package synalp.generation.jeni.semantics;
import java.util.*;
import synalp.commons.grammar.*;
import synalp.commons.input.Lemma;
import synalp.commons.lexicon.*;
import synalp.commons.semantics.Semantics;
import synalp.commons.unification.*;
* Creates automatically the semantics of a grammar according to trace semantics, which are a way to
* associate a semantics to a given trace. The association is based on a naming convention for
* variables, ?F is the foot, ?R is the root, ?A is the anchor, ?S0..?Sn are substitutions.
* @author Alexandre Denis
public class SemanticsBuilder
private FamiliesSemantics familiesSemantics;
* Creates a new SemanticsBuilder based on given FamilySemantics.
* @param familiesSemantics
public SemanticsBuilder(FamiliesSemantics familiesSemantics)
this.familiesSemantics = familiesSemantics;
* Sets the semantics of all the entries of the given grammar.
* @param grammar
public void setSemantics(Grammar grammar)
for(GrammarEntry entry : grammar.values())
* Creates a SyntacticLexicon from families semantics and given Grammar.
* It iterates through families, and for each pair lemma/tree, creates a lexicon entry.
* @param grammar
* @return a new SyntacticLexicon
public SyntacticLexicon createLexicon(Grammar grammar)
SyntacticLexicon ret = new SyntacticLexicon();
for(FamilySemantics famSem : familiesSemantics)
if (famSem.getLemmas().isEmpty())
for(GrammarEntry entry : grammar.getEntriesContainingTrace(famSem.getTrace()))
// this is necessary to retrieve family-wide anchoring equations on families without explicit lemmas
Equations familyWideEquations = new Equations();
for(FamilySemantics otherSem : familiesSemantics)
if (otherSem.getTrace().isSubTrace(entry.getTrace()))
for(Lemma lemma : famSem.getLemmas().keySet())
// filter out entries with mismatching coanchors
if (entry.getTree().getUninstantiatedCoanchors().size() != famSem.getCoanchors(lemma).size())
SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry = new SyntacticLexiconEntry();
// set filter
FeatureStructure filter = new FeatureStructure();
filter.addConstantFeature("family", new FeatureConstant(entry.getTrace()));
lexEntry.setFilter(new Filter(filter));
* set instantiated semantics, if the fam sem is a pattern use this semantics
* else use normally the semantics of the entry
Semantics lexSemantics = new Semantics(famSem.isPattern() ? famSem.getSemantics() : entry.getSemantics());
* set all equations: the family-wide equations, the equations for the particular lemma and the co-anchor equations.
* Note that the family equations are only set for famSem that have lemmas!
setCoanchorEquations(lexEntry, entry, famSem, lemma);
return ret;
* Adds co-anchor equations to the given lexicon entry. It retrieves the node id according to
* the order in which they appear. Maybe here we have to take the canonical tree to assign the
* coanchors. Or it is possible specify that in the input format.
* @param lexEntry
* @param entry
* @param famSem
* @param lemma
private void setCoanchorEquations(SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry, GrammarEntry entry, FamilySemantics famSem, Lemma lemma)
List<Lemma> coanchors = famSem.getCoanchors(lemma);
if (!coanchors.isEmpty())
List<Node> coanchorNodes = entry.getTree().getNodesByType(NodeType.COANCHOR);
for(int i = 0; i < coanchors.size(); i++)
Lemma coanchor = coanchors.get(i);
Node coanchorNode = coanchorNodes.get(i);
FeatureStructure fs = new FeatureStructure().addConstantFeature("lemma", coanchor.getValue());
lexEntry.getEquations().add(new Equation(coanchorNode.getId(), FeatureStructureType.TOP, fs, true));
* Sets the semantics of the given entry automatically. This method clears the semantics of the
* entry, sets its identifiers and defines its semantics by the most specific families semantics
* whose trace match the entry trace.
* @param entry
private void setSemantics(GrammarEntry entry)
// first get all fam sem that are contained in the entry trace except for patterns
List<FamilySemantics> matched = new ArrayList<FamilySemantics>();
for(FamilySemantics famSem : familiesSemantics)
if (!famSem.isPattern() && famSem.getTrace().isSubTrace(entry.getTrace()))
// removed fam sems that are subtraces of each other (keep the most specific)
List<FamilySemantics> kept = new ArrayList<FamilySemantics>();
for(FamilySemantics famSem1 : matched)
boolean found = false;
for(FamilySemantics famSem2 : matched)
if (famSem1 != famSem2 && famSem1.getTrace().isSubTrace(famSem2.getTrace()))
found = true;
if (!found)
// now gathers all kept trace sem in the semantics
Semantics semantics = new Semantics();
for(FamilySemantics famSem : kept)
* Sets the identifiers of the given entry.
* @param entry
public static void setIdentifiers(GrammarEntry entry)
int n = 0;
boolean isAuxiliary = entry.getTree().isAuxiliary();
for(Node node : entry.getTree().getNodes())
if (node.isRoot())
if (isAuxiliary)
setIdentifier(node, "?F"); // by default the root idx is the foot idx
else setIdentifier(node, "?A"); // by default the root idx is the anchor idx
else if (node.isAnchor())
setIdentifier(node, "?A");
else if (node.isFoot())
setIdentifier(node, "?F");
else if (node.isSubst())
setIdentifier(node, "?S" + (n++));
* Sets a feature lemma=?L
* @param node
private static void setLemma(Node node)
node.getFsTop().addVariableFeature("lemma", "?L");
node.getFsBot().addVariableFeature("lemma", "?L");
private static void setIdentifier(Node node, String var)
node.getFsTop().addVariableFeature("idx", var);
node.getFsBot().addVariableFeature("idx", var);
* Clears the semantics field of the given entry and all features in all nodes whose name is
* "idx".
* @param entry
public static void clearSemantics(GrammarEntry entry)
entry.setSemantics(new Semantics());
for(Node node : entry.getTree().getNodes())