package l2p.gameserver.model.instances;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import l2p.extensions.scripts.Functions;
import l2p.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory;
import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Character;
import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player;
import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.SocialAction;
import l2p.gameserver.tables.NpcTable;
import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
import l2p.util.GArray;
import l2p.util.Location;
import l2p.util.Rnd;
public class L2FeedableBeastInstance extends L2MonsterInstance
public FastMap<Integer, growthInfo> growthCapableMobs = new FastMap<Integer, growthInfo>().setShared(true);
GArray<Integer> tamedBeasts = new GArray<Integer>();
GArray<Integer> feedableBeasts = new GArray<Integer>();
public static FastMap<Integer, Integer> feedInfo = new FastMap<Integer, Integer>().setShared(true);
private static int GOLDEN_SPICE = 0;
private static int CRYSTAL_SPICE = 1;
private static int SKILL_GOLDEN_SPICE = 2188;
private static int SKILL_CRYSTAL_SPICE = 2189;
private static String[][] text = new String[][] {
private static String[] mytext = new String[] {"l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2FeedableBeastInstance.5.1",
public L2FeedableBeastInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
super(objectId, template);
// Alpen Kookabura
// x0.5
growthCapableMobs.put(21451, new growthInfo(0, new int[][][] {{{21452, 21453, 21454, 21455}},
{{21456, 21457, 21458, 21459}}}, 100));
// x1
growthCapableMobs.put(21452, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21460, 21462}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21453, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21461, 21463}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21454, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21460, 21462}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21455, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21461, 21463}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21456, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21464, 21466}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21457, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21465, 21467}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21458, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21464, 21466}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21459, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21465, 21467}}}, 40));
// x2
growthCapableMobs.put(21460, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21468, 21824}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21461, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21469, 21825}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21462, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21468, 21824}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21463, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21469, 21825}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21464, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21468, 21824}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21465, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21469, 21825}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21466, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21468, 21824}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21467, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21469, 21825}, /* tamed: */{16017, 16018}}}, 25));
// Alpen Buffalo
// x0.5
growthCapableMobs.put(21470, new growthInfo(0, new int[][][] {{{21471, 21472, 21473, 21474}},
{{21475, 21476, 21477, 21478}}}, 100));
// x1
growthCapableMobs.put(21471, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21479, 21481}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21472, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21480, 21482}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21473, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21479, 21481}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21474, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21480, 21482}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21475, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21483, 21485}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21476, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21484, 21486}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21477, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21483, 21485}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21478, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21484, 21486}}}, 40));
// x2
growthCapableMobs.put(21479, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21487, 21826}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21480, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21488, 21827}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21481, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21487, 21826}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21482, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21488, 21827}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21483, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21487, 21826}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21484, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21488, 21827}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21485, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21487, 21826}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21486, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21488, 21827}, /* tamed: */{16013, 16014}}}, 25));
// Alpen Cougar
// x0.5
growthCapableMobs.put(21489, new growthInfo(0, new int[][][] {{{21490, 21491, 21492, 21493}},
{{21494, 21495, 21496, 21497}}}, 100));
// x1
growthCapableMobs.put(21490, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21498, 21500}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21491, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21499, 21501}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21492, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21498, 21500}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21493, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{{21499, 21501}}, {}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21494, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21502, 21504}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21495, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21503, 21505}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21496, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21502, 21504}}}, 40));
growthCapableMobs.put(21497, new growthInfo(1, new int[][][] {{}, {{21503, 21505}}}, 40));
// x2
growthCapableMobs.put(21498, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21506, 21828}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21499, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21507, 21829}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21500, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21506, 21828}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21501, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {
{ /* x4: */{21507, 21829}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}, {}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21502, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21506, 21828}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21503, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21507, 21829}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21504, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21506, 21828}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}}, 25));
growthCapableMobs.put(21505, new growthInfo(2, new int[][][] {{},
{ /* x4: */{21507, 21829}, /* tamed: */{16015, 16016}}}, 25));
for(Integer i = 16013; i <= 16018; i++)
for(Integer i = 16013; i <= 16019; i++)
for(Integer i = 21451; i <= 21507; i++)
for(Integer i = 21824; i <= 21829; i++)
private void spawnNext(L2Player player, int growthLevel, int food)
int npcId = getNpcId();
int nextNpcId = 0;
if(growthLevel == 2)
// if tamed, the mob that will spawn depends on the class type (fighter/mage) of the player!
nextNpcId = growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).spice[food][1][1];
nextNpcId = growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).spice[food][1][0];
// if not tamed, there is a small chance that have "mad cow" disease. That is a stronger-than-normal animal that attacks its feeder
else if(player.getClassId().isMage())
nextNpcId = growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).spice[food][0][1];
nextNpcId = growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).spice[food][0][0];
// all other levels of growth are straight-forward
nextNpcId = growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).spice[food][0][Rnd.get(growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).spice[food][0].length)];
// remove the feedinfo of the mob that got despawned, if any
// despawn the old mob
if(growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).growth_level == 0)
// if this is finally a trained mob, then despawn any other trained mobs that the player might have and initialize the Tamed Beast.
L2TamedBeastInstance oldTrained = player.getTrainedBeast();
if(oldTrained != null)
L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getTemplate(nextNpcId);
L2TamedBeastInstance nextNpc = new L2TamedBeastInstance(IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(), template, player, food == 0 ? SKILL_GOLDEN_SPICE : SKILL_CRYSTAL_SPICE, getLoc());
QuestState st = player.getQuestState("_020_BringUpWithLove");
if(st != null && Rnd.chance(5) && st.getQuestItemsCount(7185) == 0)
st.giveItems(7185, 1);
st.set("cond", "2");
// also, perform a rare random chat
int rand = Rnd.get(10);
if(rand <= 4)
Functions.npcSayCustomMessage(nextNpc, "l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2FeedableBeastInstance.4." + (rand + 1), player.getName());
// if not trained, the newly spawned mob will automatically be agro against its feeder (what happened to "never bite the hand that feeds you" anyway?!)
// spawn the new mob
L2MonsterInstance nextNpc = spawn(nextNpcId, getX(), getY(), getZ());
feedInfo.put(nextNpc.getObjectId(), player.getObjectId()); // register the player in the feedinfo for the mob that just spawned
Functions.npcSayCustomMessage(nextNpc, text[growthLevel][Rnd.get(text[growthLevel].length)]);
nextNpc.getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, player, 99999);
public void doDie(L2Character killer)
private class growthInfo
public int growth_level;
public int growth_chance;
public int[][][] spice;
public growthInfo(int level, int[][][] sp, int chance)
growth_level = level;
spice = sp;
growth_chance = chance;
public L2MonsterInstance spawn(int npcId, int x, int y, int z)
L2MonsterInstance monster = (L2MonsterInstance) NpcTable.getTemplate(npcId).getInstanceConstructor().newInstance(IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId(), NpcTable.getTemplate(npcId));
monster.setSpawnedLoc(new Location(x, y, z));
return monster;
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Could not spawn Npc " + npcId);
return null;
public void onSkillUse(L2Player player, int skill_id)
// gather some values on local variables
int npcId = getNpcId();
// check if the npc and skills used are valid
if(skill_id != SKILL_GOLDEN_SPICE && skill_id != SKILL_CRYSTAL_SPICE)
int food = GOLDEN_SPICE;
if(skill_id == SKILL_CRYSTAL_SPICE)
int objectId = getObjectId();
// display the social action of the beast eating the food.
broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(objectId, 2));
// if this pet can't grow, it's all done.
// do nothing if this mob doesn't eat the specified food (food gets consumed but has no effect).
if(growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).spice[food].length == 0)
// more value gathering on local variables
int growthLevel = growthCapableMobs.get(npcId).growth_level;
if(growthLevel > 0)
// check if this is the same player as the one who raised it from growth 0.
// if no, then do not allow a chance to raise the pet (food gets consumed but has no effect).
if(feedInfo.get(objectId) != null && feedInfo.get(objectId) != player.getObjectId())
// Polymorph the mob, with a certain chance, given its current growth level
spawnNext(player, growthLevel, food);
else if(tamedBeasts.contains(npcId))
if(skill_id == ((L2TamedBeastInstance) this).getFoodType())
((L2TamedBeastInstance) this).onReceiveFood();
Functions.npcSayCustomMessage(this, mytext[Rnd.get(mytext.length)]);