* Copyright 2013 Matt Sicker and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package atg.tools.dynunit.nucleus;
import atg.applauncher.AppLauncher;
import atg.applauncher.AppLauncherException;
import atg.applauncher.AppModuleManager;
import atg.applauncher.MultiInstallLocalAppModuleManager;
import atg.applauncher.dynamo.DynamoServerLauncher;
import atg.core.util.CommandProcessor;
import atg.core.util.JarUtils;
import atg.nucleus.DynamoEnv;
import atg.nucleus.GenericContext;
import atg.nucleus.GenericService;
import atg.nucleus.InitialService;
import atg.nucleus.Nucleus;
import atg.nucleus.PropertyEditors;
import atg.nucleus.ServiceException;
import atg.nucleus.naming.ComponentName;
import atg.nucleus.servlet.NucleusServlet;
import atg.service.dynamo.ServerConfig;
import atg.tools.dynunit.DynUnit;
import atg.tools.dynunit.test.util.FileUtil;
import atg.tools.dynunit.util.ComponentUtil;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import java.beans.ConstructorProperties;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import static atg.tools.dynunit.util.PropertiesUtil.getSystemProperty;
import static atg.tools.dynunit.util.PropertiesUtil.setDynamoProperty;
import static atg.tools.dynunit.util.PropertiesUtil.setDynamoPropertyIfEmpty;
import static atg.tools.dynunit.util.PropertiesUtil.setSystemProperty;
import static atg.tools.dynunit.util.PropertiesUtil.setSystemPropertyIfEmpty;
import static org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.toFile;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notEmpty;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull;
// TODO: factor out configPath methods to its own class
// TODO: migrate parts to NucleusFactory
* Utility class for aiding in Nucleus component resolution.
* @author adamb
* @author msicker
public class NucleusUtils {
public static final String DYNUNIT_TESTCONFIG = "atg.tools.dynunit.testconfig";
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();
private static final String EXTRACT_TEMP_JAR_FILE_FOR_PATH = "Extract temp jar file for path ";
private static final String DYNUNIT_CONFIG = "dynunit-config-";
private static final String FILE = "file:";
* A map from Nucleus instance to temporary directory. Used by
* startNucleusWithModules.
private static final ConcurrentMap<Nucleus, File> nucleiConfigPathsCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<Nucleus, File>();
* Cache of the config path for a given Class. Used by getConfigPath.
private static final ConcurrentMap<Class, Map<String, File>> configPath = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, Map<String, File>>();
* Creates an Initial.properties file
* @param rootConfigPath
* The root of the config path entry.
* @param initialServices
* initial services list
* @return the create initial services properties file.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs
public static File createInitial(File rootConfigPath, Iterable<String> initialServices)
throws IOException {
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.setProperty("initialServices", StringUtils.join(initialServices, ','));
return ComponentUtil.newComponent(rootConfigPath, "Initial", InitialService.class, prop);
* @see atg.tools.dynunit.util.ComponentUtil#newComponent(java.io.File, String, String, java.util.Properties)
public static File createProperties(String componentName,
@Nullable File configDir,
String className,
Properties properties)
throws IOException {
return ComponentUtil.newComponent(configDir, componentName, className, properties);
* Allows the absoluteName of the given service to be explicitly defined.
* Normally this is determined by the object's location in the Nucleus
* hierarchy. For test items that are not really bound to Nucleus, it's
* convenient to just give it an absolute name rather than going through
* the whole configuration and binding process.
* @param absoluteName
* The absolute name value to set
* @param service
* The service whose absolute name should be set.
public static void setAbsoluteName(String absoluteName, GenericService service)
throws IllegalAccessException {
FieldUtils.writeDeclaredField(service, "mAbsoluteName", absoluteName, true);
* Adds the given object, component to Nucleus, nucleus at the path given
* by componentPath.
* @param nucleus
* The Nucleus instance to which the component should be added
* @param componentPath
* the component path at which the component should be added
* @param component
* the component instance to add
public static void addComponent(Nucleus nucleus, String componentPath, Object component) {
// make sure it's not already there
if (nucleus.resolveName(componentPath) != null) {
ComponentName name = ComponentName.getComponentName(componentPath);
ComponentName[] subNames = name.getSubNames();
GenericContext[] contexts = new GenericContext[subNames.length - 1];
contexts[0] = nucleus;
for (int i = 1; i < subNames.length - 1; i++) {
contexts[i] = new GenericContext();
// Make sure it's not there
GenericContext tmpContext = (GenericContext) contexts[i
- 1].getElement(subNames[i].getName());
if (tmpContext == null) {
contexts[i - 1].putElement(subNames[i].getName(), contexts[i]);
else {
contexts[i] = tmpContext;
contexts[contexts.length - 1].putElement(
subNames[subNames.length - 1].getName(), component
* Starts Nucleus using the given config directory
* @param configPath
* the config path directory entry
* to use as the entire config path.
* @return the started Nucleus
public static Nucleus startNucleus(File configPath) {
return startNucleus(configPath.getAbsolutePath());
* Starts Nucleus using the given config directory
* @param configPath
* the path name of the config path
* entry to specify.
* @return The started nucleus.
public static Nucleus startNucleus(String configPath) {
setSystemPropertyIfEmpty("atg.dynamo.license.read", "true");
setSystemPropertyIfEmpty("atg.license.read", "true");
return Nucleus.startNucleus(new String[]{ configPath });
* A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
* baseConfigDirectory is the top level name to be used for the configpath.
* Returns a file in the "config/data" subdirectory of the passed in file.
* @param baseConfigDirectory
* the base configuration directory.
* @return The calculated configuration path.
public static File getConfigPath(String baseConfigDirectory) {
return getConfigPath(NucleusUtils.class, baseConfigDirectory, true);
* A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
* pConfigDirectory is the top level name to be used for the configpath.
* Returns a file in the baseConfigDirectory (or baseConfigDirectory +
* "data") subdirectory of the the passed in class's location.<P>
* <p/>
* The directory location is calculated as (in psuedo-code):
* <code>
* (classRelativeTo's package location) + "/" + (pConfigDirectory or "data") + "/config"
* </code>
* @param classRelativeTo
* the class whose package the config/data
* (or baseConfigDirectory/data) should be relative in.
* @param baseConfigDirectory
* the base configuration directory If null,
* uses "config".
* @param createDirectory
* whether to create the config/data subdirectory if
* it does not exist.
* @return The calculated configuration path.
public static File getConfigPath(Class classRelativeTo,
String baseConfigDirectory,
boolean createDirectory) {
Map<String, File> baseConfigToFile = configPath.get(classRelativeTo);
if (baseConfigToFile == null) {
baseConfigToFile = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, File>();
configPath.put(classRelativeTo, baseConfigToFile);
File fileFound = baseConfigToFile.get(baseConfigDirectory);
if (!baseConfigToFile.containsKey(baseConfigDirectory)) {
String configdirname = "config";
String packageName = StringUtils.replaceChars(
classRelativeTo.getPackage().getName(), '.', '/'
if (baseConfigDirectory != null) {
configdirname = baseConfigDirectory;
String configFolder = packageName + "/data/" + configdirname;
URL dataURL = classRelativeTo.getClassLoader().getResource(configFolder);
// Mkdir
if (dataURL == null) {
URL root = classRelativeTo.getClassLoader().getResource(packageName);
File f = null;
if (root != null) {
f = new File(root.getFile());
File f2 = new File(f, "/data/" + configdirname);
if (createDirectory) {
dataURL = NucleusUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResource(configFolder);
if (dataURL == null) {
"Warning: Could not find resource \"" +
configFolder + "\" in CLASSPATH"
if (dataURL != null) {// check if this URL is contained within a jar file
// if so, extract to a temp dir, otherwise just return
// the directory
fileFound = extractJarDataURL(dataURL);
baseConfigToFile.put(baseConfigDirectory, fileFound);
if (fileFound != null) {
"atg.configpath", fileFound.getAbsolutePath()
return fileFound;
* This method is used to extract a configdir from a jar archive.
* Given a URL this method will extract the jar contents to a temp dir and return that path.
* It also adds a shutdown hook to cleanup the tmp dir on normal jvm completion.
* If the given URL does not appear to be a path into a jar archive, this method returns
* a new File object initialized with <code>dataURL.getFile()</code>.
* @return A temporary directory to be used as a configdir
private static File extractJarDataURL(URL dataURL) {
// TODO: Extract to a temp location
// atg.core.util.JarUtils.extractEntry(arg0, arg1, arg2)
int endIndex = dataURL.getFile().lastIndexOf('!');
if (endIndex == -1) {
// Not a jar file url
return new File(dataURL.getFile());
logger.info(EXTRACT_TEMP_JAR_FILE_FOR_PATH + dataURL.getFile());
File configDir = null;
try {
final File tempFile = FileUtil.newTempFile();
final File tmpDir = new File(
tempFile.getParentFile(), DYNUNIT_CONFIG + System.currentTimeMillis()
String jarPath = dataURL.getFile().substring(0, endIndex);
// Strip leading file:
int fileColonIndex = jarPath.indexOf(FILE) + FILE.length();
jarPath = jarPath.substring(fileColonIndex, jarPath.length());
JarUtils.unJar(new File(jarPath), tmpDir, false);
// Now get the configpath dir relative to this temp dir
String relativePath = dataURL.getFile().substring(
endIndex + 1, dataURL.getFile().length()
configDir = new File(tmpDir, relativePath);
} catch (IOException e) {
return configDir;
* A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
* pConfigDirectory is the top level name to be used for the configpath.
* Returns a file in the "data" subdirectory of the passed in file.
* @param baseConfigDirectory
* the base configuration directory.
* @param createDirectory
* whether to create the config/data subdirectory if
* it does not exist.
* @return The calculated configuration path.
public static File getConfigPath(String baseConfigDirectory, boolean createDirectory) {
return getConfigPath(NucleusUtils.class, baseConfigDirectory, createDirectory);
* A convenience method for returning the configpath for a test.
* pConfigDirectory is the top level name to be used for the configpath.
* Returns a file in the baseConfigDirectory (or baseConfigDirectory +
* "data") subdirectory of the the passed in class's location.
* <p/>
* The directory location is calculated as (in pseudo-code): <code>
* (classRelativeTo's package location) + "/" + (pConfigDirectory or "data") + "/config"
* </code>
* This method always creates the config/data subdirectory if it does not
* exist.
* @param classRelativeTo
* the class whose package the config/data (or
* baseConfigDirectory/data) should be relative in.
* @param baseConfigDirectory
* the base configuration directory If null, uses "config".
* @return The calculated configuration path.
public static File getConfigPath(Class classRelativeTo, String baseConfigDirectory) {
return getConfigPath(classRelativeTo, baseConfigDirectory, true);
public static String getGlobalTestConfig() {
String config = getSystemProperty(DYNUNIT_TESTCONFIG);
if (config == null) {
config = System.getenv(DYNUNIT_TESTCONFIG_ENV);
// If that's null, there is no global test config specified
return config;
public static Nucleus startNucleusWithModules(String[] modules,
Class classRelativeTo,
String initialService)
throws ServletException, FileNotFoundException {
return startNucleusWithModules(
new NucleusStartupOptions(
classRelativeTo.getSimpleName() + "/config", // FIXME: factor into private method
private static File getExistingFile(final String name)
throws FileNotFoundException {
final File file = new File(name);
if (file.exists()) {
return file;
throw new FileNotFoundException(name);
public static Nucleus startNucleusWithModules(NucleusStartupOptions startupOptions)
throws ServletException, FileNotFoundException {
final File dynamoRoot = getExistingFile(findDynamoRoot());
setDynamoPropertyIfEmpty("atg.dynamo.root", dynamoRoot.getAbsolutePath());
final File dynamoHome = new File(dynamoRoot, "home");
setDynamoPropertyIfEmpty("atg.dynamo.home", dynamoHome.getAbsolutePath());
final String modulesPath = StringUtils.join(startupOptions.getModules(), File.pathSeparatorChar);
setDynamoProperty("atg.dynamo.modules", modulesPath);
setSystemPropertyIfEmpty("atg.dynamo.license.read", "true");
setSystemPropertyIfEmpty("atg.license.read", "true");
// our temporary server directory.
File fileServerDir = null;
try {
AppModuleManager moduleManager = new MultiInstallLocalAppModuleManager(
dynamoRoot.getAbsolutePath(), dynamoRoot, modulesPath
AppLauncher launcher = AppLauncher.getLauncher(moduleManager, modulesPath);
// Start Nucleus
String configpath = DynamoServerLauncher.calculateConfigPath(
launcher, startupOptions.getLiveConfig(), startupOptions.getLayersAsString(), false, null
// use the NucleusUtils config dir as a base, since it
// empties out license checks, etc.
File fileBaseConfig = getConfigPath(NucleusUtils.class, null, false);
if ((fileBaseConfig != null) && fileBaseConfig.exists()) {
configpath = configpath + File.pathSeparator +
// add the additional config path as the last arg, if needed
File fileTestConfig = getConfigPath(
startupOptions.getClassRelativeTo(), startupOptions.getBaseConfigDirectory(), false
// now add it to the end of our config path
if ((fileTestConfig != null) && fileTestConfig.exists()) {
configpath = configpath + File.pathSeparator +
else if (fileTestConfig != null) {
"Warning: did not find directory {}", fileTestConfig.getAbsolutePath()
String dynUnitHome = DynUnit.getHome();
if (dynUnitHome != null) {
configpath = configpath
+ File.pathSeparator
+ dynUnitHome
+ File.separatorChar
+ "licenseconfig";
// finally, create a server dir.
fileServerDir = createTempServerDir();
"atg.dynamo.server.home", fileServerDir.getAbsolutePath()
ArrayList<String> listArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
logger.info("Starting nucleus with arguments: " + listArgs);
Nucleus n = Nucleus.startNucleus(listArgs.toArray(new String[listArgs.size()]));
// remember our temporary server directory for later deletion
nucleiConfigPathsCache.put(n, fileServerDir);
// clear out the variable, so our finally clause knows not to
// delete it
fileServerDir = null;
return n;
} catch (AppLauncherException e) {
throw logger.throwing(new ServletException(e));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw logger.throwing(new ServletException(e));
} finally {
if (fileServerDir != null) {
try {
// a non-null value means it was created, but not added to our list,
// so we should nuke it.
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.catching(Level.ERROR, e);
* A crazily ugly and elaborate method where we try to discover
* DYNAMO_ROOT by various means. This is mostly made complicated
* by the ROAD DUST environment being so different from devtools.
private static String findDynamoRoot() {
// now let's try to find dynamo home...
String dynamoRootStr = DynamoEnv.getProperty("atg.dynamo.root");
if (dynamoRootStr == null) {
// let's try to look at an environment variable, just to
// see....
dynamoRootStr = CommandProcessor.getProcEnvironmentVar("DYNAMO_ROOT");
if (dynamoRootStr == null) {
// try dynamo home
String dynamoHomeStr = DynamoEnv.getProperty("atg.dynamo.home");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dynamoHomeStr)) {
dynamoHomeStr = null;
if (dynamoHomeStr == null) {
dynamoHomeStr = CommandProcessor.getProcEnvironmentVar("DYNAMO_HOME");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dynamoHomeStr)) {
dynamoHomeStr = null;
if (dynamoHomeStr != null) {
// make sure home is set as a property
DynamoEnv.setProperty("atg.dynamo.home", dynamoHomeStr);
if (dynamoHomeStr != null) {
dynamoRootStr = dynamoHomeStr.trim() + File.separator + "..";
if (dynamoRootStr == null) {
// okay, start searching upwards for something that looks like
// a dynamo directory, which should be the case for devtools
File currentDir = new File(new File(".").getAbsolutePath());
String strDynamoHomeLocalConfig = "Dynamo"
+ File.separator
+ "home"
+ File.separator
+ "localconfig";
while (currentDir != null) {
File filePotentialHomeLocalconfigDir = new File(
currentDir, strDynamoHomeLocalConfig
if (filePotentialHomeLocalconfigDir.exists()) {
dynamoRootStr = new File(currentDir, "Dynamo").getAbsolutePath();
logger.debug("Found dynamo root via parent directory: " + dynamoRootStr);
currentDir = currentDir.getParentFile();
if (dynamoRootStr == null) {
// okay, we are not devtools-ish, so let's try using our ClassLoader
// to figure things out.
URL urlClass = NucleusUtils.class.getClassLoader()
// okay... this should be jar URL...
if ((urlClass != null) && "jar".equals(urlClass.getProtocol())) {
String strFile = urlClass.getFile();
int separator = strFile.indexOf('!');
strFile = strFile.substring(0, separator);
File fileCur = null;
try {
fileCur = urlToFile(new URL(strFile));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// ignore
if (fileCur != null) {
String strSubPath = "DAS/taglib/dspjspTaglib/1.0".replace(
'/', File.separatorChar
while ((fileCur != null) && fileCur.exists()) {
if (new File(fileCur, strSubPath).exists()) {
dynamoRootStr = fileCur.getAbsolutePath();
"Found dynamo root by Nucleus.class location: " + dynamoRootStr
fileCur = fileCur.getParentFile();
return dynamoRootStr;
private static File urlToFile(URL url) {
return toFile(url);
* Create a temporary, empty server directory. This is to satisfy
* Dynamo's need to have a server directory, yet not conflict if
* multiple tests are running at the same time against the same Dynamo
* instance. The directory name is generated by File.createTempFile.
* @return the created temporary server directory.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs
private static File createTempServerDir()
throws IOException {
File fileTemp = File.createTempFile("tempServer", "dir");
if (!fileTemp.mkdir()) {
throw new IOException(
"Unable to create directory " + fileTemp.getAbsolutePath()
for (String strSubDir : ServerConfig.smConfigFileDirs) {
File fileSubDir = new File(fileTemp, strSubDir);
if (!fileSubDir.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException(
"Unable to create directory " + fileSubDir.getAbsolutePath()
return fileTemp;
* This method starts nucleus with a config path calculated from the
* specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS",
* "Publishing.base", etc). Additionally adds a directory calculated relative
* to the location of classRelativeTo's package name from the classloader.
* The added config directory is calculated as (in pseudo-code):
* <code>
* (classRelativeTo's package location) + "/data/" + (baseConfigDirectory or "config")
* </code>
* and is only added if the directory exists. <P>
* <p/>
* You must specify a <code>initialService</code> parameter, which
* will be the initial service started by Nucleus (rather than the
* normally Initial component, which would do a full Nucleus component
* start-up). <P>
* <p/>
* This method also creates a temporary server directory, which is deleted
* when stopNucleus in invoked on the returned directory. <P>
* <p/>
* Note: If you need to start up a complete ATG instance, you should
* use DUST rather than a unit test. <P>
* <p/>
* Note: You may also wish to use a {@see
* atg.nucleus.ConfigCreationFilter}. You can either set a value for
* ("atg.nucleus.Nucleus.creationFilterClass") as a DynamoEnv or System
* property, or set the creationFilter property in Nucleus.properties in
* your configuration. This allows on to block creation of referenced
* components without having to make additional properties file changes.
* <p/>
* Note 3: Nucleus's classReplacementMap can also be useful for replacing
* a component instance with a subclass.
* @param modules
* the list of modules to use to calculate the
* Nucleus configuration path.
* @param classRelativeTo
* the class whose package the config/data
* (or baseConfigDirectory/data) should be relative in.
* @param baseConfigDirectory
* the base configuration directory. If
* this parameter is non-null, the relative configuration
* subdirectory
* will be
* ("data/" + baseConfigDirectory) rather than "data/config".
* @param initialService
* the nucleus path of the Nucleus component
* to start-up. This is a required property to prevent accidental
* full start-up.
* @return the started Nucleus instance that should later be shut down
* with the stopNucleus method.
* @throws ServletException
* if an error occurs
public static Nucleus startNucleusWithModules(String[] modules,
Class classRelativeTo,
String baseConfigDirectory,
String initialService)
throws ServletException, FileNotFoundException {
return startNucleusWithModules(
new NucleusStartupOptions(
modules, classRelativeTo, baseConfigDirectory, initialService
* Shutdown the specified Nucleus and try to delete the associated
* temporary server directory. Typically used on a Nucleus created
* by startNucleusWithModules.
* @param nucleus
* the nucleus instance to shut down.
* @throws ServiceException
* if an error occurs
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs (such as a failure
* to remove the temporary server directory).
public static void stopNucleus(Nucleus nucleus)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
if (nucleus.isRunning()) {
try {
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw logger.throwing(e);
} finally {
private static void cleanUpNucleusTemporaryFiles(final Nucleus nucleus)
throws IOException {
final File temporaryFilesDirectory = nucleiConfigPathsCache.get(nucleus);
if (temporaryFilesDirectory == null) {
try {
} finally {
* This method returns a free port number on the current machine. There is
* some chance that the port number could be taken by the time the caller
* actually gets around to using it.
* <p/>
* This method returns -9999 if it's not able to find a port.
public static int findFreePort() {
ServerSocket socket = null;
int freePort = -9999;
try {
socket = new ServerSocket(0);
freePort = socket.getLocalPort();
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
if (socket != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return freePort;
* A class representing NucleusStartupOptions, used by
* startNucleusWithModules().
public static class NucleusStartupOptions {
* List of dynamo modules.
private final String[] modules;
* Class whose package data subdir is relative to.
private final Class<?> classRelativeTo;
* The base config directory, relative to classRelativeTo's package
* + "/data". If null, then "config"
private final String baseConfigDirectory;
* The Nucleus path of the initial service to resolve.
private final String initialService;
private String[] layers;
private boolean liveConfig;
* This constructor creates NucleusStartupOptions with the
* specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS",
* "Publishing.base", etc).
* Additionally sets opts to add a directory calculated relative
* to the location of classRelativeTo's package name from the classloader.
* The added config directory is calculated as (in psuedocode):
* <code>
* (classRelativeTo's package location) + "/data/" + (classRelativeTo's simpleClassName)
* +
* "/config"
* </code>
* and is only added if the directory exists. <P>
* <p/>
* You must specify a <code>initialService</code> parameter, which
* will be the initial service started by Nucleus (rather than the
* normally Initial component, which would do a full Nucleus component
* start-up). <P>
* @param modules
* the list of modules to use to calculate the
* Nucleus configuration path.
* @param classRelativeTo
* the class whose name and package
* will be used for the {packageName}/config/{simpleClassName}/data
* directory
* @param initialService
* the nucleus path of the Nucleus component
* to start-up. This is a required property to prevent accidental
* full start-up.
@ConstructorProperties({ "modules", "classRelativeTo", "initialServices" })
public NucleusStartupOptions(String[] modules,
Class<?> classRelativeTo,
String initialService) {
this.modules = modules;
this.classRelativeTo = classRelativeTo;
this.initialService = initialService;
baseConfigDirectory = classRelativeTo.getSimpleName() + File.separatorChar + "config";
* This constructor creates NucleusStartupOptions with the
* specified list of Dynamo modules ("DAS", "DPS", "DSS",
* "Publishing.base", etc).
* Additionally sets opts to add a directory calculated relative
* to the location of classRelativeTo's package name from the classloader.
* The added config directory is calculated as (in pseudo-code):
* <code>
* (classRelativeTo's package location) + "/" + (pConfigDirectory or "data") + "/config"
* </code>
* and is only added if the directory exists. <P>
* <p/>
* You must specify a <code>initialService</code> parameter, which
* will be the initial service started by Nucleus (rather than the
* normally Initial component, which would do a full Nucleus component
* start-up). <P>
* @param modules
* the list of modules to use to calculate the
* Nucleus configuration path.
* @param classRelativeTo
* the class whose package the config/data
* (or baseConfigDirectory/data) should be relative in.
* @param baseConfigDirectory
* the base configuration directory. If
* this parameter is non-null, the relative configuration
* subdirectory will be
* ("data/" + baseConfigDirectory) rather than "data/config".
* @param initialService
* the nucleus path of the Nucleus component
* to start-up. This is a required property to prevent
* accidental full start-up.
@ConstructorProperties({ "modules", "classRelativeTo", "baseConfigDirectory", "initialService" })
public NucleusStartupOptions(String[] modules,
Class classRelativeTo,
String baseConfigDirectory,
String initialService) {
this.modules = modules;
this.classRelativeTo = classRelativeTo;
this.initialService = initialService;
this.baseConfigDirectory = baseConfigDirectory;
* Return the list of modules for starting Nucleus. These modules
* are the modules whose config path will be included.
public String[] getModules() {
return modules;
// property: baseConfigDirectory
* Return the "class relative to" property. This is the Class whose
* package the config directory will be relative to.
public Class getClassRelativeTo() {
return classRelativeTo;
// property: layers
* Gets the initialService. This is the InitialService for Nucleus
* to resolve at start-up. Required.
public String getInitialService() {
return initialService;
* Set the basic config directory. This is the directory that will be
* tacked on to the package path of the classRelativeTo class. If this
* property is non-null, the relative configuration subdirectory will
* be ("data/" + baseConfigDirectory).
public String getBaseConfigDirectory() {
return baseConfigDirectory;
* Returns the Dynamo layers to run with.
public String[] getLayers() {
return layers;
* Sets the Dynamo layers to run with.
public void setLayers(String[] layers) {
this.layers = layers;
// property: liveconfig
* Return the layers as a string appropriate for passing to
* DynamoServerLauncher, calculateConfigPath.
* @return null if layers is null. Otherwise returns a space delimited
* list of layers.
public String getLayersAsString() {
return StringUtils.join(layers, ' ');
* Returns property liveconfig.
* @return true if liveconfig should be set, false otherwise.
public boolean getLiveConfig() {
return liveConfig;
* Sets property liveconfig.
* @param liveConfig
* true if Nucleus should be started in liveconfig
* mode, false otherwise.
public void setLiveConfig(boolean liveConfig) {
this.liveConfig = liveConfig;
* Modify Nucleus command-line options, as needed. This will
* be invoked just before Nucleus is started as a final
* chance to adjust any command-line options.
public void modifyNucleusCommandLineOptions(List<String> listArgs) {