Package l2p.gameserver.model

Source Code of l2p.gameserver.model.AutoSpawnHandler$AutoSpawnInstance

package l2p.gameserver.model;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javolution.util.FastMap;
import l2p.Config;
import l2p.common.ThreadPoolManager;
import l2p.database.DatabaseUtils;
import l2p.database.FiltredPreparedStatement;
import l2p.database.L2DatabaseFactory;
import l2p.database.ThreadConnection;
import l2p.gameserver.Announcements;
import l2p.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory;
import l2p.gameserver.instancemanager.TownManager;
import l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2NpcInstance;
import l2p.gameserver.tables.NpcTable;
import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate;
import l2p.util.GArray;
import l2p.util.Location;
import l2p.util.Rnd;

* Auto Spawn Handler
* <p/>
* Allows spawning of a NPC object based on a timer.
* (From the official idea used for the Merchant and Blacksmith of Mammon)
* <p/>
* General Usage:
* - Call registerSpawn() with the parameters listed below.
* int npcId
* int[][] spawnPoints or specify NULL to add points later.
* int initialDelay (If < 0 = default value)
* int respawnDelay (If < 0 = default value)
* int despawnDelay (If < 0 = default value or if = 0, function disabled)
* <p/>
* spawnPoints is a standard two-dimensional int array containing X,Y and Z coordinates.
* The default respawn/despawn delays are currently every hour (as for Mammon on official servers).
* <p/>
* - The resulting AutoSpawnInstance object represents the newly added spawn index.
* - The interal methods of this object can be used to adjust random spawning, for instance a call to setRandomSpawn(1, true); would set the spawn at index 1
* to be randomly rather than sequentially-based.
* - Also they can be used to specify the number of NPC instances to spawn
* using setSpawnCount(), and broadcast a message to all users using setBroadcast().
* <p/>
* Random Spawning = OFF by default
* Broadcasting = OFF by default
* @author Tempy
public class AutoSpawnHandler
  protected static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(AutoSpawnHandler.class.getName());
  private static AutoSpawnHandler _instance;
  private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_SPAWN = 30000; // 30 seconds after registration
  private static final int DEFAULT_RESPAWN = 3600000; //1 hour in millisecs
  private static final int DEFAULT_DESPAWN = 3600000; //1 hour in millisecs
  protected Map<Integer, AutoSpawnInstance> _registeredSpawns;
  protected Map<Integer, ScheduledFuture<?>> _runningSpawns;
  protected boolean _activeState = true;

  public AutoSpawnHandler()
    _registeredSpawns = new FastMap<Integer, AutoSpawnInstance>().setShared(true);
    _runningSpawns = new FastMap<Integer, ScheduledFuture<?>>().setShared(true);

  public static AutoSpawnHandler getInstance()
    if(_instance == null)
      _instance = new AutoSpawnHandler();
    return _instance;

  public final int size()
    return _registeredSpawns.size();

  private void restoreSpawnData()
    int numLoaded = 0;
    ThreadConnection con = null;
    FiltredPreparedStatement statement = null;
    FiltredPreparedStatement statement2 = null;
    ResultSet rset = null, rset2 = null;
      con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
      // Restore spawn group data, then the location data.
      statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM random_spawn ORDER BY groupId ASC");
      statement2 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM random_spawn_loc WHERE groupId=?");
      rset = statement.executeQuery();
        // Register random spawn group, set various options on the created spawn instance.
        AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst = registerSpawn(rset.getInt("npcId"), rset.getInt("initialDelay"), rset.getInt("respawnDelay"), rset.getInt("despawnDelay"));
        // Restore the spawn locations for this spawn group/instance.
        statement2.setInt(1, rset.getInt("groupId"));
        rset2 = statement2.executeQuery();
        // Add each location to the spawn group/instance.
          spawnInst.addSpawnLocation(rset2.getInt("x"), rset2.getInt("y"), rset2.getInt("z"), rset2.getInt("heading"));
    catch(Exception e)
      _log.warning("AutoSpawnHandler: Could not restore spawn data: " + e);
      DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseSR(statement2, rset2);
      DatabaseUtils.closeDatabaseCSR(con, statement, rset);

   * Registers a spawn with the given parameters with the spawner, and marks it as
   * active. Returns a AutoSpawnInstance containing info about the spawn.
   * @param int     npcId
   * @param int[][] spawnPoints
   * @param int     initialDelay (If < 0 = default value)
   * @param int     respawnDelay (If < 0 = default value)
   * @param int     despawnDelay (If < 0 = default value or if = 0, function disabled)
   * @return AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst
  public AutoSpawnInstance registerSpawn(int npcId, int[][] spawnPoints, int initialDelay, int respawnDelay, int despawnDelay)
    if(initialDelay < 0)
      initialDelay = DEFAULT_INITIAL_SPAWN;
    if(respawnDelay < 0)
      respawnDelay = DEFAULT_RESPAWN;
    if(despawnDelay < 0)
      despawnDelay = DEFAULT_DESPAWN;
    AutoSpawnInstance newSpawn = new AutoSpawnInstance(npcId, initialDelay, respawnDelay, despawnDelay);
    if(spawnPoints != null)
      for(int[] spawnPoint : spawnPoints)
    int newId = IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId();
    newSpawn._objectId = newId;
    _registeredSpawns.put(newId, newSpawn);
    setSpawnActive(newSpawn, true);
    return newSpawn;

   * Registers a spawn with the given parameters with the spawner, and marks it as
   * active. Returns a AutoSpawnInstance containing info about the spawn.
   * <BR>
   * <B>Warning:</B> Spawn locations must be specified separately using addSpawnLocation().
   * @param int npcId
   * @param int initialDelay (If < 0 = default value)
   * @param int respawnDelay (If < 0 = default value)
   * @param int despawnDelay (If < 0 = default value or if = 0, function disabled)
   * @return AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst
  public AutoSpawnInstance registerSpawn(int npcId, int initialDelay, int respawnDelay, int despawnDelay)
    return registerSpawn(npcId, null, initialDelay, respawnDelay, despawnDelay);

   * Remove a registered spawn from the list, specified by the given spawn instance.
   * @param AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst
   * @return boolean removedSuccessfully
  public boolean removeSpawn(AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst)
      return false;
      // Try to remove from the list of registered spawns if it exists.
      // Cancel the currently associated running scheduled task.
      ScheduledFuture<?> respawnTask = _runningSpawns.remove(spawnInst._objectId);
    catch(Exception e)
      _log.warning("AutoSpawnHandler: Could not auto spawn for NPC ID " + spawnInst._npcId + " (Object ID = " + spawnInst._objectId + "): " + e);
      return false;
    return true;

   * Remove a registered spawn from the list, specified by the given spawn object ID.
   * @param int objectId
   * @return boolean removedSuccessfully
  public void removeSpawn(int objectId)

   * Sets the active state of the specified spawn.
   * @param AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst
   * @param boolean           isActive
  public void setSpawnActive(AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst, boolean isActive)
    int objectId = spawnInst._objectId;
      ScheduledFuture<?> spawnTask;
        AutoSpawner rset = new AutoSpawner(objectId);
        if(spawnInst._desDelay > 0)
          spawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(rset, spawnInst._initDelay, spawnInst._resDelay);
          spawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(rset, spawnInst._initDelay);
        //spawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(rset, spawnInst._initDelay, spawnInst._resDelay);
        _runningSpawns.put(objectId, spawnTask);
        spawnTask = _runningSpawns.remove(objectId);
        if(spawnTask != null)

   * Returns the number of milliseconds until the next occurrance of
   * the given spawn.
   * @param AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst
   * @param long              milliRemaining
  public final long getTimeToNextSpawn(AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst)
    int objectId = spawnInst._objectId;
      return -1;
    return _runningSpawns.get(objectId).getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

   * Attempts to return the AutoSpawnInstance associated with the given NPC or Object ID type.
   * <BR>
   * Note: If isObjectId == false, returns first instance for the specified NPC ID.
   * @param int     id
   * @param boolean isObjectId
   * @return AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst
  public final AutoSpawnInstance getAutoSpawnInstance(int id, boolean isObjectId)
        return _registeredSpawns.get(id);
      for(AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst : _registeredSpawns.values())
        if(spawnInst._npcId == id)
          return spawnInst;
    return null;

  public Map<Integer, AutoSpawnInstance> getAllAutoSpawnInstance(int id)
    Map<Integer, AutoSpawnInstance> spawnInstList = new FastMap<Integer, AutoSpawnInstance>().setShared(true);
    for(AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst : _registeredSpawns.values())
      if(spawnInst._npcId == id)
        spawnInstList.put(spawnInst._objectId, spawnInst);
    return spawnInstList;

   * Tests if the specified object ID is assigned to an auto spawn.
   * @param int objectId
   * @return boolean isAssigned
  public final boolean isSpawnRegistered(int objectId)
    return _registeredSpawns.containsKey(objectId);

   * Tests if the specified spawn instance is assigned to an auto spawn.
   * @param AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst
   * @return boolean isAssigned
  public final boolean isSpawnRegistered(AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst)
    return _registeredSpawns.containsValue(spawnInst);

   * AutoSpawner Class
   * <BR><BR>
   * This handles the main spawn task for an auto spawn instance, and initializes
   * a despawner if required.
   * @author Tempy
  private class AutoSpawner implements Runnable
    private int _objectId;

    AutoSpawner(int objectId)
      _objectId = objectId;

    public void run()
        // Retrieve the required spawn instance for this spawn task.
        AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst = _registeredSpawns.get(_objectId);
        // If the spawn is not scheduled to be active, cancel the spawn task.
        if(!spawnInst.isSpawnActive() || Config.DONTLOADSPAWN)
        Location[] locationList = spawnInst.getLocationList();
        // If there are no set co-ordinates, cancel the spawn task.
        if(locationList.length == 0)
"AutoSpawnHandler: No location co-ords specified for spawn instance (Object ID = " + _objectId + ").");
        int locationCount = locationList.length;
        int locationIndex = Rnd.get(locationCount);
                 * If random spawning is disabled, the spawn at the next set of
                 * co-ordinates after the last. If the index is greater than the number
                 * of possible spawns, reset the counter to zero.
          locationIndex = spawnInst._lastLocIndex;
          if(locationIndex == locationCount)
            locationIndex = 0;
          spawnInst._lastLocIndex = locationIndex;
        // Set the X, Y and Z co-ordinates, where this spawn will take place.
        final int x = locationList[locationIndex].x;
        final int y = locationList[locationIndex].y;
        final int z = locationList[locationIndex].z;
        final int heading = locationList[locationIndex].h;
        // Fetch the template for this NPC ID and create a new spawn.
        L2NpcTemplate npcTemp = NpcTable.getTemplate(spawnInst.getNpcId());
        L2Spawn newSpawn = new L2Spawn(npcTemp);
        if(heading != -1)
        if(spawnInst._desDelay == 0)
        // Add the new spawn information to the spawn table, but do not store it.
        L2NpcInstance npcInst = null;
        for(int i = 0; i < spawnInst._spawnCount; i++)
          npcInst = newSpawn.doSpawn(true);
          // To prevent spawning of more than one NPC in the exact same spot,
          // move it slightly by a small random offset.
          npcInst.setXYZ(npcInst.getX() + Rnd.get(50), npcInst.getY() + Rnd.get(50), npcInst.getZ());
          // Add the NPC instance to the list of managed instances.
        String nearestTown = TownManager.getInstance().getClosestTownName(npcInst);
        // Announce to all players that the spawn has taken place, with the nearest town location.
        if(spawnInst.isBroadcasting() && npcInst != null)
          Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("The " + npcInst.getName() + " has spawned near " + nearestTown + "!");
        // If there is no despawn time, do not create a despawn task.
        if(spawnInst.getDespawnDelay() > 0)
          AutoDespawner rd = new AutoDespawner(_objectId);
          ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(rd, spawnInst.getDespawnDelay() - 1000);
      catch(Exception e)
        _log.warning("AutoSpawnHandler: An error occurred while initializing spawn instance (Object ID = " + _objectId + "): " + e);

   * AutoDespawner Class
   * <BR><BR>
   * Simply used as a secondary class for despawning an auto spawn instance.
   * @author Tempy
  private class AutoDespawner implements Runnable
    private int _objectId;

    AutoDespawner(int objectId)
      _objectId = objectId;

    public void run()
        AutoSpawnInstance spawnInst = _registeredSpawns.get(_objectId);
        for(L2NpcInstance npcInst : spawnInst.getAttackableList())
      catch(Exception e)
        _log.warning("AutoSpawnHandler: An error occurred while despawning spawn (Object ID = " + _objectId + "): " + e);

   * AutoSpawnInstance Class
   * <BR><BR>
   * Stores information about a registered auto spawn.
   * @author Tempy
  public class AutoSpawnInstance
    protected int _objectId;
    protected int _spawnIndex;
    protected int _npcId;
    protected int _initDelay;
    protected int _resDelay;
    protected int _desDelay;
    protected byte _spawnCount = 1;
    protected int _lastLocIndex = -1;
    private GArray<L2NpcInstance> _npcList = new GArray<L2NpcInstance>();
    private GArray<Location> _locList = new GArray<Location>();
    private boolean _spawnActive;
    private boolean _randomSpawn = false;
    private boolean _broadcastAnnouncement = false;

    protected AutoSpawnInstance(int npcId, int initDelay, int respawnDelay, int despawnDelay)
      _npcId = npcId;
      _initDelay = initDelay;
      _resDelay = respawnDelay;
      _desDelay = despawnDelay;

    void setSpawnActive(boolean activeValue)
      _spawnActive = activeValue;

    boolean addAttackable(L2NpcInstance npcInst)
      return _npcList.add(npcInst);

    boolean removeAttackable(L2NpcInstance npcInst)
      return _npcList.remove(npcInst);

    public int getObjectId()
      return _objectId;

    public int getInitialDelay()
      return _initDelay;

    public int getRespawnDelay()
      return _resDelay;

    public int getDespawnDelay()
      return _desDelay;

    public int getNpcId()
      return _npcId;

    public int getSpawnCount()
      return _spawnCount;

    public Location[] getLocationList()
      return _locList.toArray(new Location[_locList.size()]);

    public L2NpcInstance[] getAttackableList()
      return _npcList.toArray(new L2NpcInstance[_npcList.size()]);

    public L2Spawn[] getSpawns()
      GArray<L2Spawn> npcSpawns = new GArray<L2Spawn>();
      for(L2NpcInstance npcInst : _npcList)
      return npcSpawns.toArray(new L2Spawn[npcSpawns.size()]);

    public void setSpawnCount(byte spawnCount)
      _spawnCount = spawnCount;

    public void setRandomSpawn(boolean randValue)
      _randomSpawn = randValue;

    public void setBroadcast(boolean broadcastValue)
      _broadcastAnnouncement = broadcastValue;

    public boolean isSpawnActive()
      return _spawnActive;

    public boolean isRandomSpawn()
      return _randomSpawn;

    public boolean isBroadcasting()
      return _broadcastAnnouncement;

    public boolean addSpawnLocation(int x, int y, int z, int heading)
      return _locList.add(new Location(x, y, z, heading));

    public boolean addSpawnLocation(int[] spawnLoc)
      if(spawnLoc.length != 3)
        return false;
      return addSpawnLocation(spawnLoc[0], spawnLoc[1], spawnLoc[2], -1);

    public Location removeSpawnLocation(int locIndex)
        return _locList.remove(locIndex);
      catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
        return null;

Related Classes of l2p.gameserver.model.AutoSpawnHandler$AutoSpawnInstance

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