* Copyright 2013 Matt Sicker and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package atg.tools.dynunit.adapter.gsa;
import atg.adapter.gsa.DatabaseTableInfo;
import atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItemDescriptor;
import atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepository;
import atg.adapter.gsa.OutputSQLContext;
import atg.adapter.gsa.Table;
import atg.adapter.gsa.xml.TemplateParser;
import atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcation;
import atg.dtm.TransactionDemarcationException;
import atg.naming.NameContext;
import atg.naming.NameContextBindingEvent;
import atg.nucleus.Configuration;
import atg.nucleus.Nucleus;
import atg.nucleus.NucleusNameResolver;
import atg.nucleus.ServiceEvent;
import atg.nucleus.ServiceException;
import atg.nucleus.logging.LogListener;
import atg.repository.RepositoryException;
import atg.tools.dynunit.junit.nucleus.TestUtils;
import org.apache.ddlutils.DatabaseOperationException;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
* This class is an extension of atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepository. It's purpose is
* to create tables and initial data required for starting a given repository.
* @author mfrenzel
* @version 1.0
// TODO: clean this shit up
public class InitializingGSA
extends GSARepository {
// -------------------------------------
* Class version string
public static String CLASS_VERSION = "$Id: //test/UnitTests/base/main/src/Java/atg/test/apiauto/util/InitializingGSA.java#11 $$Change: 550950 $";
// -----------------------------------
// ---From Properties File------------
// ---------- methods to help with user-specified SQL files -----------
// allowable db types to specify
private final String SOLID = "solid";
private final String ORACLE = "oracle";
private final String MICROSOFT = "microsoft";
private final String INFORMIX = "informix";
private final String DB2 = "db2";
private final String SYBASE = "sybase";
private final String SYBASE2 = "Adaptive Server Enterprise"; // sybase 12.5
private final String DEFAULT = "default";
private final String[] dbTypes = {
}; // hurr what are enums
private boolean useDDLUtils = true;
// do we want to create tables if they don't exist
private boolean createTables = true;
// do we want to drop tables that exist if we want to create
// a table with the same name
private boolean dropTablesIfExist = false;
// the XML files containing export data from the TemplateParser
// it will be imported into the database after tables are created
// we load the files as Files instead of XMLFiles because the
// TemplateParser requires a full file path to the import file
// instead of using the CONFIGPATH
private File[] importFiles = null;
// do we want to strip the 'references(..)' statements from SQL
// created by the GSA
private boolean stripReferences = true;
// do we want to show the create table statements that are executed
private boolean loggingCreateTables = false;
* the SQLProcessorEngine to use for creating tables this property is optional
* because we'll create a default SQLProcessorEngine if the property isn't set
private SQLProcessorEngine processorEngine = null;
* boolean indicating whether we should perform the import every time Dynamo
* starts, or only perform the import if we created at least one table. NOTE:
* if dropTablesIfExist is true, the import will occur every time because we
* will create tables every time. default: false - only perform the import
* when tables are created
private boolean importEveryStartup = false;
* boolean indicating whether we should drop all tables associated with this
* repository when Dynamo is shut down. NOTE: this will only work properly is
* Dynamo is shutdown properly. It will not work if Dynamo is just killed
* default: false
private boolean dropTablesAtShutdown = false;
* boolean indicating whether to wrap each imported file in it's own
* transaction. this is a new option in D5.5 that has changed the method
* signature of atg.adapter.gsa.xml.TemplateParser.importFiles() default: true
private boolean importWithTransaction = true;
private Properties sqlCreateFiles = new Properties();
private Properties sqlDropFiles = new Properties();
private boolean allowNoDrop = true;
private boolean executeCreateDropScripts = true;
private boolean loadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup = false;
// this property is a little tricky and a bit of a hack, but it
// allows us to create the tables, etc on startup. When the component
// is initially started this will be false, but when it calls restart,
// we set it to true for the new instantiation to avoid infinitely
// recursing into new repositories
private boolean temporaryInstantiation = false;
private boolean restartingAfterTableCreation = true;
private GSARepositorySchemaGenerator schemaGenerator;
* If true then Apache DDLUtils will be used to generate the schema. Otherwise
* the GSA generated SQL will be used.
* @return the useDDLUtils
public boolean isUseDDLUtils() {
return useDDLUtils;
* If true then Apache DDLUtils will be used to generate the schema. Otherwise
* the GSA generated SQL will be used.
* @param pUseDDLUtils
* the useDDLUtils to set
public void setUseDDLUtils(boolean pUseDDLUtils) {
useDDLUtils = pUseDDLUtils;
public void setCreateTables(boolean createTables) {
this.createTables = createTables;
public boolean isCreateTables() {
return createTables;
public void setDropTablesIfExist(boolean dropTablesIfExist) {
this.dropTablesIfExist = dropTablesIfExist;
public boolean isDropTablesIfExist() {
return dropTablesIfExist;
public void setImportFiles(@Nullable File[] importFiles) {
this.importFiles = importFiles;
public File[] getImportFiles() {
return importFiles;
public String[] getImportFilesAsStrings() {
File[] f = getImportFiles();
if (f == null) {
return null;
List<String> v = new ArrayList<String>();
for (File aF : f) {
if (!v.contains(aF.getAbsolutePath())) {
return v.toArray(new String[v.size()]);
public void setStripReferences(boolean stripReferences) {
this.stripReferences = stripReferences;
public boolean isStripReferences() {
return stripReferences;
public void setLoggingCreateTables(boolean loggingCreateTables) {
this.loggingCreateTables = loggingCreateTables;
public boolean isLoggingCreateTables() {
return loggingCreateTables;
public void setSQLProcessor(SQLProcessorEngine processorEngine) {
this.processorEngine = processorEngine;
public SQLProcessorEngine getSQLProcessor() {
// create a new processor if one isn't set
if (processorEngine == null) {
processorEngine = new SQLProcessorEngine(this);
LogListener[] listeners = this.getLogListeners();
for (LogListener listener : listeners) {
return processorEngine;
public void setImportEveryStartup(boolean importEveryStartup) {
this.importEveryStartup = importEveryStartup;
public boolean isImportEveryStartup() {
return importEveryStartup;
public void setDropTablesAtShutdown(boolean dropTablesAtShutdown) {
this.dropTablesAtShutdown = dropTablesAtShutdown;
public boolean isDropTablesAtShutdown() {
return dropTablesAtShutdown;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member properties
public void setImportWithTransaction(boolean importWithTransaction) {
this.importWithTransaction = importWithTransaction;
public boolean isImportWithTransaction() {
return importWithTransaction;
* Optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be executed
* instead of the SQL generated by startSQLRepository. Key values must be one
* of (case sensitive): <b>default </b>, <b>oracle </b>, <b>solid </b>,
* <b>informix </b>, <b>microsoft </b>, <b>sybase </b>, or <b>db2 </b>. Mapped
* values should be a colon (:) separated ordered list of files to execute for
* that database type. <br>
* Specified files may use
* <p/>
* <pre>
* {....}
* </pre>
* <p/>
* notation to indicate a System variable that should be substituted at
* runtime, such as
* <p/>
* <pre>
* { atg.dynamo.root }
* </pre>
* <p/>
* .
* <p/>
* The following behavior is observed:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* a) database meta data is used to determine specific database type
* b) when <b>default</b> not specified
* - if mapping exists for specific db type, those files are executed
* - otherwise, output from startSQLRepository is executed
* c) when <b>default</b> is specified
* - if mapping exists for specific db type, those files are executed
* - otherwise, files mapped under default are executed
* d) if a mapping exists for a db type in 'sqlCreateFiles' then a corresponding
* entry (to the specific db type, or to default) must exist. Otherwise an
* exception
* is thrown at startup.
* </pre>
* <p/>
* Also, when a file specified in the property 'sqlCreateFiles' is used (i.e.
* output from startSQLRepository is not being used) then the initializingGSA
* will always do the following at startup, unless property
* 'executeCreateAndDropScripts' is set to false:
* <p/>
* <pre>
* a) execute the appropriate dropSqlFile(s)
* b) execute the appropriate createSqlFile(s)
* </pre>
* <p/>
* If 'executeCreateAndDropScripts' is false then in the case where scripts
* normally would be run they will instead be skipped and no SQL (from scripts
* or startSQLRepository) will be executed. The reason for this restriction is
* that it's too difficult to know whether a database has been properly reset
* for the 'createSqlFile(s)' to run properly, so we err on the conservative
* side and always reset it.
public void setSqlCreateFiles(Properties sqlCreateFiles) {
this.sqlCreateFiles = sqlCreateFiles;
* returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be
* executed instead of the SQL generated by startSQLRepository. see
* 'setSqlCreateFiles' for detailed explanation of this property.
public Properties getSqlCreateFiles() {
return sqlCreateFiles;
* returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be
* executed during 'tear-down' instead of basing it on the SQL generated by
* startSQLRepository. see 'setSqlCreateFiles' for detailed explanation of
* this property.
public void setSqlDropFiles(Properties sqlDropFiles) {
this.sqlDropFiles = sqlDropFiles;
* returns optional mapping of user-specified sql files that should be
* executed during 'tear-down' instead of basing it on the SQL generated by
* startSQLRepository. see 'setSqlCreateFiles' for detailed explanation of
* this property.
public Properties getSqlDropFiles() {
return sqlDropFiles;
* If true, one may specify create scripts, but no drop scripts. Otherwise it
* is an error to specify a create script but no drop script
* @return
public boolean isAllowNoDrop() {
return allowNoDrop;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods
public void setAllowNotDrop(boolean allowNotDrop) {
allowNoDrop = allowNotDrop;
// -----------------------------------------
* if set to true then create and drop scripts mapped through properties
* 'setSqlCreateFiles' and 'getSqlCreateFiles' will be executed. otherwise the
* scripts will not be executed at startup.
public void setExecuteCreateAndDropScripts(boolean executeCreateAndDropScripts) {
executeCreateDropScripts = executeCreateAndDropScripts;
* returns true if create and drop scripts mapped through properties
* 'setSqlCreateFiles' and 'getSqlCreateFiles' should be executed at startup.
public boolean isExecuteCreateAndDropScripts() {
return executeCreateDropScripts;
* returns true if the GSA should load JDBC metadata when starting the initial
* instantiation of the component. default: false
public boolean isLoadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup() {
return loadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup;
* set to true if the GSA should load JDBC metadata when starting the initial
* instantiation of the component. the default is false b/c the initial
* instantiation is only used to create tables and loading the metadata before
* the tables are created is unnecessary overhead which slows the startup
* process. When the component is restarted after the tables are created it
* uses the value of 'loadColumnInfosAtStartup' to determine whether to load
* the metadata on the restart.
public void setLoadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup(boolean loadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup) {
this.loadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup = loadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup;
public void setTemporaryInstantiation(boolean pTemp) {
temporaryInstantiation = pTemp;
private boolean isTemporaryInstantiation() {
return temporaryInstantiation;
* Returns true if this repository will attempt to "restart" after creating
* tables.
* @return
public boolean isRestartingAfterTableCreation() {
return restartingAfterTableCreation;
* Sets if this repository will attempt to "restart" after creating tables. A
* value of true means that it should restart.
public void setRestartingAfterTableCreation(boolean restartingAfterTableCreation) {
this.restartingAfterTableCreation = restartingAfterTableCreation;
* Overrides doStartService from GSARepository to make the repository
* optionally create required tables and load data using the TemplateParser
* -import flag.
public void doStartService() {
// Loading Column Infos in a separate thread
// can deadlock the Initializing GSA
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Setting loadColumnInfosInSeparateThread to false.");
// if this is the temporary instantiation, we just want to
// call super.doStartService() and return
if (isTemporaryInstantiation()) {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Restarting the GSA component to successfully load XML templates...");
try {
// otherwise, this is the 'real' instantiation and we want to
// do more....
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("\nInitializing the primary GSA component and checking tables...");
if (isLoggingDebug() && this.getDebugLevel() <= 6) {
logDebug("For additional debugging statements, set debugLevel > 6");
// make sure mappings for user specified SQL files are ok
// we set logError and checkTables to false because tables
// probably won't exist and it'll just throw a bunch of
// unnecessary errors. also, we don't want to see errors because
// add-items, delete-items, etc. will fail
boolean logErrors = isLoggingError();
boolean checkTables = isCheckTables();
boolean logWarnings = isLoggingWarning();
// also set 'loadColumnInfosAtStartup' to false to prevent attempts at
// loading
// lots of unwanted metadata. that's very time consuming and only needed
// by the
// final instantiation. The setLoadColumnInfosAtStartup method is new so
// use a
// try / catch in case we're dealing with an old version of GSARepository
boolean loadColumnInfosAtStartup = true;
try {
loadColumnInfosAtStartup = isLoadColumnInfosAtStartup();
if (isLoadColumnInfosAtInitialStartup()) {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Enabled loading of column info for initial startup");
else {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Disabled loading of column info for initial startup");
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (isLoggingDebug()) {
logDebug("Could not modify loading of column metadata for preliminary startup.");
// call GSA.doStartService to load XML definition files
// reset 'LoadColumnInfosAtStartup' to whatever it was originally
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// reset check tables and loggingError
// now create the tables and restart the repository
boolean createdTables = createTables();
if (isRestartingAfterTableCreation()) {
// it's a little hidden, but when we just called restart(),
// we actually started up a temporary instantiation of this GSA
// which should have successfully loaded it's XML definition file
// because the tables were already created. This component
// (the primary one) then copied all the properties from the
// temporary instantiation so it's just like this component loaded
// the XML definition file successfully :)
// we're now ready to import specified XML files
if (isImportEveryStartup() || createdTables) {
else {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Import not performed because importEveryStartup is false and no tables were created.");
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Component finished starting up.");
} catch (Exception e) {
logError("Caught an unexpected exception trying to start component...", e);
* Restarts the repository. This involves re-reading nucleus properties,
* reloading definition files, and invalidating all cache entries. This method
* is a convenience for development purposes (to avoid restarting dynamo when
* a template has changed), and should not be used on a live site. This method
* is modified slightly from the restart method of GSARepository because it
* sets temporaryInstantiation to true so that the doStartService method of
* the new instance does not reload import files or try to recreate tables
public boolean restart()
throws ServiceException {
Configuration c = getServiceConfiguration();
NucleusNameResolver r = new NucleusNameResolver(
getNucleus(), getNucleus(), getNameContext(), true
InitializingGSA newRepository = (InitializingGSA) c.createNewInstance(this);
c.configureService(newRepository, r, this);
// Fool this new repository into thinking that it has been
// bound to the same name context as the original repository
// This changes will make sure that getAbsoluteName() returns
// a correct value.
NameContext nc = this.getNameContext();
NameContextBindingEvent bindingEvent = new NameContextBindingEvent(
this.getName(), newRepository, this.getNameContext()
ServiceEvent ev = new ServiceEvent(this, newRepository, getNucleus(), c);
* We are purposefully not putting the new repository into the parent's name
* context. The existing repository is always the valid one. We're starting
* this new guy, then we're going to synchronize on the repository and get
* all of its info into us.
// we have to set the new repository as temporary so it won't call
// restart and start an infinite recursion
if (newRepository.isRunning()) {
synchronized (this) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* This method is called when the repository is shutdown. If
* dropTablesAtShutdown is true, it will attempt to drop all the tables.
* IMPORTANT: There is an optional property that can be set to indicate that
* all tables should be dropped at shutdown (dropTablesAtShutdown). Because of
* the order in which Nucleus shuts down the components, this may or may not
* work. It just depends on whether the datasource is shutdown before the
* repository. If you want to guarantee that your tables are dropped, manually
* invoke the doStopService method from the HTML admin pages.
public void doStopService() {
try {
// clear out state in SchemaTracker
if (isDropTablesAtShutdown()) {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Dropping tables because 'dropTablesAtShutdown' is true....");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (isLoggingError()) {
} finally {
* This method drops all tables required by the GSARepository.
* @throws RepositoryException
* if an error occurs while retrieving a list of the tables
* associated with the repository
* @throws SQLProcessorException
* if an error occurred trying to drop the tables
public void dropTables()
throws RepositoryException, SQLProcessorException {
// execute SQL files, if specified
String[] dropFiles = getSpecifiedDropFiles();
if (dropFiles != null) {
if (isExecuteCreateAndDropScripts()) {
executeSqlFiles(dropFiles, false);
else if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Skipping execution of SQL scripts b/c property 'executeCreateAndDropScripts' is false or there are no drop scripts.");
// otherwise, just drop tables based on startSQLRepository SQL
if (isUseDDLUtils()) {
try {
if (!Nucleus.getGlobalNucleus().isStopping()) {
// build a new one
schemaGenerator = new GSARepositorySchemaGenerator(this);
if (schemaGenerator != null) {
} catch (DatabaseOperationException e) {
throw new RepositoryException(e);
else {
List<String> statements = getCreateStatements(null, null);
SQLProcessorEngine processor = getSQLProcessor();
* This method creates the tables required by the GSARepository. If desired,
* check to make sure all the tables exist in the database. If a table doesn't
* exist, create it; if it does exist, don't do anything to it unless user
* wants to drop existing tables
* @return boolean - true if tables were created
* @throws RepositoryException
* if an error occurs while retrieving a list of the tables to
* create
* @throws SQLProcessorException
* if an error occurred trying to create the tables
private boolean createTables()
throws RepositoryException, SQLProcessorException {
// execute SQL files, if specified
String[] createFiles = getSpecifiedCreateFiles();
if (createFiles != null) {
if (!isExecuteCreateAndDropScripts()) {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Skipping execution of SQL scripts b/c property 'executeCreateAndDropScripts' is false.");
return false;
// before executing the createFiles we always execute the drop files
executeSqlFiles(createFiles, true);
return true;
// otherwise, just execute sql from startSQLRepository
boolean createdTables = false;
if (isUseDDLUtils()) {
if (isCreateTables()) {
schemaGenerator = new GSARepositorySchemaGenerator(this);
try {
schemaGenerator.createSchema(true, isDropTablesIfExist());
createdTables = true;
} catch (DatabaseOperationException e) {
throw new RepositoryException(e);
else {
// Use GSA Generated SQL
SQLProcessorEngine spe = getSQLProcessor();
// turn on debug for SQLProcessorEngine if GSA has debug on if
// (isLoggingDebug())
List<String> createStatements = getCreateStatements(null, null);
createdTables = spe.createTables(createStatements, isDropTablesIfExist());
return createdTables;
* This method imports files using the TemplateParser
* @throws RepositoryException
* if an error occurred while importing one of the xml files.
private void importFiles()
throws RepositoryException {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Importing files...");
String[] loadFiles = getImportFilesAsStrings();
// just exit if no files were specified
if (loadFiles == null) {
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("No files specified for import.");
if (isLoggingDebug()) {
logDebug("The following files will be imported:");
for (String loadFile : loadFiles) {
logDebug("file: " + loadFile);
// now load the import files if they were specified
PrintWriter ps = new PrintWriter(System.out);
if (loadFiles.length > 0) {
try {
this, loadFiles, ps, isImportWithTransaction()
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RepositoryException(
"Exception caught importing files into repository.", e
* This method is used to remove the 'references...' parts from sql generated
* by the GSA. Removing the references allows us to avoid problems of creating
* tables in the wrong order and also allows you to easily drop / recreate
* tables.
private String stripReferences(String pStr) {
if (isLoggingDebug()) {
logDebug("Removing references from SQL string...");
if (this.getDebugLevel() > 6) {
logDebug("SQL string before references are removed: \n" + pStr);
pStr = stripForeignKey(pStr);
// must be of the following format
// field-name data-type null references foo(id),
String ref = "references ";
String endRef = ",";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
end = pStr.indexOf(ref);
// if unable to find "references ", try "REFERENCES " instead
if (end == -1) {
ref = ref.toUpperCase();
end = pStr.indexOf(ref);
while (end != -1) {
String temp = pStr.substring(start, end);
pStr = pStr.substring(end + ref.length());
start = pStr.indexOf(endRef);
end = pStr.indexOf(ref);
String temp2 = pStr.substring(start);
if (isLoggingDebug()) {
logDebug("Final sql string -> references removed: \n" + sb.toString());
return sb.toString();
private String stripForeignKey(String pStr) {
if (isLoggingDebug()) {
logDebug("Removing Foreign Key from SQL string...");
if (this.getDebugLevel() > 6) {
logDebug("SQL string before Foreign Key are removed: \n" + pStr);
String key = "foreign key";
int flag = 0;
int end = 0;
end = pStr.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(key);
while (end != -1) {
flag = 1;
pStr = pStr.substring(0, end);
end = pStr.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(key);
end = pStr.lastIndexOf(",");
if (flag == 0) {
return pStr;
else {
return pStr.substring(0, end) + " )";
* This method is used to retrieve all of the CREATE TABLE statements that are
* needed to generate tables for this GSA
* @throws RepositoryException
* if an error occurs with the Repository
private List<String> getCreateStatements(PrintWriter pOut, String pDatabaseName)
throws RepositoryException {
List<String> tableStatements = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> indexStatements = new ArrayList<String>();
// use current database if none is supplied
if (pDatabaseName == null) {
pDatabaseName = getDatabaseName();
String[] descriptorNames = getItemDescriptorNames();
OutputSQLContext sqlContext = new OutputSQLContext(pOut);
GSAItemDescriptor itemDescriptors[];
DatabaseTableInfo dti = getDatabaseTableInfo(pDatabaseName);
int i, length = descriptorNames.length;
itemDescriptors = new GSAItemDescriptor[length];
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
itemDescriptors[i] = (GSAItemDescriptor) getItemDescriptor(descriptorNames[i]);
String create = null;
String index = null;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
GSAItemDescriptor desc = itemDescriptors[i];
Table[] tables = desc.getTables();
if (tables != null) {
for (Table t : tables) {
if (!t.isInherited()) {
create = t.generateSQL(sqlContext, pDatabaseName);
// get rid of any possible CREATE INDEX statements and store those
// in their own Vector of statements...
index = extractIndexStatement(create);
create = removeIndexStatements(create);
if (isStripReferences()) {
create = stripReferences(create);
if (index != null && !indexStatements.contains(index)) {
if (create != null && !tableStatements.contains(create)) {
* if (pOut != null) { pOut.print(buffer); pOut.flush(); }
return tableStatements;
* This method is used to extract a possible CREATE INDEX statement from a
* CREATE TABLE statement that is generated by a Table. If no CREATE INDEX
* statement is included, it returns null
private String extractIndexStatement(String pStatement) {
String search = "CREATE INDEX ";
String copy = pStatement.toUpperCase();
int i = copy.indexOf(search);
if (i != -1) {
return stripTrailingSemiColon(pStatement.substring(i));
return null;
* This method is used to remove any possible CREATE INDEX statements from the
* end of a CREATE TABLE statement generated by a Table. It returns the CREATE
* TABLE statement with all CREATE INDEX statements removed.
private String removeIndexStatements(String pStatement) {
String search = "CREATE INDEX ";
String copy = pStatement.toUpperCase();
int i = copy.indexOf(search);
if (i != -1) {
pStatement = pStatement.substring(0, i);
return stripTrailingSemiColon(pStatement);
* This method is used to remove the trailing semicolon from a String. It is
* assumed that these strings will only possibly have one semicolon, and that
* if there is one everything after the semicolon is junk.
private String stripTrailingSemiColon(String pStr) {
if (pStr == null) {
return pStr;
int idx = pStr.indexOf(";");
if (idx != -1) {
pStr = pStr.substring(0, idx);
return pStr;
* returns the dbtype for the database being used. returned value will be one
* DEFAULT if db type can not be determined.
private String getDatabaseType() {
String type = getDatabaseName();
for (String dbType : dbTypes) {
if (type.toLowerCase().contains(dbType.toLowerCase())) {
if (dbType.equals(SYBASE2)) {
return SYBASE;
return dbType;
return DEFAULT;
* returns array of user-specified SQL files that should be executed, or null
* if output from startSQLRepository should be used.
* @throws RepositoryException
* if an error occurs getting the array of files to execute
private String[] getSpecifiedCreateFiles()
throws RepositoryException {
// try to get mapped value for this specific db type, and if it's empty try
// the default
String files = (String) getSqlCreateFiles().get(getDatabaseType());
if (files == null) {
files = (String) getSqlCreateFiles().get(DEFAULT);
// if it's still empty then just return b/c there's nothing to execute
if (files == null) {
return null;
// if file list is not null, convert it and return the array
try {
return TestUtils.convertFileArray(files, ":");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RepositoryException(e);
* returns array of user-specified SQL files that should be executed, or null
* if output from startSQLRepository should be used.
* @throws RepositoryException
* if an error occurs getting the array of files to execute
private String[] getSpecifiedDropFiles()
throws RepositoryException {
// try to get mapped value for this specific db type, and if it's empty try
// the default
String files = (String) getSqlDropFiles().get(getDatabaseType());
if (files == null) {
files = (String) getSqlDropFiles().get(DEFAULT);
// if it's still empty then just return b/c there's nothing to execute
if (files == null) {
return null;
// if file list is not null, convert it and return the array
try {
return TestUtils.convertFileArray(files, ":");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RepositoryException(e);
* verifies that SQL files specified by user are ok. in particular, that if
* the user mapped a 'createSqlFile' for a db type there is a corresponding
* 'dropSqlFile' entry, and vice-versa.
* @throws RepositoryException
* if anything is wrong
private void validateUserSpecifiedSqlFiles()
throws RepositoryException {
// don't let them be null
if (getSqlCreateFiles() == null) {
setSqlCreateFiles(new Properties());
if (getSqlDropFiles() == null) {
setSqlDropFiles(new Properties());
// make sure all the keys are valid
Set<Object> keys = new HashSet<Object>();
Set<String> allow_keys = new HashSet<String>();
for (String dbType1 : dbTypes) {
if (!dbType1.equals(SYBASE2)) {
if (keys.size() > 0) {
throw new RepositoryException(
"The following keys used in the 'sqlCreateFiles' and/or 'sqlDropFiles' properties "
+ "are invalid: "
+ keys
+ ". Allowable keys are: "
+ allow_keys
boolean isDefaultCreate = (getSqlCreateFiles().get(DEFAULT) != null);
boolean isDefaultDrop = (getSqlDropFiles().get(DEFAULT) != null);
// if there are defaults it will always be ok, so just return
if (isDefaultCreate && isDefaultDrop) {
// otherwise, check each dbType individually
for (String dbType : dbTypes) {
boolean isCreate = (getSqlCreateFiles().get(dbType) != null);
boolean isDrop = (getSqlDropFiles().get(dbType) != null);
if (!isAllowNoDrop()) {
if (isCreate && !isDrop && !isDefaultDrop) {
throw new RepositoryException(
"Mapping exists for database type "
+ dbType
+ " in property 'sqlCreateFiles', but not in property 'sqlDropFiles', and "
+ "there is no default specified."
if (isDrop && !isCreate && !isDefaultCreate) {
throw new RepositoryException(
"Mapping exists for database type "
+ dbType
+ " in property 'sqlDropFiles', but not in property 'sqlCreateFiles', and "
+ "there is no default specified."
* executes the specified SQL files against this Repository's DataSource.
* @param pFiles
* the files to execute
* @param pStopAtError
* true if execution should stop at first error. if false, then
* a warning will be printed for encountered errors.
* @throws RepositoryException
* if pStopAtError is true and an error occurs while executing
* one of the sql statements.
private void executeSqlFiles(String[] pFiles, boolean pStopAtError)
throws RepositoryException {
// XXX: again with this bullshit
SQLProcessor sp = new SQLProcessor(getTransactionManager(), getDataSource());
boolean success = false;
TransactionDemarcation td = new TransactionDemarcation();
try {
(TransactionManager) Nucleus.getGlobalNucleus().resolveName(
// for sql server auto-commit must be true
// adamb: Hmm Marty added this, but it
// breaks against MSSQL 8
// if (getDatabaseType().equals(MICROSOFT))
// sp.setAutoCommit(true);
SQLFileParser parser = new SQLFileParser();
for (String file : pFiles) {
// switch the file path so everything is forward slashes
file = file.replace('\\', '/');
String cmd;
Iterator cmds;
if (isLoggingInfo()) {
logInfo("Executing SQL file: " + file);
if (!new File(file).exists()) {
throw new RepositoryException("SQL file " + file + " does not exist.");
// parse the file to get commands...
try {
Collection c = parser.parseSQLFile(file);
if (isLoggingDebug()) {
logDebug("Parsed " + c.size() + " SQL command(s) from file.");
cmds = c.iterator();
} catch (Exception e) {
// an error parsing the file indicates something very wrong, so bail
throw new RepositoryException(
"Error encountered parsing SQL file " + file, e
// then execute the commands...
while (cmds.hasNext()) {
cmd = (String) cmds.next();
if (cmd.trim().length() == 0) {
if (isLoggingDebug() || isLoggingCreateTables()) {
logDebug("Executing SQL cmd [" + cmd + "]");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (pStopAtError) {
throw new RepositoryException(
"Error received executing command ["
+ cmd
+ "] from SQL file "
+ file, e
else {
if (isLoggingWarning()) {
"Error received executing command ["
+ cmd
+ "] from SQL file "
+ file
+ ": "
+ e.getMessage()
success = true;
} catch (TransactionDemarcationException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (TransactionDemarcationException e) {