Package com.sun.j3d.utils.universe

Source Code of com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.ConfigView

/*     */ package com.sun.j3d.utils.universe;
/*     */
/*     */ import java.util.HashSet;
/*     */ import java.util.Iterator;
/*     */ import java.util.Set;
/*     */ import;
/*     */ import;
/*     */ import;
/*     */ import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
/*     */
/*     */ class ConfigView extends ConfigObject
/*     */ {
/*  51 */   View j3dView = null;
/*  52 */   Viewer j3dViewer = null;
/*     */
/*  57 */   Set screens = new HashSet();
/*     */
/*  63 */   boolean stereoEnable = false;
/*     */
/*  69 */   boolean antialiasingEnable = false;
/*     */
/*  76 */   PhysicalBody physicalBody = null;
/*     */
/*  83 */   PhysicalEnvironment physicalEnvironment = null;
/*     */
/*  86 */   private double fieldOfView = 0.7853981633974483D;
/*  87 */   private int backClipPolicy = 3;
/*  88 */   private int frontClipPolicy = 3;
/*  89 */   private double backClipDistance = 10.0D;
/*  90 */   private double frontClipDistance = 0.1D;
/*  91 */   private int screenScalePolicy = 0;
/*  92 */   private double screenScale = 1.0D;
/*  93 */   private boolean trackingEnable = false;
/*  94 */   private int viewPolicy = 0;
/*  95 */   private int windowEyepointPolicy = -1;
/*  96 */   private int windowMovementPolicy = -1;
/*  97 */   private int windowResizePolicy = -1;
/*  98 */   private boolean coeCenteringEnableSet = false;
/*  99 */   private boolean coeCenteringEnable = false;
/* 100 */   private Point3d centerEyeInCoexistence = null;
/*     */
/* 102 */   private ConfigPhysicalBody configBody = null;
/* 103 */   private ConfigPhysicalEnvironment configEnv = null;
/* 104 */   private ConfigViewPlatform configViewPlatform = null;
/*     */
/*     */   protected void initialize(ConfigCommand command)
/*     */   {
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected void setProperty(ConfigCommand command)
/*     */   {
/* 120 */     int argc = command.argc;
/* 121 */     Object[] argv = command.argv;
/* 122 */     String attr = null;
/* 123 */     Object val = null;
/* 124 */     String sval = null;
/* 125 */     ConfigScreen cs = null;
/*     */
/* 128 */     if (argc != 4) {
/* 129 */       syntaxError("Incorrect number of arguments to " + command.commandName);
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 133 */     if (!isName(argv[1])) {
/* 134 */       syntaxError("The first argument to " + command.commandName + " must be the instance name");
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 138 */     if (!isName(argv[2])) {
/* 139 */       syntaxError("The second argument to " + command.commandName + " must be a property name");
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 143 */     attr = (String)argv[2];
/* 144 */     val = argv[3];
/*     */
/* 146 */     if ((attr.equals("Screen")) || (attr.equals("Window"))) {
/* 147 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 148 */         syntaxError("Value for " + attr + " must be a name");
/*     */       }
/* 150 */       cs = (ConfigScreen)this.configContainer.findConfigObject("Screen", (String)val);
/*     */
/* 153 */       if (!this.screens.add(cs)) {
/* 154 */         syntaxError(attr + " \"" + (String)val + "\" has already been added to " + this.instanceName);
/*     */       }
/*     */
/*     */     }
/* 158 */     else if (attr.equals("ViewPlatform")) {
/* 159 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 160 */         syntaxError("value for ViewPlatform  must be an instance name");
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 163 */       this.configViewPlatform = ((ConfigViewPlatform)this.configContainer.findConfigObject("ViewPlatform", (String)val));
/*     */
/* 167 */       this.configViewPlatform.addConfigView(this);
/*     */     }
/* 169 */     else if (attr.equals("PhysicalEnvironment")) {
/* 170 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 171 */         syntaxError("value for PhysicalEnvironment must be an instance name");
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 174 */       this.configEnv = ((ConfigPhysicalEnvironment)this.configContainer.findConfigObject("PhysicalEnvironment", (String)val));
/*     */     }
/* 178 */     else if (attr.equals("PhysicalBody")) {
/* 179 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 180 */         syntaxError("value for PhysicalBody must be an instance name");
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 183 */       this.configBody = ((ConfigPhysicalBody)this.configContainer.findConfigObject("PhysicalBody", (String)val));
/*     */     }
/* 186 */     else if (attr.equals("BackClipPolicy")) {
/* 187 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 188 */         syntaxError("value for BackClipPolicy must be a string");
/*     */       }
/* 190 */       sval = (String)val;
/* 191 */       if (sval.equals("PHYSICAL_EYE"))
/* 192 */         this.backClipPolicy = 3;
/* 193 */       else if (sval.equals("PHYSICAL_SCREEN"))
/* 194 */         this.backClipPolicy = 1;
/* 195 */       else if (sval.equals("VIRTUAL_EYE"))
/* 196 */         this.backClipPolicy = 2;
/* 197 */       else if (sval.equals("VIRTUAL_SCREEN"))
/* 198 */         this.backClipPolicy = 0;
/*     */       else
/* 200 */         syntaxError("Invalid value for BackClipPolicy " + sval);
/*     */     }
/* 202 */     else if (attr.equals("FrontClipPolicy")) {
/* 203 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 204 */         syntaxError("value for FrontClipPolicy must be a string");
/*     */       }
/* 206 */       sval = (String)val;
/* 207 */       if (sval.equals("PHYSICAL_EYE"))
/* 208 */         this.frontClipPolicy = 3;
/* 209 */       else if (sval.equals("PHYSICAL_SCREEN"))
/* 210 */         this.frontClipPolicy = 1;
/* 211 */       else if (sval.equals("VIRTUAL_EYE"))
/* 212 */         this.frontClipPolicy = 2;
/* 213 */       else if (sval.equals("VIRTUAL_SCREEN"))
/* 214 */         this.frontClipPolicy = 0;
/*     */       else
/* 216 */         syntaxError("Invalid value for FrontClipPolicy " + sval);
/*     */     }
/* 218 */     else if (attr.equals("ScreenScalePolicy")) {
/* 219 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 220 */         syntaxError("value for ScreenScalePolicy must be a string");
/*     */       }
/* 222 */       sval = (String)val;
/* 223 */       if (sval.equals("SCALE_SCREEN_SIZE"))
/* 224 */         this.screenScalePolicy = 0;
/* 225 */       else if (sval.equals("SCALE_EXPLICIT"))
/* 226 */         this.screenScalePolicy = 1;
/*     */       else
/* 228 */         syntaxError("Invalid value for ScreenScalePolicy " + sval);
/*     */     }
/* 230 */     else if (attr.equals("FieldOfView")) {
/* 231 */       if (!(val instanceof Double)) {
/* 232 */         syntaxError("value for FieldOfView must be a number");
/*     */       }
/* 234 */       this.fieldOfView = ((Double)val).doubleValue();
/*     */     }
/* 236 */     else if (attr.equals("BackClipDistance")) {
/* 237 */       if (!(val instanceof Double)) {
/* 238 */         syntaxError("value for BackClipDistance must be a number");
/*     */       }
/* 240 */       this.backClipDistance = ((Double)val).doubleValue();
/*     */     }
/* 242 */     else if (attr.equals("FrontClipDistance")) {
/* 243 */       if (!(val instanceof Double)) {
/* 244 */         syntaxError("value for FrontClipDistance must be a number");
/*     */       }
/* 246 */       this.frontClipDistance = ((Double)val).doubleValue();
/*     */     }
/* 248 */     else if (attr.equals("ScreenScale")) {
/* 249 */       if (!(val instanceof Double)) {
/* 250 */         syntaxError("value for ScreenScale must be a number");
/*     */       }
/* 252 */       this.screenScale = ((Double)val).doubleValue();
/*     */     }
/* 254 */     else if (attr.equals("TrackingEnable")) {
/* 255 */       if (!(val instanceof Boolean)) {
/* 256 */         syntaxError("value for TrackingEnable must be a boolean");
/*     */       }
/* 258 */       this.trackingEnable = ((Boolean)val).booleanValue();
/*     */     }
/* 260 */     else if (attr.equals("CoexistenceCenteringEnable")) {
/* 261 */       if (!(val instanceof Boolean)) {
/* 262 */         syntaxError("value for CoexistenceCenteringEnable must be a boolean");
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 265 */       this.coeCenteringEnable = ((Boolean)val).booleanValue();
/* 266 */       this.coeCenteringEnableSet = true;
/*     */     }
/* 268 */     else if (attr.equals("ViewPolicy")) {
/* 269 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 270 */         syntaxError("value for ViewPolicy must be a string");
/*     */       }
/* 272 */       sval = (String)val;
/* 273 */       if (sval.equals("SCREEN_VIEW"))
/* 274 */         this.viewPolicy = 0;
/* 275 */       else if (sval.equals("HMD_VIEW"))
/* 276 */         this.viewPolicy = 1;
/*     */       else
/* 278 */         syntaxError("Invalid value for ViewPolicy " + sval);
/*     */     }
/* 280 */     else if (attr.equals("WindowEyepointPolicy")) {
/* 281 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 282 */         syntaxError("value for WindowEyepointPolicy must be a string");
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 285 */       sval = (String)val;
/* 286 */       if (sval.equals("RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN"))
/* 287 */         this.windowEyepointPolicy = 0;
/* 288 */       else if (sval.equals("RELATIVE_TO_COEXISTENCE"))
/* 289 */         this.windowEyepointPolicy = 3;
/* 290 */       else if (sval.equals("RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW"))
/* 291 */         this.windowEyepointPolicy = 1;
/* 292 */       else if (sval.equals("RELATIVE_TO_FIELD_OF_VIEW"))
/* 293 */         this.windowEyepointPolicy = 2;
/*     */       else
/* 295 */         syntaxError("Invalid value for WindowEyepointPolicy " + sval);
/*     */     }
/* 297 */     else if (attr.equals("WindowMovementPolicy")) {
/* 298 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 299 */         syntaxError("value for WindowEyeMovementPolicy must be a string");
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 302 */       sval = (String)val;
/* 303 */       if (sval.equals("VIRTUAL_WORLD"))
/* 304 */         this.windowMovementPolicy = 0;
/* 305 */       else if (sval.equals("PHYSICAL_WORLD"))
/* 306 */         this.windowMovementPolicy = 1;
/*     */       else
/* 308 */         syntaxError("Invalid value for WindowMovementPolicy " + sval);
/*     */     }
/* 310 */     else if (attr.equals("WindowResizePolicy")) {
/* 311 */       if (!(val instanceof String)) {
/* 312 */         syntaxError("value for WindowResizePolicy must be a string");
/*     */       }
/*     */
/* 315 */       sval = (String)val;
/* 316 */       if (sval.equals("VIRTUAL_WORLD"))
/* 317 */         this.windowResizePolicy = 0;
/* 318 */       else if (sval.equals("PHYSICAL_WORLD"))
/* 319 */         this.windowResizePolicy = 1;
/*     */       else
/* 321 */         syntaxError("Invalid value for WindowResizePolicy " + sval);
/*     */     }
/* 323 */     else if (attr.equals("CenterEyeInCoexistence")) {
/* 324 */       if ((val instanceof Point3d))
/* 325 */         this.centerEyeInCoexistence = ((Point3d)val);
/*     */       else {
/* 327 */         syntaxError("value for CenterEyeInCoexistence must be a Point3d");
/*     */       }
/*     */     }
/* 330 */     else if (attr.equals("StereoEnable")) {
/* 331 */       if (!(val instanceof Boolean)) {
/* 332 */         syntaxError("value for StereoEnable must be a boolean");
/*     */       }
/* 334 */       this.stereoEnable = ((Boolean)val).booleanValue();
/*     */     }
/* 336 */     else if (attr.equals("AntialiasingEnable")) {
/* 337 */       if (!(val instanceof Boolean)) {
/* 338 */         syntaxError("value for AntialiasingEnable must be a boolean");
/*     */       }
/* 340 */       this.antialiasingEnable = ((Boolean)val).booleanValue();
/*     */     }
/*     */     else {
/* 343 */       syntaxError("Unknown " + command.commandName + " \"" + attr + "\"");
/*     */     }
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   protected Viewer createViewer(boolean setVisible)
/*     */   {
/* 355 */     this.j3dView = new View();
/* 356 */     this.j3dView.setViewPolicy(this.viewPolicy);
/*     */
/* 358 */     if (this.configBody == null)
/* 359 */       this.physicalBody = new PhysicalBody();
/*     */     else {
/* 361 */       this.physicalBody = this.configBody.j3dPhysicalBody;
/*     */     }
/* 363 */     if (this.configEnv == null)
/* 364 */       this.physicalEnvironment = new PhysicalEnvironment();
/*     */     else {
/* 366 */       this.physicalEnvironment = this.configEnv.j3dPhysicalEnvironment;
/*     */     }
/* 368 */     this.j3dView.setPhysicalBody(this.physicalBody);
/* 369 */     this.j3dView.setPhysicalEnvironment(this.physicalEnvironment);
/*     */
/* 371 */     boolean standardDefaults = true;
/* 372 */     if ((this.coeCenteringEnableSet) && (!this.coeCenteringEnable)) {
/* 373 */       standardDefaults = false;
/*     */     }
/* 375 */     if ((this.configEnv != null) && (this.configEnv.coexistenceToTrackerBase != null)) {
/* 376 */       standardDefaults = false;
/*     */     }
/*     */     else {
/* 379 */       Iterator i = this.screens.iterator();
/* 380 */       while (i.hasNext()) {
/* 381 */         ConfigScreen s = (ConfigScreen);
/* 382 */         if (s.trackerBaseToImagePlate != null) {
/* 383 */           standardDefaults = false;
/* 384 */           break;
/*     */         }
/*     */       }
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 389 */     if (standardDefaults)
/*     */     {
/* 393 */       if (this.windowEyepointPolicy == -1)
/* 394 */         this.windowEyepointPolicy = 2;
/* 395 */       if (this.windowMovementPolicy == -1)
/* 396 */         this.windowMovementPolicy = 1;
/* 397 */       if (this.windowResizePolicy == -1)
/* 398 */         this.windowResizePolicy = 1;
/* 399 */       if (!this.coeCenteringEnableSet)
/* 400 */         this.coeCenteringEnable = true;
/*     */     }
/*     */     else
/*     */     {
/* 404 */       if (this.windowEyepointPolicy == -1)
/* 405 */         this.windowEyepointPolicy = 3;
/* 406 */       if (this.windowMovementPolicy == -1)
/* 407 */         this.windowMovementPolicy = 0;
/* 408 */       if (this.windowResizePolicy == -1)
/* 409 */         this.windowResizePolicy = 0;
/* 410 */       if (!this.coeCenteringEnableSet) {
/* 411 */         this.coeCenteringEnable = false;
/*     */       }
/*     */     }
/* 414 */     this.j3dView.setWindowEyepointPolicy(this.windowEyepointPolicy);
/* 415 */     this.j3dView.setWindowMovementPolicy(this.windowMovementPolicy);
/* 416 */     this.j3dView.setWindowResizePolicy(this.windowResizePolicy);
/* 417 */     this.j3dView.setCoexistenceCenteringEnable(this.coeCenteringEnable);
/*     */
/* 419 */     if (this.centerEyeInCoexistence == null) {
/* 420 */       this.centerEyeInCoexistence = new Point3d(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.4572D);
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 423 */     Point3d leftEyeCoe = new Point3d(this.centerEyeInCoexistence);
/* 424 */     Point3d rightEyeCoe = new Point3d(this.centerEyeInCoexistence);
/*     */
/* 426 */     if (this.stereoEnable) {
/* 427 */       Point3d leftEyeBody = new Point3d();
/* 428 */       Point3d rightEyeBody = new Point3d();
/*     */
/* 430 */       this.physicalBody.getLeftEyePosition(leftEyeBody);
/* 431 */       this.physicalBody.getRightEyePosition(rightEyeBody);
/*     */
/* 433 */       leftEyeCoe.add(leftEyeBody);
/* 434 */       rightEyeCoe.add(rightEyeBody);
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 437 */     this.j3dView.setLeftManualEyeInCoexistence(leftEyeCoe);
/* 438 */     this.j3dView.setRightManualEyeInCoexistence(rightEyeCoe);
/*     */
/* 440 */     this.j3dView.setBackClipPolicy(this.backClipPolicy);
/* 441 */     this.j3dView.setFrontClipPolicy(this.frontClipPolicy);
/* 442 */     this.j3dView.setBackClipDistance(this.backClipDistance);
/* 443 */     this.j3dView.setFrontClipDistance(this.frontClipDistance);
/*     */
/* 445 */     this.j3dView.setScreenScalePolicy(this.screenScalePolicy);
/* 446 */     this.j3dView.setScreenScale(this.screenScale);
/*     */
/* 448 */     this.j3dView.setFieldOfView(this.fieldOfView);
/* 449 */     this.j3dView.setTrackingEnable(this.trackingEnable);
/* 450 */     this.j3dView.setSceneAntialiasingEnable(this.antialiasingEnable);
/*     */
/* 452 */     if (this.screens.size() == 0) {
/* 453 */       throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage(this.creatingCommand, "View \"" + this.instanceName + "\" has no canvases or screens"));
/*     */     }
/*     */
/* 458 */     ConfigScreen[] cs = new ConfigScreen[this.screens.size()];
/* 459 */     this.screens.toArray(cs);
/*     */
/* 461 */     this.j3dViewer = new Viewer(cs, this, setVisible);
/* 462 */     return this.j3dViewer;
/*     */   }
/*     */ }

/* Location:           Z:\System\Library\Java\Extensions\j3dutils.jar
* Qualified Name:     com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.ConfigView
* JD-Core Version:    0.6.2

Related Classes of com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.ConfigView

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