package synalp.generation.server;
import java.util.*;
import synalp.commons.grammar.*;
import synalp.commons.input.*;
import synalp.commons.input.javacc.InputReader;
import synalp.commons.output.SyntacticRealization;
import synalp.commons.semantics.Semantics;
import synalp.commons.unification.InstantiationContext;
import synalp.commons.utils.*;
import synalp.commons.utils.ResourceBundle;
import synalp.commons.utils.configuration.ResourcesBundleType;
import synalp.generation.*;
import synalp.generation.jeni.*;
import synalp.generation.jeni.selection.families.*;
import synalp.generation.ranker.NgramRanker;
import synalp.generation.selection.LexicalSelectionResult;
* A GeneratorServer is an http server that returns generation results from POST json generation
* requests.
* @author Alexandre Denis
public class GeneratorServer extends SimpleServer
private Generator generator;
private ResourceBundle bundle;
private static Gson gson = new Gson();
* Run the server with a predefined bundle.
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourcesBundleType.SEMXTAG2_BUNDLE.getBundle();
JeniGenerator generator = new JeniGenerator(ResourcesBundleType.SEMXTAG2_BUNDLE.getBundle());
FamilySemanticsBuilder.setGrammarSemantics( ResourcesBundleType.SEMXTAG2_BUNDLE.getBundle().getGrammarFile(),
new File("resources/sem-xtag2/semantics.sem"), true);
generator.setLexicalSelection(FamilyLexicalSelection.newInstance( new File("resources/sem-xtag2/lexicon.sem"),
new File("resources/sem-xtag2/semantics.sem"),
//Generator generator = new JeniGenerator(bundle);*/
//ResourceBundle bundle = ResourcesBundleType.MINIMAL_BUNDLE.getBundle();
//ResourceBundle bundle = ResourcesBundleType.KBGEN_BUNDLE.getBundle();
//Generator generator = new JeniGenerator(bundle);
GeneratorServer server = new GeneratorServer(generator, bundle, 2000);
private void createGenerator()
JeniGenerator generator = new JeniGenerator(ResourcesBundleType.SEMXTAG2_BUNDLE.getBundle());
generator.setLexicalSelection(FamilyLexicalSelection.newInstance( new File("resources/sem-xtag2/lexicon.sem"),
new File("resources/sem-xtag2/semantics.sem"),
this.generator = generator;
this.bundle = ResourcesBundleType.SEMXTAG2_BUNDLE.getBundle();
//ResourceBundle bundle = ResourcesBundleType.MINIMAL_BUNDLE.getBundle();
//ResourceBundle bundle = ResourcesBundleType.KBGEN_BUNDLE.getBundle();
//generator = new JeniGenerator(bundle, new NgramRanker("resources/ranking/lm-genia-lemma", 2, "jni"));
* Creates a new GeneratorServer with given generator running on given port.
* @param generator
* @param bundle TODO
* @param port
public GeneratorServer(Generator generator, ResourceBundle bundle, int port)
this.bundle = bundle;
this.generator = generator;
* Processes the given String as json and returns the response.
* @param message
* @return a json string providing results or info
protected String receivePost(String message)
if (message == null || message.isEmpty())
return errorMessage("empty request", message);
JsonObject object = null;
object = gson.fromJson(message, JsonObject.class);
catch (JsonParseException e)
return errorMessage("parse exception: " + e.getMessage(), message);
if (!object.has("request"))
return errorMessage("missing 'request'", message);
String request = object.get("request").getAsString();
GeneratorRequestType requestType = GeneratorRequestType.parse(request);
switch (requestType)
return errorMessage("unknown request '" + request + "'", message);
return processGenerateForInput(object, message);
return processGenerateForTests(object, message);
return processRequestTests();
return errorMessage("unprocessed request", message);
* Creates a json error message.
* @param message
* @param input
* @return a json error message
private String errorMessage(String message, String input)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("error", message);
ret.addProperty("input", input);
return gson.toJson(ret);
* Processes a request to have all tests identifiers.
* @return a json string
private String processRequestTests()
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
JsonArray tests = new JsonArray();
for(TestSuiteEntry entry : bundle.getTestSuite())
tests.add(new JsonPrimitive(formatTestId(entry.getId())));
ret.add("tests", tests);
return gson.toJson(ret);
* Process GENERATE_FOR_INPUT: { request:"GENERATE_FOR_INPUT", sem:"Semantics" }
* @param object
* @param input
* @return the results
private String processGenerateForInput(JsonObject object, String input)
if (!object.has("sem"))
return errorMessage("input has no \"sem\" key", input);
Semantics semantics = null;
semantics = InputReader.readSemantics(object.get("sem").getAsString());
catch (Exception e)
return errorMessage("\"sem\" key (" + object.get("sem").getAsString() + ") is not valid semantics", input);
return generator.generate(semantics).toString();
* Process GENERATE_FOR_TESTS: { request:"GENERATE_FOR_TESTS", tests: [ identifiers of tests ] }
* @param object
* @param input
* @return json results
private String processGenerateForTests(JsonObject object, String input)
if (!object.has("tests"))
return errorMessage("input has no \"tests\" key", input);
JsonArray ret = new JsonArray();
for(JsonElement element : object.get("tests").getAsJsonArray())
String testId = element.getAsString();
TestSuiteEntry entry = getEntryById(testId);
if (entry == null)
// re-create generator each time, note that it does not solve the Time management issue (it is static)
TestResult result = entry.performTest(generator);
return gson.toJson(ret);
private TestSuiteEntry getEntryById(String testId)
for(TestSuiteEntry entry : bundle.getTestSuite())
if (formatTestId(entry.getId()).equals(testId))
return entry;
return null;
private String formatTestId(String id)
id = "test-"+id;
id = id.replaceAll("\\.", "_");
id = id.replaceAll("'", "_");
id = id.replaceAll("\\+", "_");
return id;
* Creates a JsonObject from given TestResult.
* @param result
* @return a json object
private JsonObject asJson(TestResult result)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("id", formatTestId(result.getTest().getId()));
ret.addProperty("result", result.getType().toString());
ret.addProperty("message", result.getMessage());
ret.add("report", asJson(result.getReport(), result));
return ret;
private JsonObject asJson(GenerationReport report, TestResult result)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("time", Perf.formatTime(report.getTotalTime()));
ret.addProperty("start", report.getStartTime().toString());
if (report.getErrorMessage() != null)
ret.addProperty("error", report.getErrorMessage());
ret.add("all-items", asJson(report.getAllItems()));
ret.add("lexical-selection", asJson(report.getLexicalSelection(), result));
ret.add("realizations", asJson(report.getSyntacticRealizations()));
return ret;
* Specific to JeniGenerator, see if we can improve!
* @param items
* @return
private JsonArray asJson(JeniChartItems items)
JsonArray ret = new JsonArray();
for(JeniChartItem item : items)
return ret;
private JsonObject asJson(JeniChartItem item)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("id", item.getId());
ret.addProperty("lemmas", Lemma.printLemmas(item.getLemmas(), item.getContext(), false));
if (item.getParentItemSource()!=null)
ret.addProperty("source", item.getParentItemSource().getId());
if (item.getParentItemTarget()!=null)
ret.addProperty("target", item.getParentItemTarget().getId());
ret.addProperty("operation", item.getParentOperationType().toString());
return ret;
private JsonElement asJson(LexicalSelectionResult lexicalSelection, TestResult result)
JsonArray ret = new JsonArray();
for(Semantics key : lexicalSelection.getInputs())
for(GrammarEntries entries : lexicalSelection.getResults(key))
ret.add(asJson(key, entries, result));
return ret;
* Returns a json object for selection.
* @param key
* @param entries
* @param result TODO
* @return a json object
private JsonObject asJson(Semantics key, GrammarEntries entries, TestResult result)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("input", key.toString());
ret.add("entries", asJson(entries, result));
return ret;
* Creates an array of entry objects. Creates "missing" entries when considering the test id as
* the lemmas separated by "-". We could do it also for morph.
* @param entries
* @param result
* @return an array of entries including missing entries
private JsonArray asJson(GrammarEntries entries, TestResult result)
JsonArray ret = new JsonArray();
// first append missing entries
List<String> lemmas = Arrays.asList(result.getTest().getId().split("-"));
for(String lemma : lemmas)
boolean found = false;
for(GrammarEntry entry : entries)
if (lemma.equals(entry.getLemmasSurface()))
found = true;
if (!found)
// then display selected entries
List<GrammarEntry> sorted = result == null ? new ArrayList<GrammarEntry>(entries) : entries.getEntriesSortedByIndex(lemmas);
for(GrammarEntry entry : sorted)
return ret;
private JsonObject asJsonMissingEntry(String lemma)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("name", "Missing");
ret.addProperty("message", "the lemma '" + lemma + "' from the test id is found in no entry");
ret.addProperty("lemmas", lemma);
return ret;
private JsonObject asJson(GrammarEntry entry)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("name", entry.getName());
ret.addProperty("lemmas", entry.getLemmasSurface());
ret.addProperty("sem", entry.getSemantics().toString(entry.getContext()));
ret.addProperty("tree", formatTreeString(entry.getTree().toString(entry.getContext())));
return ret;
private String formatTreeString(String val)
val = val.replaceAll("\u2717", "_Nadj_");
val = val.replaceAll("\u2666", "_Anchor_");
val = val.replaceAll("\u2662", "_Coanchor_");
val = val.replaceAll("\u2193", "_Subst_");
val = val.replaceAll("\u272D", "_Foot_");
return val;
private JsonArray asJson(List<? extends SyntacticRealization> reals)
JsonArray ret = new JsonArray();
for(SyntacticRealization real : reals)
return ret;
private JsonObject asJson(SyntacticRealization realization)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.add("lemmas", createJsonLemmas(realization.getLemmas(), realization.getContext()));
return ret;
private JsonArray createJsonLemmas(List<Lemma> lemmas, InstantiationContext context)
JsonArray ret = new JsonArray();
for(Lemma lemma : lemmas)
ret.add(createJsonLemma(lemma, context));
return ret;
private JsonObject createJsonLemma(Lemma lemma, InstantiationContext context)
JsonObject ret = new JsonObject();
ret.addProperty("lemma", lemma.getValue());
ret.addProperty("lemma-features", lemma.getFs().toString(context));
return ret;