* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Daniel Alievsky, AlgART Laboratory (http://algart.net)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package net.algart.matrices.morphology;
import net.algart.arrays.*;
import net.algart.math.IRectangularArea;
import net.algart.matrices.ApertureProcessor;
import net.algart.matrices.DependenceApertureBuilder;
import net.algart.math.patterns.Pattern;
import net.algart.matrices.TiledApertureProcessorFactory;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static net.algart.matrices.DependenceApertureBuilder.*;
* <p>The filter allowing to transform any {@link Morphology} object to another instance of that interface,
* which uses some given {@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory tiler} for processing the source matrix
* (an argument of {@link Morphology} methods).</p>
* <p>This object is built on the base of some <i>parent</i> object,
* implementing {@link Morphology}, and some tiler (an instance of
* {@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory} class).
* This object works almost identically to the parent object with the only difference,
* that it uses the specified tiler for performing all operations.</p>
* <p>More precisely, each method of this object creates an implementation <tt>p</tt> of {@link ApertureProcessor}
* interface. The only thing, performed by
* {@link ApertureProcessor#process(Map, Map) process} method of
* that object <tt>p</tt>, is calling the same method of <i>parent</i> object with the arguments
* of <tt>p.{@link ApertureProcessor#process(Map, Map) process(dest,src)}</tt> method
* (the source matrix is retrieved from <tt>src</tt>, the result is saved into <tt>dest</tt>).
* The dependence aperture <tt>p.{@link ApertureProcessor#dependenceAperture(Object) dependenceAperture(...)}</tt>
* is calculated automatically on the base of the patterns and the performed operation.
* Then, the method of this object executes the required operation with help of
* <nobr><tt>{@link #tiler() tiler()}.{@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory#tile(ApertureProcessor)
* tile}(p).{@link ApertureProcessor#process(Map, Map) process(dest,src)}</tt></nobr> call
* — the source matrix is passed via <tt>src</tt>, the result is retrieved from <tt>dest</tt>.
* As a result, the same operation is performed tile-by-tile.</p>
* <p>The methods {@link #asDilation(Matrix, Pattern)} and {@link #asErosion(Matrix, Pattern)} are an exception
* from this rule. These methods of this class works in the same way, as in
* {@link ContinuedMorphology} class, the continuation mode of which is equal to
* {@link #tiler() tiler()}.{@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory#continuationMode() continuationMode()}.</p>
* <p>Note: in improbable cases, when the dimensions of the source matrix and/or
* the sizes of the pattern are extremely large (about 2<sup>63</sup>),
* so that the necessary appended matrices should have dimensions or total number of elements,
* greater than <nobr><tt>Long.MAX_VALUE</tt></nobr>,
* the methods of this class throw <tt>IndexOutOfBoundsException</tt> and do nothing.
* See comments to {@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory} class, "Restriction" section for precise details.
* Of course, these are very improbable cases.</p>
* <p>This class is <b>immutable</b> and <b>thread-safe</b>:
* there are no ways to modify settings of the created instance.</p>
* <p>AlgART Laboratory 2007–2014</p>
* @author Daniel Alievsky
* @version 1.2
* @since JDK 1.5
public class TiledMorphology implements Morphology {
private final Morphology parent;
final ArrayContext context;
final TiledApertureProcessorFactory tiler;
final int dimCount;
TiledMorphology(Morphology parent, TiledApertureProcessorFactory tiler) {
if (parent == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null parent morphology");
if (tiler == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null tiler");
this.parent = parent;
this.context = parent.context() == null ? ArrayContext.DEFAULT : parent.context();
this.tiler = tiler.context(this.context);
this.dimCount = tiler.dimCount();
* Returns new instance of this class with the passed parent {@link Morphology} object
* and the specified processing tiler.
* <p>Note: the {@link #context() context} of the created object is retrieved from
* <tt>parent.{@link Morphology#context() context()}</tt>, and
* the {@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory#context() context} of the passed tiler
* is automatically replaced with the same one — the current {@link #tiler() tiler}
* of the created object is <nobr><tt>tiler.{@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory#context(ArrayContext)
* context}(newInstance.{@link #context() context()})</tt></nobr>.
* It means that the {@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory#context() context} of the passed tiler is not important
* and can be <tt>null</tt>.</p>
* @param parent <i>parent</i> object: the instance of {@link Morphology} interface
* that will perform all operations.
* @param tiler the tiler, which will be used for processing matrices by this class.
* @return new instance of this class.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>parent</tt> or <tt>tiler</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>.
public static TiledMorphology getInstance(Morphology parent, TiledApertureProcessorFactory tiler) {
return new TiledMorphology(parent, tiler);
* Returns the parent {@link Morphology} object, passed to
* {@link #getInstance(Morphology, TiledApertureProcessorFactory)} method.
* @return the parent {@link Morphology} object.
public Morphology parent() {
return this.parent;
* Returns the processing tiler that will be used for tiled processing the source matrices.
* @return the tiler, which is used for tiled processing the source matrices.
* @see #getInstance(Morphology, TiledApertureProcessorFactory)
* @see TiledRankMorphology#getInstance(RankMorphology, TiledApertureProcessorFactory)
public TiledApertureProcessorFactory tiler() {
return this.tiler;
public ArrayContext context() {
return this.context;
* Switches the context: returns an instance, identical to this one excepting
* that it uses the specified <tt>newContext</tt> for all operations.
* Usually, the returned instance is used only for performing a
* {@link ArrayContext#part(double, double) subtask} of the full task.
* <p>More precisely, this method is equivalent to
* <tt>{@link #getInstance(Morphology, TiledApertureProcessorFactory)
* getInstance}({@link #parent()}.{@link Morphology#context(ArrayContext)
* context}(newContext), {@link #tiler() tiler()}).</tt>
* @param newContext another context, used by the returned instance; may be <tt>null</tt>.
* @return new instance with another context.
public Morphology context(ArrayContext newContext) {
return new TiledMorphology(parent.context(newContext), tiler);
* Returns <tt>true</tt>, if this class works in the default
* {@link net.algart.arrays.Matrix.ContinuationMode#PSEUDO_CYCLIC
* pseudo-cyclic continuation mode}.
* More precisely, returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if
* <tt>{@link #tiler()}.{@link TiledApertureProcessorFactory#continuationMode()
* continuationMode()}</tt> is {@link net.algart.arrays.Matrix.ContinuationMode#PSEUDO_CYCLIC PSEUDO_CYCLIC}.
* @return whether this class works in the pseudo-cyclic continuation mode.
public boolean isPseudoCyclic() {
return tiler.continuationMode() == Matrix.ContinuationMode.PSEUDO_CYCLIC;
public Matrix<? extends PArray> asDilation(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) {
IRectangularArea a = (parent.isPseudoCyclic() ? SUM : SUM_MAX_0).getAperture(src.dimCount(), pattern, false);
src = DependenceApertureBuilder.extend(src, a, tiler.continuationMode());
return DependenceApertureBuilder.reduce(parent.asDilation(src, pattern), a);
public Matrix<? extends PArray> asErosion(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) {
IRectangularArea a = (parent.isPseudoCyclic() ? SUM : SUM_MAX_0).getAperture(src.dimCount(), pattern, true);
src = DependenceApertureBuilder.extend(src, a, tiler.continuationMode());
return DependenceApertureBuilder.reduce(parent.asErosion(src, pattern), a);
/*Repeat() dilation ==> erosion,,weakDilation,,weakErosion,,beucherGradient;;
(pattern,\s+)false ==> $1true,,$1false, $1true,,$1true, $1false,,$1false, $1true;;
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dilation(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern) {
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, false)) {
public Matrix<? extends PArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().dilation(src, pattern);
}, src);
/*Repeat.AutoGeneratedStart !! Auto-generated: NOT EDIT !! */
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> erosion(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern) {
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, true)) {
public Matrix<? extends PArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().erosion(src, pattern);
}, src);
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> weakDilation(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern) {
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM_MAX_0.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, false, pattern, true)) {
public Matrix<? extends PArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().weakDilation(src, pattern);
}, src);
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> weakErosion(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern) {
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM_MAX_0.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, true, pattern, false)) {
public Matrix<? extends PArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().weakErosion(src, pattern);
}, src);
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> beucherGradient(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern) {
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(MAX.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, false, pattern, true)) {
public Matrix<? extends PArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().beucherGradient(src, pattern);
}, src);
/*Repeat() dilation ==> erosion,,closing,,opening;;
(pattern,\s+)false ==> $1true,,$1false, $1true,,$1true, $1false
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dilation(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern,
final SubtractionMode subtractionMode)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, false)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().dilation(src, pattern, subtractionMode);
}, src);
/*Repeat.AutoGeneratedStart !! Auto-generated: NOT EDIT !! */
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> erosion(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern,
final SubtractionMode subtractionMode)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, true)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().erosion(src, pattern, subtractionMode);
}, src);
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> closing(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern,
final SubtractionMode subtractionMode)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, false, pattern, true)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().closing(src, pattern, subtractionMode);
}, src);
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> opening(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern,
final SubtractionMode subtractionMode)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, true, pattern, false)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().opening(src, pattern, subtractionMode);
}, src);
/*Repeat() dilationErosion ==> erosionDilation,,maskedDilationErosion,,maskedErosionDilation;;
(ptn1,\s+)false,\s+(ptn2,\s+)true ==> $1true, $2false,,$1false, $2true,,$1true, $2false;;
(,\s*(?:final\s+SubtractionMode\s+)?subtractionMode) ==> $1,, ,, ;;
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dilationErosion(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
final Pattern ptn1, final Pattern ptn2, final SubtractionMode subtractionMode)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, ptn1, false, ptn2, true)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().dilationErosion(src, ptn1, ptn2, subtractionMode);
}, src);
/*Repeat.AutoGeneratedStart !! Auto-generated: NOT EDIT !! */
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> erosionDilation(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
final Pattern ptn1, final Pattern ptn2, final SubtractionMode subtractionMode)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, ptn1, true, ptn2, false)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().erosionDilation(src, ptn1, ptn2, subtractionMode);
}, src);
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> maskedDilationErosion(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
final Pattern ptn1, final Pattern ptn2)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM_MAX_0.getAperture(dimCount, ptn1, false, ptn2, true)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().maskedDilationErosion(src, ptn1, ptn2);
}, src);
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> maskedErosionDilation(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
final Pattern ptn1, final Pattern ptn2)
return tilingProcess(new MorphologyProcessor(SUM_MAX_0.getAperture(dimCount, ptn1, true, ptn2, false)) {
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
return parent().maskedErosionDilation(src, ptn1, ptn2);
}, src);
/*Repeat() dilation ==> erosion;; (dimCount,\s+pattern,\s+)false ==> $1true */
public void dilation(
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern,
boolean disableMemoryAllocation)
Matrices.checkDimensionEquality(dest, src);
if (disableMemoryAllocation) { // in this case we should not allocate anything, already having 1-pass algorithm
parent.dilation(dest, src, pattern, true);
} else {
Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> destMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix<?>>();
Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> srcMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix<?>>();
destMatrices.put(0, dest);
srcMatrices.put(0, src);
tiler.tile(new MorphologyInPlaceProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, false)) {
public void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
parent().dilation(dest, src, pattern, false);
}).process(destMatrices, srcMatrices);
/*Repeat.AutoGeneratedStart !! Auto-generated: NOT EDIT !! */
public void erosion(
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, final Pattern pattern,
boolean disableMemoryAllocation)
Matrices.checkDimensionEquality(dest, src);
if (disableMemoryAllocation) { // in this case we should not allocate anything, already having 1-pass algorithm
parent.erosion(dest, src, pattern, true);
} else {
Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> destMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix<?>>();
Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> srcMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix<?>>();
destMatrices.put(0, dest);
srcMatrices.put(0, src);
tiler.tile(new MorphologyInPlaceProcessor(SUM.getAperture(dimCount, pattern, true)) {
public void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src) {
parent().erosion(dest, src, pattern, false);
}).process(destMatrices, srcMatrices);
public void dilation(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) {
dilation(dest, src, pattern, false);
public void erosion(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) {
erosion(dest, src, pattern, false);
private Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> tilingProcess(ApertureProcessor<Integer> processor,
Matrix<? extends PArray> src)
Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> destMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix<?>>();
Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> srcMatrices = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Matrix<?>>();
destMatrices.put(0, null); // reserving space for 1 result
srcMatrices.put(0, src);
tiler.tile(processor).process(destMatrices, srcMatrices);
return destMatrices.get(0).cast(UpdatablePArray.class);
private abstract class MorphologyProcessor
extends AbstractArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
implements ApertureProcessor<Integer>, ArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
private final IRectangularArea dependenceAperture;
private MorphologyProcessor(IRectangularArea dependenceAperture) {
super(null); // will be replaced by the tiler
this.dependenceAperture = dependenceAperture;
public Morphology parent() { // parent with the correct sub-task context
return parent.context(this.context());
public void process(Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> dest, Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> src) {
assert src.size() == 1;
assert dest.size() == 1;
dest.put(0, process(src.get(0).cast(PArray.class)));
public abstract Matrix<? extends PArray> process(Matrix<? extends PArray> src);
public IRectangularArea dependenceAperture(Integer srcMatrixKey) {
assert srcMatrixKey == 0;
return dependenceAperture;
private abstract class MorphologyInPlaceProcessor
extends AbstractArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
implements ApertureProcessor<Integer>, ArrayProcessorWithContextSwitching
private final IRectangularArea dependenceAperture;
private MorphologyInPlaceProcessor(IRectangularArea dependenceAperture) {
super(null); // will be replaced by the tiler
this.dependenceAperture = dependenceAperture;
public Morphology parent() { // parent with the correct sub-task context
return parent.context(this.context());
public void process(Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> dest, Map<Integer, Matrix<?>> src) {
assert src.size() == 1;
assert dest.size() == 1;
process(dest.get(0).cast(UpdatablePArray.class), src.get(0).cast(PArray.class));
public abstract void process(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src);
public IRectangularArea dependenceAperture(Integer srcMatrixKey) {
assert srcMatrixKey == 0;
return dependenceAperture;