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package thegame.gui;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.Sprite;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.game.RenderingScene;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.game.gl.GLText;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.game.gl.SpriteGLHandler;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.game.gl.geom.GLGeom;
import thegame.FieldGui;
* @author www.b23prodtm.info
public class SelectionMenuIconCell extends SelectionMenuCell {
Sprite icon;
public SelectionMenuIconCell(FieldGui gui, String label, Sprite icon, Runnable doSelection, Runnable doEscape) {
super(gui, label, doSelection, doEscape);
this.icon = icon;
SpriteGLHandler glSprite = null;
protected void GLpaintComponent(RenderingScene gld, double z, int fx, Point fx_loc, Color fx_color) {
Dimension iconSize = gui.ICONSIZE;
Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
if (glSprite == null) {
Sprite icon = this.icon instanceof Sprite ? this.icon : RenderingScene._getLogo(gui.getScene(), gui.rb.getString("ICON"), iconSize);
glSprite = RenderingScene._GLloadSprite(icon, gui.getScene());
Sprite._GLRenderSprite(gld, glSprite, bounds, z, fx, fx_loc, fx_color, 0, null, null,null);
Color c = (isSelected() ? selectable.selectionColor.brighter() : isCellHasFocus() ? selectable.selectionColor : selectable.selectionColor.darker());
GLGeom._GLdrawRoundRect(gld, hashCode(), true, 3f, bounds, z, GLGeom.getCWrgbaColors(c, gui.glow.glow), fx, fx_loc, fx_color);
Dimension d = RenderingScene._GLtoGraphicalMetrics(name, gld);
GLText._GLRenderText2D(gld, name, (float) bounds.x + (float) (bounds.getWidth() - d.width) / 2f, (float) bounds.getMaxY() + 4f, (float) z, fx_color, fx, fx_loc);