package Project1.Game;
import Project1.Game.Modifiers.Matching;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.newdawn.easyogg.OggClip;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
public class Card {
// Global Constants
public static final int HEROBRINE = 31, CREEPER = 16;
// Static Utilities used globally
public static Map<String, OggClip> Clips;
public static OggClip makeOGG(String name) throws IOException{
return new OggClip(
new FileInputStream(
"src/Project1/img/" + name
// Static Utilities populated by MemoryGame.main()
public static LinkedList<Card> Collection;
public static Card getByID(int id) {
// Realistically this could probably just return Collection.get(id) so long as id < Collection.size() ...
// But ... this removes the requirement that the JSON data file be ordered perfectly, so why not? (though it is anyways...)
for (Card c : Collection) {
if (c.getID() == id) {
return c;
return null;
/*** Non-Static
* Members
* Methods
// Card Properties
private int ID, Points;
private String sImage, sMatch, sMisMatch, sReveal;
// Card Data-Object Instances
OggClip MatchSound, MisMatchSound, RevealSound;
ImageIcon Image;
/*** JSON Format
* {
* "id": x,
* "points": y,
* "src": "*.png",
* "match": "[*.ogg]",
* "mismatch": "[*.ogg]",
* "reveal": "[*.ogg]"
* }
public Card(JSONObject data) throws JSONException, IOException {
// Populate object properties
ID = data.getInt("id");
Points = data.getInt("points");
sImage = data.getString("src");
sMatch = data.getString("match");
sMisMatch = data.getString("mismatch");
sReveal = data.getString("reveal");
MatchSound = sMatch.equals("") ? null : makeOGG("mob/" + sMatch);
MisMatchSound = sMisMatch.equals("") ? null : makeOGG("mob/" + sMisMatch);
RevealSound = sReveal.equals("") ? null : makeOGG("mob/" + sReveal);
Image = new ImageIcon("src/Project1/img/src/" + sImage);
// Accessors
public Integer getID() { return ID; }
public Integer getPoints() { return Points; }
public ImageIcon getImage() { return Image; }
public String getImageName() { return sImage; }
public OggClip getRevealSound() { return RevealSound; }
public OggClip getMatchSound() { return MatchSound; }
public OggClip getMisMatchSound() { return MisMatchSound; }
public void playSound(Matching type) {
if (type == Matching.Reveal && RevealSound != null) {;
else if (type == Matching.Match && MatchSound != null) {;
else if (type == Matching.MisMatch && MisMatchSound != null) {;