getType1()
return _type1;
* Returns if the item is stackable
* @return boolean
public final boolean isStackable()
return _stackable;
* Returns the price of reference of the item
* @return int
public final int getReferencePrice()
return _referencePrice;
* Returns if the item can be sold
* @return boolean
public final boolean isSellable()
return _sellable;
* Returns if item is for hatchling
* @return boolean
public boolean isForHatchling()
return _type2 == TYPE2_PET_HATCHLING;
* Returns if item is for strider
* @return boolean
public boolean isForStrider()
return _type2 == TYPE2_PET_STRIDER;
* Returns if item is for wolf
* @return boolean
public boolean isForWolf()
return _type2 == TYPE2_PET_WOLF;
public boolean isForPetBaby()
return _type2 == TYPE2_PET_BABY;
* Returns if item is for great wolf
* @return boolean
public boolean isForGWolf()
return _type2 == TYPE2_PET_GWOLF;
* Магическая броня для петов
public boolean isPendant()
return _type2 == TYPE2_PENDANT;
public boolean isTradeable()
return _tradeable;
public boolean isDestroyable()
return _destroyable;
public boolean isDropable()
return _dropable;
public boolean isForPet()
return _type2 == TYPE2_PENDANT || _type2 == TYPE2_PET_HATCHLING || _type2 == TYPE2_PET_WOLF || _type2 == TYPE2_PET_STRIDER || _type2 == TYPE2_PET_GWOLF || _type2 == TYPE2_PET_BABY;
* Add the FuncTemplate f to the list of functions used with the item
* @param f : FuncTemplate to add
public void attachFunction(FuncTemplate f)
if(_funcTemplates == null)
_funcTemplates = new FuncTemplate[] {f};
int len = _funcTemplates.length;
FuncTemplate[] tmp = new FuncTemplate[len + 1];
System.arraycopy(_funcTemplates, 0, tmp, 0, len);
tmp[len] = f;
_funcTemplates = tmp;
public FuncTemplate[] getAttachedFuncs()
return _funcTemplates;
* Add the L2Skill skill to the list of skills generated by the item
* @param skill : L2Skill
public void attachSkill(L2Skill skill)
if(_skills == null)
_skills = new L2Skill[] {skill};
int len = _skills.length;
L2Skill[] tmp = new L2Skill[len + 1];
System.arraycopy(_skills, 0, tmp, 0, len);
tmp[len] = skill;
_skills = tmp;
public L2Skill[] getAttachedSkills()
return _skills;
public L2Skill getFirstSkill()
if(_skills != null && _skills.length > 0)
return _skills[0];
return null;
* @return skill that player get when has equipped weapon +4 or more (for duals SA)
public L2Skill getEnchant4Skill()
return _enchant4Skill;
* Returns the name of the item
* @return String
public String toString()
return _name;
* Определяет призрачный предмет или нет
* @return true, если предмет призрачный
public boolean isShadowItem()
return _durability > 0 && !isTemporal();
public boolean isCommonItem()
return _name.startsWith("Common Item - ");
public boolean isRare()
return _rare;
public boolean isPvP()
return _pvp;
public boolean isSa()
return _sa;
public void setRare(boolean isRare)
_rare = isRare;
public void setPvP(boolean isPvP)
_pvp = isPvP;
public void setSa(boolean isSa)
_sa = isSa;
public boolean isAltSeed()
return _name.contains("Alternative");
public ItemClass getItemClass()
return _class;
* Является ли вещь аденой или камнем печати
public boolean isAdena()
return _itemId == 57 || _itemId == 6360 || _itemId == 6361 || _itemId == 6362;
public boolean isEquipment()
return _type1 != TYPE1_ITEM_QUESTITEM_ADENA;
public boolean isKeyMatherial()
return _class == ItemClass.PIECES;
public boolean isSpellBook()
return _class == ItemClass.SPELLBOOKS;
public boolean isRaidAccessory()
return _itemId == 6661 || _itemId == 6659 || _itemId == 6656 || _itemId == 6660 || _itemId == 6662 || _itemId == 6658 || _itemId == 8191 || _itemId == 6657;
public boolean isSpecialKey()
if(_itemId == 1661) // thief key
return false;
if(_itemId >= 6665 && _itemId <= 6672) // deluxe chest key
return false;
return getName().contains("Key");
public boolean isArrow()
return type == EtcItemType.ARROW;
public boolean isBelt()
return _bodyPart == SLOT_BELT;
public boolean isBracelet()
return _bodyPart == SLOT_R_BRACELET || _bodyPart == SLOT_L_BRACELET;
public boolean isUnderwear()
return _bodyPart == SLOT_UNDERWEAR;
public boolean isCloak()
return _bodyPart == SLOT_BACK;
public boolean isTalisman()
return _bodyPart == SLOT_DECO;
public boolean isHerb()
return _itemId >= 8600 && _itemId <= 8614 || _itemId >= 10655 && _itemId <= 10657 || _itemId == 13028 || _itemId == 9849;
public boolean isMageSA()
return _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("Acumen") //
|| _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("Empower") //
|| _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("Magic Silence") //
|| _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("Magic Mental Shield") //
|| _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("Mana Up") //
|| _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("Updown") //
|| _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("Magic Hold") //
|| _addname.equalsIgnoreCase("MP Regeneration");
public boolean isHeroWeapon()
return _itemId >= 6611 && _itemId <= 6621 || _itemId >= 9388 && _itemId <= 9390;
public boolean isCursed()
return CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().isCursed(_itemId);
public boolean isCombatFlag()
return _itemId == 9819;
public boolean isTerritoryFlag()
return _itemId == 13560 || _itemId == 13561 || _itemId == 13562 || _itemId == 13563 || _itemId == 13564 || _itemId == 13565 || _itemId == 13566 || _itemId == 13567 || _itemId == 13568;
public boolean isRod()
return getItemType() == WeaponType.ROD;
public boolean isWeapon()
return getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_WEAPON;
public boolean isArmor()
return getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_SHIELD_ARMOR;
public boolean isAccessory()
return getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_ACCESSORY;
public boolean isQuest()
return getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_QUEST;
public boolean canBeEnchanted()
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return false;
return isCrystallizable();
* Returns if item is equipable
* @return boolean
public boolean isEquipable()
return getItemType() == EtcItemType.BAIT || getItemType() == EtcItemType.ARROW || getItemType() == EtcItemType.BOLT || !(getBodyPart() == 0 || this instanceof L2EtcItem);
public int getFlags()
return _flags;