package l2p.gameserver.model;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import l2p.Config;
import l2p.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine;
import l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2MinionInstance;
import l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2NpcInstance;
import l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2PetInstance;
import l2p.gameserver.tables.NpcTable;
import l2p.gameserver.tables.TerritoryTable;
import l2p.gameserver.taskmanager.SpawnTaskManager;
import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
import l2p.util.GArray;
import l2p.util.Location;
import l2p.util.Rnd;
import l2p.util.SchedulableEvent;
public class L2Spawn implements Cloneable
private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2Spawn.class.getName());
* Минимальное время респа
private static final int MIN_RESPAWN_DELAY = 20;
* The link on the L2NpcTemplate object containing generic and static properties of this spawn (ex : RewardExp, RewardSP, AggroRange...)
private int _npcId;
* Position of the spawn point
private int _locx, _locy, _locz, _heading, _location;
* The maximum number of L2NpcInstance that can manage this L2Spawn
private int _maximumCount;
* То количество что установлено в базе (текущий максимум может изменяться)
private int _referenceCount;
* The current number of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn
private int _currentCount;
* The current number of SpawnTask in progress or stand by of this L2Spawn
private int _scheduledCount;
* The delay between a L2NpcInstance remove and its re-spawn
private int _respawnDelay, _respawnDelayRandom, _nativeRespawnDelay;
* Время респауна, в unixtime
private int _respawnTime;
* If True a L2NpcInstance is respawned each time that another is killed
boolean _doRespawn;
public boolean isDoRespawn()
return _doRespawn;
private L2NpcInstance _lastSpawn;
private static final GArray<SpawnListener> _spawnListeners = new GArray<SpawnListener>();
public HashMap<String, GArray<SchedulableEvent>> _events;
private GArray<L2NpcInstance> _spawned;
private int _siegeId;
private long _reflection;
public long getReflection()
return _reflection;
public void setReflection(long reflection)
_reflection = reflection;
public void decreaseScheduledCount()
if(_scheduledCount > 0)
* Устаревший конструктор, используйте в качестве параметра npcId.
public L2Spawn(L2NpcTemplate mobTemplate) throws ClassNotFoundException
public L2Spawn(int npcId) throws ClassNotFoundException
_npcId = npcId;
L2NpcTemplate mobTemplate = NpcTable.getTemplate(npcId);
if(mobTemplate == null || mobTemplate.getInstanceConstructor() == null)
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Unable to instantiate npc " + npcId);
_spawned = new GArray<L2NpcInstance>(1);
* Return the maximum number of L2NpcInstance that this L2Spawn can manage.<BR><BR>
public int getAmount()
return _maximumCount;
* Return the number of L2NpcInstance that this L2Spawn spawned.<BR><BR>
public int getSpawnedCount()
return _currentCount;
* Return the number of L2NpcInstance that this L2Spawn sheduled.<BR><BR>
public int getSheduledCount()
return _scheduledCount;
* Return the Identifier of the location area where L2NpcInstance can be spwaned.<BR><BR>
public int getLocation()
return _location;
* Return the position of the spawn point.<BR><BR>
public Location getLoc()
return new Location(_locx, _locy, _locz);
* Return the X position of the spawn point.<BR><BR>
public int getLocx()
return _locx;
* Return the Y position of the spawn point.<BR><BR>
public int getLocy()
return _locy;
* Return the Z position of the spawn point.<BR><BR>
public int getLocz()
return _locz;
* Return the Identifier of the L2NpcInstance manage by this L2Spwan contained in the L2NpcTemplate.<BR><BR>
public int getNpcId()
return _npcId;
* Return the heading of L2NpcInstance when they are spawned.<BR><BR>
public int getHeading()
return _heading;
* Return the delay between a L2NpcInstance remove and its re-spawn.<BR><BR>
public int getRespawnDelay()
return _respawnDelay;
public int getNativeRespawnDelay()
return _nativeRespawnDelay;
public int getRespawnDelayRandom()
return _respawnDelayRandom;
public int getRespawnDelayWithRnd()
return _respawnDelayRandom == 0 ? _respawnDelay : Rnd.get(_respawnDelay - _respawnDelayRandom, _respawnDelay + _respawnDelayRandom);
public int getRespawnTime()
return _respawnTime;
* Set the maximum number of L2NpcInstance that this L2Spawn can manage.<BR><BR>
public void setAmount(int amount)
if(_referenceCount == 0)
_referenceCount = amount;
_maximumCount = amount;
* Восстанавливает измененное количество
public void restoreAmount()
_maximumCount = _referenceCount;
* Set the Identifier of the location area where L2NpcInstance can be spawned.<BR><BR>
public void setLocation(int location)
_location = location;
* Set the position(x, y, z, heading) of the spawn point.
* @param loc Location
public void setLoc(Location loc)
_locx = loc.x;
_locy = loc.y;
_locz = loc.z;
_heading = loc.h;
* Set the X position of the spawn point.<BR><BR>
public void setLocx(int locx)
_locx = locx;
* Set the Y position of the spawn point.<BR><BR>
public void setLocy(int locy)
_locy = locy;
* Set the Z position of the spawn point.<BR><BR>
public void setLocz(int locz)
_locz = locz;
* Set the heading of L2NpcInstance when they are spawned.<BR><BR>
public void setHeading(int heading)
_heading = heading;
public void decreaseCount(L2NpcInstance oldNpc)
// Decrease the current number of L2NpcInstance of this L2Spawn
if(_currentCount < 0)
_currentCount = 0;
// Check if respawn is possible to prevent multiple respawning caused by lag
if(_doRespawn && _scheduledCount + _currentCount < _maximumCount)
// Update the current number of SpawnTask in progress or stand by of this L2Spawn
long delay;
if (oldNpc.isBoss())
delay = (long) (Config.ALT_EPIC_RESPAWN_MULTIPLIER * getRespawnDelayWithRnd());
else if (oldNpc.isRaid())
delay = (long) (Config.ALT_RAID_RESPAWN_MULTIPLIER * getRespawnDelayWithRnd());
delay = getRespawnDelayWithRnd();
delay *= 1000L;
delay = Math.max(1000, delay - oldNpc.getDeadTime());
_respawnTime = (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() + delay) / 1000);
addSpawnTask(oldNpc, delay);
* Create the initial spawning and set _doRespawn to True.<BR><BR>
* @return The number of L2NpcInstance that were spawned
public int init()
while(_currentCount + _scheduledCount < _maximumCount)
_doRespawn = true;
return _currentCount;
* Create a L2NpcInstance in this L2Spawn.<BR><BR>
public L2NpcInstance spawnOne()
return doSpawn(false);
public void despawnAll()
for(L2NpcInstance npc : getAllSpawned())
if(npc != null)
_currentCount = 0;
* Set _doRespawn to False to stop respawn in this L2Spawn.<BR><BR>
public void stopRespawn()
_doRespawn = false;
* Set _doRespawn to True to start or restart respawn in this L2Spawn.<BR><BR>
public void startRespawn()
_doRespawn = true;
public L2NpcInstance doSpawn(boolean spawn)
L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getTemplate(_npcId);
// Check if the L2Spawn is not a L2Pet or L2Minion spawn
if(template.isInstanceOf(L2PetInstance.class) || template.isInstanceOf(L2MinionInstance.class))
return null;
// Get L2NpcInstance Init parameters and its generate an Identifier
// Call the constructor of the L2NpcInstance
// (can be a L2ArtefactInstance, L2FriendlyMobInstance, L2GuardInstance, L2MonsterInstance, L2SiegeGuardInstance, L2BoxInstance or L2NpcInstance)
Object tmp = template.getNewInstance();
// Check if the Instance is a L2NpcInstance
if(!(tmp instanceof L2NpcInstance))
return null;
spawn = _respawnTime <= System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + MIN_RESPAWN_DELAY;
_spawned.add((L2NpcInstance) tmp);
if(_events != null)
for(String methodName : _events.keySet())
for(SchedulableEvent se : _events.get(methodName))
if(se != null)
((L2NpcInstance) tmp).addMethodInvokeListener(methodName, se);
return intializeNpc((L2NpcInstance) tmp, spawn);
catch(Exception e)
_log.log(Level.WARNING, "NPC " + _npcId + " class not found");
return null;
public GArray<L2NpcInstance> getAllSpawned()
return _spawned;
private L2NpcInstance intializeNpc(L2NpcInstance mob, boolean spawn)
Location newLoc;
// If Locx=0 and Locy=0, the L2NpcInstance must be spawned in an area defined by location
if(getLocation() != 0)
// Calculate the random position in the location area
int p[] = TerritoryTable.getInstance().getRandomPoint(getLocation());
// Set the calculated position of the L2NpcInstance
newLoc = new Location(p[0], p[1], p[2], Rnd.get(0xFFFF));
// The L2NpcInstance is spawned at the exact position (Lox, Locy, Locz)
newLoc = getLoc();
// random heading if not defined
newLoc.h = getHeading() == -1 ? Rnd.get(0xFFFF) : getHeading();
// Set the HP and MP of the L2NpcInstance to the max
mob.setCurrentHpMp(mob.getMaxHp(), mob.getMaxMp(), true);
// Link the L2NpcInstance to this L2Spawn
// Set the heading of the L2NpcInstance (random heading if not defined)
// save spawned points
// Спавнится в указанном отражении
// Является ли моб "подземным" мобом?
mob.setUnderground(GeoEngine.getHeight(newLoc, 0) < GeoEngine.getHeight(newLoc.clone().changeZ(5000), 0));
// Launch the action onSpawn for the L2NpcInstance
// Init other values of the L2NpcInstance (ex : from its L2CharTemplate for INT, STR, DEX...) and add it in the world as a visible object
// Increase the current number of L2NpcInstance managed by this L2Spawn
// Update the current number of SpawnTask in progress or stand by of this L2Spawn
// Create a new SpawnTask to launch after the respawn Delay
addSpawnTask(mob, _respawnTime * 1000L - System.currentTimeMillis());
_lastSpawn = mob;
return mob;
private void addSpawnTask(L2NpcInstance actor, long interval)
SpawnTaskManager.getInstance().addSpawnTask(actor, interval);
public static void addSpawnListener(SpawnListener listener)
public static void notifyNpcSpawned(L2NpcInstance npc)
for(SpawnListener listener : _spawnListeners)
public static void notifyNpcDeSpawned(L2NpcInstance npc)
for(SpawnListener listener : _spawnListeners)
* @param respawnDelay delay in seconds
public void setRespawnDelay(int respawnDelay, int respawnDelayRandom)
if(respawnDelay < 0)
_log.warning("respawn delay is negative for npcId: " + getNpcId());
_nativeRespawnDelay = respawnDelay;
_respawnDelay = respawnDelay > MIN_RESPAWN_DELAY ? respawnDelay : MIN_RESPAWN_DELAY;
_respawnDelayRandom = respawnDelayRandom > 0 ? respawnDelayRandom : 0;
public void setRespawnDelay(int respawnDelay)
setRespawnDelay(respawnDelay, 0);
* Устанавливает время следующего респауна, в unixtime
public void setRespawnTime(int respawnTime)
_respawnTime = respawnTime;
public L2NpcInstance getLastSpawn()
return _lastSpawn;
* @param oldNpc
public void respawnNpc(L2NpcInstance oldNpc)
intializeNpc(oldNpc, true);
public void setSiegeId(int id)
_siegeId = id;
public int getSiegeId()
return _siegeId;
public L2NpcTemplate getTemplate()
return NpcTable.getTemplate(_npcId);
public L2Spawn clone()
L2Spawn spawnDat = null;
spawnDat = new L2Spawn(_npcId);
spawnDat.setRespawnDelay(_respawnDelay, _respawnDelayRandom);
spawnDat._events = _events;
catch(Exception e)
return spawnDat;