
Source Code of

/*     */ package;
/*     */
/*     */ import quicktime.QTException;
/*     */ import quicktime.QTSession;
/*     */ import quicktime.qd.QDColor;
/*     */ import quicktime.std.StdQTException;
/*     */ import;
/*     */ import;
/*     */ import quicktime.util.QTUtils;
/*     */
/*     */ public final class SGTextChannel extends VisualChannel
/*     */ {
/*  33 */   private static boolean apriori = QTSession.apriori();
/*     */
/*     */   SGTextChannel(int paramInt, SequenceGrabber paramSequenceGrabber) throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/*  37 */     super(paramInt, paramSequenceGrabber);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public SGTextChannel(SequenceGrabber paramSequenceGrabber)
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/*  47 */     super(paramSequenceGrabber, 1952807028);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   final SampleDescription makeDescription()
/*     */     throws QTException
/*     */   {
/*  53 */     return new TextDescription();
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public final TextDescription getTextDescription()
/*     */     throws QTException
/*     */   {
/*  62 */     return (TextDescription)getSampleDescription();
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public void setFontName(String paramString)
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/*  71 */     int i = SGSetFontName(_ID(), QTUtils.String2PString(paramString, 255));
/*  72 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public void setFontSize(int paramInt)
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/*  81 */     int i = SGSetFontSize(_ID(), (short)paramInt);
/*  82 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public void setForeColor(QDColor paramQDColor)
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/*  91 */     int i = SGSetTextForeColor(_ID(), paramQDColor.getRGBColor());
/*  92 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public void setBackColor(QDColor paramQDColor)
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/* 101 */     int i = SGSetTextBackColor(_ID(), paramQDColor.getRGBColor());
/* 102 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public void setJustification(int paramInt)
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/* 111 */     int i = SGSetJustification(_ID(), (short)paramInt);
/* 112 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public int getReturnToSpaceValue()
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/* 121 */     short[] arrayOfShort = new short[1];
/* 122 */     int i = SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue(_ID(), arrayOfShort);
/* 123 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
/* 124 */     return arrayOfShort[0];
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public void setReturnToSpaceValue(int paramInt)
/*     */     throws StdQTException
/*     */   {
/* 133 */     int i = SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue(_ID(), (short)paramInt);
/* 134 */     StdQTException.checkError(i);
/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   private static native int SGSetFontName(int paramInt, byte[] paramArrayOfByte);
/*     */
/*     */   private static native int SGSetFontSize(int paramInt, short paramShort);
/*     */
/*     */   private static native int SGSetTextForeColor(int paramInt, byte[] paramArrayOfByte);
/*     */
/*     */   private static native int SGSetTextBackColor(int paramInt, byte[] paramArrayOfByte);
/*     */
/*     */   private static native int SGSetJustification(int paramInt, short paramShort);
/*     */
/*     */   private static native int SGGetTextReturnToSpaceValue(int paramInt, short[] paramArrayOfShort);
/*     */
/*     */   private static native int SGSetTextReturnToSpaceValue(int paramInt, short paramShort);
/*     */ }

/* Location:           Z:\System\Library\Java\Extensions\
* Qualified Name:
* JD-Core Version:    0.6.2

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