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package thegame.gui;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.Sf3Renderable;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.Sf3RenderableImpl;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.game.RenderingScene;
import net.sf.jiga.xtended.impl.game.gl.geom.GLGeom;
import thegame.FieldGui;
* @author www.b23prodtm.info
public class SelectionMenuCell extends GameMenuElement {
public Selectable_CELL selectable;
Paint shadow_gradient = null;
public final String name;
FieldGui gui;
public SelectionMenuCell(FieldGui gui, String name, Runnable doSelection, Runnable doUnselect, boolean selected) {
this(gui, name, doSelection, doUnselect);
public SelectionMenuCell(FieldGui gui, String name, Runnable doSelection, Runnable doUnselect) {
super(null, new Sf3RenderableImpl(), gui.rbHasKey(gui.rb, name) ? gui.rb.getString(name) : name);
this.gui = gui;
this.name = name;
this.selectable = new Selectable_CELL(this, doSelection, doUnselect);
public void setSelected(boolean b) {
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o != null) {
return o.hashCode() == hashCode();
} else {
return false;
Rectangle gradientBounds = new Rectangle();
private Paint newGradient(Color first, Color second) {
gradientBounds = getBounds();
return new GradientPaint(gradientBounds.x, gradientBounds.y, first, gradientBounds.x, gradientBounds.y + (float) gradientBounds.height * 0.66f, second, false);
public void setForeground(Color c) {
shadow_gradient = newGradient(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f), getForeground());
boolean isSelected = false;
boolean cellHasFocus = false;
public boolean isSelected() {
return isSelected;
public boolean isCellHasFocus() {
return cellHasFocus;
static int font = 5;
protected void GLpaintComponent(RenderingScene gld, double z, int fx, Point fx_loc, Color fx_color) {
Rectangle cellBounds = getBounds();
boolean i = gui.glow.glow > .5f;
String label = (cellHasFocus ? (i ? "> " : " >") : "") + name + (cellHasFocus ? (i ? " <" : "< ") : "");
if (isSelected) {
GLGeom._GLfillRoundRect(gld, 0, true, cellBounds, z, GLGeom.getCWrgbaColors(Color.GREEN, .8f), fx, fx_loc, fx_color);
} else {
GLGeom._GLfillRoundRect(gld, 0, true, cellBounds, z, GLGeom.getCWrgbaColors(Color.YELLOW, .8f), fx, fx_loc, fx_color);
if (cellHasFocus) {
GLGeom._GLdrawRoundRect(gld, hashCode(), true, 3, cellBounds, z, GLGeom.getCWrgbaColors(Color.GREEN, gui.glow.glow), fx, fx_loc, fx_color);
Dimension labelDim = gui._GL_baseCodeStringCLIPSIZE(gld, label, font);
labelDim.width = Math.min(labelDim.width, cellBounds.width);
labelDim.height = Math.min(labelDim.height, cellBounds.height);
Dimension fontSize = new Dimension((int) ((float) labelDim.width / (float) label.length()), labelDim.height);
cellBounds.x + (int) ((float) (cellBounds.getWidth() - labelDim.width) / 2f),
cellBounds.y + (int) ((float) (cellBounds.getHeight() - labelDim.height) / 2f),
z + 1,
label, fx, fx_loc, GLGeom.getGlowingColor(Color.WHITE, gui.glow.glowCos));
* set to unselected
public void reset() {