Package trees

Source Code of trees.BinarySearchTree

/* ************************
* Name : Eugene Krapivin *
* ID   : 306255084       *
* ***********************/

package trees;

import exceptions.*;

import java.util.Stack;

import nodes.Node;

* Data structure implements a Binary search tree.
* <p>
* In a binary search tree, every sub tree is a binary search tree as well. Left
* son of the root is smaller then the value of the root, the right side is
* larger then the root.
* <p>
* Class has some basic IO function to the structure. For more information see
* {@code}
* <p>
* Since it is a search tree, having duplicate values seem to be wrong because
* only one of the values will be reached, hence I do not allow duplicate values
* in the tree.
* @see Node
* @version 1.1 12/3/2012
* @author Eugene Krapivin
public class BinarySearchTree implements Serializable
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -4148557239778403932L;
  protected Node root;

  /* Class constructors */

   * Class constructor.
   * <p>
   * This is the default constructor for the class {@code BinarySearchTree}.
   * Since the data in the nodes is immutable for obvious reasons, the node
   * will be automatically initialized to 0.
   * @see Node
   * @deprecated
  public BinarySearchTree()
    root = new Node();

   * Class constructor.
   * <p>
   * This constructor receives the first value of the root (in a B search tree
   * the root must always have a value) The sons of the first node a NULL and
   * the data of the first node (root) is set to the data value.
   * @see Node
   * @param data
   *            the data to set in the root node
  public BinarySearchTree(int data)
    root = new Node(data);

   * Class constructor.
   * <p>
   * This is a copy constructor for the BinarySearchTree structure. It will
   * create a distinct duplicate from the original.
   * @param other
   *            the other binary search tree to copy from
   * @throws NotBinarySearchTree
  public BinarySearchTree(BinarySearchTree other) throws NotBinarySearchTree
    if (checkIfBST(other.getRoot()) == true)
      root = other.root.clone(); // using the cloning method of class node
      throw new NotBinarySearchTree(
          "Tree can not be set, the argument is not a legal binary search tree");

   * Class constructor.
   * <p>
   * This is a "soft" copy constructor. It receives a {@code Node} to which
   * the first node of the new tree will be initialized. The references of the
   * {@code Node} will be copied as well.
   * @param root
   *            the Node to which the constructor will initialize the new
   *            tree.
   * @throws NotBinarySearchTree
  public BinarySearchTree(Node root) throws NotBinarySearchTree
    if (checkIfBST(root) == true)
      throw new NotBinarySearchTree();

  /* getter/setter */

   * getter method for root field.
   * @return root the root of the tree, first node.
  public Node getRoot()
    return root;

   * Setter method for field root.
   * @param root
   *            a Node to which I will initialize the root
  public void setRoot(Node root)
    this.root = root;

  /* helper methods */

   * The methods checks whether a Node is a binary search tree
   * <p>
   * for more information about the rules of a binary search tree {code http
   * ://}
   * @param root
   *            the node which will be checked
   * @return true if the tree is in correspondence to the rules of a BST
   *         otherwise false
  private boolean checkIfBST(Node root)
    if (root == null)
      return true;
    // return false if the left branch is bigger then root value
    if (root.getLeft() != null)
      if (root.getData().compareTo(root.getLeft().getData()) <= 0)
        return false;
    // return false if the right branch is smaller then root value
    if (root.getRight() != null)
      if (root.getData().compareTo(root.getRight().getData()) == 1)
        return false;
    // if neither of the previous checks didn't yield false, check the sons
    return true && checkIfBST(root.getLeft())
        && checkIfBST(root.getRight());

   * Find minimal value of the tree or sub-tree.
   * <p>
   * By the structure of binary search trees the smallest value will be the
   * left most value of the tree. the method is private and made for inner use
   * of method remove.
   * <p>
   * The method you uses recursion to traverse the tree.
   * @see #remove(Node root, Comparable value)
   * @param root
   *            the root in which the method checks at the moment
   * @return the minimal value of the sub-tree
  private Node minValue(Node root)
    if (root.getLeft() == null)
      return root;
      return minValue(root.getLeft());

   * The method removes the left most node of the tree, used by method remove
   * @see #remove(Comparable)
   * @param root
   *            the node in which the method checks at the moment
  private void removeMin(Node root)
    Node current = root;

    if (current.getRight().getLeft() == null)
      current = current.getRight();

        if (current.getLeft().getLeft() != null)
          current = current.getLeft();
      while (current.getLeft() != null);

   * The method find the ancestor of the node it receives.
   * <p>
   * Throws exception {@link ItemNotFoundException} if the Node is not found.
   * @param root
   *            the root for which the ancestor will be searched
   * @return returns null if the input node is the root. If not found throws
   *         exception, else returns reference to the ancestor
   * @throws ItemNotFoundException
  private Node findPredecessor(Node root) throws ItemNotFoundException
    if (this.root.getData() == root.getData())
      return null;

    Node current = this.root;

    while (current != null)
      if (current.getLeft() != null)
        if (current.getLeft() == root)
          return current;
      if (current.getRight() == root)
        return current;
      if (root.getData().compareTo(current.getData()) <= 0)
        current = current.getLeft();
        current = current.getRight();

    throw new ItemNotFoundException("The item doesn't exists in the tree.");

   * Remove method.
   * <p>
   * The method uses recursion to traverse the tree, find the node to delete
   * it.
   * <p>
   * If the item is not found a {@link ItemNotFoundException} will be thrown.
   * The method has a "wrapper" for the user use.
   * @param root
   *            the current root to search in
   * @param value
   *            the value to delete from the tree
   * @throws ItemNotFoundException
  private void remove(Node root, Comparable value)
      throws ItemNotFoundException
    if (root != null)
      // looking for the value to delete
      if (root.getData().compareTo(value) > 0)
        remove(root.getLeft(), value);
      else if (root.getData().compareTo(value) < 0)
        remove(root.getRight(), value);
      // value found - check if has 2 branches
      else if (root.getRight() != null && root.getLeft() != null)
        Node min = minValue(root.getRight());



        Node ancesstor = findPredecessor(root);
        if (ancesstor == null)
          this.root = min;
        else if (root == ancesstor.getLeft())
      // if has 1 branch or less
        // find the father of the node to delete
        Node ancesstor = findPredecessor(root);
        // if the value to delete is in the root
        if (ancesstor == null)
          if (root.getRight() != null || root.getLeft() != null)
            this.setRoot(root.getLeft() == null ? root.getRight()
                : root.getLeft());
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(
                "Can not remove the only node in the tree. "
                    + "A binary search tree must have at least 1 value.");
        } // if not root check if the father's left is not null
        else if (ancesstor.getLeft() != null)
        { // if not null, check if to be deleted
          if (ancesstor.getLeft().getData().compareTo(value) == 0)
          { // if to be deleted replace the target by the son
            ancesstor.setLeft(root.getRight() == null ? root
                .getLeft() : root.getRight());
            ancesstor.setRight(root.getRight() == null ? root
                .getLeft() : root.getRight());
          if (ancesstor.getRight().getData().compareTo(value) == 0)
          { // if to be deleted replace the target by the son
            ancesstor.setRight(root.getRight() == null ? root
                .getLeft() : root.getRight());
            ancesstor.setLeft(root.getRight() == null ? root
                .getLeft() : root.getRight());
      throw new ItemNotFoundException(value.toString()
          + " not found in the tree.");

   * In-order traversal of the tree, using recursion algorithm.
   * <p>
   * The method has "wrapper" for the user use
   * @param root
   *            the current root to work on
  private void inorderRecursive(Node root)
    if (root != null)
      System.out.print(root.getData() + " ");

  private Node search(Node root, Comparable value)
    if (root == null || root.getData().compareTo(value) == 0)
      return root;
    else if (root.getData().compareTo(value) == 1)
      return search(root.getLeft(), value);
      return search(root.getRight(), value);

   * Insertion method.
   * <p>
   * This method inserts a value to the current tree, keeping the laws of the
   * binary search tree structure. For more information on binary search trees
   * {code}.
   * <p>
   * The method does not allow insertion of duplicate values, and will throw a
   * DuplicateItemException if one is added. The method uses recursion to
   * traverse the tree until it finds the place to put the new item in.
   * <p>
   * This method is private, and has a "wrapper" for the user to use.
   * @param root
   *            the root which is checked for insertion
   * @param value
   *            the value to insert to the tree
   * @throws DuplicateItemException
  protected void insert(Node root, Node value)
    if (root.compareTo(value) >= 0)
      if (root.getLeft() == null) // if the son to the left is null
        root.setLeft(value); // create new one with the value
        insert(root.getLeft(), value); // otherwise call insert to left
    else if (root.compareTo(value) <= -1)
      if (root.getRight() == null) // if the son to the left is null

        root.setRight(value); // create new one with value
        insert(root.getRight(), value); // call insert to right
      throw new DuplicateItemException(value.getData().toString());

  /* Public methods */

   * This method is a wrapper for the inner insert method.
   * @see #insert(Node, Node)
   * @param value
   *            the value to insert to the tree.
   * @throws DuplicateItemException
  public void insert(Comparable value) throws DuplicateItemException
    insert(root, new Node(value));

   * this method is a wrapper for the remove method.
   * @see #remove(Node, Comparable)
   * @param value
   *            the value to remove from the tree
   * @throws ItemNotFoundException
  public void remove(Comparable value) throws ItemNotFoundException
    remove(root, value);

   * this is a same method that runs the remove method in a try-catch block
   * and deals with errors.
   * @param value
   *            the value to delete from the tree.
  public void tryRemove(Comparable value)
      remove(this.root, value);
    catch (ItemNotFoundException ex)
    catch (NullPointerException ex)
    catch (Exception e)

   * This is the wrapper method for the search method.
   * @see #search(Node, Comparable)
   * @param value
   * @return true if value is found, else false.
  public boolean search(Comparable value)
    return search(root, value) == null ? false : true;

   * this is a wrapper method for the recursive method inorderSearch
   * @see #inorderRecursive(Node)
  public void inorderRecursive()

   * This is an iterative version to the in-order traversal.
  public void inorderIterative()
    Node current = this.root;
    Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();

    while (stack.isEmpty() == false || current != null)
      if (current != null)
        current = current.getLeft();
        current = stack.pop();
        System.out.print(current.getData() + " ");
        current = current.getRight();

   * toString method
   * <p>
   * Prints the whole tree by printing the nodes in a in-order manner
  public String toString()
    Node current = this.root;
    Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<Node>();
    String resultString = "";

    while (stack.isEmpty() == false || current != null)
      if (current != null)
        current = current.getLeft();
        current = stack.pop();
        resultString += current.toString();
        current = current.getRight();

    return resultString;

   * Equality method
   * <p>
   * Method checks if 2 trees are equal, using the toString methods of each of
   * the trees
   * @param other
   * @return true if the trees are equal, false otherwise
  public boolean equals(BinarySearchTree other)
    return this.toString().equals(other.toString());

Related Classes of trees.BinarySearchTree

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