Package synalp.generation.jeni

Source Code of synalp.generation.jeni.JeniLexicalSelection

package synalp.generation.jeni;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.log4j.*;

import synalp.commons.grammar.*;
import synalp.commons.input.Lemma;
import synalp.commons.lexicon.*;
import synalp.commons.semantics.*;
import synalp.commons.unification.*;
import synalp.commons.utils.*;
import synalp.commons.utils.ResourceBundle;
import synalp.generation.configuration.GeneratorOption;
import synalp.generation.jeni.filtering.*;
import synalp.generation.jeni.filtering.dlx.DLXFiltering;
import synalp.generation.selection.*;

* LexicalSelection takes a SyntacticLexicon, a Grammar and an input Semantics and returns the
* grammar entries that match.
* @author Alexandre Denis
public class JeniLexicalSelection implements LexicalSelection
   * If true, the variables that are named ?1, ?2 .. ?n are forced to be instantiated to different
   * constants. This is actually required to express the existence of two relations when having
   * syntactic lexicon entries for functional words like "who" that should be selected when two
   * different relations are found. We may consider to have more powerful semantics matching that
   * would embed this kind of constraint.
  public static boolean NUMERAL_VARIABLES_CLASH = true;

  public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JeniLexicalSelection.class);

  // this is used to have unique trees after selection that would facilitate the removal of duplicate items
  private static int currentId;

  private Grammar grammar;
  private SyntacticLexicon lexicon;

   * Creates a new JeniLexicalSelection based on given ResourceBundle.
   * @param bundle
  public JeniLexicalSelection(ResourceBundle bundle)
    this.grammar = bundle.getGrammar();
    this.lexicon = bundle.getSyntacticLexicon();

   * Creates a new JeniLexicalSelection based on given grammar and lexicon.
   * @param grammar
   * @param lexicon
  public JeniLexicalSelection(Grammar grammar, SyntacticLexicon lexicon)
    this.grammar = grammar;
    this.lexicon = lexicon;

  public LexicalSelectionResult selectEntries(Semantics input)

    currentId = 0;
    GrammarEntries ret = new GrammarEntries();
    for(SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry : lexicon)

      if (lexEntry.getSemantics().isEmpty())

      Set<InstantiationContext> contexts = lexEntry.getSemantics().subsumes(input);

      if (contexts.isEmpty())
        logNoSubsumption(lexEntry.getSemantics(), input);

      for(InstantiationContext context : contexts)

        if (NUMERAL_VARIABLES_CLASH && hasEqualNumeralVariables(context))

        for(GrammarEntry newEntry : getMatchingGrammarEntries(grammar, lexEntry, input, context))
          if (!found(newEntry, ret))

    // remove selectional literals since they already have done their job

    if (GeneratorOption.USE_FILTERING)
      PolarityFiltering filter = new DLXFiltering();
      //PolarityFiltering filter = new PolarityFilteringSimple();
      //PolarityFiltering filter = new PolarityFilteringKow();
      Set<GrammarEntries> filtered = filter.filter(new PolarityKey(new FeatureConstant(Utils.splitAndTrim(GeneratorOption.FILTERING_CATEGORIES))),
                              input, ret);
      return new LexicalSelectionResult(input, filtered);
      if (GeneratorOption.RENAME_VARIABLES)

      return new LexicalSelectionResult(input, ret);

   * Tests whether the given context contains two numeral variables whose instantiated values are
   * the same. A numeral variable has the form "?n" with n an integer.
   * @param context
   * @return true if the context contains this kind of instantiation, false otherwise
  public static boolean hasEqualNumeralVariables(InstantiationContext context)
    Map<FeatureValue, FeatureVariable> rev = new HashMap<FeatureValue, FeatureVariable>();
    for(FeatureVariable var : context.keySet())
      if (var.getName().matches("\\?[0-9]+"))
        if (rev.containsKey(context.get(var)))
          return true;
        else rev.put(context.get(var), var);
    return false;

   * Tests if the given entry is found in the given set of entries regarding name, lemmas and
   * context.
   * @param entry
   * @param entries
   * @return true if there exists another entry with the same name, same lemmas and same context.
  private boolean found(GrammarEntry entry, Set<GrammarEntry> entries)
    for(GrammarEntry existing : entries)
      if (entry.getName().equals(existing.getName()) && entry.getTree().getLemmas().equals(existing.getTree().getLemmas()) &&
        return true;
    return false;

   * Returns the set of grammar entries that match. An entry of the given grammar matches if it
   * has the same family than the lexicon entry, if their interfaces unify and if all equations of
   * the lexicon entry can be applied satisfactorily. Moreover the entry must not have an empty
   * semantics, this is a safe test that prevents selecting dummy entries. If one really wants to
   * select entries with empty semantics, it is required that the interface of the entry carries a
   * "sem=no" feature.
   * @param grammar
   * @param lexEntry
   * @param input
   * @param context
   * @return a set of new grammar entries derived from the grammar entries but with proper
   *         lemmatization, interface and context
  private Set<GrammarEntry> getMatchingGrammarEntries(Grammar grammar, SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry, Semantics input, InstantiationContext context)
    Set<GrammarEntry> ret = new HashSet<GrammarEntry>();
    Set<GrammarEntry> byFamily = grammar.getEntriesByFamilies(lexEntry.getFamilies());

    if (byFamily.isEmpty())
      return ret;

    for(GrammarEntry grammarEntry : byFamily)
      FeatureStructure filter = new FeatureStructure();
      filter.add(new Feature("family", new FeatureConstant(grammarEntry.getTrace())));
      if (!new Subsumer().subsumes(lexEntry.getFilter().getFeatureStructure(), filter))
        logTraceFailure(grammarEntry, lexEntry.getFilter());

      InstantiationContext newContext = new InstantiationContext(context);
      logTestingGrammarEntry(grammarEntry, newContext);

       * Check semantics emptiness. If a grammar entry has no semantics, ignore it unless
       * the interface of the entry is marked with a feature sem=no, in which case keep it.
      if (grammarEntry.getSemantics().isEmpty())
        if (grammarEntry.getInterface().hasConstantFeature("sem", "no"))

      FeatureStructure fs = Unifier.unify(lexEntry.getInterface(), grammarEntry.getInterface(), newContext);
      if (fs == null)
        logInterfaceUnificationFailure(grammarEntry, lexEntry, newContext);

      GrammarEntry newEntry = new GrammarEntry(grammarEntry); // this may be overkill
      String newName = newEntry.getTree().getId() + "-" + (currentId++);

       * If equations apply, we need to make sure that the semantics of the grammar entry is well instantiated with
       * regards of the input semantics, the subsumption handles that. However we need to do the subsumption on the
       * lex entry since doing it on the input semantics may raise multiple instantiations which should have been
       * taken care of at the caller level, hence we can do the subsumption and take the first found context.
      if (applyEquations(newEntry, lexEntry.getEquations(), newContext))
        InstantiationContext tmpContext = new InstantiationContext(newContext);
        Set<InstantiationContext> newContexts = newEntry.getSemantics().subsumes(lexEntry.getSemantics(), newContext);

        if (newContexts.isEmpty())
          logContextUpdateFailure(newEntry, lexEntry, input, tmpContext);

        // we enabled family anchoring, hence the lemma should have been specified by equations
        Node mainAnchor = newEntry.getTree().getMainAnchor();
        if (mainAnchor == null)
          logger.error("Error: tree of " + newEntry + " has no main anchor!");
        if (lexEntry.getLemma() != null)

        if (mainAnchor.getAnchorLemma() == null)
          logger.error("Error: a grammar entry " + newEntry +
                  " is missing a lemma, either specify it in the lexicon, in the equations or co-anchor equations (skipped)");


        if (GeneratorOption.USE_BIT_SEMANTICS)
          newEntry.setSemantics(new BitSemantics(newEntry.getSemantics(), input, newEntry.getContext()));

      else logFailingEquations(lexEntry.getEquations(), newContext);
    return ret;

   * Applies the anchoring equations to the given grammar entry tree. It takes care of all the
   * features assignment of the given entry, including the lemma value of the anchor if specified.
   * Warning: some equations may be applied before it returns false! Since the entry is in general
   * discarded it is not a problem, but be careful.
   * @param entry
   * @param equations
   * @param context
   * @return true if the equations have been applied or false if it was not possible
  public static boolean applyEquations(GrammarEntry entry, Equations equations, InstantiationContext context)
    for(Equation eq : equations)
      if (!applyEquation(entry, eq, context))
        return false;
    return true;

   * Applies the given equation to the given entry.
   * @param entry
   * @param eq
   * @param context
   * @return wether the equation have been applied
  public static boolean applyEquation(GrammarEntry entry, Equation eq, InstantiationContext context)
    // find node first
    String nodeId = eq.getNodeId();
    Node node = null;
    if (nodeId.equals("anchor"))
      node = entry.getTree().getMainAnchor();
      if (node == null)
        logTypedNodeNotFound("anchor", entry);
        return false;
    else if (nodeId.equals("foot"))
      node = entry.getTree().getFoot();
      if (node == null)
        logTypedNodeNotFound("foot", entry);
        return false;
    else if (nodeId.equals("root"))
      node = entry.getTree().getRoot();
      if (node == null)
        // there is then something reeeally wrong
        logTypedNodeNotFound("root", entry);
        return false;
      node = entry.getTree().getNodeById(nodeId);
      if (node == null)
        logNamedNodeNotFound(entry, nodeId);
        if (!GeneratorOption.ALLOW_MISSING_COANCHORS)
          return false;
        else return true;

    // we found it, now check the FS unification, return false if failed
    FeatureStructure eqFs = eq.getFeatureStructure();
    FeatureStructure anchorFs = node.getFs(eq.getType());
    FeatureStructure result = Unifier.unify(anchorFs, eqFs, context);
    if (result == null)
      return false;
    else node.setFs(eq.getType(), result);

    // eventually, if the equation specifies a lemma feature sets the lemma of the node
    setLemma(node, eqFs, context);
    return true;

   * Sets the lemma of the given Node considering a given value in the given context.
   * @param node
   * @param fs
   * @param context
  private static void setLemma(Node node, FeatureStructure fs, InstantiationContext context)
    Feature lemmaFeat = fs.getFeature("lemma");
    if (lemmaFeat != null)
      FeatureValue val = context.getValue(lemmaFeat.getValue());
      node.setAnchorLemma(new Lemma(val.toString()));

///// log messages

  private static void logStart(Semantics input)
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
      logger.debug("Doing lexical selection with input: " + input);

  private static void logEnd(Set<GrammarEntry> ret)
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"Selected " + ret.size() + " grammar entries");

  private void logNoSubsumption(Semantics entrySem, Semantics input)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      List<DefaultLiteral> missing = entrySem.difference(input);
      logger.trace("Sumbsumption failure, missing from input: " + missing);

  private static void logSemanticsIgnored(SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Semantics of " + lexEntry.toStringOneLine() + " not selected because it is empty");

  private static void logIgnoredEmptySemanticsGrammarEntry(GrammarEntry grammarEntry)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Entry " + grammarEntry.getName() + " is ignored since it has no semantics");

  private static void logMaintainedEmptySemanticsGrammarEntry(GrammarEntry grammarEntry)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Entry " + grammarEntry.getName() + " has no semantics but it is kept since it carries a sem=no feature");

  private static void logNoFamily(String[] families)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("No grammar entries have been selected by families " + Utils.print(families));

  private static void logTraceFailure(GrammarEntry entry, Filter filter)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Entry " + entry.getName() + " mismatch filter " + filter);

  private static void logFailingEquations(Equations equations, InstantiationContext context)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Failing equations, check " + equations.toString(context));

  private static void logFilteredResults(Set<GrammarEntries> filtered)
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
      for(Set<GrammarEntry> e : filtered)

  private static void logTestingLexicalEntry(SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Testing lexicon entry " + lexEntry.toShortString());

  private static void logSemanticsNotSubsumed(SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry, Semantics input)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Semantics fail " + lexEntry.toStringOneLine() + " does not subsume " + input);

  private static void logSemanticsSubsumed(InstantiationContext context)
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
      logger.debug("Entry subsumes input in context " + context);

  private static void logTestingGrammarEntry(GrammarEntry grammarEntry, InstantiationContext context)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Testing grammar entry " + grammarEntry.getName() + " in context " + context);

  private static void logInterfaceUnificationFailure(GrammarEntry grammarEntry, SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry, InstantiationContext context)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Interface fail for " + grammarEntry.getName() + " " + lexEntry.getInterface() + " " +
              grammarEntry.getInterface() + " in context " + context);

  private static void logContextUpdateFailure(GrammarEntry newEntry, SyntacticLexiconEntry lexEntry, Semantics input, InstantiationContext context)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Subsumption fail for " + newEntry.getName() +
              ", likely caused by a mismatch in resources, the semantics of the grammar entry does not match the lexical entry: " +
              newEntry.getSemantics().toString(context) + " does not subsume " + lexEntry.getSemantics().toString(context));

  private static void logTypedNodeNotFound(String type, GrammarEntry entry)
    logger.error("Error: unable to find " + type + " node of " + entry.getName() + ", please check this tree");

  private static void logNamedNodeNotFound(GrammarEntry entry, String nodeId)
    if (GeneratorOption.ALLOW_MISSING_COANCHORS)
      logger.warn("Warning: unable to find node of " + entry.getName() + " named '" + nodeId +
                "' please check the co-anchor equations (equation ignored because of ALLOW_MISSING_COANCHORS)");
      logger.error("Error: unable to find node of " + entry.getName() + " named '" + nodeId + "' please check the co-anchor equations");

  private static void logNumeralVariablesClash(InstantiationContext context)
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
      logger.debug("The following context is discarded since it contains equal numeral variables and NUMERAL_VARIABLES_CLASH has been set: " + context);

  private static void logDiscardSinceExisting(GrammarEntry entry)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Discarding "+entry.getName()+" since there already exists a selected entry with that name");

  private void logAddingEntry(GrammarEntry newEntry)
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Selecting entry "+newEntry.getName());


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