* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Daniel Alievsky, AlgART Laboratory (http://algart.net)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package net.algart.matrices.morphology;
import net.algart.arrays.*;
import net.algart.arrays.Arrays;
import net.algart.math.IPoint;
import net.algart.math.Point;
import net.algart.math.functions.Func;
import net.algart.math.functions.LinearFunc;
import net.algart.math.patterns.*;
import java.util.*;
* <p>The simplest complete implementation of {@link Morphology} interface.
* This implementation complies with the strict definition of dilation and erosion
* specified in comments to {@link Morphology#dilation(Matrix, Pattern)}
* and {@link Morphology#erosion(Matrix, Pattern)} methods.</p>
* <p>This class provides essential optimization for non-"lazy" dilation and erosion,
* performed by {@link Morphology#dilation(Matrix, Pattern)}
* and {@link Morphology#erosion(Matrix, Pattern)} methods, for most types of patterns.
* So, usually you should use these method, but not {@link Morphology#asDilation(Matrix, Pattern)}
* and {@link Morphology#asErosion(Matrix, Pattern)}.</p>
* <p>Some methods of the returned object can throw {@link TooLargeArrayException}
* in a very improbable situation when the source matrix length (number of elements)
* is greater than <tt>Long.MAX_VALUE/2=2<sup>62</sup>-1</tt>.</p>
* <p>This class is <b>immutable</b> and <b>thread-safe</b>:
* there are no ways to modify settings of the created instance.</p>
* <p>AlgART Laboratory 2007–2014</p>
* @author Daniel Alievsky
* @version 1.2
* @since JDK 1.5
public class BasicMorphology extends AbstractMorphology implements Morphology {
// Java memory may mean additional copying from SimpleMemoryModel to another model;
// current value of this constant guarantees that it cannot require more than ~20% of the total time
private static final int MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE = 4;
private static final boolean QUICK_UNION_DECOMPOSITION_ALGORITHM = true;
// For debugging only: "false" value allows to switch to much more simple, but slower algorithm
private static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_RANGES_FOR_CUSTOM_COPIER = 1048576;
// Good solution for byte matrices up to (this value) * Arrays.SystemSettings.maxMultithreadingMemory() ~ 1 TB
// (for default settings)
private static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS = 262144;
// Only for guarantee that overflow is impossible. This constant plus
// MAX_NUMBER_OF_RANGES_FOR_CUSTOM_COPIER must be less than 2^31.
private final long maxTempJavaMemory;
BasicMorphology(ArrayContext context, long maxTempJavaMemory) {
if (maxTempJavaMemory < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative maxTempJavaMemory argument");
this.maxTempJavaMemory = maxTempJavaMemory;
* Equivalent to {@link #getInstance(ArrayContext, long)
* getInstance}(context, {@link net.algart.arrays.Arrays.SystemSettings#maxTempJavaMemory()}).
* @param context the {@link #context() context} that will be used by this object;
* may be <tt>null</tt>, then it will be ignored.
* @return new instance of this class.
public static BasicMorphology getInstance(ArrayContext context) {
return new BasicMorphology(context, Arrays.SystemSettings.maxTempJavaMemory());
* Returns new instance of this class.
* <p>The <tt>maxTempJavaMemory</tt> argument specifies the maximal amount of usual Java memory,
* in bytes, that methods of this class may freely use for internal needs and for creating results.
* It means: if the size of the resulting matrix, or some temporary matrix or array
* (or, maybe, the summary size of several temporary matrices)
* is not greater than this limit, then a method <i>may</i> (though not <i>must</i>)
* use {@link SimpleMemoryModel} for creating such AlgART matrices (arrays) or may allocate usual Java arrays.
* For allocating greater amount of memory, all methods should use, when possible, the memory model
* specified by the context: {@link ArrayContext#getMemoryModel()}.
* @param context the {@link #context() context} that will be used by this object;
* may be <tt>null</tt>, then it will be ignored.
* @param maxTempJavaMemory maximal amount of Java memory, in bytes, allowed for allocating
* by methods of this class.
* @return new instance of this class.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <tt>maxTempJavaMemory</tt> argument is negative.
public static BasicMorphology getInstance(ArrayContext context, long maxTempJavaMemory) {
return new BasicMorphology(context, maxTempJavaMemory);
public boolean isPseudoCyclic() {
return true;
protected Matrix<? extends PArray> asDilationOrErosion(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern,
boolean isDilation)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (!dimensionsAllowed(src, pattern))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
PArray array = src.array();
final boolean additionalDimension = pattern.dimCount() == src.dimCount() + 1;
double[] increments = !additionalDimension ? null : new double[(int) pattern.pointCount()];
if (additionalDimension) {
pattern = pattern.maxBound(src.dimCount());
long[] rightwardShifts = toShifts(increments, array.length(), src.dimensions(), pattern, !isDilation);
PArray[] shifted = new PArray[rightwardShifts.length];
for (int k = 0; k < rightwardShifts.length; k++) {
shifted[k] = rightwardShifts[k] == 0 ? array :
(PArray) Arrays.asShifted(array, rightwardShifts[k]);
if (increments != null && increments[k] != 0.0) {
shifted[k] = Arrays.asFuncArray(LinearFunc.getInstance(increments[k], 1.0),
// Important! src.type(...) here is necessary to provide good implementation of asFuncArray (min/max)
// below: it is optimized for situations when the type of result is the same as the type of all
// operands. Note that there is no sense to compare elements (while calculating min or max)
// with a precision, other than the desired final precision of the result.
// System.out.println("!!" + java.util.Arrays.asList(shifted));
if (rightwardShifts.length == 1) {
return src.matrix(shifted[0]);
return src.matrix(Arrays.asFuncArray(isDilation ? Func.MAX : Func.MIN,
src.type(PArray.class), shifted));
protected Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dilationOrErosion(
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern, boolean isDilation,
boolean disableMemoryAllocation)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (!dimensionsAllowed(src, pattern))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
if (dest != null && !dest.dimEquals(src))
throw new SizeMismatchException("Destination and source matrix dimensions mismatch: "
+ dest + " and " + src);
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> castDest = dest == null || dest.elementType() == src.elementType() ? dest :
Matrices.asUpdatableFuncMatrix(true, Func.UPDATABLE_IDENTITY,
src.updatableType(UpdatablePArray.class), dest);
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> result = dilationOrErosion(castDest, src,
null, pattern, isDilation, disableMemoryAllocation);
if (dest != null) {
if (result.array() != castDest.array()) { // some methods below recreate matrices based on of same arrays
Matrices.copy(null, castDest, result);
result = dest;
return result;
protected boolean dimensionsAllowed(Matrix<? extends PArray> matrix, Pattern pattern) {
int patternDimCount = pattern.dimCount();
int matrixDimCount = matrix.dimCount();
return patternDimCount == matrixDimCount || patternDimCount == matrixDimCount + 1;
static long[] toShifts(
double[] resultLastCoordinateIncrements,
long totalLength, long[] dimensions, Pattern pattern, boolean symmetric)
Set<Point> points = pattern.points();
long[] result = new long[points.size()];
int k = 0;
for (Point p : points) {
double v = 0.0;
if (p.coordCount() != dimensions.length) {
v = p.coord(dimensions.length);
p = p.projectionAlongAxis(dimensions.length);
long shift = p.toRoundedPoint().toOneDimensional(dimensions, true);
assert shift >= 0 && (shift < totalLength || (totalLength == 0 && shift == 0)) :
"illegal result of toOneDimensional(" + JArrays.toString(dimensions, ", ", 100)
+ ", true) for point " + p + ": " + shift;
if (symmetric && shift != 0) {
shift = totalLength - shift;
if (symmetric) {
v = -v;
if (resultLastCoordinateIncrements != null) {
resultLastCoordinateIncrements[k] = v;
result[k] = shift;
assert k == result.length;
return result;
// possibleDest and pool may be null: then it will be allocated
private Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dilationOrErosion(
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> possibleDest,
Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
ArrayPool pool,
Pattern pattern, boolean isDilation, boolean disableMemoryAllocation)
// long t0 = System.nanoTime();
if (src == null)
throw new AssertionError("Null src argument");
if (pattern == null)
throw new AssertionError("Null pattern argument");
assert possibleDest == null || possibleDest.elementType() == src.elementType();
PArray array = src.array();
final long length = array.length();
final long[] dimensions = src.dimensions();
final boolean additionalDimension = pattern.dimCount() == dimensions.length + 1;
final boolean simpleAlgorithm = disableMemoryAllocation || isSmall(pattern)
|| length == 0
|| !(additionalDimension ? pattern.projectionAlongAxis(dimensions.length) : pattern).isSurelyInteger();
// If length==0, some algorithms alike compactCyclicPositions will not work: let's use the simplest solution.
// If pattern is not integer, Minkowski decomposition of this pattern or
// of the elements of union decomposition will work incorrectly: several dilations/erosions by rounded shifts
// will not be equal to dilation/erosion by the set of original rounded points.
List<Pattern> minkowskiDecomposition = !simpleAlgorithm ?
pattern.minkowskiDecomposition(MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE) :
Collections.singletonList(pattern); // minkSize will be 1 if simpleAlgorithm
final int minkSize = minkowskiDecomposition.size();
assert minkSize >= 1 : "illegal Minkowski decomposition length";
List<Pattern> unionDecomposition = null;
int unionSize = 1;
if (minkSize == 1 && !simpleAlgorithm && !additionalDimension) {
// we know that the union decomposition usually cannot help in a case of additional dimension,
// so we shall not think about the addition dimension in the union decomposition processing below
assert pattern.isSurelyInteger() : "non-integer pattern must not be used for union decomposition";
// - if not, simpleAlgorithm should be true, because there is no additional dimensions
List<List<Pattern>> all = pattern.allUnionDecompositions(MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE);
assert all.size() >= 1 : "illegal length of the list of union decompositions";
if (all.size() == 1 || !(array instanceof BitArray)) {
unionDecomposition = all.get(0);
} else {
unionDecomposition = all.get(1); // optimization for a case when src.xDim() is k*2^m, m=16,32,64
unionSize = unionDecomposition.size();
assert unionSize >= 1 : "illegal union decomposition length";
if (minkSize == 1 && unionSize == 1) { // simplest algorithm: no optimization ways
if (possibleDest == null) {
possibleDest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
if (length > 0) { // else nothing to do
if (additionalDimension) {
pattern = pattern.maxBound(dimensions.length);
double[] decrements = !additionalDimension ? null : new double[(int) pattern.pointCount()];
long[] leftwardShifts = toShifts(decrements, length, dimensions, pattern, isDilation);
simpleDilationOrErosion(possibleDest.array(), array, leftwardShifts, decrements, isDilation);
return possibleDest;
assert !simpleAlgorithm;
// minkSize >= 2 means Minkowski decomposition, unionSize >= 2 means union decomposition
MemoryModel mm = memoryModel();
int numberOfTasks = Math.max(1, Arrays.getThreadPoolFactory(context()).recommendedNumberOfTasks(array));
numberOfTasks = Math.min(numberOfTasks, MAX_NUMBER_OF_TASKS);
int numberOfRanges = numberOfTasks == 1 ? 1 :
(int) Math.min(Arrays.Copier.recommendedNumberOfRanges(array, false),
// false to provide stable behaviour, not depending on possibleDest internal nature
numberOfRanges = (int) Arrays.Copier.correctNumberOfRanges(numberOfRanges, numberOfTasks);
if (minkSize >= 2) { // Minkowski decomposition
long bufferLength = getBufferLengthForMinkowskiDecomposition(
src, minkowskiDecomposition, isDilation, numberOfRanges);
mm = mm(src, hasComplexPatterns(dimensions.length, minkowskiDecomposition) ? 3 : 1, bufferLength);
// - this estimation partially takes into consideration only 1 possible recursive level,
// when minkowskiDilationOrErosion will call this method for non-trivial union decomposition,
// that will allocate 2 additional work matrices
if (possibleDest == null) {
possibleDest = mm.newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
if (pool == null) {
pool = ArrayPool.getInstance(mm, src.elementType(), src.size());
UpdatablePArray buffer = (UpdatablePArray) mm.newUnresizableArray(src.elementType(), bufferLength);
UpdatablePArray result = minkowskiDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
possibleDest.array(), src, buffer, pool, minkowskiDecomposition, isDilation, numberOfTasks);
return src.matrix(result);
} else { // union decomposition
assert !additionalDimension;
assert unionSize >= 2;
// long t01 = System.nanoTime();
long bufferLength = estimateBufferLengthForUnionDecomposition(
src, pattern, unionDecomposition, numberOfRanges);
// long t02 = System.nanoTime();
mm = mm(src, 3, bufferLength);
if (possibleDest == null) {
possibleDest = mm.newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
if (pool == null) {
pool = ArrayPool.getInstance(mm, src.elementType(), length);
UpdatablePArray tempForAccumulator = (UpdatablePArray) pool.requestArray();
UpdatablePArray tempForMorph = null;
UpdatablePArray buffer = bufferLength == length ? (UpdatablePArray) pool.requestArray() :
(UpdatablePArray) mm.newUnresizableArray(array.elementType(), bufferLength);
// long t03 = System.nanoTime();
// Below is O(M) algorithm, log D <= M <= D, where D is the "diameter" of a convex pattern;
// M = D if the groups of segments have no good Minkowski decomposition (as in a circle),
// M = log D if the groups of segments have "log D" Minkowski decomposition (as in a rectangle).
// The basic idea is decomposition to union of segments, for example, horizontal.
// The compactUnionDecomposition method groups all segments with equal lengths
// and builds a "Minkowski pair" for every group G:
// the "normalized" horizontal segment - the first pattern MAIN
// (with begin or end at the origin of coordinates)
// and the set of shifts of all segments with the same length - the second pattern SHIFTS.
// The union of segments of each group G is a Minkowski sum MAIN(+)SHIFTS.
// So, to find the end result (dilation or erosion), we need to find
// a dilation/erosion of the source matrix by the sum MAIN(+)SHIFTS for each "Minkowski pair"
// and unite all such dilations/erosions by max/min operation in the accumulator ("possibleDest").
// To find dilation src (+) (MAIN (+) SHIFT)= (src (+) MAIN) (+) SHIFT
// (or erosion src (-) (MAIN (+) SHIFT) = (src (-) MAIN) (-) SHIFT),
// we can use the result of the previous dilation (erosion) by the smaller segment.
// Namely, let MAIN=MAIN'(+)LITTLE,
// LITTLE is a little difference between previous segment MAIN' and the current segment MAIN
// ("incrementFromPrevious" below).
// Then src (+) MAIN = (src (+) MAIN') (+) LITTLE and can be calculated very quickly:
// we just need to save the previous result src (+) MAIN' (we save it in "tempForMorph" below).
// long t1 = System.nanoTime();
// System.out.println("unionDecomposition: " + unionDecomposition);
List<MinkowskiPair> compactedDecomposition = compactUnionDecomposition(unionDecomposition, isDilation);
// long t2 = System.nanoTime();
for (int k = 0, n = compactedDecomposition.size(); k < n; k++) {
MinkowskiPair pair = compactedDecomposition.get(k);
// System.out.printf("Pair %d / %d (for the original pattern %s):%n %s%n"
// + " main: %s%n"
// + " increment from previous: %d items - %s%n"
// + " decomposition of shifts: %d items - %s%n",
// k, n, pattern, pair,
// pair.main,
// pair.incrementFromPrevious == null ? 0 : pair.incrementFromPrevious.size(),
// pair.incrementFromPrevious,
// pair.shifts.minkowskiDecomposition(0).size(),
// pair.shifts.minkowskiDecomposition(0));
if (pair.incrementFromPrevious != null) {
// Best for performance: we may use previous dilation/erosion by segment,
// saved in tempForMorph, to switch to new (larger) segment length
assert tempForMorph != null : "Null tempForMorph";
long[][] leftwardShifts = toShifts(length, src.dimensions(),
pair.incrementFromPrevious, isDilation);
// Here we does not need to call optimizeMinkowskiDecomposition:
// all segments differences, prepared by compactUnionDecomposition,
// should have little leftward shifts.
// (Note: we use here the used Minkowski sum incrementFromPrevious in a form of list,
// prepared by compactUnionDecomposition. One of previous implementations used
// Minkowski sum in a form of Pattern and called its "minkowskiDecomposition" method here;
// sometimes it led to a bug, because that method returned another list.)
subTask(k, 1.0 / 8, n).simpleMinkowskiDilationOrErosionInPlace(
tempForMorph, buffer, leftwardShifts, isDilation, numberOfTasks);
subTask(k + 1.0 / 8, 7.0 / 8, n).accumulateDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
possibleDest.array(), src.matrix(tempForMorph), pair.shifts, tempForAccumulator,
buffer, pool, isDilation, k == 0, numberOfTasks);
// - 1.0 / 8 here provides precise real division
} else if (pair.incrementToNext != null) {
// No special optimization is possible here, but we need to save
// the current dilation/erosion by segment for next iteration.
if (tempForMorph == null) {
tempForMorph = (UpdatablePArray) pool.requestArray();
UpdatablePArray result = subTask(k, 0.5, n).dilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
tempForMorph, src, pair.main, tempForAccumulator, pool, isDilation, numberOfTasks);
// - we use tempForAccumulator as a buffer here
if (result != tempForMorph) {
// swapping tempForMorph / tempForAccumulator, to place the result in tempForMorph
assert result == tempForAccumulator;
tempForAccumulator = tempForMorph;
tempForMorph = result;
subTask(k + 0.5, 0.5, n).accumulateDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
possibleDest.array(), src.matrix(tempForMorph), pair.shifts, tempForAccumulator,
buffer, pool, isDilation, k == 0, numberOfTasks);
} else {
// Non-segment or isolated segment
if (tempForMorph == null) {
tempForMorph = (UpdatablePArray) pool.requestArray();
subTask(k, 1, n).accumulateDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
possibleDest.array(), src,
pair.shifts.isSurelyOriginPoint() ?
pair.main :
Patterns.newMinkowskiSum(pair.main, pair.shifts),
tempForAccumulator, tempForMorph, pool, isDilation, k == 0, numberOfTasks);
// - we use tempForMorph as a buffer here: it will be reinitialized
// at the nearest iteration when pair.incrementToNext will be != null
// long t3 = System.nanoTime();
// System.out.println(bufferLength + " Calculation time: " + (t1-t0)*1e-6 + " ms "
// + "(" + (t01-t0)*1e-6 + " + " + (t02-t01)*1e-6 + " + " + (t03-t02)*1e-6 + " + "
// + (t1-t03)*1e-6 + ") + "
// + (t2-t1)*1e-6 + " ms + " + (t3-t2)*1e-6 + " ms - " + pattern);
} else {
// Simple algorithm instead of previous loop; for internal testing only
for (int k = 0; k <= unionSize; k++) {
Pattern ptn = null;
if (k < unionSize) {
ptn = unionDecomposition.get(k);
// System.out.println(k + ": " + ptn);
if (ptn.pointCount() == 1) { // shifting only, no sense to actualize it
// Why here? Extra branch? (Not important due to QUICK_UNION_DECOMPOSITION_ALGORITHM)
long rightwardShift = toShifts(null, length, dimensions, ptn, !isDilation)[0];
PArray a = rightwardShift == 0 ? array :
(PArray) Arrays.asShifted(array, rightwardShift);
if (k == 0) {
Arrays.copy(subTask(0, 1, unionSize).context(), possibleDest.array(), a);
} else {
subTask(k, 1, unionSize).minOrMax(possibleDest.array(), a, isDilation);
if (k < unionSize) {
subTask(k, 1, unionSize).accumulateDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
possibleDest.array(), src, ptn, tempForAccumulator, buffer, pool,
isDilation, k == 0, numberOfTasks);
if (bufferLength == length)
return possibleDest;
// Returns possibleDest or buffer
private UpdatablePArray dilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
UpdatablePArray possibleDest,
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern, UpdatablePArray buffer, ArrayPool pool,
boolean isDilation, int numberOfTasks)
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new AssertionError("dilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation must not be called for "
+ "patterns with additional dimension");
// - This method is called only while procession the union decomposition branch, which is skipped in this case
List<Pattern> md = pattern.minkowskiDecomposition(MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE);
int m = md.size();
if (m >= 2) {
return minkowskiDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
possibleDest, src, buffer, pool, md, isDilation, numberOfTasks);
} else {
PArray array = src.array();
long length = array.length();
simpleDilationOrErosion(possibleDest, array,
toShifts(null, length, src.dimensions(), pattern, isDilation),
return possibleDest;
// For dilation, accumulator |= src (+) pattern
// For erosion, accumulator &= src (-) pattern
private void accumulateDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
UpdatablePArray accumulator,
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern,
UpdatablePArray temp, UpdatablePArray buffer, ArrayPool pool,
boolean isDilation, boolean accumulatorIsEmpty, int numberOfTasks)
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new AssertionError("accumulateDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation must not be called for "
+ "patterns with additional dimension");
// - This method is called only while procession the union decomposition branch, which is skipped in this case
List<Pattern> md = pattern.minkowskiDecomposition(MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE);
int m = md.size();
if (m >= 2) {
if (accumulatorIsEmpty) {
UpdatablePArray result = minkowskiDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
accumulator, src, buffer, pool, md, isDilation, numberOfTasks);
if (result != accumulator) {
} else {
UpdatablePArray result = subTask(0, m, m + 1).minkowskiDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
temp, src, buffer, pool, md, isDilation, numberOfTasks);
subTask(m, 1, m + 1).minOrMax(accumulator, result, isDilation);
} else {
PArray array = src.array();
long length = array.length();
// System.out.println("acc Dilation/erosion by points: " + pattern.roundedPoints());
// System.out.println("acc Cardinality: " + Arrays.sumOf(accumulator));
if (accumulatorIsEmpty) {
simpleDilationOrErosion(accumulator, array,
toShifts(null, length, src.dimensions(), pattern, isDilation),
} else {
Set<IPoint> points = pattern.roundedPoints();
if (points.size() == 1) { // shifting only
long rightwardShift = toShifts(null, length, src.dimensions(), pattern, !isDilation)[0];
PArray a = rightwardShift == 0 ? array :
(PArray) Arrays.asShifted(array, rightwardShift);
minOrMax(accumulator, a, isDilation);
} else {
PArray[] arrays = new PArray[points.size() + 1];
arrays[0] = accumulator;
long[] rightwardShifts = toShifts(null, length, src.dimensions(), pattern, !isDilation);
// System.out.println(" {" + JArrays.toString(rightwardShifts, ",", 100) + "}");
for (int k = 0; k < rightwardShifts.length; k++) {
arrays[k + 1] = rightwardShifts[k] == 0 ? array :
(PArray) Arrays.asShifted(array, rightwardShifts[k]);
minOrMax(accumulator, arrays, isDilation);
// System.out.println("acc New cardinality: " + Arrays.sumOf(accumulator));
// Returns possibleDest or buffer
private UpdatablePArray minkowskiDilationOrErosionWithoutAllocation(
UpdatablePArray possibleDest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
UpdatablePArray buffer, ArrayPool pool, List<Pattern> minkowskiDecomposition,
boolean isDilation, int numberOfTasks)
int minkSize = minkowskiDecomposition.size();
if (minkSize == 0)
throw new AssertionError("This method must not be called for empty minkowskiDecomposition list");
List<Pattern> goodPatterns = new ArrayList<Pattern>(minkowskiDecomposition);
List<Pattern> complexPatterns = extractComplexPatterns(src.dimCount(), goodPatterns);
int goodSize = goodPatterns.size();
int complexSize = complexPatterns.size();
assert goodSize + complexSize == minkSize;
PArray array = src.array();
long length = array.length();
assert possibleDest.length() == length;
long[][] leftwardShifts = toShifts(length, src.dimensions(), goodPatterns, isDilation);
leftwardShifts = optimizeMinkowskiDecomposition(length, leftwardShifts);
int totalSize = leftwardShifts.length + complexSize;
// System.out.println("mm Dilation/erosion by " + minkowskiDecomposition
// + " (" + goodSize + " good and " + complexSize + " complex patterns):");
// for (Pattern ptn : complexPatterns)
// System.out.print(" {" + ptn + "}");
// for (long[] ls : leftwardShifts)
// System.out.print(" {" + JArrays.toString(ls, ",", 100) + "}");
// System.out.println();
int complexIndex = 0;
if (complexSize > 0) {
assert buffer.length() == array.length() : "Illegal buffer length for complex Minkowski decomposition";
if (leftwardShifts.length > 0) {
subTask(0, leftwardShifts.length, totalSize).simpleMinkowskiDilationOrErosion(
possibleDest, array, buffer, leftwardShifts, isDilation, numberOfTasks);
} else if (complexSize == 0) {
// possible when minkowskiDecomposition consists of one 1-point pattern with the origin
// (current implementation does not use this)
Arrays.copy(context(), possibleDest, src.array());
} else {
subTask(0, 1, totalSize).dilationOrErosion(
src.matrix(possibleDest), src, pool, complexPatterns.get(0),
isDilation, false);
complexIndex = 1;
for (; complexIndex < complexSize; complexIndex++) {
// Here is the only RECURSIVE CALL of this module
subTask(leftwardShifts.length + complexIndex, 1, totalSize).dilationOrErosion(
src.matrix(buffer), src.matrix(possibleDest), pool, complexPatterns.get(complexIndex),
isDilation, false);
UpdatablePArray temp = buffer;
buffer = possibleDest;
possibleDest = temp;
// System.out.println("Cardinality: " + Arrays.sumOf(src.array()) + " -> " + Arrays.sumOf(possibleDest));
return possibleDest;
// Destroys leftwardShifts! They must be sorted by increasing (exception the last element)!
private void simpleMinkowskiDilationOrErosion(
UpdatablePArray dest, PArray src,
UpdatablePArray buffer, long[][] leftwardShifts, boolean isMax, int numberOfTasks)
// System.out.println("mm Simple dilation/erosion:");
// for (long[] ls : leftwardShifts)
// System.out.println(" {" + JArrays.toString(ls, ",", 100) + "}");
int m = leftwardShifts.length;
if (m == 0)
throw new AssertionError("This method must not be called for empty leftwardShifts array");
subTask(0, 1, m).simpleDilationOrErosion(dest, src, leftwardShifts[leftwardShifts.length - 1],
null, //TODO!!
// - The correction shift, that usually cannot be performed "in place" by common algorithm
// (because it is rightward), should be placed at the end of array by optimizeMinkowskiDecomposition method.
if (m == 1)
for (int k = 1; k < m; k++) {
subTask(k, 1, m).simpleDilationOrErosionInPlace(
dest, buffer, leftwardShifts[k - 1], isMax, true, numberOfTasks);
// System.out.println("Cardinality: " + Arrays.sumOf(src) + " -> " + Arrays.sumOf(dest));
// Destroys leftwardShifts!
private void simpleMinkowskiDilationOrErosionInPlace(
UpdatablePArray array,
UpdatablePArray buffer, long[][] leftwardShifts, boolean isMax, int numberOfTasks)
for (int k = 0, m = leftwardShifts.length; k < m; k++) {
subTask(k, 1, m).simpleDilationOrErosionInPlace(
array, buffer, leftwardShifts[k], isMax, false, numberOfTasks);
// Destroys leftwardShifts!
private void simpleDilationOrErosion(
UpdatablePArray dest, PArray src,
final long[] leftwardShifts, final double[] decrements, boolean isMax)
final long length = src.length();
assert length == dest.length() : "src/dest array lengths mismatch";
boolean additionalDimension = decrements != null;
if (!additionalDimension) {
Arrays.sort(SimpleMemoryModel.asUpdatableLongArray(leftwardShifts), new ArrayComparator() {
public boolean less(long firstIndex, long secondIndex) {
long first = leftwardShifts[(int) firstIndex] - length >> 2;
long second = leftwardShifts[(int) secondIndex] - length >> 2;
return Math.abs(first) < Math.abs(second);
// Sorting by absolute value of the shift allows to better performance for bit array:
// nextPosition will be based on non-shifted matrix, if the zero shift is inside the pattern.
// While using additional dimension, it is usually not actual: the calculation are more complex.
// Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
PArray[] shifted = new PArray[leftwardShifts.length];
// System.out.printf("A %d %.3f MB used%n", shifted.length, (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1048576.0);
for (int k = 0; k < leftwardShifts.length; k++) {
shifted[k] = leftwardShifts[k] == 0 ? src :
(PArray) Arrays.asShifted(src, -leftwardShifts[k]);
if (additionalDimension && decrements[k] != 0.0) {
shifted[k] = Arrays.asFuncArray(LinearFunc.getInstance(-decrements[k], 1.0),
// Important! dest.type() here is necessary to provide good implementation of asFuncArray (min/max)
// below: it is optimized for situations when the type of result is the same as the type of all
// operands. Note that there is no sense to compare elements (while calculating min or max)
// with a precision, other than the desired final precision of the result.
// System.out.printf("B %.3f MB used%n", (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1048576.0);
// System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
// System.out.printf("C %.3f MB used%n", (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1048576.0);
// System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.asList(shifted));
PArray lazy = leftwardShifts.length == 1 ?
shifted[0] :
Arrays.asFuncArray(isMax ? Func.MAX : Func.MIN, dest.type(), shifted);
// System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
// System.out.printf("D %.3f MB used%n", (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1048576.0);
Arrays.copy(context(), dest, lazy);
// System.out.printf("E %.3f MB used%n", (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1048576.0);
// System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc();
// System.out.printf("F %.3f MB used%n", (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1048576.0);
// Called for very small patterns, usually 2-point.
// All leftwardShifts must be sorted (if shiftsAreSorted)
// little non-negative values, usually starting from 0 (for better bug detection).
private void simpleDilationOrErosionInPlace(
UpdatablePArray array, UpdatablePArray buffer,
long[] leftwardShifts, boolean isMax, boolean shiftsAreSorted, int numberOfTasks)
long length = array.length();
for (int k = 1; k < leftwardShifts.length; k++) {
if (leftwardShifts[k] < 0 || leftwardShifts[k] >= length)
throw new AssertionError("Illegal shift: not in 0.." + (length - 1) + " range");
if (shiftsAreSorted && (leftwardShifts[k] < leftwardShifts[k - 1]))
throw new AssertionError("Shifts are not sorted: " + JArrays.toString(leftwardShifts, ", ", 1000));
if (leftwardShifts.length == 0 && leftwardShifts[0] == 0)
return; // nothing to do
long maxShift = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (long sh : leftwardShifts) {
maxShift = Math.max(sh, maxShift);
if (maxShift > buffer.length())
throw new AssertionError("Buffer length is less than maximal shift " + maxShift + ": buffer is " + buffer);
if (shiftsAreSorted) {
assert maxShift == leftwardShifts[leftwardShifts.length - 1];
buffer.copy(array.subArr(0, maxShift));
// - Saving the array begin: it will be damaged by the main part of the algorithm below.
// This array begin is repeated at the end of "expanded" array - concatenation array|buffer.
long mainLength = length - maxShift;
// For all elements 0..mainLength-1 we just need to calculate MAX or MIN for several subarrays.
// For the rest mainLength..length-1, we shall need to use subarrays of a concatenation array|buffer.
// Processing the main part: 0..mainLength-1
PArray[] shifted = new PArray[leftwardShifts.length];
for (int k = 0; k < leftwardShifts.length; k++) {
shifted[k] = array.subArr(leftwardShifts[k], mainLength);
PArray lazy = leftwardShifts.length == 1 ?
shifted[0] :
Arrays.asFuncArray(isMax ? Func.MAX : Func.MIN, array.type(), shifted);
assert lazy.length() == mainLength;
if (numberOfTasks == 1) { // no problems here
Arrays.copy(contextPart(0.0, 0.95), array, lazy);
} else { // we must not process last maxShift elements in every subrange
assert numberOfTasks > 1 : "invalid numberOfTasks = " + numberOfTasks;
final long endGap = maxShift;
Arrays.Copier copier = new Arrays.Copier(contextPart(0.05, 0.90), array, lazy,
Math.min(Arrays.Copier.recommendedNumberOfRanges(array, false),
public long endGap(long rangeIndex) {
return rangeIndex < numberOfRanges - 1 ? endGap : 0;
long nr = copier.numberOfRanges();
assert nr == (int) nr; // because nr <= max(numberOfTasks, MAX_NUMBER_OF_RANGES_FOR_CUSTOM_COPIER)
final int numberOfSavings = (int) nr - 1;
long[] savingRangesLengths = new long[numberOfSavings + 1];
long[] savingRangesFrom = new long[numberOfSavings + 1];
long[] savingPosInBuffer = new long[numberOfSavings + 1];
savingPosInBuffer[0] = maxShift;
for (int m = 0; m < numberOfSavings; m++) {
long gap = Math.min(maxShift, copier.rangeLength(m));
savingRangesLengths[m] = gap;
savingRangesFrom[m] = copier.rangeTo(m) - gap;
savingPosInBuffer[m + 1] = savingPosInBuffer[m] + gap;
if (savingPosInBuffer[numberOfSavings] > buffer.length())
throw new AssertionError("Too short buffer for multithread saving: " + buffer.length()
+ " < " + savingPosInBuffer[numberOfSavings]);
// Proof that it is impossible.
// We've chosen buffer enough to store min(numberOfRanges*maxShift,array.length()) elements,
// for any shifts.
// 1. Sum of all savingRangesLengths[m] is not greater than lazy.length(), so,
// maxShift + this sum <= array.length().
// 2. All gaps <= maxShift, so, this sum <= numberOfRanges*maxShift.
UpdatablePArray[] savingBuffers = new UpdatablePArray[numberOfSavings];
for (int m = 0; m < numberOfSavings; m++) {
savingBuffers[m] = buffer.subArray(savingPosInBuffer[m], savingPosInBuffer[m + 1]);
Arrays.copy(contextPart(0.05 * m / numberOfSavings, 0.05 * (m + 1) / numberOfSavings),
savingBuffers[m], lazy.subArr(savingRangesFrom[m], savingRangesLengths[m]));
// multithreading is allowed here, though usually has no sense
copier.process(); // main part of algorithm: processing numberOfRanges regions
for (int m = 0; m < numberOfSavings; m++) {
Arrays.copy(contextPart(0.9 + 0.05 * m / numberOfSavings, 0.9 + 0.05 * (m + 1) / numberOfSavings),
array.subArr(savingRangesFrom[m], savingRangesLengths[m]), savingBuffers[m]);
// multithreading is allowed here, though usually has no sense
// Processing the rest: mainLength..length-1
PArray expanded = (PArray) Arrays.asConcatenation(array, buffer);
// Theoretically, TooLargeArrayException is possible here. But really it is impossible:
// this branch is used only if we have ACTUAL (not lazy) array, which cannot be so large (~2^63 elements).
// And even if we suppose an ability of such array, this branch is called only in a situation
// when allocation memory is allowed (at least, for the appended buffer); it means that
// TooLargeArrayException is allowed here and is not a violation of the contract,
// because OutOfMemoryError is allowed.
for (int k = 0; k < leftwardShifts.length; k++) {
shifted[k] = (PArray) expanded.subArr(mainLength + leftwardShifts[k], maxShift);
lazy = leftwardShifts.length == 1 ?
shifted[0] :
Arrays.asFuncArray(isMax ? Func.MAX : Func.MIN, array.type(), shifted);
assert lazy.length() == maxShift;
Arrays.copy(contextPart(0.95, 1.0),
array.subArr(mainLength, maxShift), lazy, 1);
// multithreading is NOT allowed here, because it is in-place operation
private void minOrMax(UpdatablePArray dest, PArray src, boolean isMax) {
Arrays.applyFunc(context(), isMax ? Func.MAX : Func.MIN, dest, dest, src);
private void minOrMax(UpdatablePArray dest, PArray[] src, boolean isMax) {
Arrays.applyFunc(context(), isMax ? Func.MAX : Func.MIN, dest, src);
private static boolean isSmall(Pattern pattern) {
if (pattern instanceof QuickPointCountPattern) {
return pattern.pointCount() <= MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE;
} else {
// don't call pointCount() for such pattern: it can be slow
return false;
// Quick check for our possible rectangular pattern, including 1- and 2-point ones
private static boolean isRectangularOrVerySmall(Pattern pattern) {
return pattern instanceof RectangularPattern
|| (pattern instanceof QuickPointCountPattern && pattern.pointCount() <= 2);
private static boolean isComplex(int matrixDimCount, Pattern pattern) {
if (pattern.dimCount() != matrixDimCount || pattern.hasMinkowskiDecomposition()) {
// we shall not try to optimally process Minkowski sums of patterns with an extra dimension
return true;
List<List<Pattern>> ud = pattern.allUnionDecompositions(MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE);
return ud.size() > 1 || ud.get(0).size() > 1;
private static boolean hasComplexPatterns(int matrixDimCount, List<Pattern> patterns) {
for (Pattern ptn : patterns) {
if (isComplex(matrixDimCount, ptn)) {
return true;
return false;
private static List<Pattern> extractComplexPatterns(int matrixDimCount, List<Pattern> patterns) {
List<Pattern> result = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
int newLength = 0, n = patterns.size();
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
Pattern ptn = patterns.get(k);
if (isComplex(matrixDimCount, ptn)) {
} else {
patterns.set(newLength++, ptn);
patterns.subList(newLength, n).clear();
return result;
// src.size() means that full 2-matrix swapping algorithm is necessary
private static long getBufferLengthForMinkowskiDecomposition(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
List<Pattern> minkowskiDecomposition,
boolean isDilation, int numberOfRanges)
long length = src.size();
if (hasComplexPatterns(src.dimCount(), minkowskiDecomposition)) {
return length;
long[][] leftwardShifts = toShifts(length, src.dimensions(), minkowskiDecomposition, isDilation);
leftwardShifts = optimizeMinkowskiDecomposition(length, leftwardShifts);
long maxShift = 0;
for (long[] ptn : leftwardShifts) {
if (ptn.length > 1) { // 1-point pattern is processed by special way and does not require buffer
maxShift = Math.max(maxShift, ptn[ptn.length - 1]);
assert maxShift < length;
if (maxShift >= length / numberOfRanges) {
return length;
return maxShift * numberOfRanges;
private static long estimateBufferLengthForUnionDecomposition(
Matrix<?> src,
Pattern pattern, List<Pattern> unionDecomposition, int numberOfRanges)
long length = src.size();
for (Pattern ptn : unionDecomposition) {
List<Pattern> md = ptn.minkowskiDecomposition(MIN_POINT_COUNT_TO_DECOMPOSE);
if (hasComplexPatterns(src.dimCount(), md)) {
return length;
long[] rightBottomCorner = new long[pattern.dimCount()]; // really right-bottom for 2-dimensional case
for (int k = 0; k < rightBottomCorner.length; k++) {
rightBottomCorner[k] = pattern.roundedCoordRange(k).size() - 1;
if (rightBottomCorner[k] >= src.dim(k)) { // i.e. pattern.roundedCoordRange(k).size() > src.dim(k)
return length; // the simplest solution
for (Pattern ptn : unionDecomposition) { // additional testing (to be on the safe side)
for (int k = 0; k < rightBottomCorner.length; k++) {
long ptnDimK = ptn.roundedCoordRange(k).size() - 1;
if (ptnDimK > rightBottomCorner[k]) {
throw new AssertionError("Invalid union decomposition of " + pattern
+ ": element " + ptn + " of the union is larger than the full pattern; "
+ "the union decomposition is " + unionDecomposition);
// Now we are sure that the pattern is not greater than the matrix along all coordinates;
// so, we can be sure that the necessary shift for any its point is not greater than
// the shift for the "right-bottom corner" of the circumscribed parallelepiped
long shift = IPoint.valueOf(rightBottomCorner).toOneDimensional(src.dimensions(), true);
assert shift <= length;
if (shift >= length / numberOfRanges) {
return length;
return shift * numberOfRanges;
// Removes all 1-point patterns and compact all multipoint patterns;
// adds the summary correction shift as the last element (if necessary)
private static long[][] optimizeMinkowskiDecomposition(long totalLength, long[][] shifts) {
List<long[]> result = new ArrayList<long[]>();
long summaryCorrection = 0;
for (long[] ptn : shifts) {
assert ptn.length > 0;
if (ptn.length == 1) {
summaryCorrection += ptn[0];
} else {
summaryCorrection += Arrays.compactCyclicPositions(totalLength, ptn);
if (summaryCorrection != 0) {
result.add(new long[]{summaryCorrection});
return result.toArray(new long[result.size()][]);
// Places all segments, contained in the list of patterns, to the start of the list in order
// of increasing their length; replaces all segments by their implementations from our package.
// Returns new list in the method result and does not modify the argument.
// Called from compactUnionDecomposition only.
private static List<Pattern> optimizeUnionDecomposition(List<Pattern> patterns) {
int maxDimCount = 0;
for (Pattern ptn : patterns) {
maxDimCount = Math.max(maxDimCount, ptn.dimCount());
List<Pattern> source = new LinkedList<Pattern>(patterns);
List<Pattern> result = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
for (int k = maxDimCount - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
int before = result.size();
for (Iterator<Pattern> iterator = source.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Pattern ptn = iterator.next();
if (isSegmentAlongTheAxis(ptn, k)) {
// newRectangularIntegerPattern gives a guarantee that we shall have a good implementation
// from this package, even if the original ptn, for example, is just a simple pattern
int after = result.size();
Collections.sort(result.subList(before, after), new Comparator<Pattern>() {
public int compare(Pattern o1, Pattern o2) {
long count1 = o1.pointCount();
long count2 = o2.pointCount();
return count1 < count2 ? -1 : count1 == count2 ? 0 : 1;
return result;
private static List<MinkowskiPair> compactUnionDecomposition(List<Pattern> patterns, boolean negativeSegments) {
patterns = optimizeUnionDecomposition(patterns);
List<MinkowskiPair> result = new ArrayList<MinkowskiPair>();
Pattern lastNormalized = null;
Set<IPoint> shiftsOfEqualSegments = new HashSet<IPoint>();
for (Pattern ptn : patterns) {
Pattern normalized;
List<Pattern> minkowskiIncrement;
IPoint rectEndOrStart;
if (!isRectangularOrVerySmall(ptn)) {
// surely not a segment: avoiding slow calls of coordMin, coordMax, shift methods
// and providing a correct, non-shifted pattern for the quick algorithm
rectEndOrStart = IPoint.origin(ptn.dimCount());
normalized = ptn;
minkowskiIncrement = null;
} else {
Point preciseRectEndOrStart = negativeSegments ? ptn.coordMax() : ptn.coordMin();
assert preciseRectEndOrStart.isInteger();
// - this method is called only in union-decomposition mode,
// which is not used for non-integer or (N+1)-dimensional patterns
rectEndOrStart = preciseRectEndOrStart.toRoundedPoint();
normalized = ptn.shift(rectEndOrStart.symmetric().toPoint());
// normalized segment has origin at the left or right end:
// so minkowskiIncrement will consists of little positive / negative points
// that provide good (small) leftward / rightward shifts
minkowskiIncrement = lastNormalized == null ?
null :
minkowskiSubtractSegment(normalized, lastNormalized);
boolean equalSegments = minkowskiIncrement != null && minkowskiIncrement.size() == 1
&& minkowskiIncrement.get(0).isSurelyOriginPoint();
if (minkowskiIncrement == null || !equalSegments) {
// If minkowskiIncrement!=null, "normalized" and "lastNormalized" are segments along the same axis
// (equal segments if minkowskiIncrement.size()==1 && minkowskiIncrement.get(0).isOriginPoint().
// If minkowskiIncrement==null, then
// either "lastNormalized" is not a segment and should be saved in result (if !=null),
// or we should save the accumulated set of shifted copies of "lastNormalized" segment.
if (lastNormalized != null) {
result.add(new MinkowskiPair(
lastNormalized, // - main pattern, probably segment
lastNormalized = normalized;
if (lastNormalized != null) {
result.add(new MinkowskiPair(
for (int k = 0, n = result.size(); k < n; k++) {
MinkowskiPair pair = result.get(k);
List<Pattern> incrementFromPrevious = k == 0 ? null : result.get(k - 1).incrementToNext;
if (incrementFromPrevious == null && pair.incrementToNext == null) {
// isolated pattern, in particular, not a segment
if (pair.shifts.pointCount() == 1) {
// so, there is no sense to store the shift and the basic pattern separately
IPoint shift = pair.shifts.roundedPoints().iterator().next();
if (!shift.isOrigin()) {
pair = new MinkowskiPair(
pair.incrementFromPrevious = incrementFromPrevious;
result.set(k, pair); // necessary in a case of rebuilding the pair for an isolated pattern
return result;
private static class MinkowskiPair {
* The segment or another pattern.
final Pattern main;
* Additional Minkowski summand for segment, {origin} for other patterns.
final Pattern shifts;
* Difference between this and next segment in a form of Minkowski decomposition,
* <tt>null</tt> if there is no such difference.
final List<Pattern> incrementToNext;
* Difference between this and previous segment in a form of Minkowski decomposition,
* <tt>null</tt> if there is no such difference. Filled later.
List<Pattern> incrementFromPrevious = null;
MinkowskiPair(Pattern main, Set<IPoint> shifts, List<Pattern> incrementToNext) {
if (main == null)
throw new AssertionError("Null main argument");
if (shifts == null)
throw new AssertionError("Null shifts argument");
this.main = main;
this.shifts = Patterns.newIntegerPattern(shifts);
this.incrementToNext = incrementToNext;
public String toString() {
return "Main pattern [" + main + "] (+) shifts [" + shifts + "]"
+ (incrementFromPrevious == null && incrementToNext == null ? ", isolated" : "")
+ (incrementFromPrevious == null ? "" :
", good element increment from the previous: Minkowski sum of " + incrementFromPrevious)
+ (incrementToNext == null ? "" :
", good element increment to the next: Minkowski sum of " + incrementToNext);
private static boolean isSegmentAlongTheAxis(Pattern pattern, int coordIndex) {
if (!(pattern instanceof QuickPointCountPattern)) {
return false; // in other case, the checking can be too slow
if (pattern.pointCount() == 1) {
return true;
return pattern instanceof UniformGridPattern && ((UniformGridPattern) pattern).isActuallyRectangular()
&& !((QuickPointCountPattern) pattern).isPointCountVeryLarge()
&& pattern.roundedCoordRange(coordIndex).size() == pattern.pointCount();
* Returns Minkowski decomposition of such pattern p that larger=smaller(+)p,
* or <tt>null</tt> if there is no such pattern.
* Works with 1-dimensional segments; for all other types of the passed patterns,
* returns <tt>null</tt>.
* Returns best results if at least minimal or maximal segment ends are equal.
* @param larger larger pattern.
* @param smaller smaller pattern.
* @return Minkowski decomposition of such pattern p that larger=smaller(+)p or <tt>null</tt>.
private static List<Pattern> minkowskiSubtractSegment(Pattern larger, Pattern smaller) {
final int dimCount = larger.dimCount();
if (smaller.dimCount() != dimCount) {
return null;
int axis = -1;
for (int k = 0; k < dimCount; k++) {
if (isSegmentAlongTheAxis(larger, k)) {
axis = k;
if (axis == -1) {
return null;
if (!isSegmentAlongTheAxis(smaller, axis)) {
return null;
long largerLength = larger.pointCount();
long smallerLength = smaller.pointCount();
if (largerLength < smallerLength) {
return null;
long[] rightShift = new long[dimCount];
boolean sameRightEnd = true;
for (int k = 0; k < dimCount; k++) {
rightShift[k] = larger.roundedCoordRange(k).max() - smaller.roundedCoordRange(k).max();
sameRightEnd &= rightShift[k] == 0;
if (largerLength == smallerLength) {
return Collections.<Pattern>singletonList(Patterns.newIntegerPattern(IPoint.valueOf(rightShift)));
ArrayList<Pattern> result = new ArrayList<Pattern>();
long[] leftShift = rightShift; // optimization (no allocation new array): rightShift will not be used below
boolean sameLeftEnd = true;
for (int k = 0; k < dimCount; k++) {
leftShift[k] = larger.roundedCoordRange(k).min() - smaller.roundedCoordRange(k).min();
sameLeftEnd &= leftShift[k] == 0;
boolean negativeSegments = sameRightEnd;
if (!negativeSegments && !sameLeftEnd) {
// Building Minkowski decomposition of left..0 segment (inclusive), without pairs less than smallLength
IPoint origin = IPoint.origin(dimCount);
long len = largerLength - smallerLength;
while (len > 0) {
// We need to add 0..len segment
if (len <= smallerLength) {
result.add(Patterns.newIntegerPattern(origin, origin.shiftAlongAxis(axis, negativeSegments ? -len : len)));
long newLen = len >> 1;
result.add(Patterns.newIntegerPattern(origin, origin.shiftAlongAxis(axis,
negativeSegments ? newLen - len : len - newLen)));
len = newLen;
return result;
private static long[][] toShifts(long totalLength, long[] dimensions, List<Pattern> patterns, boolean symmetric) {
long[][] result = new long[patterns.size()][];
int k = 0;
for (Pattern ptn : patterns) {
result[k++] = toShifts(null, totalLength, dimensions, ptn, symmetric);
assert k == result.length;
return result;
* Equivalent to <tt>context==null ? thisInstance : {@link #context(ArrayContext)
* context}(context().{@link ArrayContext#part(double, double)
* part}(fromPart/totalSize, (fromPart+subtaskSize)/totalSize))</tt>.
* <p>This method is useful to perform a subtask of the full morphology task
* with correct progress visualization via
* {@link ArrayContext#updateProgress(net.algart.arrays.ArrayContext.Event) ArrayContext.updateProgress} method.
* @param fromPart the estimated ready part, from 0.0 to <tt>totalTaskSize</tt>, of the total algorithm
* of the total algorithm at the start of the subtask.
* @param subTaskSize the estimated length of the subtask, from 0.0 to <tt>totalTaskSize-fromPart</tt>.
* @param totalTaskSize the total length of full task in some conventional units.
* @return new instance of this class corresponding to the subtask of the full algorithm,
* from <tt>fromPart/totalTaskSize*100%</tt>
* to <tt>(fromPart+subtaskSize/totalTaskSize*100%</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>fromPart</tt> is not in <tt>0.0..totalTaskSize</tt> range,
* or if <tt>subtaskSize>totalTaskSize-fromPart</tt>,
* or if <tt>subtaskSize<0.0</tt>,
* or if <tt>totalTaskSize<0.0</tt>.
private BasicMorphology subTask(double fromPart, double subTaskSize, double totalTaskSize) {
if (totalTaskSize < 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative totalTaskSize");
if (subTaskSize < 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative subTaskSize");
double from = fromPart / totalTaskSize;
double to = (fromPart + subTaskSize) / totalTaskSize;
if (to > 1.0 && to <= 1.001) {
to = 1.0; // to be on the safe side while estimative calculations in this class
return (BasicMorphology) context(contextPart(from, to));
private MemoryModel mm(Matrix<? extends PArray> matrix, int numberOfMatrices, long bufferLength) {
long matrixMemory = Arrays.longMul(Matrices.sizeOf(matrix), numberOfMatrices);
if (matrixMemory == Long.MIN_VALUE) { // overflow
return memoryModel();
assert matrixMemory >= 0; // sizeOf works always for PArray
long bufferMemory = Arrays.sizeOf(matrix.elementType(), bufferLength);
if (matrixMemory > maxTempJavaMemory - bufferMemory) {
return memoryModel();
} else {
return SimpleMemoryModel.getInstance();