package org.jose4j.jwe.kdf;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil;
import org.jose4j.lang.UncheckedJoseException;
* An implementation of Concatenation Key Derivation Function (aka Concat KDF or ConcatKDF)
* from Section 5.8.1 of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
* "Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography",
* NIST Special Publication 800-56A, Revision 2, May 2013.
public class ConcatKeyDerivationFunction
Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
private int digestLength;
private MessageDigest messageDigest;
public ConcatKeyDerivationFunction(String hashAlgoritm)
messageDigest = getMessageDigest(hashAlgoritm);
digestLength = ByteUtil.bitLength(messageDigest.getDigestLength());
log.debug("Hash Algorithm: " + hashAlgoritm + " with hashlen: " + digestLength + " bits");
public byte[] kdf(byte[] sharedSecret, int keydatalen, byte[] algorithmId, byte[] partyUInfo, byte[] partyVInfo, byte[] suppPubInfo, byte[] suppPrivInfo)
log.debug(" z: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(sharedSecret));
log.debug(" keydatalen: " + keydatalen);
log.debug(" algorithmId: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(algorithmId));
log.debug(" partyUInfo: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(partyUInfo));
log.debug(" partyVInfo: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(partyVInfo));
log.debug(" suppPubInfo: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(suppPubInfo));
log.debug(" suppPrivInfo: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(suppPrivInfo));
byte[] otherInfo = ByteUtil.concat(algorithmId, partyUInfo, partyVInfo, suppPubInfo, suppPrivInfo);
return kdf(sharedSecret, keydatalen, otherInfo);
public byte[] kdf(byte[] sharedSecret, int keydatalen, byte[] otherInfo)
long reps = getReps(keydatalen);
log.debug("reps: " + reps);
log.debug("otherInfo: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(otherInfo));
ByteArrayOutputStream derivedByteOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for (int i = 1; i <= reps; i++)
log.debug("rep " + i + " hashing ");
byte[] counterBytes = ByteUtil.getBytes(i);
log.debug(" counter: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(counterBytes));
log.debug(" z: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(sharedSecret));
log.debug(" otherInfo: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(otherInfo));
byte[] digest = messageDigest.digest();
log.debug(" k("+i+ "): " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(digest));
derivedByteOutputStream.write(digest, 0, digest.length);
int keyDateLenInBytes = ByteUtil.byteLength(keydatalen);
byte[] derivedKeyMaterial = derivedByteOutputStream.toByteArray();
log.debug("derived key material: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(derivedKeyMaterial));
if (derivedKeyMaterial.length != keyDateLenInBytes)
byte[] newKeyMaterial = ByteUtil.subArray(derivedKeyMaterial, 0, keyDateLenInBytes);
log.debug("first "+keydatalen+" bits of derived key material: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(newKeyMaterial));
derivedKeyMaterial = newKeyMaterial;
log.debug("final derived key material: " + ByteUtil.toDebugString(derivedKeyMaterial));
return derivedKeyMaterial;
long getReps(int keydatalen)
double repsD = (float) keydatalen / (float) digestLength;
repsD = Math.ceil(repsD);
return (int) repsD;
private MessageDigest getMessageDigest(String digestMethod)
return MessageDigest.getInstance(digestMethod);
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
throw new UncheckedJoseException("Must have " + digestMethod + " MessageDigest but don't.", e);