package com.planet_ink.coffee_web.util;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.http.MIMEType;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.interfaces.FileCacheManager;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.interfaces.FileManager;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.interfaces.HTTPFileGetter;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.interfaces.MimeConverterManager;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.interfaces.ServletSessionManager;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.interfaces.SimpleServletManager;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.server.WebServer;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_common.collections.Pair;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_common.collections.Triad;
import com.planet_ink.coffee_common.collections.KeyPairSearchTree;
Copyright 2012-2014 Bo Zimmerman
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* Configuration for coffeewebserver
* @author Bo Zimmerman
public class CWConfig implements Cloneable
public static final int DEFAULT_HTP_LISTEN_PORT = 80;
public static final int DEFAULT_SSL_PORT = 443;
private static final String DEFAULT_PAGE = "index.html"; // this would normally be configurable as a list
private static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_PAGE = "root\\errorpage.cwhtml";
private static final String DEFAULT_BROWSE_PAGE = "root\\browsepage.cwhtml";
public static final long DEFAULT_THROTTLE_BYTES = Long.MAX_VALUE / 2;
// configuration for the request thread pool
private static final int DEFAULT_CORE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 1;
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 10;
private static final int DEFAULT_THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_MS = 60 * 1000; // max age of idle threads
private static final int DEFAULT_THREAD_TIMEOUT_SECS = 30; //Timeout for active request threads
private static final int DEFAULT_THREAD_QUEUE_SIZE = 500;//Above this and they start getting rejected
private static final long DEFAULT_FILECACHE_EXPIRE_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes -- how long a cache entry lived
private static final long DEFAULT_FILECACHE_MAX_BYTES = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // the maximum number of bytes this cache will hold total
private static final long DEFAULT_FILECACHE_MAX_FBYTES = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // the maximum size of file the cache will hold
private static final long DEFAULT_FILECOMP_MAX_FBYTES = 16 * 1024 * 1024; // the maximum size of file the cache will hold
private static final long DEFAULT_MAX_BODY_BYTES = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // maximum size of a request body
private static final long DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_MILLIS = 30 * 1000; // maximum time a request can be idle (between reads)
private static final int DEFAULT_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // maximum length of a single line in the main request
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ALIVE_SECS = 15; // maximum age, in seconds, of a request connection
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PIPELINED_REQUESTS= 10; // maximum number of requests per connection
private static final String DEFAULT_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE = "JKS";
private static final String DEFAULT_SSL_KEYMANAGER_ENC = "SunX509";
private static final String DEFAULT_DEBUG_FLAG = "OFF";
private static final String DEFAULT_ACCESSLOG_FLAG = "OFF";
private static final long DEFAULT_SESSION_IDLE_MILLIS = 30 * 60 * 1000; // maximum time a session can be idle (between requests)
private static final long DEFAULT_SESSION_AGE_MILLIS = 24 *60 * 60 * 1000; // maximum time a session can be in existence
private static final Integer ALL_PORTS = Integer.valueOf(-1);
private static final String ALL_HOSTS = "";
private Map<String,String> servlets = new HashMap<String,String>();
private Map<String,String> fileConverts = new HashMap<String,String>();
private Map<String,String> miscFlags = new HashMap<String,String>();
private Set<DisableFlag> disableFlags = new HashSet<DisableFlag>();
private SimpleServletManager servletMan = null;
private ServletSessionManager sessions = null;
private MimeConverterManager converters = null;
private FileCacheManager fileCache = null;
private Logger logger = null;
private HTTPFileGetter fileGetter = null;
private WebServer coffeeWebServer = null;
private FileManager fileManager = new CWFileManager();
private String sslKeystorePath = null;
private String sslKeystorePassword = null;
private String sslKeystoreType = DEFAULT_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE;
private String sslKeyManagerEncoding= DEFAULT_SSL_KEYMANAGER_ENC;
private int[] httpListenPorts = new int[]{DEFAULT_HTP_LISTEN_PORT};
private int[] httpsListenPorts = new int[]{DEFAULT_SSL_PORT};
private String bindAddress = null;
private int coreThreadPoolSize = DEFAULT_CORE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
private int maxThreadPoolSize = DEFAULT_MAX_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
private int maxThreadIdleMs = DEFAULT_THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_MS;
private int maxThreadTimeoutSecs = DEFAULT_THREAD_TIMEOUT_SECS;
private int maxThreadQueueSize = DEFAULT_THREAD_QUEUE_SIZE;
private long fileCacheExpireMs = DEFAULT_FILECACHE_EXPIRE_MS;
private long fileCacheMaxBytes = DEFAULT_FILECACHE_MAX_BYTES;
private long fileCacheMaxFileBytes= DEFAULT_FILECACHE_MAX_FBYTES;
private long fileCompMaxFileBytes = DEFAULT_FILECOMP_MAX_FBYTES;
private long sessionMaxIdleMs = DEFAULT_SESSION_IDLE_MILLIS;
private long sessionMaxAgeMs = DEFAULT_SESSION_AGE_MILLIS;
private long requestMaxBodyBytes = DEFAULT_MAX_BODY_BYTES;
private long requestMaxIdleMs = DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_MILLIS;
private long requestLineBufBytes = DEFAULT_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE;
private int requestMaxAliveSecs = DEFAULT_MAX_ALIVE_SECS;
private int requestMaxPerConn = DEFAULT_MAX_PIPELINED_REQUESTS;
private String defaultPage = DEFAULT_PAGE;
private String errorPage = DEFAULT_ERROR_PAGE;
private String browsePage = DEFAULT_BROWSE_PAGE;
private String debugFlag = DEFAULT_DEBUG_FLAG;
private boolean isDebugging = false;
private String accessLogFlag = DEFAULT_ACCESSLOG_FLAG;
private Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>> mounts = new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>>();
private Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress>>> fwds = new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress>>>();
private Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>>outs = new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>>();
private Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec>>> chunks = new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec>>>();
private Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>> browse = new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>>();
public enum DupPolicy { ENUMERATE, OVERWRITE }
public enum DisableFlag { RANGED }
private DupPolicy dupPolicy = DupPolicy.OVERWRITE;
* @return the debugFlag
public final String getDebugFlag()
return debugFlag;
* @param debugFlag the defaultDebugFlag to set
public final void setDebugFlag(String debugFlag)
this.debugFlag = debugFlag;
* @return the isDebugging
public final boolean isDebugging()
return isDebugging;
* @return the dupPolicy
public final DupPolicy getDupPolicy()
return dupPolicy;
* @param dupPolicy the dupPolicy to set
public final void setDupPolicy(DupPolicy dupPolicy)
this.dupPolicy = dupPolicy;
* @param dupPolicy the dupPolicy to set
public final void setDupPolicy(String dupPolicy)
catch(final Exception e)
this.dupPolicy = DupPolicy.OVERWRITE;
* @return the accessLogFlag
public final String getAccessLogFlag()
return accessLogFlag;
* @param accessLogFlag the accessLogFlag to set
public final void setAccessLogFlag(String accessLogFlag)
this.accessLogFlag = accessLogFlag;
* @return the defaultPage
public final String getDefaultPage()
return defaultPage;
* @return the errorPage
public final String getErrorPage()
return errorPage;
* @return the directory browsePage
public final String getBrowsePage()
return browsePage;
* @param defaultPage the defaultPage to set
public final void setDefaultPage(String defaultPage)
this.defaultPage = defaultPage;
* @return the fileCacheExpireMs
public final long getFileCacheExpireMs()
return fileCacheExpireMs;
* @param fileCacheExpireMs the fileCacheExpireMs to set
public final void setFileCacheExpireMs(long fileCacheExpireMs)
this.fileCacheExpireMs = fileCacheExpireMs;
* @return the logger
public Logger getLogger()
return logger;
* @param logger the logger to set
public void setLogger(Logger logger)
this.logger = logger;
* @return the fileCache
public final FileCacheManager getFileCache()
return fileCache;
* @param fileCache the fileCache to set
public final void setFileCache(FileCacheManager fileCache)
this.fileCache = fileCache;
* @return the fileManager
public final FileManager getFileManager()
return fileManager;
* @param fileManager the fileManager to set
public final void setFileManager(FileManager fileManager)
this.fileManager = fileManager;
* @return the fileGetter
public HTTPFileGetter getFileGetter()
return fileGetter;
* @param fileGetter the fileGetter to set
public void setFileGetter(HTTPFileGetter fileGetter)
this.fileGetter = fileGetter;
* @return the coffeeWebServer
public WebServer getCoffeeWebServer()
return coffeeWebServer;
* @param coffeeWebServer the coffeeWebServer to set
public void setCoffeeWebServer(WebServer coffeeWebServer)
this.coffeeWebServer = coffeeWebServer;
* @return the sessionMaxIdleMs
public final long getSessionMaxIdleMs()
return sessionMaxIdleMs;
* @param sessionMaxIdleMs the sessionMaxIdleMs to set
public final void setSessionMaxIdleMs(long sessionMaxIdleMs)
this.sessionMaxIdleMs = sessionMaxIdleMs;
* @return the sessionMaxAgeMs
public final long getSessionMaxAgeMs()
return sessionMaxAgeMs;
* @param sessionMaxAgeMs the sessionMaxAgeMs to set
public final void setSessionMaxAgeMs(long sessionMaxAgeMs)
this.sessionMaxAgeMs = sessionMaxAgeMs;
* @return the servletMan
public final SimpleServletManager getServletMan()
return servletMan;
* @param servletMan the servletMan to set
public final void setServletMan(SimpleServletManager servletMan)
this.servletMan = servletMan;
* @return the sessions
public final ServletSessionManager getSessions()
return sessions;
* @param sessions the sessions to set
public final void setSessions(ServletSessionManager sessions)
this.sessions = sessions;
* @return the converters
public final MimeConverterManager getConverters()
return converters;
* @param converters the converters to set
public final void setConverters(MimeConverterManager converters)
this.converters = converters;
* @return the bindAddress
public final String getBindAddress()
return bindAddress;
* @param bindAddress the bindAddress to set
public final void setBindAddress(String bindAddress)
this.bindAddress = bindAddress;
* return the proper pair for the given host and context and port
* and the given map of string pairs
* @param host the host name to search for, or "" for all hosts
* @param port the port to search for, or -1 for all ports
* @param context the context to search for -- NOT OPTIONAL!
* @return the proper pair for the given host and context and port
private final Pair<String,String> getContextPair(final Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>> map,
final String host, final int port, final String context)
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>> portMap=map.get(host);
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<String> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,String> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,String> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<String> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,String> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,String> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
return null;
* return the proper mount for the given host and context and port
* @param host the host name to search for, or "" for all hosts
* @param port the port to search for, or -1 for all ports
* @param context the context to search for -- NOT OPTIONAL!
* @return the proper mount for the given host and context and port
public final Pair<String,String> getMount(final String host, final int port, final String context)
return this.getContextPair(mounts, host, port, context);
* return the proper browse code for the given host and context and port
* @param host the host name to search for, or "" for all hosts
* @param port the port to search for, or -1 for all ports
* @param context the context to search for -- NOT OPTIONAL!
* @return the proper browse code for the given host and context and port
public final String getBrowseCode(final String host, final int port, final String context)
final Pair<String,String> p = this.getContextPair(browse, host, port, context);
if(p == null)
return null;
return p.second;
* return the proper forward for the given host and context and port
* @param host the host name to search for, or "" for all hosts
* @param port the port to search for, or -1 for all ports
* @param context the context to search for -- NOT OPTIONAL!
* @return the proper forward for the given host and context and port
public final Pair<String,WebAddress> getPortForward(final String host, final int port, final String context)
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress>> portMap=fwds.get(host);
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,WebAddress> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,WebAddress> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,WebAddress> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,WebAddress> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair;
return null;
* return the chunked encoding for the given host and context and port
* @param host the host name to search for, or "" for all hosts
* @param port the port to search for, or -1 for all ports
* @param context the context to search for -- NOT OPTIONAL!
* @return the chunk for the given host and context and port
public final ChunkSpec getChunkSpec(final String host, final int port, final String context)
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec>> portMap=chunks.get(host);
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ChunkSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ChunkSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ChunkSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ChunkSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
return null;
* return the throttle bytes, in or out, for the given host and context and port
* @param host the host name to search for, or "" for all hosts
* @param port the port to search for, or -1 for all ports
* @param context the context to search for -- NOT OPTIONAL!
* @return the throttle bytes, in or out
private final ThrottleSpec getThrottleBytes(final String host, final int port, final String context,
Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>> spec)
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>> portMap=spec.get(host);
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ThrottleSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ThrottleSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
if(portMap != null)
KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec> contexts=portMap.get(Integer.valueOf(port));
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ThrottleSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
if(contexts != null)
final Pair<String,ThrottleSpec> pair=contexts.findLongestValue(context);
if(pair != null)
return pair.second;
return null;
* return the response (out) throttle bytes spec, for the given host and context and port
* @param host the host name to search for, or "" for all hosts
* @param port the port to search for, or -1 for all ports
* @param context the context to search for -- NOT OPTIONAL!
* @return the throttle bytes, in or out
public final ThrottleSpec getResponseThrottle(final String host, final int port, final String context)
return getThrottleBytes(host,port,context,outs);
* @return the sslKeystorePath
public final String getSslKeystorePath()
return sslKeystorePath;
* @param sslKeystorePath the sslKeystorePath to set
public final void setSslKeystorePath(String sslKeystorePath)
this.sslKeystorePath = sslKeystorePath;
* @return the sslKeystorePassword
public final String getSslKeystorePassword()
return sslKeystorePassword;
* @param sslKeystorePassword the sslKeystorePassword to set
public final void setSslKeystorePassword(String sslKeystorePassword)
this.sslKeystorePassword = sslKeystorePassword;
* @return the sslKeystoreType
public final String getSslKeystoreType()
return sslKeystoreType;
* @param sslKeystoreType the sslKeystoreType to set
public final void setSslKeystoreType(String sslKeystoreType)
this.sslKeystoreType = sslKeystoreType;
* @return the sslKeyManagerEncoding
public final String getSslKeyManagerEncoding()
return sslKeyManagerEncoding;
* @param sslKeyManagerEncoding the sslKeyManagerEncoding to set
public final void setSslKeyManagerEncoding(String sslKeyManagerEncoding)
this.sslKeyManagerEncoding = sslKeyManagerEncoding;
* @return the httpListenPorts
public final int[] getHttpListenPorts()
return httpListenPorts;
* @param httpListenPorts the httpListenPorts to set
public final void setHttpListenPorts(int[] httpListenPorts)
this.httpListenPorts = httpListenPorts;
* @return the httpsListenPorts
public final int[] getHttpsListenPorts()
return httpsListenPorts;
* @param httpsListenPorts the httpsListenPorts to set
public final void setHttpsListenPorts(int[] httpsListenPorts)
this.httpsListenPorts = httpsListenPorts;
* @return the coreThreadPoolSize
public final int getCoreThreadPoolSize()
return coreThreadPoolSize;
* @param coreThreadPoolSize the coreThreadPoolSize to set
public final void setCoreThreadPoolSize(int coreThreadPoolSize)
this.coreThreadPoolSize = coreThreadPoolSize;
* @return the maxThreadPoolSize
public final int getMaxThreadPoolSize()
return maxThreadPoolSize;
* @param maxThreadPoolSize the maxThreadPoolSize to set
public final void setMaxThreadPoolSize(int maxThreadPoolSize)
this.maxThreadPoolSize = maxThreadPoolSize;
* @return the maxThreadIdleMs
public final int getMaxThreadIdleMs()
return maxThreadIdleMs;
* @param maxThreadIdleMs the maxThreadIdleMs to set
public final void setMaxThreadIdleMs(int maxThreadIdleMs)
this.maxThreadIdleMs = maxThreadIdleMs;
* @return the maxThreadTimeoutSecs
public final int getMaxThreadTimeoutSecs()
return maxThreadTimeoutSecs;
* @param maxThreadTimeoutSecs the maxThreadTimeoutSecs to set
public final void setMaxThreadTimeoutSecs(int maxThreadTimeoutSecs)
this.maxThreadTimeoutSecs = maxThreadTimeoutSecs;
* @return the maxThreadQueueSize
public final int getMaxThreadQueueSize()
return maxThreadQueueSize;
* @param maxThreadQueueSize the maxThreadQueueSize to set
public final void setMaxThreadQueueSize(int maxThreadQueueSize)
this.maxThreadQueueSize = maxThreadQueueSize;
* @param flag the flag to check
* @return true if its disabled, false otherwise
public final boolean isDisabled(DisableFlag flag)
return (flag != null) && disableFlags.contains(flag);
* @return the disable flags
public Set<DisableFlag> getDisableFlags()
return disableFlags;
* @return the fileCacheMaxBytes
public final long getFileCacheMaxBytes()
return fileCacheMaxBytes;
* @param fileCacheMaxBytes the fileCacheMaxBytes to set
public final void setFileCacheMaxBytes(long fileCacheMaxBytes)
this.fileCacheMaxBytes = fileCacheMaxBytes;
* @return the requestMaxBodyBytes
public final long getRequestMaxBodyBytes()
return requestMaxBodyBytes;
* @return the fileCacheMaxFileBytes
public long getFileCacheMaxFileBytes()
return fileCacheMaxFileBytes;
* @param fileCacheMaxFileBytes the fileCacheMaxFileBytes to set
public void setFileCacheMaxFileBytes(long fileCacheMaxFileBytes)
this.fileCacheMaxFileBytes = fileCacheMaxFileBytes;
* @return the fileCompMaxFileBytes
public long getFileCompMaxFileBytes()
return fileCompMaxFileBytes;
* @param fileCompMaxFileBytes the fileCompMaxFileBytes to set
public void setFileCompMaxFileBytes(long fileCompMaxFileBytes)
this.fileCompMaxFileBytes = fileCompMaxFileBytes;
* @param requestMaxBodyBytes the requestMaxBodyBytes to set
public final void setRequestMaxBodyBytes(long requestMaxBodyBytes)
this.requestMaxBodyBytes = requestMaxBodyBytes;
* @return the requestMaxIdleMs
public final long getRequestMaxIdleMs()
return requestMaxIdleMs;
* @param requestMaxIdleMs the requestMaxIdleMs to set
public final void setRequestMaxIdleMs(long requestMaxIdleMs)
this.requestMaxIdleMs = requestMaxIdleMs;
* @return the requestLineBufBytes
public final long getRequestLineBufBytes()
return requestLineBufBytes;
* @param requestLineBufBytes the requestLineBufBytes to set
public final void setRequestLineBufBytes(long requestLineBufBytes)
this.requestLineBufBytes = requestLineBufBytes;
* @return the requestMaxAliveSecs
public final int getRequestMaxAliveSecs()
return requestMaxAliveSecs;
* @param requestMaxAliveSecs the requestMaxAliveSecs to set
public final void setRequestMaxAliveSecs(int requestMaxAliveSecs)
this.requestMaxAliveSecs = requestMaxAliveSecs;
* @return the requestMaxPerConn
public final int getRequestMaxPerConn()
return requestMaxPerConn;
* @param requestMaxPerConn the requestMaxPerConn to set
public final void setRequestMaxPerConn(int requestMaxPerConn)
this.requestMaxPerConn = requestMaxPerConn;
* @return the servlets
public final Map<String, String> getServlets()
return servlets;
* @return the fileConverts
public final Map<String, String> getFileConverts()
return fileConverts;
* Get a property as an integer
* @param props the props to look in
* @param propName the name of the prop
* @param defaultVal what to return if its not there, or isn't an int
* @return
private int getInt(final Properties props, final String propName, final int defaultVal)
return Integer.parseInt(getString(props,propName,""));
catch(final Exception e)
return defaultVal;
* Get a property as an long
* @param props the props to look in
* @param propName the name of the prop
* @param defaultVal what to return if its not there, or isn't an long
* @return
private long getLong(final Properties props, final String propName, final long defaultVal)
return Long.parseLong(getString(props,propName,""));
catch(final Exception e)
return defaultVal;
* Get a property as a String
* @param props the props to look in
* @param propName the name of the prop
* @param defaultVal what to return if its not there
* @return
private String getString(final Properties props, final String propName, final String defaultVal)
return ((String)props.get(propName)).trim();
return defaultVal;
* @return
public CWConfig copyOf()
return (CWConfig)clone();
catch(final Exception e)
return this;
* Get integer ports from a comma-delimited list
* @param props the properties
* @param portListPropName the port list property name
* @param defaultPorts the default to use when none found
* @return the new ports
private int[] getPorts(Properties props, String portListPropName, int[] defaultPorts)
final StringBuilder str=new StringBuilder("");
for(int i=0;i<defaultPorts.length;i++)
if(i>0) str.append(",");
final String[] prop=getString(props,portListPropName,str.toString()).split(",");
int numPorts=0;
defaultPorts=new int[prop.length];
for (final String element : prop)
}catch(final Exception e) {}
defaultPorts=Arrays.copyOf(defaultPorts, numPorts);
return defaultPorts;
* Returns property keypairs, assuming any exist. They are formatted with a prefix and a separator
* followed by the first being mounted, which is equal to the value.
* @param props the properties
* @param prefix the prefix that is shared amongst all entries
* @return a map of all keypairs found
private Map<String,String> getPrefixedPairs(Properties props, String prefix, char separatorChar)
Map<String,String> newMounts=null;
for(final Object p : props.keySet())
if((p instanceof String)
if(newMounts==null) newMounts = new HashMap<String,String>();
final String key=(String)p;
final String value=props.getProperty(key);
final String mountPoint=key.substring(prefix.length()+1);
return newMounts;
* Parses a url host:port/context into its constituent parts and returns them
* @param value the url
* @return the pieces
private Triad<String,Integer,String> findHostPortContext(String value)
int portDex=value.indexOf(':');
return new Triad<String,Integer,String>("",ALL_PORTS,"/"+value);
final int slashDex=value.indexOf('/');
Integer port=ALL_PORTS;
final String context;
value=value.substring(0, slashDex);
final String possPort=value.substring(portDex+1);
catch(final NumberFormatException ne)
if(logger != null)
logger.severe("Illegal port in forward address: "+value);
return null;
value=value.substring(0, portDex);
catch(final Exception e)
return new Triad<String,Integer,String>(value,port,context);
* Returns one of the named properties, even ones that don't
* mean anything to coffeewebserver per se.
* @param propName the name of the property
* @return the value of the property, or null if not found
public String getMiscProp(String propName)
return miscFlags.get(propName.toUpperCase());
* Parses a mime type list : file size entry
* @param value the mime type list, file size entry
* @return the pieces
private Pair<Set<MIMEType>,Long> findMimesAndFileSizes(String value)
int sizeDex=value.indexOf(':');
return null;
final String mimesStr = value.substring(0,sizeDex).trim().toLowerCase();
final String fileSize = value.substring(sizeDex+1).trim();
final Long maxFileSize;
catch(final NumberFormatException ne)
if(logger != null)
logger.severe("Illegal file size in chunk spec: "+value);
return null;
final Set<MIMEType> mimeTypes = new HashSet<MIMEType>();
String[] typesSet = mimesStr.split(",");
for(String type : typesSet)
MIMEType mtype = null;
for(MIMEType m : MIMEType.values())
||(type.endsWith("*") &&,type.length()-1)))
||(type.startsWith("*") &&
||(type.endsWith("*") && m.getType().startsWith(type.substring(0,type.length()-1)))
||(type.startsWith("*") && m.getType().endsWith(type.substring(1))))
if(mtype == null)
for(MIMEType m : MIMEType.values())
||(type.endsWith("*") && m.getExt().startsWith(type.substring(0,type.length()-1)))
||(type.startsWith("*") && m.getExt().endsWith(type.substring(1))))
if(mtype == null)
if(logger != null)
logger.severe("Illegal mime type spec in chunk spec: "+type);
return new Pair<Set<MIMEType>,Long>(mimeTypes,maxFileSize);
* Build throttle spec from given properties file prefix
* @param specCache cache of throttle specs for a given host mask
* @param props the main props
* @param prefix the throttle spec prefix, THROTTLEOUT
* @return null for no spec, or a new throttle spec
private Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>> getThrottleBytes(final Map<String,ThrottleSpec> specCache, final Properties props, final String prefix)
final Map<String,String> newThrottles=getPrefixedPairs(props,prefix,'/');
if(newThrottles != null)
HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>> throts=new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>>();
for(final Entry<String,String> p : newThrottles.entrySet())
String key=p.getKey();
Triad<String,Integer,String> from=findHostPortContext(key);
if(from == null) continue;
String value=p.getValue();
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>> portMap=throts.get(from.first);
if(portMap == null)
portMap=new HashMap<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>();
throts.put(from.first, portMap);
KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec> tree=portMap.get(from.second);
if(tree == null)
tree=new KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>();
portMap.put(from.second, tree);
ThrottleSpec spec = (specCache != null)?specCache.get(key):null;
if(spec == null)
long throttleBytes;
throttleBytes = Long.valueOf(value).longValue();
catch(Exception e)
spec = new ThrottleSpec(throttleBytes);
if(specCache != null)
specCache.put(key, spec);
tree.addEntry(from.third, spec);
return throts;
return null;
public Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>> getContextMap(final String prefix, final Properties props)
Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>> map = null;
final Map<String,String> pairs=getPrefixedPairs(props,prefix,'/');
if(pairs != null)
map=new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>>();
for(final Entry<String,String> p : pairs.entrySet())
final String key=p.getKey();
final Triad<String,Integer,String> from=findHostPortContext(key);
if(from == null) continue;
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>> portMap=map.get(from.first);
if(portMap == null)
portMap=new HashMap<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>();
map.put(from.first, portMap);
KeyPairSearchTree<String> tree=portMap.get(from.second);
if(tree == null)
tree=new KeyPairSearchTree<String>();
portMap.put(from.second, tree);
tree.addEntry(from.third, p.getValue());
return map;
* @param props
public void load(Properties props)
for(final Object propName : props.keySet())
miscFlags.put(propName.toString().toUpperCase(), getString(props,propName.toString(),""));
if(!props.containsKey("MAXTHREADTIMEOUTSECS") && props.containsKey("REQUESTTIMEOUTMINS"))
if(!props.containsKey("REQUESTMAXALIVESECS") && props.containsKey("REQUESTTIMEOUTMINS"))
final String[] disableStrs=getString(props,"DISABLE","").split(",");
for(String disable : disableStrs)
catch(final Exception e)
getLogger().severe("Unknown DISABLE flag in coffeeweb.ini: "+disable);
final Map<String,String> newServlets=getPrefixedPairs(props,"SERVLET",'/');
if(newServlets != null)
final Map<String,String> newConverts=getPrefixedPairs(props,"MIMECONVERT",'.');
if(newConverts != null)
final Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>> newMounts = getContextMap("MOUNT",props);
if(newMounts != null)
mounts = newMounts;
final Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<String>>> newBrowse = getContextMap("BROWSE",props);
if(newBrowse != null)
browse = newBrowse;
final Map<String,String> newForwards=getPrefixedPairs(props,"FORWARD",'/');
if(newForwards != null)
fwds=new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress>>>();
for(final Entry<String,String> p : newForwards.entrySet())
String key=p.getKey();
Triad<String,Integer,String> from=findHostPortContext(key);
if(from == null) continue;
String value=p.getValue();
Triad<String,Integer,String> to=findHostPortContext(value);
if(to == null) continue;
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress>> portMap=fwds.get(from.first);
if(portMap == null)
portMap=new HashMap<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress>>();
fwds.put(from.first, portMap);
KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress> tree=portMap.get(from.second);
if(tree == null)
tree=new KeyPairSearchTree<WebAddress>();
portMap.put(from.second, tree);
tree.addEntry(from.third, new WebAddress(to.first,to.second.intValue(),to.third));
catch(UnknownHostException ue)
getLogger().severe("Unresolved host in forward address: "+value);
final Map<String,ThrottleSpec> specCache = new HashMap<String, ThrottleSpec>();
final Map<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ThrottleSpec>>> throttleOutSpec = this.getThrottleBytes(specCache, props, "THROTTLEOUTPUT");
if(throttleOutSpec != null)
outs = throttleOutSpec;
final int chunkSize = getInt(props,"CHUNKSIZE",0);
final Map<String,String> newChunks=getPrefixedPairs(props,"CHUNKALLOW",'/');
if((newChunks != null) && (chunkSize > 0))
chunks=new HashMap<String,Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec>>>();
for(final Entry<String,String> p : newChunks.entrySet())
String key=p.getKey();
Triad<String,Integer,String> from=findHostPortContext(key);
if(from == null) continue;
String value=p.getValue();
Pair<Set<MIMEType>,Long> to=findMimesAndFileSizes(value);
if(to == null) continue;
Map<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec>> portMap=chunks.get(from.first);
if(portMap == null)
portMap=new HashMap<Integer,KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec>>();
chunks.put(from.first, portMap);
KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec> tree=portMap.get(from.second);
if(tree == null)
tree=new KeyPairSearchTree<ChunkSpec>();
portMap.put(from.second, tree);
tree.addEntry(from.third, new ChunkSpec(chunkSize,to.first,to.second.longValue()));