* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Daniel Alievsky, AlgART Laboratory (http://algart.net)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package net.algart.matrices.morphology;
import net.algart.arrays.*;
import net.algart.math.functions.Func;
import net.algart.math.functions.LinearFunc;
import net.algart.math.patterns.Pattern;
* <p>A skeletal implementation of the {@link RankMorphology} interface to minimize
* the effort required to implement this interface.</p>
* <p>This class extends {@link AbstractMorphology} and inherits from it all implementations of
* {@link Morphology} methods, excepting {@link
* #dilationOrErosion(Matrix dest, Matrix src, Pattern pattern, boolean isDilation, boolean disableMemoryAllocation)
* dilationOrErosion}, which is declared here as abstract.</p>
* <p>Among methods of {@link RankMorphology} interface, this class implements the 2nd method
* from each triplet: 1) <i>asOperation</i>, 2) <i>operation</i>, creating new matrix and
* 3) <i>operation</i>, storing result in the 1st <tt>dest</tt> argument.
* Every 2nd method from such a triplet is implemented via the 3rd one:
* it creates the necessary resulting updatable matrix and pass it as <tt>dest</tt>
* argument to the 3rd method. See more details in comments to the methods of this class.</p>
* <p>In addition, this class fully implements all 3 methods
* {@link #asMean(Matrix, Pattern) asMean}, {@link #mean(Matrix, Pattern) mean} (creating new matrix) and
* {@link #mean(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern) mean} (storing result in <tt>dest</tt> argument) via
* the corresponding {@link #asFunctionOfSum(Matrix, Pattern, Func) asFunctionOfSum}
* and {@link #functionOfSum(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, Func) functionOfSum} methods.
* Also this class fully implements the methods which get the percentile indexes in a form of <tt>double</tt>
* parameters: these methods are implemented via the analogous methods getting the percentile indexes in
* {@link Matrix} parameters.</p>
* <p>Besides implementing methods of {@link RankMorphology}, this class declares
* {@link #constantPercentileMatrix(Matrix, double)} method, convenient for implementing
* methods which get the percentile indexes in a form of <tt>double</tt> parameters.</p>
* <p>AlgART Laboratory 2007–2014</p>
* @author Daniel Alievsky
* @version 1.2
* @since JDK 1.5
public abstract class AbstractRankMorphology extends AbstractMorphology implements RankMorphology {
* Creates an instance of this class with the given context.
* @param context the context used by this instance for all operations.
protected AbstractRankMorphology(ArrayContext context) {
public RankMorphology context(ArrayContext newContext) {
return (RankMorphology) super.context(newContext);
protected abstract Matrix<? extends PArray> asDilationOrErosion(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern, boolean isDilation);
protected abstract Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dilationOrErosion(
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern, boolean isDilation,
boolean disableMemoryAllocation);
// bad idea to inherit dilationOrErosion from AbstractMorphology: it is much better to call percentile
public abstract Matrix<? extends PArray> asPercentile(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes, Pattern pattern);
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #asPercentile(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern) asPercentile}(src,m,pattern)</tt>,
* where <nobr><tt>m={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex)</tt></nobr>.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndex <i>r</i> argument of the percentile.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @return the "lazy" matrix containing the percentile of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends PArray> asPercentile(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double percentileIndex, Pattern pattern)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
return asPercentile(src, constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex), pattern);
* This implementation creates a new updatable matrix <tt>dest</tt> by the call
* <nobr><tt>dest={@link #memoryModel memoryModel}.{@link MemoryModel#newMatrix(Class, Matrix)
* newMatrix}(UpdatablePArray.class,src)</tt></nobr>, calculates the percentile by the call
* <nobr><tt>{@link #percentile(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern)
* percentile}(dest,src,percentileIndexes,pattern)</tt></nobr>
* and returns <tt>dest</tt> as the result.
* All necessary checks of correctness of the arguments are performed before allocating new matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndexes the matrix containing <i>r</i> argument: the indexes of the percentile
* for every element of the result.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @return the percentile of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> percentile(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes, Pattern pattern)
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
Matrices.checkDimensionEquality(src, percentileIndexes);
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
percentile(dest, src, percentileIndexes, pattern);
return dest;
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #percentile(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern) percentile}(src,m,pattern)</tt>,
* where <nobr><tt>m={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex)</tt></nobr>.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndex <i>r</i> argument of the percentile.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @return the percentile of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> percentile(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, double percentileIndex, Pattern pattern)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
return percentile(src, constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex), pattern);
public abstract void percentile(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes, Pattern pattern);
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #percentile(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern) percentile}(dest,src,m,pattern)</tt>,
* where <nobr><tt>m={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex)</tt></nobr>.
* @param dest the target matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndex <i>r</i> argument of the percentile.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public void percentile(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest,
Matrix<? extends PArray> src, double percentileIndex, Pattern pattern)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
percentile(dest, src, constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex), pattern);
public abstract <T extends PArray> Matrix<T> asRank(Class<? extends T> requiredType,
Matrix<? extends PArray> baseMatrix, Matrix<? extends PArray> rankedMatrix, Pattern pattern);
* This implementation creates a new updatable matrix <tt>dest</tt> by the call
* <nobr><tt>dest={@link #memoryModel memoryModel}.{@link MemoryModel#newMatrix(Class, Class, long...)
* newMatrix}(UpdatablePArray.class,{@link Arrays#elementType(Class)
* Arrays.elementType}(requiredType),baseMatrix.dimensions())</tt></nobr>, calculates the rank by the call
* <nobr><tt>{@link #rank(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern)
* rank}(dest,baseMatrix,rankedMatrix,pattern)</tt></nobr>
* and returns <tt>dest</tt> as the result.
* All necessary checks of correctness of the arguments are performed before allocating new matrix.
* @param requiredType the desired type of the built-in array in the returned matrix.
* @param baseMatrix the source matrix.
* @param rankedMatrix the matrix containing <i>v</i> argument: the values,
* the rank of which should be calculated.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @return the rank of the given values.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>baseMatrix.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>,
* or if <tt>requiredType</tt> is not one of classes
* <tt>{@link UpdatableBitArray}.class</tt> / <tt>{@link BitArray}.class</tt>,
* <tt>{@link UpdatableCharArray}.class</tt> / <tt>{@link CharArray}.class</tt>,
* <tt>{@link UpdatableByteArray}.class</tt> / <tt>{@link ByteArray}.class</tt>,
* <tt>{@link UpdatableShortArray}.class</tt> / <tt>{@link ShortArray}.class</tt>,
* <tt>{@link UpdatableIntArray}.class</tt> / <tt>{@link IntArray}.class</tt>,
* <tt>{@link UpdatableLongArray}.class</tt> / <tt>{@link LongArray}.class</tt>,
* <tt>{@link UpdatableFloatArray}.class</tt> / <tt>{@link FloatArray}.class</tt>
* or <tt>{@link UpdatableDoubleArray}.class</tt> /
* <tt>{@link DoubleArray}.class</tt>.
public <T extends PArray> Matrix<? extends T> rank(Class<? extends T> requiredType,
Matrix<? extends PArray> baseMatrix, Matrix<? extends PArray> rankedMatrix, Pattern pattern)
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
Matrices.checkDimensionEquality(baseMatrix, rankedMatrix);
if (pattern.dimCount() != baseMatrix.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Class<?> elementType = Arrays.elementType(requiredType);
Matrices.checkNewMatrixType(requiredType, elementType);
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class,
elementType, baseMatrix.dimensions());
rank(dest, baseMatrix, rankedMatrix, pattern);
return dest.cast(requiredType);
public abstract void rank(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest,
Matrix<? extends PArray> baseMatrix, Matrix<? extends PArray> rankedMatrix, Pattern pattern);
public abstract Matrix<? extends PArray> asMeanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> fromPercentileIndexes,
Matrix<? extends PArray> toPercentileIndexes,
Pattern pattern, double filler);
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #asMeanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, double)
* asMeanBetweenPercentiles}(src,m1,m2,pattern,filler)</tt>, where
* <nobr><tt>m1={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,fromPercentileIndex)</tt></nobr>
* and <nobr><tt>m2={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,toPercentileIndex)</tt></nobr>.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param fromPercentileIndex <i>r</i><sub>1</sub> argument: the index of
* the less percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param toPercentileIndex <i>r</i><sub>2</sub> argument: the indexes of
* the greater percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param filler the reserved value, returned when
* <nobr><i>r</i><sub>1</sub>≥<i>r</i><sub>2</sub></nobr>.
* @return the "lazy" matrix containing the mean between 2 given percentiles
* of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends PArray> asMeanBetweenPercentiles(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double fromPercentileIndex,
double toPercentileIndex,
Pattern pattern, double filler)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
return asMeanBetweenPercentiles(src,
constantPercentileMatrix(src, fromPercentileIndex),
constantPercentileMatrix(src, toPercentileIndex),
pattern, filler);
* This implementation creates a new updatable matrix <tt>dest</tt> by the call
* <nobr><tt>dest={@link #memoryModel memoryModel}.{@link MemoryModel#newMatrix(Class, Matrix)
* newMatrix}(UpdatablePArray.class,src)</tt></nobr>, calculates the mean between 2 percentiles by the call
* <nobr><tt>{@link #meanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, double)
* meanBetweenPercentiles}(dest,src,fromPercentileIndexes,toPercentileIndexes,pattern,filler)</tt></nobr>
* and returns <tt>dest</tt> as the result.
* All necessary checks of correctness of the arguments are performed before allocating new matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param fromPercentileIndexes the matrix containing <i>r</i><sub>1</sub> argument: the indexes of
* the less percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param toPercentileIndexes the matrix containing <i>r</i><sub>2</sub> argument: the indexes of
* the greater percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param filler the reserved value, returned when
* <nobr><i>r</i><sub>1</sub>≥<i>r</i><sub>2</sub></nobr>.
* @return the mean between 2 given percentiles of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> meanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> fromPercentileIndexes,
Matrix<? extends PArray> toPercentileIndexes,
Pattern pattern, double filler)
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
Matrices.checkDimensionEquality(src, fromPercentileIndexes, toPercentileIndexes);
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
meanBetweenPercentiles(dest, src, fromPercentileIndexes, toPercentileIndexes, pattern, filler);
return dest;
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #meanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, double)
* meanBetweenPercentiles}(src,m1,m2,pattern,filler)</tt>, where
* <nobr><tt>m1={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,fromPercentileIndex)</tt></nobr>
* and <nobr><tt>m2={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,toPercentileIndex)</tt></nobr>.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param fromPercentileIndex <i>r</i><sub>1</sub> argument: the index of
* the less percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param toPercentileIndex <i>r</i><sub>2</sub> argument: the indexes of
* the greater percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param filler the reserved value, returned when
* <nobr><i>r</i><sub>1</sub>≥<i>r</i><sub>2</sub></nobr>.
* @return the mean between 2 given percentiles of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> meanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double fromPercentileIndex,
double toPercentileIndex,
Pattern pattern, double filler)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
return meanBetweenPercentiles(src,
constantPercentileMatrix(src, fromPercentileIndex),
constantPercentileMatrix(src, toPercentileIndex),
pattern, filler);
public abstract void meanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> fromPercentileIndexes,
Matrix<? extends PArray> toPercentileIndexes,
Pattern pattern, double filler);
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #meanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, double)
* meanBetweenPercentiles}(dest,src,m1,m2,pattern,filler)</tt>, where
* <nobr><tt>m1={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,fromPercentileIndex)</tt></nobr>
* and <nobr><tt>m2={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,toPercentileIndex)</tt></nobr>.
* @param dest the target matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param fromPercentileIndex <i>r</i><sub>1</sub> argument: the index of
* the less percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param toPercentileIndex <i>r</i><sub>2</sub> argument: the indexes of
* the greater percentile of the averaged range for every element of the result.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param filler the reserved value, returned when
* <nobr><i>r</i><sub>1</sub>≥<i>r</i><sub>2</sub></nobr>.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public void meanBetweenPercentiles(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double fromPercentileIndex,
double toPercentileIndex,
Pattern pattern, double filler)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
meanBetweenPercentiles(dest, src,
constantPercentileMatrix(src, fromPercentileIndex),
constantPercentileMatrix(src, toPercentileIndex),
pattern, filler);
public abstract Matrix<? extends PArray> asMeanBetweenValues(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> minValues,
Matrix<? extends PArray> maxValues,
Pattern pattern, double filler);
* This implementation creates a new updatable matrix <tt>dest</tt> by the call
* <nobr><tt>dest={@link #memoryModel memoryModel}.{@link MemoryModel#newMatrix(Class, Matrix)
* newMatrix}(UpdatablePArray.class,src)</tt></nobr>, calculates the mean between 2 values by the call
* <nobr><tt>{@link #meanBetweenValues(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, double)
* meanBetweenValues}(dest,src,minValues,maxValues,pattern,filler)</tt></nobr>
* and returns <tt>dest</tt> as the result.
* All necessary checks of correctness of the arguments are performed before allocating new matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param minValues the matrix containing <i>v</i><sub>1</sub> argument: the low bound
* of the averaged range of values for every element of the result.
* @param maxValues the matrix containing <i>v</i><sub>2</sub> argument: the high bound
* of the averaged range of values for every element of the result.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param filler the reserved value, returned when
* <nobr><i>r</i>(<i>v</i><sub>1</sub>*σ)≥<i>r</i>(<i>v</i><sub>2</sub>*σ)</nobr>,
* or one of the special keys {@link #FILL_MIN_VALUE}, {@link #FILL_MAX_VALUE},
* {@link #FILL_NEAREST_VALUE}, which mean using of special calculation modes B, C, D.
* @return the mean between 2 given values of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> meanBetweenValues(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> minValues,
Matrix<? extends PArray> maxValues,
Pattern pattern, double filler)
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
Matrices.checkDimensionEquality(src, minValues, maxValues);
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
meanBetweenValues(dest, src, minValues, maxValues, pattern, filler);
return dest;
public abstract void meanBetweenValues(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> minValues,
Matrix<? extends PArray> maxValues,
Pattern pattern, double filler);
* This method is fully implemented in this class via the equivalent call of
* {@link #asFunctionOfSum(Matrix, Pattern, Func)} method, as described in
* {@link RankMorphology#asMean(Matrix, Pattern) comments to this method} in {@link RankMorphology} interface.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @return the "lazy" matrix containing the mean of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends PArray> asMean(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) {
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Func processingFunc = LinearFunc.getInstance(
PFloatingArray.class.isAssignableFrom(src.type()) ? 0.0 : 0.5,
1.0 / pattern.pointCount());
return asFunctionOfSum(src, pattern, processingFunc);
* This implementation creates a new updatable matrix <tt>dest</tt> by the call
* <nobr><tt>dest={@link #memoryModel memoryModel}.{@link MemoryModel#newMatrix(Class, Matrix)
* newMatrix}(UpdatablePArray.class,src)</tt></nobr>, calculates the mean by the call
* <nobr><tt>{@link #mean(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern)
* mean}(dest,src,pattern)</tt></nobr>
* and returns <tt>dest</tt> as the result.
* All necessary checks of correctness of the arguments are performed before allocating new matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @return the mean of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> mean(Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) {
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
mean(dest, src, pattern);
return dest;
* This method is fully implemented in this class via the equivalent call of
* {@link #functionOfSum(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, Func)} method, as described in
* {@link RankMorphology#mean(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern) comments to this method}
* in {@link RankMorphology} interface.
* @param dest the target matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public void mean(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src, Pattern pattern) {
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Func processingFunc = LinearFunc.getInstance(
PFloatingArray.class.isAssignableFrom(src.type()) ? 0.0 : 0.5,
1.0 / pattern.pointCount());
functionOfSum(dest, src, pattern, processingFunc);
public abstract Matrix<? extends PArray> asFunctionOfSum(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc);
* This implementation creates a new updatable matrix <tt>dest</tt> by the call
* <nobr><tt>dest={@link #memoryModel memoryModel}.{@link MemoryModel#newMatrix(Class, Matrix)
* newMatrix}(UpdatablePArray.class,src)</tt></nobr>, calculates the function of aperture sum by the call
* <nobr><tt>{@link #functionOfSum(Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, Func)
* functionOfSum}(dest,src,pattern,processingFunc)</tt></nobr>
* and returns <tt>dest</tt> as the result.
* All necessary checks of correctness of the arguments are performed before allocating new matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param processingFunc the function, which should be applied to every calculated aperture sum.
* @return the result of the given function for the aperture sum of the source matrix.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> functionOfSum(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc)
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (processingFunc == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null processingFunc argument");
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
functionOfSum(dest, src, pattern, processingFunc);
return dest;
public abstract void functionOfSum(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc);
public abstract Matrix<? extends PArray> asFunctionOfPercentilePair(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes1,
Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes2,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc);
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #asFunctionOfPercentilePair(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, Func)
* asFunctionOfPercentilePair}(src,m1,m2,pattern,processingFunc)</tt>, where
* <nobr><tt>m1={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex1)</tt></nobr>
* and <nobr><tt>m2={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex2)</tt></nobr>.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndex1 the 1st <i>r</i> argument: the index of the 1st percentile <i>v</i><sub>1</sub>.
* @param percentileIndex2 the 2nd <i>r</i> argument: the index of the 2nd percentile <i>v</i><sub>2</sub>.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param processingFunc the function, which should be applied to every calculated three
* <nobr>(<i>v</i>,<i>v</i><sub>1</sub>,<i>v</i><sub>2</sub>)</nobr>,
* where <i>v</i> is the element of the source matrix,
* <i>v</i><sub>1</sub> and <i>v</i><sub>2</sub> are the corresponding percentiles.
* @return the "lazy" matrix containing the result of the given function.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends PArray> asFunctionOfPercentilePair(
Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double percentileIndex1,
double percentileIndex2,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
return asFunctionOfPercentilePair(src,
constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex1),
constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex2),
pattern, processingFunc);
* This implementation creates a new updatable matrix <tt>dest</tt> by the call
* <nobr><tt>dest={@link #memoryModel memoryModel}.{@link MemoryModel#newMatrix(Class, Matrix)
* newMatrix}(UpdatablePArray.class,src)</tt></nobr>, calculates the function of the source matrix
* and 2 percentiles by the call
* <nobr><tt>{@link #functionOfPercentilePair(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, Func)
* functionOfPercentilePair}(dest,src,percentileIndexes1,percentileIndexes2,pattern,processingFunc)</tt></nobr>
* and returns <tt>dest</tt> as the result.
* All necessary checks of correctness of the arguments are performed before allocating new matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndexes1 the 1st matrix containing <i>r</i> argument: the indexes of the 1st percentile
* <i>v</i><sub>1</sub> for every element of the result.
* @param percentileIndexes2 the 2nd matrix containing <i>r</i> argument: the indexes of the 2nd percentile
* <i>v</i><sub>2</sub> for every element of the result.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param processingFunc the function, which should be applied to every calculated three
* <nobr>(<i>v</i>,<i>v</i><sub>1</sub>,<i>v</i><sub>2</sub>)</nobr>,
* where <i>v</i> is the element of the source matrix,
* <i>v</i><sub>1</sub> and <i>v</i><sub>2</sub> are the corresponding percentiles.
* @return the result of the given function.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> functionOfPercentilePair(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes1,
Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes2,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc)
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (processingFunc == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null processingFunc argument");
Matrices.checkDimensionEquality(src, percentileIndexes1, percentileIndexes2);
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest = memoryModel().newMatrix(UpdatablePArray.class, src);
functionOfPercentilePair(dest, src, percentileIndexes1, percentileIndexes2,
pattern, processingFunc);
return dest;
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #functionOfPercentilePair(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, Func)
* functionOfPercentilePair}(src,m1,m2,pattern,processingFunc)</tt>, where
* <nobr><tt>m1={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex1)</tt></nobr>
* and <nobr><tt>m2={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex2)</tt></nobr>.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndex1 the 1st <i>r</i> argument: the index of the 1st percentile <i>v</i><sub>1</sub>.
* @param percentileIndex2 the 2nd <i>r</i> argument: the index of the 2nd percentile <i>v</i><sub>2</sub>.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param processingFunc the function, which should be applied to every calculated three
* <nobr>(<i>v</i>,<i>v</i><sub>1</sub>,<i>v</i><sub>2</sub>)</nobr>,
* where <i>v</i> is the element of the source matrix,
* <i>v</i><sub>1</sub> and <i>v</i><sub>2</sub> are the corresponding percentiles.
* @return the result of the given function.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> functionOfPercentilePair(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double percentileIndex1,
double percentileIndex2,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
return functionOfPercentilePair(src,
constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex1),
constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex2),
pattern, processingFunc);
public abstract void functionOfPercentilePair(
Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes1,
Matrix<? extends PArray> percentileIndexes2,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc);
* This implementation just calls
* <tt>{@link #functionOfPercentilePair(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Pattern, Func)
* functionOfPercentilePair}(dest,src,m1,m2,pattern,processingFunc)</tt>, where
* <nobr><tt>m1={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex1)</tt></nobr>
* and <nobr><tt>m2={@link #constantPercentileMatrix constantPercentileMatrix}(src,percentileIndex2)</tt></nobr>.
* @param dest the target matrix.
* @param src the source matrix.
* @param percentileIndex1 the 1st <i>r</i> argument: the index of the 1st percentile <i>v</i><sub>1</sub>.
* @param percentileIndex2 the 2nd <i>r</i> argument: the index of the 2nd percentile <i>v</i><sub>2</sub>.
* @param pattern the pattern: the shape of the aperture.
* @param processingFunc the function, which should be applied to every calculated three
* <nobr>(<i>v</i>,<i>v</i><sub>1</sub>,<i>v</i><sub>2</sub>)</nobr>,
* where <i>v</i> is the element of the source matrix,
* <i>v</i><sub>1</sub> and <i>v</i><sub>2</sub> are the corresponding percentiles.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws SizeMismatchException if the passed matrices have different dimensions.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of the pattern dimensions
* <tt>pattern.{@link Pattern#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt> is not equal
* to <tt>src.{@link Matrix#dimCount() dimCount()}</tt>.
public void functionOfPercentilePair(Matrix<? extends UpdatablePArray> dest, Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double percentileIndex1,
double percentileIndex2,
Pattern pattern, Func processingFunc)
if (src == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null src argument");
if (pattern.dimCount() != src.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of dimensions of the pattern and the matrix mismatch");
functionOfPercentilePair(dest, src,
constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex1),
constantPercentileMatrix(src, percentileIndex2),
pattern, processingFunc);
* Returns the matrix with the same dimensions as the given <tt>src</tt> matrix,
* backed by a constant array with the given value.
* More precisely, returns <nobr><tt>src.{@link Matrix#matrix(Array) matrix}(const)</tt></nobr>,
* where
* <ul>
* <li><nobr><tt>const = {@link Arrays#nLongCopies(long, long)
* Arrays.nLongCopies}(src.size(), (long)percentileIndex)</tt></nobr>,
* if <nobr><tt>percentileIndex==(long)percentileIndex</tt></nobr>,</li>
* <li>or <nobr><tt>const = {@link Arrays#nDoubleCopies(long, double)
* Arrays.nDoubleCopies}(src.size(), percentileIndex)</tt></nobr>
* in other case.</li>
* </ul>
* @param src some matrix.
* @param percentileIndex some filler.
* @return the constant matrix with the same dimensions, filled by <tt>percentileIndex</tt>.
public static Matrix<? extends PArray> constantPercentileMatrix(Matrix<? extends PArray> src,
double percentileIndex)
return src.matrix(percentileIndex == (long) percentileIndex ?
Arrays.nLongCopies(src.size(), (long) percentileIndex) :
Arrays.nDoubleCopies(src.size(), percentileIndex));