Package l2p.gameserver.geodata

Source Code of l2p.gameserver.geodata.PathFindBuffers$BufferInfo

package l2p.gameserver.geodata;

import java.util.HashMap;

import l2p.util.GArray;
import l2p.util.Location;
import l2p.util.StrTable;

* @Author: Drin
* @Date: 27/04/2009
public class PathFindBuffers
   * буффер размером 100x100 занимает примерно 0.5 мб
   * буффер размером 128x128 занимает примерно 1.0 мб
   * буффер размером 192x192 занимает примерно 1.5 мб
   * буффер размером 256x256 занимает примерно 3.0 мб
   * буффер размером 320x320 занимает примерно 4.5 мб
   * буффер размером 384x384 занимает примерно 6.5 мб
  private static BufferInfo[] all_buffers;

  public static void initBuffers(String s)
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> conf_data = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    String[] k;
    for(String e : s.split(";"))
      if(!e.isEmpty() && (k = e.split("x")).length == 2)
        conf_data.put(Integer.valueOf(k[1]), Integer.valueOf(k[0]));
    BufferInfo[] _allbuffers = new BufferInfo[conf_data.size()];
    int idx = 0;
    Integer lowestKey;
      lowestKey = null;
      for(Integer ke : conf_data.keySet())
        if(lowestKey == null || lowestKey > ke)
          lowestKey = ke;
      _allbuffers[idx] = new BufferInfo(lowestKey, idx, conf_data.remove(lowestKey));
    all_buffers = _allbuffers;

  public static boolean resizeBuffers(int MapSize, int newCapacity)
    if(newCapacity < 1)
      return false;
    for(int i = 0; i < all_buffers.length; i++)
      if(MapSize == all_buffers[i].MapSize)
        if(newCapacity == all_buffers[i].buffers.getCapacity())
          return true;
        GArray<PathFindBuffer> new_buffers = new GArray<PathFindBuffer>(newCapacity);
          while(all_buffers[i].buffers.size() > newCapacity)
          all_buffers[i].buffers = new_buffers;
        return true;
    return false;

  private static PathFindBuffer alloc(BufferInfo fine_buffer)
      // ищем свободный буффер
      for(PathFindBuffer b : fine_buffer.buffers)
          b.inUse = true;
          return b;
      // если нет свободного буффера то создаем новый
      PathFindBuffer result = new PathFindBuffer(fine_buffer);
      // и если для него еще есть место то ложим его в список что бы заюзать потом снова
      if(fine_buffer.buffers.size() < fine_buffer.buffers.getCapacity())
        result.inUse = true;
      return result;

  public static PathFindBuffer alloc(int mapSize, boolean isPlayer, Location startpoint, Location endpoint, Location native_endpoint)
    if(mapSize % 2 > 0)
    } // для четности
    BufferInfo fine_buffer = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < all_buffers.length; i++)
      if(mapSize <= all_buffers[i].MapSize)
        fine_buffer = all_buffers[i];
        mapSize = all_buffers[i].MapSize;
    if(fine_buffer == null)
      return null;
    } // запрошен слишком большой буффер
    PathFindBuffer result = alloc(fine_buffer);
    result.useStartedNanos = System.nanoTime();
    result.isPlayer = isPlayer;
    result.startpoint = startpoint;
    result.endpoint = endpoint;
    result.native_endpoint = native_endpoint;
    result.offsetX = startpoint.x - mapSize / 2;
    result.offsetY = startpoint.y - mapSize / 2;
    return result;

  public static class PathFindBuffer
    final short[] hNSWE = new short[2];
    final GeoNode[][] nodes;
    final BufferInfo info;
    boolean isPlayer, inUse;
    Location startpoint, endpoint, native_endpoint;
    int offsetX, offsetY;
    public long useStartedNanos;
    GeoNode firstNode, currentNode, tempNode;

    public PathFindBuffer(BufferInfo inf)
      nodes = new GeoNode[inf.MapSize][inf.MapSize];
      tempNode = new GeoNode();
      info = inf;

    public void free()
      for(int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < nodes[i].length; j++)
          if(nodes[i][j] != null)
      firstNode = null;
      currentNode = null;
      endpoint = null;
      currentNode = null;
      info.useTimeMillis += (System.nanoTime() - useStartedNanos) / 1000000.0;
      inUse = false;

  public static class GeoNode
    public int _x, _y;
    public short _z, _nswe;
    public double score = 0., moveCost = 0.;
    public boolean closed = false;
    public GeoNode link = null, parent = null;

    public void free()
      score = -1;
      link = null;
      parent = null;
      _z = 0;

    public static GeoNode initNode(PathFindBuffer buff, int bx, int by, int x, int y, short z, GeoNode parentNode, int refIndex)
      GeoNode result;
      if(buff == null)
        result = new GeoNode();
        result._x = x;
        result._y = y;
        result._z = z;
        result.moveCost = 0.;
        result.parent = parentNode;
        result.score = 0;
        result.closed = false;
        return result;
      if(buff.nodes[bx][by] == null)
        buff.nodes[bx][by] = new GeoNode();
      result = buff.nodes[bx][by];
      if(result._x != x || result._y != y || result._z == 0 || Math.abs(z - result._z) > 64)
        GeoEngine.NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y, z, buff.hNSWE, refIndex);
        result._x = x;
        result._y = y;
        result._z = buff.hNSWE[0];
        result._nswe = buff.hNSWE[1];
      result.moveCost = 0.;
      result.parent = parentNode;
      result.score = 0;
      result.closed = false;
      return result;

    public static GeoNode initNode(PathFindBuffer buff, int bx, int by, Location loc, int refIndex)
      return initNode(buff, bx, by, loc.x, loc.y, (short) loc.z, null, refIndex);

    public static boolean isNull(GeoNode node)
      return node == null || node.score == -1;

    public static GeoNode initNodeGeo(PathFindBuffer buff, int bx, int by, int x, int y, short z, int refIndex)
      GeoNode result;
      if(buff.nodes[bx][by] == null)
        buff.nodes[bx][by] = new GeoNode();
      result = buff.nodes[bx][by];
      GeoEngine.NgetHeightAndNSWE(x, y, z, buff.hNSWE, refIndex);
      result._x = x;
      result._y = y;
      result._z = buff.hNSWE[0];
      result._nswe = buff.hNSWE[1];
      result.score = -1;
      return result;

    public GeoNode reuse(GeoNode old, GeoNode parentNode)
      _x = old._x;
      _y = old._y;
      _z = old._z;
      _nswe = old._nswe;
      moveCost = 0.;
      closed = old.closed;
      parent = parentNode;
      return this;

    public void copy(GeoNode old)
      _x = old._x;
      _y = old._y;
      _z = old._z;
      _nswe = old._nswe;
      moveCost = old.moveCost;
      score = old.score;
      closed = old.closed;

    public Location getLoc()
      return new Location(_x, _y, _z);

    public String toString()
      return "GeoNode: " + _x + "\t" + _y + "\t" + _z;

  public static class BufferInfo
    final int MapSize, sqMapSize, maxIterations, index;
    private int overBuffers = 0, totalUses = 0, playableUses = 0;
    private double useTimeMillis = 0;
    private GArray<PathFindBuffer> buffers;

    public BufferInfo(int mapSize, int idx, int buffersCount)
      buffers = new GArray<PathFindBuffer>(buffersCount);
      MapSize = mapSize;
      sqMapSize = mapSize * mapSize;
      index = idx;
      if(sqMapSize <= 10000) //TODO оттюнить
        maxIterations = sqMapSize / 2;
      else if(sqMapSize < 30000)
        maxIterations = sqMapSize / 3;
        maxIterations = sqMapSize / 4;

  public static StrTable getStats()
    StrTable table = new StrTable("PathFind Buffers Stats");
    long inUse, pathFindsTotal = 0, pathFindsPlayable = 0;
    double allTimeMillis = 0;
    for(BufferInfo buff : all_buffers)
      pathFindsTotal += buff.totalUses;
      pathFindsPlayable += buff.playableUses;
      allTimeMillis += buff.useTimeMillis;
      inUse = 0;
        for(PathFindBuffer b : buff.buffers)
      table.set(buff.index, "Size", buff.MapSize);
      table.set(buff.index, "Use", inUse);
      table.set(buff.index, "Uses", buff.totalUses);
      table.set(buff.index, "Alloc", buff.buffers.size() + " of " + buff.buffers.getCapacity());
      table.set(buff.index, "unbuf", buff.overBuffers);
      if(buff.totalUses > 0)
        table.set(buff.index, "Avg ms", String.format("%1.3f", buff.useTimeMillis / buff.totalUses));
    table.addTitle("Total / Playable  : " + pathFindsTotal + " / " + pathFindsPlayable);
    table.addTitle("Total(s) / Avg(ms): " + String.format("%1.2f", allTimeMillis / 1000) + " / " + String.format("%1.3f", allTimeMillis / pathFindsTotal));
    return table;

Related Classes of l2p.gameserver.geodata.PathFindBuffers$BufferInfo

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