* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Daniel Alievsky, AlgART Laboratory (http://algart.net)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package net.algart.math.patterns;
import net.algart.math.IPoint;
import net.algart.math.IRange;
import net.algart.math.Point;
import net.algart.math.functions.Func;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
* <p>A set of static methods operating with and returning {@link Pattern patterns}.</p>
* <p>This class cannot be instantiated.</p>
* <p>AlgART Laboratory 2007–2014</p>
* @author Daniel Alievsky
* @version 1.2
* @since JDK 1.5
public strictfp class Patterns {
private Patterns() {
private static final BigDecimal BIG_DECIMAL_MAX_COORDINATE = new BigDecimal(Pattern.MAX_COORDINATE);
// TODO!! Note: this method always returns SimplePattern or UniformGridPattern.
public static DirectPointSetPattern newPattern(Collection<Point> points) {
if (points == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null points argument");
points = new ArrayList<Point>(points);
boolean allInteger = true;
for (Point p : points) {
if (p == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null point in the set");
allInteger &= p.isInteger() & AbstractUniformGridPattern.isAllowedGridIndex(p.toIntegerPoint());
if (allInteger) {
HashSet<IPoint> integerPoints = new HashSet<IPoint>();
for (Point p : points) {
return newIntegerPattern(integerPoints);
if (points.size() <= 2) {
final Point[] pointsArray = points.toArray(new Point[points.size()]);
if (pointsArray.length == 1 || (pointsArray.length == 2 && pointsArray[0].equals(pointsArray[1]))) {
return new OnePointPattern(pointsArray[0]);
} else {
return new TwoPointsPattern(pointsArray[0], pointsArray[1]);
} else {
return new SimplePattern(points);
// TODO!! Note: this method always returns SimplePattern or UniformGridPattern.
public static DirectPointSetPattern newPattern(Point... points) {
if (points == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null points argument");
return newPattern(Arrays.asList(points));
public static DirectPointSetUniformGridPattern newUniformGridPattern(
Point originOfGrid,
double[] stepsOfGrid,
Collection<IPoint> gridIndexes)
if (originOfGrid == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null originOfGrid");
if (gridIndexes == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null gridIndexes argument");
return new BasicDirectPointSetUniformGridPattern(originOfGrid, stepsOfGrid, new HashSet<IPoint>(gridIndexes));
* Creates new pattern consisting of all specified points.
* <p>The returned pattern is so-called <i>simple</i>, or <i>multipoint</i> pattern:
* it means that its implementation is based on a usual set of {@link IPoint} instances.
* For such pattern, the {@link Pattern#dimCount() number of dimensions} is equal to
* the {@link IPoint#coordCount() number of coordinates}
* in all passed points (it must be the same for all source points).
* The {@link UniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular()} method is non-overridden {@link AbstractUniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular()} method.
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiAdd(Pattern)} method returns a new <i>simple</i> pattern
* according the definition of Minkowski sum; this method requires <i>O</i>(<i>NM</i>) operations,
* where <i>N</i> and <i>M</i> is the number of points in both patterns, and may work slowly.
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiDecomposition(int)} method returns the list containing
* this pattern instance as the only element.
* The <tt>equals</tt> method returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if the passed object is also simple
* pattern, consisting of the same points and created by this or equivalent method from this package.
* <p>The coordinates of all points must be in range <tt>-Long.MAX_VALUE/2..Long.MAX_VALUE/2</tt>,
* excepting the only case when the number of points is 1.
* <p>The returned pattern will be "safe" in that no references to the passed set are maintained by it.
* In other words, this method always allocates new set (probably <tt>HashSet</tt>) and copies
* the passed set into it.
* @param points the source points set.
* @return the pattern consisting of all source points.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>points</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>
* or some of passed points is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>points</tt> argument is an empty set,
* or if some points have different number of coordinates,
* or if there are 2 or more points and some point coordinates are out of range
* <tt>-Long.MAX_VALUE/2..Long.MAX_VALUE/2</tt>.
public static DirectPointSetUniformGridPattern newIntegerPattern(Collection<IPoint> points) {
if (points == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null points argument");
HashSet<IPoint> gridIndexes = new HashSet<IPoint>(points);
return new BasicDirectPointSetUniformGridPattern(
gridIndexes.isEmpty() ? 1 : gridIndexes.iterator().next().coordCount(),
* Equivalent to <tt>{@link #newIntegerPattern
* newIntegerPattern}(new HashSet<IPoint>(Arrays.asList(points)))</tt>.
* @param points the source points set.
* @return the pattern consisting of all source points.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>points</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>
* or some of passed points is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>points</tt> argument is an empty array,
* or if some points have different number of coordinates,
* or if there are 2 or more points and some point coordinates are out of range
* <tt>-Long.MAX_VALUE/2..Long.MAX_VALUE/2</tt>.
public static DirectPointSetUniformGridPattern newIntegerPattern(IPoint... points) {
if (points == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null points argument");
return newIntegerPattern(Arrays.asList(points));
* A concrete variant of {@link #newIntegerPattern} method returning
* the pattern consisting of all such points inside <i>n</i>-dimensional sphere
* with the given radius <i>r</i> and center.
* <p>More precisely, let
* <i>C</i>=(<i>c</i><sub>0</sub>,<i>c</i><sub>1</sub>,...,<i>c</i><sub><i>n</i>-1</sub>)</tt>
* is the passed center point.
* The result of this method consists of all points
* <i>A</i>=(<i>x</i><sub>0</sub>,<i>x</i><sub>1</sub>,...,<i>x</i><sub><i>n</i>-1</sub>)</tt>
* that |<i>OA</i>|<sup>2</sup> =
* (<i>x</i><sub>0</sub>-<i>c</i><sub>0</sub>)</sub><sup>2</sup>
* + (<i>x</i><sub>1</sub>-<i>c</i><sub>1</sub>)<sup>2</sup>
* + ... + (<i>x</i><sub><i>n</i>-1</sub>-<i>c</i><sub><i>n</i>-1</sub>)<sup>2</sup>
* ≤ <i>r</i><sup>2</sup>.
* <p>The {@link Pattern#roundedCoordRange(int)} method in the returned pattern works very quickly,
* unlike patterns created by {@link #newIntegerPattern} method.
* <p>Please note: integer values of the radius usually produce "non-beautiful" patterns
* with very uneven edges. For example, in 2-dimensional case (circles)
* we recommend to pass <i>r</i>~<i>k</i>-0.2, where <i>k</i> is a positive integer.
* <p>Please be careful: too large values of <tt>r</tt> argument may lead to
* very long execution and even to <tt>OutOfMemoryError</tt>,
* especially for 2- and 3-dimensional patterns.
* Moreover, there are no ways to interrupt this method or to show its execution progress.
* We recommend to restrict the passed radius by some suitable value,
* for example, 1000–2000 or less.
* @param center the center of the sphere (circle in 2-dimensional case).
* @param r the radius of the sphere.
* @return the pattern consisting of all points inside this sphere (circle in 2-dimensional case).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>r<0.0</tt>,
* @throws TooManyPointsInPatternError if <tt>r</tt> is about <tt>Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt> or greater.
public static UniformGridPattern newSphereIntegerPattern(Point center, final double r) {
if (center == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null center argument");
if (r < 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative sphere radius");
double[] semiAxes = new double[center.coordCount()];
Arrays.fill(semiAxes, r);
return newEllipsoidIntegerPattern(center, semiAxes);
final int n = center.coordCount();
if (n == 1)
return newIntegerPattern(newRectangularIntegerPattern(IRange.valueOf(
StrictMath.round(StrictMath.ceil(center.coord(0) - r)),
StrictMath.round(StrictMath.floor(center.coord(0) + r)))).roundedPoints());
int ir = (int) (r + 2.0);
if (ir == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new TooManyPointsInPatternError("Too large desired " + n + "D sphere radius: " + r);
final IRange[] oneSegmentCoordRanges = new IRange[n];
HashSet<IPoint> points = new HashSet<IPoint>();
for (int k = 0; k < oneSegmentCoordRanges.length; k++) {
addPointsToSphere(points, new double[]{center.coord(k)}, new long[1], 0, ir, r * r, 0.0);
// for checking maximal radius by common algorithm; new double/long here are zero-filled
oneSegmentCoordRanges[k] = new BasicUniformGridPattern(1, points).gridIndexRange(0);
addPointsToSphere(points, center.coordinates(), new long[n], 0, ir, r * r, 0.0);
return new BasicUniformGridPattern(n, points) {
public IRange gridIndexRange(int coordIndex) {
return oneSegmentCoordRanges[coordIndex];
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " ("
+ (dimCount == 1 ? "segment" : dimCount == 2 ? "circle" : "sphere")
+ ", r = " + r + ")";
public static UniformGridPattern newEllipsoidIntegerPattern(Point center, double... semiAxes) {
if (center == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null center argument");
if (semiAxes == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null semiAxes argument");
final int n = center.coordCount();
if (semiAxes.length != n)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of semi-axes " + semiAxes.length
+ " is not equal to center.coordCount()=" + n);
final double[] semiAxesClone = semiAxes.clone();
final double[] semiAxesInv = new double[n];
final int[] semiAxesUpperBounds = new int[n];
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
double semiAxis = semiAxesClone[k];
if (semiAxis < 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative semiAxes[" + k + "] = " + semiAxis);
semiAxesUpperBounds[k] = (int) (semiAxis + 2.0);
if (semiAxesUpperBounds[k] == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new TooManyPointsInPatternError("Too large desired " + n + "D ellipsoid: semiAxes["
+ k + "]=" + semiAxis);
semiAxesInv[k] = 1.0 / semiAxis; // maybe Infinity
if (n == 1) {
return newIntegerPattern(newRectangularIntegerPattern(IRange.valueOf(
StrictMath.round(StrictMath.ceil(center.coord(0) - semiAxesClone[0])),
StrictMath.round(StrictMath.floor(center.coord(0) + semiAxesClone[0])))).roundedPoints());
final IRange[] oneSegmentCoordRanges = new IRange[n];
HashSet<IPoint> points = new HashSet<IPoint>();
for (int k = 0; k < oneSegmentCoordRanges.length; k++) {
new double[]{center.coord(k)},
new int[]{semiAxesUpperBounds[k]},
new double[]{semiAxesInv[k]},
new long[]{0}, 0, 0.0);
// 1-dimensional "ellipsoid" to get maximal radius by common algorithm
oneSegmentCoordRanges[k] = new BasicDirectPointSetUniformGridPattern(1, points).gridIndexRange(0);
addPointsToEllipsoid(points, center.coordinates(), semiAxesUpperBounds, semiAxesInv,
new long[n], // zero-filled
0, 0.0);
return new BasicDirectPointSetUniformGridPattern(n, points) {
public IRange gridIndexRange(int coordIndex) {
return oneSegmentCoordRanges[coordIndex];
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int k = 0; k < dimCount; k++) {
if (k > 0) {
return super.toString() + " ("
+ (dimCount == 1 ? "segment" : dimCount == 2 ? "ellipse" : "ellipsoid")
+ ", semiAxes = " + sb + ")";
public static Pattern newSurface(Pattern projection, final Func surface) {
if (projection == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null projection argument");
if (surface == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null surface argument");
final int dimCount = projection.dimCount();
final Set<Point> projectionPoints = projection.points();
Set<Point> resultPoints = new HashSet<Point>();
double[] coordinates = new double[dimCount];
double[] resultPoint = new double[dimCount + 1];
for (Point projectionPoint : projectionPoints) {
System.arraycopy(coordinates, 0, resultPoint, 0, dimCount);
resultPoint[dimCount] = surface.get(coordinates);
return new SimplePattern(resultPoints) {
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " (surface " + surface + ")";
public static UniformGridPattern newSpaceSegment(
UniformGridPattern projection,
final Func minSurface,
final Func maxSurface,
double lastCoordinateOfOrigin,
double lastCoordinateStep)
if (projection == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null projection argument");
if (minSurface == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null minSurface argument");
if (maxSurface == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null maxSurface argument");
if (lastCoordinateStep <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero or negative last step of the grid is not allowed");
final int dimCount = projection.dimCount();
final Set<IPoint> projectionIndexes = projection.gridIndexes();
final Point projectionOrigin = projection.originOfGrid();
final double[] projectionSteps = projection.stepsOfGrid();
double[] origin = new double[dimCount + 1];
origin[dimCount] = lastCoordinateOfOrigin;
double[] steps = new double[dimCount + 1];
System.arraycopy(projectionSteps, 0, steps, 0, dimCount);
steps[dimCount] = lastCoordinateStep;
Set<IPoint> resultIndexes = new HashSet<IPoint>();
double[] coordinates = new double[dimCount];
long[] resultIndex = new long[dimCount + 1];
for (IPoint projectionIndex : projectionIndexes) {
projectionIndex.scaleAndShift(coordinates, projectionSteps, projectionOrigin);
double min = minSurface.get(coordinates);
double max = maxSurface.get(coordinates);
if (min > max) {
long minIndex = (long) StrictMath.ceil(lastCoordinateStep == 1.0 ? min - lastCoordinateOfOrigin :
(min - lastCoordinateOfOrigin) / lastCoordinateStep);
long maxIndex = (long) StrictMath.floor(lastCoordinateStep == 1.0 ? max - lastCoordinateOfOrigin :
(max - lastCoordinateOfOrigin) / lastCoordinateStep);
for (long i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
resultIndex[dimCount] = i;
if (resultIndexes.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty pattern: in all points of the projection pattern "
+ "the minimal surface is above the maximal surface");
return new BasicDirectPointSetUniformGridPattern(Point.valueOf(origin), steps, resultIndexes) {
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " (segment between surfaces " + minSurface + " and " + maxSurface + ")";
public static RectangularPattern newRectangularUniformGridPattern(
Point originOfGrid,
double[] stepsOfGrid,
IRange... gridIndexRanges)
if (originOfGrid == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null originOfGrid");
if (gridIndexRanges == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null gridIndexRanges argument");
if (gridIndexRanges.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty gridIndexRanges array");
return new BasicRectangularPattern(originOfGrid, stepsOfGrid, gridIndexRanges);
* Creates new {@link UniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular() rectangular} pattern
* (<i>n</i>-dimensional rectangular parallelepiped), consisting of all such points
* (<i>x</i><sub>0</sub>,<i>x</i><sub>1</sub>,...,<i>x</i><sub><i>n</i>-1</sub>) that
* <tt>ranges[<i>i</i>].{@link IRange#min()
* min()}</tt><=<i>x</i><sub><i>i</i></sub><=<tt>ranges[<i>i</i>].{@link IRange#max()
* max()}</tt>, <i>i</i>=0,1,...,<i>n</i>-1, <i>n</i>=<tt>ranges.length</tt>.
* The number of space dimensions of the returned pattern will be equal to the length of <tt>ranges</tt> array.
* <p>In the returned pattern,
* the {@link UniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular()} method returns <tt>true</tt> always.
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiAdd(Pattern)} method creates a new rectangular pattern (via this method),
* if its argument is also rectangular, according the definition of Minkowski sum;
* in other case, it returns new {@link #newIntegerPattern simple} pattern and works slowly
* (<i>O</i>(<i>NM</i>) operations, where <i>N</i> and <i>M</i> is the number of points in both patterns).
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiDecomposition(int)} method returns the list containing
* ~log<sub>2</sub>(<i>N</i>) 2-point simple patterns or, maybe,
* the list containing one 1-point pattern if this rectangular pattern is degenerate
* (1-point).
* The <tt>equals</tt> method returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if the passed object is also rectangular
* pattern, consisting of the same points and created by this or equivalent method from this package.
* <p>The returned pattern will be "safe" in that no references to the passed array are maintained by it.
* In other words, this method always allocates new array for storing ranges and copies
* the passed ranges into it.
* @param ranges the source ranges describing <i>n</i>-dimensional rectangular parallelepiped.
* @return the rectangular pattern.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>ranges</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>
* or some of passed ranges are <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>ranges</tt> argument is empty (contains no elements).
public static RectangularPattern newRectangularIntegerPattern(IRange... ranges) {
if (ranges == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null ranges argument");
if (ranges.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty ranges array");
return new BasicRectangularPattern(ranges);
* Equivalent to {@link #newRectangularIntegerPattern newRectangularIntegerPattern(ranges)},
* where <tt>ranges[k]</tt> is <tt>{@link IRange#valueOf(long, long)
* IRange.valueOf}(min.{@link IPoint#coord(int) coord(k)}, max.{@link IPoint#coord(int) coord(k)})</tt>.
* The number of dimensions of the created pattern is equal to the number of coordinates
* of <tt>min</tt> and <tt>max</tt> points.
* <p>The number of coordinates of <tt>min</tt> and <tt>max</tt> points must be the same.
* All coordinates of <tt>min</tt> point must not be greater than the corresponding coordinates
* of the <tt>max</tt> points.
* @param min starting points of the parallelepiped (left top vertex in 2D case), inclusive.
* @param max ending points of the parallelepiped (left top vertex in 2D case), inclusive.
* @return the rectangular pattern, two vertices of which are the passed points.
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the numbers of coordinates of <tt>min</tt> and <tt>max</tt>
* points are different,
* or if <tt>min.{@link IPoint#coord(int) coord}(k) >
* max.{@link IPoint#coord(int) coord}(k)</tt> for some <tt>k</tt>,
* or if the difference between these coordinates is <tt>>=Long.MAX_VALUE</tt>.
public static UniformGridPattern newRectangularIntegerPattern(IPoint min, IPoint max) {
int n = min.coordCount();
if (n != max.coordCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Coordinates count mismatch: \"min\" is "
+ n + "-dimensional, \"max\" is " + max.coordCount() + "-dimensional");
IRange[] ranges = new IRange[n];
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
ranges[k] = IRange.valueOf(min.coord(k), max.coord(k));
return new BasicRectangularPattern(ranges);
// /**
// * Returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if the given pattern was created by
// * {@link #newRectangularIntegerPattern(IRange...)} or equivalent method from this package.
// *
// * <p>Please compare: unlike this, {@link UniformGridPattern#isRectangular()} method returns <tt>true</tt>
// * for any rectangular patterns, in particular, for ones created by {@link #newIntegerPattern(Collection)}
// * method if this set is rectangular (for example, the single point).
// *
// * @param pattern the checked pattern.
// * @return <tt>true</tt> if and only if the given pattern was created by
// * {@link #newRectangularIntegerPattern(IRange...)} or equivalent method from this package.
// */
// public static boolean isRectangular(Pattern pattern) {
// return pattern instanceof RectangularIntegerPattern || pattern instanceof OnePointIntegerPattern;
// }
// return pattern instanceof RectangularGridPattern;
// }
* Creates new pattern, representing the Minkowski sum of all passed patterns.
* Please see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minkowski_addition">Wikipedia</a> about the
* "Minkowski sum" term. See also {@link Pattern#minkowskiAdd(Pattern)} method for comparison.
* <p>Note: this method does not actually calculate the point set of the sum;
* if necessary, you will be able to get all points later by {@link Pattern#roundedPoints()} method.
* <p>In the returned pattern,
* the {@link Pattern#minkowskiDecomposition(int)} method returns
* the summary list of Minkowski decompositions of all patterns passed to this method.
* The {@link UniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular()} method is non-overridden
* {@link AbstractUniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular()} method.
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiAdd(Pattern)} method creates a new Minkowski sum by this method,
* that contains an additional summand equal to the added pattern.
* The <tt>equals</tt> method returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if the passed object is also Minkowski
* sum, consisting of the same summands and created by this or equivalent method from this package.
* <p>If all passed patterns are {@link UniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular() rectangular}, the behavior of this method
* is another: it just returns {@link #newRectangularIntegerPattern new rectangular pattern}
* equal to the Minkowski sum of all passed patterns.
* <p>The returned pattern will be "safe" in that no references to the passed array are maintained by it.
* In other words, this method always allocates new array for storing summands and copies
* the passed summands into it.
* @param patterns the summands of the returned Minkowski sum.
* @return the Minkowski sum.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>patterns</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>
* or some of passed patterns are <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>patterns</tt> argument is an empty array,
* or if some patterns have different number of dimensions,
* or if some of the {@link Pattern#roundedCoordRange(int) coordinate ranges} in the
* precise result are out of <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE..Long.MAX_VALUE</tt> range
* or have the size (maximum - minimum), greater or equal to
* <tt>Long.MAX_VALUE</tt>.
public static Pattern newMinkowskiSum(Pattern... patterns) {
return newMinkowskiSum(Arrays.asList(patterns));
//TODO!! not forget to comment a case when all patterns are compatible rectangular patterns
//TODO!! write about limited precision: the result can little differ from the precise sum,
// if some of pattern are not integer patterns
public static Pattern newMinkowskiSum(Collection<Pattern> patterns) {
if (patterns == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null patterns argument");
if (patterns.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty patterns array");
Pattern[] patternsArray = patterns.toArray(new Pattern[patterns.size()]);
// cloning before checking guarantees correct behaviour while multithreading
boolean allCompatibleRectangular = true;
Pattern first = patternsArray[0];
for (int k = 0; k < patternsArray.length; k++) {
if (patternsArray[k] == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern #" + k + " in the list");
if (patternsArray[k].dimCount() != first.dimCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Patterns dimensions mismatch: the first pattern has "
+ first.dimCount() + " dimensions, but pattern #" + k + " has " + patternsArray[k].dimCount());
if (allCompatibleRectangular // important to check it before typecast
&& !(patternsArray[k] instanceof RectangularPattern
&& ((UniformGridPattern) patternsArray[k]).stepsOfGridEqual((UniformGridPattern) first)))
allCompatibleRectangular = false;
if (allCompatibleRectangular) {
UniformGridPattern ugFirst = (UniformGridPattern) first;
Pattern result = new BasicRectangularPattern(ugFirst.originOfGrid(), ugFirst.stepsOfGrid(),
// the actualization is necessary to be sure in the implementation of minkowskiAdd method
for (int k = 1; k < patternsArray.length; k++) {
result = result.minkowskiAdd(patternsArray[k]);
if (!(result instanceof RectangularPattern))
throw new AssertionError("Invalid SimpleRectangularGridPattern.minkowskiAdd implementation");
if (result.pointCount() == 1) {
return new OnePointPattern(result.coordMin());
} else {
return result;
} else {
return new MinkowskiSum(patternsArray);
* Equivalent to {@link #newMinkowskiSum(Pattern...) newMinkowskiSum(patterns)}, where <tt>pattern</tt>
* is the array with the length <tt>n</tt> containing <tt>n</tt> copies of the passed pattern.
* Some algorithms of this package work better with such form of the Minkowski sums.
* @param pattern the pattern.
* @param n the multiplier.
* @return the Minkowski multiple of the passed pattern.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>pattern</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>n <= 0</tt>.
public static Pattern newMinkowskiMultiplePattern(Pattern pattern, int n) {
if (pattern == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null pattern argument");
if (n <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative or zero n argument");
Pattern[] patterns = new Pattern[n];
Arrays.fill(patterns, pattern);
return new MinkowskiSum(patterns);
* Creates new pattern, representing the set-theoretic union of the passed patterns.
* This method does not calculate the point set of the union;
* if necessary, you will be able to get all points later by {@link Pattern#roundedPoints()} method.
* <p>In the returned pattern,
* the {@link Pattern#unionDecomposition(int)} method returns
* the summary list of union decompositions of all patterns passed to this method,
* and the {@link Pattern#allUnionDecompositions(int)} method returns the same list
* as the only element of its result.
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiDecomposition(int)} method is non-overridden
* {@link AbstractPattern#minkowskiDecomposition(int)} method.
* The {@link UniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular()} method is non-overridden
* {@link AbstractUniformGridPattern#isActuallyRectangular()} method.
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiAdd(Pattern)} method returns a new <i>simple</i> pattern
* according the definition of Minkowski sum; this method requires <i>O</i>(<i>NM</i>) operations,
* where <i>N</i> and <i>M</i> is the number of points in both patterns, and may work slowly.
* The {@link Pattern#minkowskiDecomposition(int)} method returns the list containing
* this pattern instance as the only element.
* The <tt>equals</tt> method returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if the passed object is also union
* of patterns, consisting of the same summands and created by this or equivalent method from this package.
* <p>The returned pattern will be "safe" in that no references to the passed array are maintained by it.
* In other words, this method always allocates new array for storing summands and copies
* the passed summands into it.
* @param patterns the summands of the returned union.
* @return the set-theoretic union.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>patterns</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>
* or some of passed patterns are <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>patterns</tt> argument is an empty array,
* or if some patterns have different number of dimensions,
* or if some of the {@link Pattern#roundedCoordRange(int) coordinate ranges} in the
* precise result have the size (maximum - minimum), greater or equal to
* <tt>Long.MAX_VALUE</tt>.
public static Pattern newUnion(Pattern... patterns) {
if (patterns == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null patterns argument");
return new Union(patterns.clone());
// cloning guarantees correct behaviour while multithreading
public static Pattern newUnion(Collection<Pattern> patterns) {
if (patterns == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null patterns argument");
return new Union(patterns.toArray(new Pattern[patterns.size()]));
// cloning guarantees correct behaviour while multithreading
* Returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if the absolute value of the precise mathematical difference
* |<tt>x1</tt>−<tt>x2</tt>| is not greater than {@link Pattern#MAX_COORDINATE}:
* <nobr>|<tt>x1</tt>−<tt>x2</tt>|≤{@link Pattern#MAX_COORDINATE}</nobr>.
* <p>Note: this condition is checked <i>absolutely strictly with ideal precision</i>.
* If this difference is near to {@link Pattern#MAX_COORDINATE} value,
* this method uses <tt>BigDecimal</tt> class to provide absolutely correct result.
* <p>Special cases: if any of two arguments contains <tt>NaN</tt> or an infinity,
* this method returns <tt>false</tt>.
* @param x1 the first number.
* @param x2 the second number.
* @return if the mathematically precise difference between these numbers is ≤{@link Pattern#MAX_COORDINATE}.
public static boolean isAllowedDifference(double x1, double x2) {
if (Double.isNaN(x1) || Double.isNaN(x2) || Double.isInfinite(x1) || Double.isInfinite(x2)) {
return false;
double a = x1 <= x2 ? x1 : x2;
double b = x1 <= x2 ? x2 : x1;
double diff = b - a; // according IEEE 754, it is the nearest double value to the mathematical difference b-a
if (diff < Pattern.MAX_COORDINATE - 1) { // -1 and +1 to be on the safe side
return true;
if (diff > Pattern.MAX_COORDINATE + 1) { // in particular, if x1 or x2 is infinite
return false;
BigDecimal bigA = new BigDecimal(a);
BigDecimal bigB = new BigDecimal(b);
BigDecimal bigDiff = bigB.subtract(bigA);
return bigDiff.compareTo(BIG_DECIMAL_MAX_COORDINATE) <= 0;
/*Repeat(INCLUDE_FROM_FILE, ../../arrays/Arrays.java, longMul)
public\s+static ==> static
!! Auto-generated: NOT EDIT !! */
* Returns the product of passed multipliers from the index, specified in <tt>from</tt> argument (inclusive),
* until the index, specified in <tt>to</tt> argument (exclusive), i.e.
* <tt>multipliers[from]*multipliers[from+1]*...*multipliers[to-1]</tt>,
* if this product is in <tt>-2<sup>63</sup>+1..2<sup>63</sup>-1</tt> range,
* or <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt> (<tt>-2<sup>63</sup></tt>) in other cases ("overflow").
* <p>Must be <tt>0<=from<=to<=multipliers.length</tt>. If <tt>from==to</tt>, returns 1.
* <p>Note: if the product is <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt>, this situation cannot
* be distinguished from the overflow.
* <p>Also note: if at least one of the passed multipliers is 0, then the result will be always 0,
* even if product of some other multipliers is out of <tt>-2<sup>63</sup>+1..2<sup>63</sup>-1</tt> range.
* @param multipliers the <tt>long</tt> values to be multiplied.
* @param from the initial index in <tt>array</tt>, inclusive.
* @param to the end index in <tt>array</tt>, exclusive.
* @return the product of all multipliers or <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt> if a case of overflow.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>multipliers</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>from<0</tt> or <tt>to>multipliers.length</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>from>to</tt>.
* @see #longMul(long...)
* @see #longMul(long, long)
static long longMul(long[] multipliers, int from, int to) {
if (to > multipliers.length || from < 0) // simultaneously checks multipliers!=null
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Indexes out of bounds 0.." + multipliers.length
+ ": from = " + from + ", to = " + to);
if (from > to)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal indexes: from = " + from + " > to = " + to);
if (from == to) {
return 1;
long result = multipliers[from];
for (int k = from + 1; k < to; k++) {
result = longMul(result, multipliers[k]);
return result;
* Returns the product of all passed multipliers (<tt>multipliers[0]*multipliers[1]*...</tt>),
* if it is in <tt>-2<sup>63</sup>+1..2<sup>63</sup>-1</tt> range,
* or <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt> (<tt>-2<sup>63</sup></tt>) in other cases ("overflow").
* Equivalent to <tt>{@link #longMul(long[], int, int) longMul}(multipliers,0,multipliers.length)</tt>.
* <p>If the multipliers array is empty (<tt>longMul()</tt> call), returns 1.
* <p>Note: if the product is <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt>, this situation cannot
* be distinguished from the overflow.
* <p>Also note: if at least one of the passed multipliers is 0, then the result will be always 0,
* even if product of some other multipliers is out of <tt>-2<sup>63</sup>+1..2<sup>63</sup>-1</tt> range.
* @param multipliers the <tt>long</tt> values to be multiplied.
* @return the product of all multipliers or <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt> if a case of overflow.
* @throws NullPointerException if <tt>multipliers</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>.
* @see #longMul(long[], int, int)
* @see #longMul(long, long)
static long longMul(long... multipliers) {
if (multipliers.length == 0) {
return 1;
long result = multipliers[0];
for (int k = 1; k < multipliers.length; k++) {
result = longMul(result, multipliers[k]);
return result;
* Returns the product <tt>a*b</tt>, if it is in <tt>-2<sup>63</sup>+1..2<sup>63</sup>-1</tt> range,
* or <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt> (<tt>-2<sup>63</sup></tt>) in other cases ("overflow").
* <p>Note: if the product is <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt>, this situation cannot
* be distinguished from the overflow.
* <p>Also note: if one of the multipliers <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt> is equal to the "overflow marker"
* <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt>, then, as it is follows from the common rule, the result of this method will also
* be equal to <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt> — excepting the only case, when one of the multipliers
* <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt> is zero. If <tt>a==0</tt> or <tt>b==0</tt>, the result is always 0.
* @param a the first <tt>long</tt> value.
* @param b the second <tt>long</tt> value.
* @return the product <tt>a*b</tt> or <tt>Long.MIN_VALUE</tt> if a case of overflow.
* @see #longMul(long...)
* @see #longMul(long[], int, int)
static long longMul(long a, long b) {
boolean sign = false;
if (a < 0L) {
a = -a;
sign = true;
if (b < 0L) {
b = -b;
sign = !sign;
long aL = a & 0xFFFFFFFFL, aH = a >>> 32;
long bL = b & 0xFFFFFFFFL, bH = b >>> 32;
// |a*b| = aH*bH * 2^64 + (aH*bL + aL*bH) * 2^32 + aL*bL (all unsigned, aH,bH < 2^31)
// let c = aH*bL + aL*bH, d = aL*bL (unsigned)
// aH*bH must be zero (in other case, there is overflow)
// so, |a*b| = c * 2^32 + d; it must be < 2^31
long c, d;
if (aH == 0L) {
if (bH == 0L) { // |a*b| = d, if d < 2^63
d = aL * bL;
if (d < 0L) // d >= 2^63
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
return sign ? -d : d;
} else {
d = aL * bL;
if (d < 0L) // d >= 2^63
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
c = aL * bH;
} else {
if (bH == 0L) {
d = aL * bL;
if (d < 0L) // d >= 2^63
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
c = aH * bL;
} else { // aH != 0, bH != 0
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
// here d < 2^63; c = aH*bL or aL*bH, so, c < 2^63
if (c > Integer.MAX_VALUE) // c >= 2^31: it means overflow (|a*b| >= c * 2^32 >= 2^63)
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
long result = (c << 32) + d;
if (result < 0L) // c * 2^32 + d >= 2^63
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
return sign ? -result : result;
private static void addPointsToSphere(
Set<IPoint> points, double[] center, long[] coordinates,
int lastCoordinatesCount, int ir, double rSqr, double rSum)
int dimCount = coordinates.length;
int currentCoordIndex = dimCount - 1 - lastCoordinatesCount;
int min = (int) center[currentCoordIndex] - ir;
int max = (int) center[currentCoordIndex] + ir;
if (currentCoordIndex == 0) {
for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
double diff = i - center[currentCoordIndex];
if (rSum + diff * diff <= rSqr) {
coordinates[0] = i;
} else {
for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
coordinates[currentCoordIndex] = i;
double diff = i - center[currentCoordIndex];
addPointsToSphere(points, center, coordinates, lastCoordinatesCount + 1,
ir, rSqr, rSum + diff * diff);
private static void addPointsToEllipsoid(
Set<IPoint> points, double[] center, int[] semiAxesUpperBounds, double[] semiAxesInv,
long[] coordinates, int lastCoordinatesCount, double sum)
int dimCount = coordinates.length;
int currentCoordIndex = dimCount - 1 - lastCoordinatesCount;
double rInv = semiAxesInv[currentCoordIndex];
int min = (int) center[currentCoordIndex] - semiAxesUpperBounds[currentCoordIndex];
int max = (int) center[currentCoordIndex] + semiAxesUpperBounds[currentCoordIndex];
if (currentCoordIndex == 0) {
for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
double diff = i - center[currentCoordIndex];
double ratio = diff == 0.0 ? 0.0 : diff * rInv; // rInv is infinite for zero semi-axis
double newSum = sum + ratio * ratio; // x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + ... : it must be <=1.0
if (newSum <= 1.000000001) { // theoretically possible that 5 * 1.0/5.0 > 1.0
coordinates[0] = i;
} else {
for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
double diff = i - center[currentCoordIndex];
double ratio = diff == 0.0 ? 0.0 : diff * rInv; // rInv is infinite for zero semi-axis
double newSum = sum + ratio * ratio;
if (newSum <= 1.000000001) { // little optimization: avoiding extra loop for some coordinates
coordinates[currentCoordIndex] = i;
addPointsToEllipsoid(points, center, semiAxesUpperBounds, semiAxesInv,
coordinates, lastCoordinatesCount + 1, newSum);