Package com.sun.j3d.audioengines.headspace

Source Code of com.sun.j3d.audioengines.headspace.HeadspaceMixer

/*      */ package com.sun.j3d.audioengines.headspace;
/*      */
/*      */ import com.sun.j3d.audioengines.AudioEngine3DL2;
/*      */ import com.sun.j3d.audioengines.AuralParameters;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import java.util.ArrayList;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import;
/*      */ import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
/*      */ import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
/*      */
/*      */ public class HeadspaceMixer extends AudioEngine3DL2
/*      */ {
/*      */   static final boolean debugFlag = false;
/*      */   static final boolean internalErrors = false;
/*      */   static final int ADD_TO_LIST = 1;
/*      */   static final int SET_INTO_LIST = 2;
/*   64 */   static int REFLECTION_COEFF_CHANGED = 1;
/*   65 */   static int REVERB_DELAY_CHANGED = 2;
/*   66 */   static int REVERB_ORDER_CHANGED = 4;
/*      */
/*   68 */   int reverbDirty = 65535;
/*   69 */   boolean reverbOn = false;
/*   70 */   int reverbType = 1;
/*      */
/*   74 */   HeadspaceThread thread = null;
/*      */
/*   79 */   protected float deviceGain = 1.0F;
/*      */   protected static final int NOT_PAUSED = 0;
/*      */   protected static final int PAUSE_PENDING = 1;
/*      */   protected static final int PAUSED = 2;
/*      */   protected static final int RESUME_PENDING = 3;
/*   85 */   protected int pause = 0;
/*      */
/*      */   void debugPrint(String message) {
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   void debugPrintln(String message) {
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public HeadspaceMixer(PhysicalEnvironment physicalEnvironment) {
/*   94 */     super(physicalEnvironment);
/*   95 */     this.thread = new HeadspaceThread(Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(), this);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public int getTotalChannels()
/*      */   {
/*  109 */     return J3DHaeStream.getTotalChannels();
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public boolean initialize()
/*      */   {
/*  120 */     if (!J3DHaeStream.initialize())
/*      */     {
/*  125 */       return false;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  128 */     this.thread.initialize();
/*      */
/*  131 */     return true;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public boolean close()
/*      */   {
/*  139 */     if (J3DHaeStream.close())
/*      */     {
/*  142 */       return true;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  147 */     return false;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   int loadSound(MediaContainer soundData)
/*      */   {
/*  154 */     int index = -1;
/*      */
/*  156 */     int dataType = -1;
/*      */
/*  160 */     String path = soundData.getURLString();
/*  161 */     URL url = soundData.getURLObject();
/*  162 */     InputStream inputStream = soundData.getInputStream();
/*  163 */     boolean cacheFlag = soundData.getCacheEnable();
/*  164 */     if (url != null) {
/*  165 */       index = J3DHaeStream.initAudioContainer(url, cacheFlag);
/*      */     }
/*  168 */     else if (path != null)
/*      */     {
/*      */       try
/*      */       {
/*  174 */         url = new URL(path);
/*      */       }
/*      */       catch (Exception e)
/*      */       {
/*  180 */         return -1;
/*      */       }
/*  182 */       index = J3DHaeStream.initAudioContainer(url, cacheFlag);
/*      */     }
/*  185 */     else if (inputStream != null) {
/*  186 */       index = J3DHaeStream.initAudioContainer(inputStream, cacheFlag);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  190 */     if (index == -1)
/*      */     {
/*  193 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  196 */     if (index < 0)
/*      */     {
/*  200 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*  202 */     dataType = J3DHaeStream.getDataType(index);
/*  203 */     if (dataType == -1)
/*      */     {
/*  207 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */     int error;
/*      */     int error;
/*  209 */     if (dataType == 2)
/*      */     {
/*      */       int error;
/*  214 */       if (inputStream != null)
/*  215 */         error = J3DHaeClip.loadSample(inputStream, index);
/*      */       else
/*  217 */         error = J3DHaeClip.loadSample(url, index);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else
/*      */     {
/*      */       int error;
/*  219 */       if (dataType == 1)
/*      */       {
/*      */         int error;
/*  224 */         if (inputStream != null)
/*  225 */           error = J3DHaeStream.loadSample(inputStream, index);
/*      */         else
/*  227 */           error = J3DHaeStream.loadSample(url, index);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*      */         int error;
/*  234 */         if (inputStream != null)
/*  235 */           error = -1;
/*      */         else
/*  237 */           error = J3DHaeMidi.loadSample(url, index);
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*  239 */     if (error < 0)
/*      */     {
/*  244 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  250 */     return index;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public int prepareSound(int soundType, MediaContainer soundData)
/*      */   {
/*  269 */     int index = -1;
/*  270 */     if (soundData == null) {
/*  271 */       index = loadSound(null);
/*  272 */       return index;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  275 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  276 */     HAEPositionalSample posSample = null;
/*  277 */     HAEDirectionalSample dirSample = null;
/*  278 */     int methodType = 1;
/*  279 */     index = loadSound(soundData);
/*      */
/*  281 */     int dataType = J3DHaeStream.getDataType(index);
/*  282 */     if (dataType == -1)
/*      */     {
/*  285 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  291 */     synchronized (this.samples) {
/*  292 */       int samplesSize = this.samples.size();
/*  293 */       if (index >= samplesSize) {
/*  294 */         this.samples.ensureCapacity(index + 1);
/*  295 */         methodType = 1;
/*      */
/*  300 */         for (int i = samplesSize; i < index; i++)
/*      */         {
/*  303 */           this.samples.add(i, null);
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/*      */       else {
/*  307 */         methodType = 2;
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*  313 */       if (soundType == 3)
/*      */       {
/*  316 */         dirSample = new HAEDirectionalSample();
/*  317 */         if (methodType == 2)
/*  318 */           this.samples.set(index, dirSample);
/*      */         else
/*  320 */           this.samples.add(index, dirSample);
/*  321 */         sample = dirSample;
/*  322 */         posSample = dirSample;
/*      */       }
/*  325 */       else if (soundType == 2)
/*      */       {
/*  328 */         posSample = new HAEPositionalSample();
/*  329 */         if (methodType == 2)
/*  330 */           this.samples.set(index, posSample);
/*      */         else
/*  332 */           this.samples.add(index, posSample);
/*  333 */         sample = posSample;
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  338 */         sample = new HAESample();
/*  339 */         if (methodType == 2)
/*  340 */           this.samples.set(index, sample);
/*      */         else {
/*  342 */           this.samples.add(index, sample);
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*  353 */       if ((posSample != null) && (dataType != 3) && (dataType != 3))
/*      */       {
/*  357 */         int secondIndex = -1;
/*  358 */         int reverbIndex = -1;
/*      */
/*  361 */         secondIndex = loadSound(soundData);
/*  362 */         reverbIndex = loadSound(soundData);
/*  363 */         if ((secondIndex == -1) || (reverbIndex == -1))
/*      */         {
/*  372 */           clearSound(index);
/*  373 */           if (secondIndex != -1)
/*  374 */             clearSound(secondIndex);
/*  375 */           this.samples.set(index, null);
/*  376 */           return -1;
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*  385 */         int highestIndex = -1;
/*  386 */         if (secondIndex < reverbIndex)
/*  387 */           highestIndex = reverbIndex;
/*      */         else
/*  389 */           highestIndex = secondIndex;
/*  390 */         int oldSamplesSize = this.samples.size();
/*  391 */         if (highestIndex >= oldSamplesSize)
/*      */         {
/*  395 */           this.samples.ensureCapacity(highestIndex + 1);
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*  398 */         if (secondIndex >= oldSamplesSize) {
/*  399 */           methodType = 1;
/*      */
/*  403 */           this.samples.add(secondIndex, sample);
/*      */         }
/*      */         else {
/*  406 */           methodType = 2;
/*      */
/*  410 */           this.samples.set(secondIndex, sample);
/*      */         }
/*  412 */         posSample.setSecondIndex(secondIndex);
/*      */
/*  414 */         if (reverbIndex >= oldSamplesSize) {
/*  415 */           methodType = 1;
/*      */
/*  419 */           this.samples.add(reverbIndex, sample);
/*      */         }
/*      */         else {
/*  422 */           methodType = 2;
/*      */
/*  426 */           this.samples.set(reverbIndex, sample);
/*      */         }
/*  428 */         posSample.setReverbIndex(reverbIndex);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  437 */     sample.setDirtyFlags(65535);
/*  438 */     sample.setSoundType(soundType);
/*  439 */     sample.setSoundData(soundData);
/*      */
/*  441 */     int rate = J3DHaeStream.getSampleRate(index);
/*      */
/*  443 */     sample.setRate(rate);
/*      */
/*  445 */     sample.setDataType(dataType);
/*      */
/*  450 */     return index;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void clearSound(int index)
/*      */   {
/*  458 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  459 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null)
/*  460 */       return;
/*  461 */     sample.clear();
/*  462 */     synchronized (this.samples) {
/*  463 */       this.samples.set(index, null);
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setVworldXfrm(int index, Transform3D trans)
/*      */   {
/*  473 */     super.setVworldXfrm(index, trans);
/*      */
/*  487 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  488 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null)
/*  489 */       return;
/*  490 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*      */
/*  492 */     if (soundType == 3) {
/*  493 */       HAEDirectionalSample dirSample = null;
/*  494 */       if ((dirSample = (HAEDirectionalSample)getSample(index)) == null)
/*  495 */         return;
/*  496 */       dirSample.setXformedDirection();
/*  497 */       dirSample.setXformedPosition();
/*      */
/*  499 */       dirSample.setVWrldXfrmFlag(true);
/*      */     }
/*  501 */     else if (soundType == 2) {
/*  502 */       HAEPositionalSample posSample = null;
/*  503 */       if ((posSample = (HAEPositionalSample)getSample(index)) == null)
/*  504 */         return;
/*  505 */       posSample.setXformedPosition();
/*      */
/*  507 */       posSample.setVWrldXfrmFlag(true);
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setPosition(int index, Point3d position)
/*      */   {
/*  515 */     super.setPosition(index, position);
/*  516 */     HAEPositionalSample posSample = null;
/*  517 */     if ((posSample = (HAEPositionalSample)getSample(index)) == null)
/*  518 */       return;
/*  519 */     int soundType = posSample.getSoundType();
/*  520 */     if ((soundType == 2) || (soundType == 3))
/*      */     {
/*  522 */       posSample.setXformedPosition();
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setDirection(int index, Vector3d direction)
/*      */   {
/*  530 */     super.setDirection(index, direction);
/*  531 */     HAEDirectionalSample dirSample = null;
/*  532 */     if ((dirSample = (HAEDirectionalSample)getSample(index)) == null)
/*  533 */       return;
/*  534 */     int soundType = dirSample.getSoundType();
/*  535 */     if (soundType == 3)
/*  536 */       dirSample.setXformedDirection();
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setReflectionCoefficient(float coefficient)
/*      */   {
/*  542 */     super.setReflectionCoefficient(coefficient);
/*  543 */     this.reverbDirty |= REFLECTION_COEFF_CHANGED;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setReverbDelay(float reverbDelay)
/*      */   {
/*  548 */     super.setReverbDelay(reverbDelay);
/*  549 */     this.reverbDirty |= REVERB_DELAY_CHANGED;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setReverbOrder(int reverbOrder)
/*      */   {
/*  554 */     super.setReverbOrder(reverbOrder);
/*  555 */     this.reverbDirty |= REVERB_ORDER_CHANGED;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public int startSample(int index)
/*      */   {
/*  571 */     int returnValue = -1;
/*  572 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  573 */     if (((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) || (this.thread == null))
/*      */     {
/*  575 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*  577 */     AuralParameters attribs = getAuralParameters();
/*  578 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*  579 */     boolean muted = sample.getMuteFlag();
/*  580 */     if (muted)
/*      */     {
/*  583 */       sample.setLoopCount(0);
/*  584 */       sample.leftGain = 0.0F;
/*  585 */       sample.rightGain = 0.0F;
/*  586 */       sample.leftDelay = 0;
/*  587 */       sample.rightDelay = 0;
/*  588 */       if (soundType != 1)
/*  589 */         setFilter(index, false, -1.0F);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else {
/*  592 */       sample.render(sample.getDirtyFlags(), getView(), attribs);
/*      */
/*  594 */       if (soundType != 1) {
/*  595 */         setFilter(index, sample.getFilterFlag(), sample.getFilterFreq());
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*  598 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*  599 */     int loopCount = sample.getLoopCount();
/*  600 */     float leftGain = sample.leftGain;
/*  601 */     float rightGain = sample.rightGain;
/*  602 */     int leftDelay = (int)(sample.leftDelay * attribs.rolloff);
/*  603 */     int rightDelay = (int)(sample.rightDelay * attribs.rolloff);
/*  604 */     if (dataType == 1) {
/*  605 */       if (soundType == 1) {
/*  606 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.startSample(index, loopCount, leftGain);
/*      */
/*  609 */         scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  616 */         int secondIndex = ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex();
/*  617 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.startSamples(index, secondIndex, loopCount, leftGain, rightGain, leftDelay, rightDelay);
/*      */
/*  620 */         scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*  621 */         scaleSampleRate(secondIndex, true);
/*      */
/*  625 */         float reverbGain = 0.0F;
/*  626 */         if ((!muted) && (this.reverbOn)) {
/*  627 */           reverbGain = sample.getGain() * attribs.reflectionCoefficient;
/*      */         }
/*  629 */         int reverbIndex = ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex();
/*  630 */         int reverbRtrnVal = J3DHaeStream.startSample(reverbIndex, loopCount, reverbGain);
/*      */
/*  632 */         scaleSampleRate(reverbIndex, true);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*  639 */     else if (dataType == 2) {
/*  640 */       if (soundType == 1) {
/*  641 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.startSample(index, loopCount, leftGain);
/*      */
/*  644 */         scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  651 */         int secondIndex = ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex();
/*  652 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.startSamples(index, secondIndex, loopCount, leftGain, rightGain, leftDelay, rightDelay);
/*      */
/*  655 */         scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*  656 */         scaleSampleRate(secondIndex, true);
/*      */
/*  660 */         float reverbGain = 0.0F;
/*  661 */         if ((!muted) && (this.reverbOn)) {
/*  662 */           reverbGain = sample.getGain() * attribs.reflectionCoefficient;
/*      */         }
/*  664 */         int reverbIndex = ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex();
/*  665 */         int reverbRtrnVal = J3DHaeClip.startSample(reverbIndex, loopCount, reverbGain);
/*      */
/*  668 */         scaleSampleRate(reverbIndex, true);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*  675 */     else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/*  677 */       if (soundType == 1) {
/*  678 */         returnValue = J3DHaeMidi.startSample(index, loopCount, leftGain);
/*      */
/*  681 */         scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  688 */         int secondIndex = ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex();
/*  689 */         returnValue = J3DHaeMidi.startSamples(index, secondIndex, loopCount, leftGain, rightGain, leftDelay, rightDelay);
/*      */
/*  692 */         scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*  693 */         scaleSampleRate(secondIndex, true);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*      */     else
/*      */     {
/*  722 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  725 */     if (returnValue < 0)
/*      */     {
/*  730 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  737 */     if (!muted) {
/*  738 */       if (this.reverbDirty > 0) {
/*  739 */         calcReverb(attribs);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*  743 */       setReverb(index);
/*      */     }
/*  745 */     return returnValue;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public int stopSample(int index)
/*      */   {
/*  752 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  753 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/*  754 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*  756 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*  757 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*      */
/*  759 */     int returnValue = 0;
/*  760 */     if (dataType == 1) {
/*  761 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/*  763 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.stopSamples(index, ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex());
/*      */
/*  765 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.stopSample(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex());
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  769 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.stopSample(index);
/*      */       }
/*  771 */     } else if (dataType == 2) {
/*  772 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/*  774 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.stopSamples(index, ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex());
/*      */
/*  776 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.stopSample(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex());
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  780 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.stopSample(index);
/*      */       }
/*  782 */     } else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/*  796 */       returnValue = J3DHaeMidi.stopSample(index);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else
/*      */     {
/*  802 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  805 */     if (returnValue < 0)
/*      */     {
/*  809 */       return -1;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  813 */     sample.reset();
/*      */
/*  817 */     return 0;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void pauseSample(int index)
/*      */   {
/*  824 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  825 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/*  826 */       return;
/*      */     }
/*  828 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*  829 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*  830 */     int returnValue = 0;
/*  831 */     if (dataType == 1) {
/*  832 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/*  834 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.pauseSamples(index, ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex());
/*      */
/*  836 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.pauseSample(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex());
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  840 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.pauseSample(index);
/*      */       }
/*  842 */     } else if (dataType == 2) {
/*  843 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/*  845 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.pauseSamples(index, ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex());
/*      */
/*  847 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.pauseSample(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex());
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  851 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.pauseSample(index);
/*      */       }
/*  853 */     } else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/*  865 */       returnValue = J3DHaeMidi.pauseSample(index);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  873 */     if (returnValue < 0);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void unpauseSample(int index)
/*      */   {
/*  884 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  885 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/*  886 */       return;
/*      */     }
/*  888 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*  889 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*  890 */     int returnValue = 0;
/*  891 */     if (dataType == 1) {
/*  892 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/*  894 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.unpauseSamples(index, ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex());
/*      */
/*  896 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.unpauseSample(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex());
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  900 */         returnValue = J3DHaeStream.unpauseSample(index);
/*      */       }
/*  902 */     } else if (dataType == 2) {
/*  903 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/*  905 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.unpauseSamples(index, ((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex());
/*      */
/*  907 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.unpauseSample(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex());
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*  911 */         returnValue = J3DHaeClip.unpauseSample(index);
/*      */       }
/*  913 */     } else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/*  926 */       returnValue = J3DHaeMidi.unpauseSample(index);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  934 */     if (returnValue < 0);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void updateSample(int index)
/*      */   {
/*  945 */     HAESample sample = null;
/*  946 */     if (((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) || (this.thread == null))
/*      */     {
/*  948 */       return;
/*      */     }
/*  950 */     int loopCount = sample.getLoopCount();
/*      */
/*  955 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*  956 */     boolean muted = sample.getMuteFlag();
/*      */
/*  958 */     if (muted) {
/*  959 */       float leftGain = sample.leftGain;
/*  960 */       float rightGain = sample.rightGain;
/*  961 */       if ((leftGain != 0.0F) || (rightGain != 0.0F))
/*      */       {
/*  970 */         sample.leftGain = (sample.rightGain = 0.0F);
/*  971 */         setStereoGain(index, 0.0F, 0.0F);
/*      */       }
/*  973 */       if (soundType != 1)
/*  974 */         setFilter(index, false, -1.0F);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else
/*      */     {
/*  978 */       AuralParameters attribs = getAuralParameters();
/*  979 */       if (this.reverbDirty > 0) {
/*  980 */         calcReverb(attribs);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*  983 */       setReverb(index);
/*  984 */       sample.render(sample.getDirtyFlags(), getView(), attribs);
/*      */
/*  986 */       scaleSampleRate(index, false);
/*      */
/*  991 */       if (soundType != 1) {
/*  992 */         setFilter(index, sample.getFilterFlag(), sample.getFilterFreq());
/*      */       }
/*  994 */       float leftGain = sample.leftGain;
/*  995 */       float rightGain = sample.rightGain;
/*  996 */       int leftDelay = (int)(sample.leftDelay * attribs.rolloff);
/*  997 */       int rightDelay = (int)(sample.rightDelay * attribs.rolloff);
/*      */
/* 1007 */       setStereoGain(index, leftGain, rightGain);
/* 1008 */       setStereoDelay(index, leftDelay, rightDelay);
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void muteSample(int index)
/*      */   {
/* 1014 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1015 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1016 */       return;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1020 */     sample.setMuteFlag(true);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void unmuteSample(int index)
/*      */   {
/* 1025 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1026 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1027 */       return;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1031 */     sample.setMuteFlag(false);
/*      */
/* 1035 */     this.reverbDirty = 65535;
/* 1036 */     sample.setDirtyFlags(65535);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public long getSampleDuration(int index)
/*      */   {
/* 1045 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1046 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null)
/* 1047 */       return -1L;
/* 1048 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/* 1049 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*      */     long duration;
/* 1055 */     if (dataType == 1) {
/* 1056 */       duration = J3DHaeStream.getSampleDuration(index);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else
/*      */     {
/*      */       long duration;
/* 1058 */       if (dataType == 2) {
/* 1059 */         duration = J3DHaeClip.getSampleDuration(index);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/*      */         long duration;
/* 1060 */         if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */         {
/* 1062 */           duration = J3DHaeMidi.getSampleDuration(index);
/*      */         }
/*      */         else
/*      */         {
/* 1068 */           return -1L;
/*      */         }
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*      */     long duration;
/* 1072 */     return duration;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public int getNumberOfChannelsUsed(int index)
/*      */   {
/* 1081 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1082 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1083 */       return 0;
/*      */     }
/* 1085 */     return getNumberOfChannelsUsed(index, sample.getMuteFlag());
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public int getNumberOfChannelsUsed(int index, boolean muted)
/*      */   {
/* 1099 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1100 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1101 */       return 0;
/*      */     }
/* 1103 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/* 1104 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*      */
/* 1107 */     if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/* 1109 */       return 1;
/*      */     }
/* 1111 */     if (soundType == 1) {
/* 1112 */       return 1;
/*      */     }
/* 1114 */     return 3;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public long getStartTime(int index) {
/* 1118 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1119 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1120 */       return 0L;
/*      */     }
/* 1122 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/* 1123 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*      */
/* 1125 */     if (dataType == 1)
/* 1126 */       return J3DHaeStream.getStartTime(index);
/* 1127 */     if (dataType == 2)
/* 1128 */       return J3DHaeClip.getStartTime(index);
/* 1129 */     if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/* 1131 */       return J3DHaeMidi.getStartTime(index);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1137 */     return 0L;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   void setStereoGain(int index, float leftGain, float rightGain)
/*      */   {
/* 1145 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1146 */     if (((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) || (this.thread == null))
/*      */     {
/* 1148 */       return;
/*      */     }
/* 1150 */     AuralParameters attribs = getAuralParameters();
/* 1151 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/* 1152 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/* 1153 */     boolean muted = sample.getMuteFlag();
/*      */
/* 1162 */     float reverbGain = 0.0F;
/* 1163 */     if ((!muted) && (this.reverbOn)) {
/* 1164 */       reverbGain = sample.getGain() * attribs.reflectionCoefficient;
/*      */     }
/* 1166 */     if ((dataType == 1) || (dataType == 2))
/*      */     {
/* 1168 */       this.thread.setTargetGain(index, leftGain);
/* 1169 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/* 1171 */         this.thread.setTargetGain(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex(), rightGain);
/*      */
/* 1173 */         this.thread.setTargetGain(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex(), reverbGain);
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/* 1178 */     else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/* 1181 */       this.thread.setTargetGain(index, leftGain + rightGain);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   void setStereoDelay(int index, int leftDelay, int rightDelay)
/*      */   {
/* 1206 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1207 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1208 */       return;
/*      */     }
/* 1210 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/* 1211 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*      */
/* 1215 */     if (dataType == 1) {
/* 1216 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/* 1218 */         J3DHaeStream.setSampleDelay(index, leftDelay);
/*      */
/* 1220 */         J3DHaeStream.setSampleDelay(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex(), rightDelay);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/* 1224 */         J3DHaeStream.setSampleDelay(index, 0);
/*      */       }
/* 1226 */     } else if (dataType == 2) {
/* 1227 */       if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */       {
/* 1229 */         J3DHaeClip.setSampleDelay(index, leftDelay);
/*      */
/* 1231 */         J3DHaeClip.setSampleDelay(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex(), rightDelay);
/*      */       }
/*      */       else
/*      */       {
/* 1235 */         J3DHaeClip.setSampleDelay(index, 0);
/*      */       }
/* 1237 */     } else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/* 1249 */       J3DHaeMidi.setSampleDelay(index, 0);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   void scaleSampleRate(int index, boolean forceRateChange)
/*      */   {
/* 1262 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1263 */     if (((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) || (this.thread == null))
/*      */     {
/* 1265 */       return;
/* 1266 */     }float scaleFactor = sample.getTargetRateRatio();
/* 1267 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*      */
/* 1272 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/*      */
/* 1274 */     if ((dataType == 1) || (dataType == 2))
/*      */     {
/* 1276 */       if (forceRateChange)
/* 1277 */         this.thread.setRate(index, scaleFactor);
/*      */       else {
/* 1279 */         this.thread.setTargetRate(index, scaleFactor);
/*      */       }
/* 1281 */       if (soundType != 1) {
/* 1282 */         if (forceRateChange) {
/* 1283 */           this.thread.setRate(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex(), scaleFactor);
/*      */
/* 1286 */           this.thread.setRate(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex(), scaleFactor);
/*      */         }
/*      */         else
/*      */         {
/* 1291 */           this.thread.setTargetRate(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getSecondIndex(), scaleFactor);
/*      */
/* 1294 */           this.thread.setTargetRate(((HAEPositionalSample)sample).getReverbIndex(), scaleFactor);
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/* 1300 */     else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/* 1302 */       if (forceRateChange)
/* 1303 */         this.thread.setRate(index, scaleFactor);
/*      */       else
/* 1305 */         this.thread.setTargetRate(index, scaleFactor);
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   void calcReverb(AuralParameters attribs)
/*      */   {
/* 1377 */     float decay = attribs.decayTime;
/* 1378 */     float delay = attribs.reverbDelay * attribs.rolloff;
/* 1379 */     int order = attribs.reverbOrder;
/*      */
/* 1385 */     if ((attribs.reflectionCoefficient == 0.0F) || (attribs.reverbCoefficient == 0.0F))
/*      */     {
/* 1387 */       this.reverbOn = false;
/*      */     }
/*      */     else
/*      */     {
/* 1398 */       this.reverbOn = true;
/*      */
/* 1404 */       if (order > 0)
/*      */       {
/* 1406 */         float clampedTime = order * delay;
/* 1407 */         if (clampedTime < decay)
/* 1408 */           decay = clampedTime;
/*      */       }
/* 1410 */       if (delay < 100.0F)
/*      */       {
/* 1412 */         if (decay <= 1500.0F)
/* 1413 */           this.reverbType = 2;
/*      */         else
/* 1415 */           this.reverbType = 4;
/*      */       }
/* 1417 */       else if (delay < 500.0F)
/*      */       {
/* 1419 */         if (decay <= 1500.0F)
/* 1420 */           this.reverbType = 3;
/*      */         else {
/* 1422 */           this.reverbType = 6;
/*      */         }
/*      */
/*      */       }
/* 1426 */       else if (decay <= 1500.0F)
/* 1427 */         this.reverbType = 6;
/*      */       else {
/* 1429 */         this.reverbType = 5;
/*      */       }
/*      */
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1437 */     this.reverbDirty = 0;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   void setReverb(int index)
/*      */   {
/* 1447 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1448 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1449 */       return;
/*      */     }
/* 1451 */     int soundType = sample.getSoundType();
/* 1452 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*      */
/* 1455 */     if ((soundType == 3) || (soundType == 2))
/*      */     {
/* 1460 */       HAEPositionalSample posSample = null;
/* 1461 */       if ((posSample = (HAEPositionalSample)getSample(index)) == null) {
/* 1462 */         return;
/*      */       }
/* 1464 */       int reverbIndex = posSample.getReverbIndex();
/* 1465 */       if (dataType == 1) {
/* 1466 */         J3DHaeStream.setReverb(reverbIndex, this.reverbType, this.reverbOn);
/*      */       }
/* 1468 */       else if (dataType == 2) {
/* 1469 */         J3DHaeClip.setReverb(reverbIndex, this.reverbType, this.reverbOn);
/*      */       }
/* 1471 */       else if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */       {
/* 1473 */         J3DHaeMidi.setReverb(reverbIndex, this.reverbType, this.reverbOn);
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setLoop(int index, int count)
/*      */   {
/* 1485 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1486 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null)
/* 1487 */       return;
/* 1488 */     int dataType = sample.getDataType();
/*      */
/* 1493 */     if ((dataType == 1) || (dataType == 2))
/*      */     {
/* 1495 */       if (count == -1)
/*      */       {
/* 1497 */         count = 134217727;
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/* 1500 */     super.setLoop(index, count);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   void setFilter(int index, boolean filterFlag, float filterFreq)
/*      */   {
/* 1510 */     HAEPositionalSample posSample = null;
/* 1511 */     if ((posSample = (HAEPositionalSample)getSample(index)) == null)
/* 1512 */       return;
/* 1513 */     int dataType = posSample.getDataType();
/*      */
/* 1516 */     if ((dataType == 3) || (dataType == 3))
/*      */     {
/* 1518 */       return;
/*      */     }
/*      */
/* 1521 */     int secondIndex = posSample.getSecondIndex();
/* 1522 */     if (dataType == 2) {
/* 1523 */       J3DHaeClip.setFiltering(index, filterFlag, filterFreq);
/* 1524 */       J3DHaeClip.setFiltering(secondIndex, filterFlag, filterFreq);
/*      */     }
/*      */     else
/*      */     {
/* 1528 */       J3DHaeStream.setFiltering(index, filterFlag, filterFreq);
/* 1529 */       J3DHaeStream.setFiltering(secondIndex, filterFlag, filterFreq);
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setGain(float scaleFactor)
/*      */   {
/* 1546 */     float oldDeviceGain = this.deviceGain;
/* 1547 */     float gainFactor = scaleFactor / oldDeviceGain;
/*      */
/* 1549 */     this.deviceGain = scaleFactor;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void pause()
/*      */   {
/* 1560 */     this.pause = 1;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void resume()
/*      */   {
/* 1570 */     this.pause = 3;
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setRateScaleFactor(int index, float rateScaleFactor)
/*      */   {
/* 1581 */     HAESample sample = null;
/* 1582 */     if ((sample = (HAESample)getSample(index)) == null)
/* 1583 */       return;
/* 1584 */     sample.setRateScaleFactor(rateScaleFactor);
/* 1585 */     scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setRolloff(float rolloff)
/*      */   {
/* 1596 */     super.setRolloff(rolloff);
/* 1597 */     int nSamples = getSampleListSize();
/* 1598 */     for (int index = 0; index < nSamples; index++)
/* 1599 */       scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setFrequencyScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)
/*      */   {
/* 1611 */     super.setFrequencyScaleFactor(scaleFactor);
/* 1612 */     int nSamples = getSampleListSize();
/* 1613 */     for (int index = 0; index < nSamples; index++)
/* 1614 */       scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void setVelocityScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)
/*      */   {
/* 1626 */     super.setVelocityScaleFactor(scaleFactor);
/* 1627 */     int nSamples = getSampleListSize();
/* 1628 */     for (int index = 0; index < nSamples; index++)
/* 1629 */       scaleSampleRate(index, true);
/*      */   }
/*      */ }

/* Location:           Z:\System\Library\Java\Extensions\j3daudio.jar
* Qualified Name:     com.sun.j3d.audioengines.headspace.HeadspaceMixer
* JD-Core Version:    0.6.2

Related Classes of com.sun.j3d.audioengines.headspace.HeadspaceMixer

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