/* */ package com.apple.misc;
/* */
/* */ import com.apple.util.PathResourceLocator;
/* */ import com.apple.util.ResourceLocator;
/* */ import java.io.File;
/* */ import java.io.FileInputStream;
/* */ import java.io.FileOutputStream;
/* */ import java.io.IOException;
/* */ import java.io.InputStream;
/* */ import java.io.PrintStream;
/* */ import java.io.Serializable;
/* */ import java.net.URL;
/* */ import java.util.Hashtable;
/* */ import java.util.Properties;
/* */
/* */ public class StandardClassLoader extends ClassLoader
/* */ implements Serializable
/* */ {
/* 35 */ private static int _debuglvl = 0;
/* */
/* 46 */ protected static boolean _lisf = true;
/* */
/* 114 */ protected Hashtable _hash = new Hashtable();
/* */
/* 122 */ protected ResourceLocator _locator = null;
/* */
/* */ static void setLookInSystemFirst(boolean paramBoolean)
/* */ {
/* 100 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 101 */ System.err.println("StandardClassLoader: debug: " + (paramBoolean ? "" : "don't ") + "look in system first");
/* */ }
/* 103 */ _lisf = paramBoolean;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public StandardClassLoader()
/* */ {
/* 134 */ setResourceLocator(new PathResourceLocator());
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public StandardClassLoader(ResourceLocator paramResourceLocator)
/* */ {
/* 145 */ setResourceLocator(paramResourceLocator);
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public void setResourceLocator(ResourceLocator paramResourceLocator)
/* */ {
/* 155 */ this._locator = paramResourceLocator;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public ResourceLocator getResourceLocator()
/* */ {
/* 164 */ return this._locator;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public URL getResource(String paramString)
/* */ {
/* 176 */ URL localURL = null;
/* */
/* 182 */ if (_lisf) {
/* 183 */ localURL = getSystemResource(paramString);
/* 184 */ if (localURL != null) {
/* 185 */ return localURL;
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */
/* 189 */ localURL = this._locator.getResource(paramString);
/* 190 */ if (localURL != null) {
/* 191 */ return localURL;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 194 */ if (!_lisf) {
/* 195 */ localURL = getSystemResource(paramString);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 198 */ return localURL;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String paramString)
/* */ {
/* 217 */ InputStream localInputStream = null;
/* */
/* 223 */ if (_lisf) {
/* 224 */ localInputStream = getSystemResourceAsStream(paramString);
/* 225 */ if (localInputStream != null) {
/* 226 */ return localInputStream;
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */
/* 230 */ localInputStream = this._locator.getResourceAsStream(paramString);
/* 231 */ if (localInputStream != null) {
/* 232 */ return localInputStream;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 235 */ if (!_lisf) {
/* 236 */ localInputStream = getSystemResourceAsStream(paramString);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 239 */ return localInputStream;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ private byte[] getClassImplementation(String paramString)
/* */ {
/* 251 */ String str = paramString.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
/* */
/* 253 */ InputStream localInputStream = getResourceAsStream(str);
/* */
/* 255 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 256 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: getClassImplementation(" + paramString + "), looking for " + str + ", got stream " + localInputStream);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 259 */ byte[] arrayOfByte = getClassImplementation(localInputStream);
/* */
/* 261 */ if (localInputStream != null) try {
/* 262 */ localInputStream.close();
/* */ }
/* */ catch (IOException localIOException)
/* */ {
/* */ } return arrayOfByte;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ protected byte[] getClassImplementation(InputStream paramInputStream)
/* */ {
/* 278 */ if (paramInputStream != null) {
/* 279 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 280 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: getClassImplementation(" + paramInputStream + ")");
/* */ }
/* */
/* 283 */ int i = 0;
/* 284 */ Object localObject = new byte[1024];
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* */ int j;
/* 289 */ i = j = paramInputStream.read((byte[])localObject);
/* */
/* 297 */ byte[] arrayOfByte2 = new byte[4096];
/* */
/* 299 */ while ((j = paramInputStream.read(arrayOfByte2)) > 0) {
/* 300 */ if (i + j > localObject.length) {
/* 301 */ byte[] arrayOfByte3 = new byte[i + j];
/* */
/* 303 */ System.arraycopy(localObject, 0, arrayOfByte3, 0, i);
/* 304 */ localObject = arrayOfByte3;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 307 */ System.arraycopy(arrayOfByte2, 0, localObject, i, j);
/* */
/* 309 */ i += j;
/* */ }
/* */ } catch (IOException localIOException) {
/* 312 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 313 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: class implementation cannot be read: " + localIOException);
/* 314 */ localIOException.printStackTrace(System.err);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 317 */ localObject = null;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 320 */ if (localObject != null) {
/* 321 */ if (i < localObject.length) {
/* 322 */ byte[] arrayOfByte1 = new byte[i];
/* 323 */ System.arraycopy(localObject, 0, arrayOfByte1, 0, i);
/* */
/* 325 */ localObject = arrayOfByte1;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 328 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 329 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: class implementation is " + localObject.length + " byte" + (localObject.length != 1 ? "s" : "") + " long");
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */
/* 333 */ return localObject;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 336 */ return null;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public Class loadClass(String paramString)
/* */ throws ClassNotFoundException
/* */ {
/* 347 */ return loadClass(paramString, true);
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ public synchronized Class loadClass(String paramString, boolean paramBoolean)
/* */ throws ClassNotFoundException
/* */ {
/* 367 */ Class localClass1 = null;
/* 368 */ byte[] arrayOfByte = null;
/* */
/* 374 */ paramString = paramString.replace('/', '.');
/* */
/* 376 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 377 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: request to load " + paramString + " and " + (paramBoolean ? "" : "not ") + "resolve it");
/* */ }
/* */
/* 383 */ checkSecurity(paramString, false);
/* */
/* 388 */ localClass1 = findLoadedClass(paramString);
/* 389 */ if (localClass1 != null) {
/* 390 */ if (_debuglvl >= 2) {
/* 391 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: found class " + paramString + " in loaded classes");
/* */ }
/* 393 */ return localClass1;
/* */ }
/* */
/* 399 */ if (_lisf) {
/* */ try {
/* 401 */ Class localClass2 = findSystemClass(paramString);
/* 402 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 403 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: found class " + paramString + " in system classes");
/* */ }
/* 405 */ return localClass2;
/* */ }
/* */ catch (ClassNotFoundException localClassNotFoundException1)
/* */ {
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ }
/* */
/* 415 */ checkSecurity(paramString, true);
/* */
/* 419 */ arrayOfByte = getClassImplementation(paramString);
/* */
/* 421 */ if ((arrayOfByte == null) || (arrayOfByte.length == 0))
/* */ {
/* 427 */ if (!_lisf)
/* */ try {
/* 429 */ Class localClass3 = findSystemClass(paramString);
/* 430 */ if (_debuglvl >= 2) {
/* 431 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: found class " + paramString + " in system classes");
/* */ }
/* 433 */ return localClass3;
/* */ }
/* */ catch (ClassNotFoundException localClassNotFoundException2)
/* */ {
/* */ }
/* 438 */ if (_debuglvl >= 2) {
/* 439 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: cannot find class " + paramString + ", raising");
/* */ }
/* */
/* 442 */ throw new ClassNotFoundException(paramString);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 447 */ localClass1 = defineClass(paramString, arrayOfByte, 0, arrayOfByte.length);
/* 448 */ if (localClass1 == null) {
/* 449 */ throw new ClassFormatError(paramString);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 455 */ String str = paramString.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
/* */
/* 457 */ if (_debuglvl >= 3)
/* 458 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: entering class " + getResource(str) + " (" + localClass1 + ") for name " + paramString + " into classes cache");
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 461 */ this._hash.put(getResource(str).toString(), localClass1);
/* */ } catch (Exception localException) {
/* 463 */ if (_debuglvl >= 1) {
/* 464 */ System.err.println(this + ": couldn't enter class " + getResource(str) + " (" + localClass1 + ") for name " + paramString + " into classes cache");
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ }
/* */
/* 471 */ if (paramBoolean) {
/* 472 */ if (_debuglvl >= 3) {
/* 473 */ System.err.println(this + ": debug: resolving " + localClass1);
/* */ }
/* 475 */ resolveClass(localClass1);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 480 */ return localClass1;
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ protected void checkSecurity(String paramString, boolean paramBoolean)
/* */ {
/* 501 */ SecurityManager localSecurityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
/* */
/* 503 */ if (localSecurityManager != null) {
/* 504 */ int i = paramString.lastIndexOf('.');
/* 505 */ if (i >= 0)
/* 506 */ if (paramBoolean)
/* 507 */ localSecurityManager.checkPackageDefinition(paramString.substring(0, i));
/* */ else
/* 509 */ localSecurityManager.checkPackageAccess(paramString.substring(0, i));
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */
/* */ static
/* */ {
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 50 */ Properties localProperties = new Properties();
/* */ try
/* */ {
/* 53 */ localProperties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "lib" + File.separator + "javastuff.properties")));
/* */ } catch (IOException localIOException1) {
/* */ }
/* */ try {
/* 57 */ localProperties.load(new FileInputStream(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "lib" + File.separator + "javastuff.properties")));
/* */ }
/* */ catch (IOException localIOException2) {
/* */ }
/* */ try {
/* 62 */ String str1 = localProperties.getProperty("logfile", "");
/* */
/* 64 */ if (!str1.equals("")) {
/* 65 */ str1 = str1.replace('/', File.separatorChar);
/* */
/* 67 */ File localFile1 = new File(str1);
/* */
/* 69 */ if (!localFile1.isAbsolute()) {
/* 70 */ localFile1 = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), localFile1.toString());
/* */ }
/* */
/* 73 */ File localFile2 = new File(localFile1.getParent());
/* 74 */ if (!localFile2.exists()) {
/* 75 */ localFile2.mkdirs();
/* */ }
/* */
/* 78 */ FileOutputStream localFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(localFile1);
/* */
/* 80 */ System.setErr(new PrintStream(localFileOutputStream));
/* */ }
/* */ } catch (Exception localException2) {
/* */ }
/* */ try {
/* 85 */ String str2 = localProperties.getProperty("standardclassloader.debug", "0");
/* 86 */ _debuglvl = Integer.valueOf(str2).intValue();
/* */ }
/* */ catch (Exception localException3) {
/* */ }
/* */ try {
/* 91 */ String str3 = localProperties.getProperty("standardclassloader.lisf", "true");
/* 92 */ _lisf = Boolean.valueOf(str3).booleanValue();
/* */ }
/* */ catch (Exception localException4)
/* */ {
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */ catch (Exception localException1)
/* */ {
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* */ }
/* Location: Z:\System\Library\Java\
* Qualified Name: com.apple.misc.StandardClassLoader
* JD-Core Version: 0.6.2