* Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package com.sun.tools.javac.comp;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTypeCast;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeInfo;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.UndetVar.InferenceBound;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.DeferredAttr.AttrMode;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Infer.GraphSolver.InferenceGraph;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Infer.GraphSolver.InferenceGraph.Node;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.InapplicableMethodException;
import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.VerboseResolutionMode;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.GraphUtils.TarjanNode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTag.*;
/** Helper class for type parameter inference, used by the attribution phase.
* <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
* If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
* This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
* deletion without notice.</b>
public class Infer {
protected static final Context.Key<Infer> inferKey =
new Context.Key<Infer>();
Resolve rs;
Check chk;
Symtab syms;
Types types;
JCDiagnostic.Factory diags;
Log log;
/** should the graph solver be used? */
boolean allowGraphInference;
public static Infer instance(Context context) {
Infer instance = context.get(inferKey);
if (instance == null)
instance = new Infer(context);
return instance;
protected Infer(Context context) {
context.put(inferKey, this);
rs = Resolve.instance(context);
chk = Check.instance(context);
syms = Symtab.instance(context);
types = Types.instance(context);
diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context);
log = Log.instance(context);
inferenceException = new InferenceException(diags);
Options options = Options.instance(context);
allowGraphInference = Source.instance(context).allowGraphInference()
&& options.isUnset("useLegacyInference");
/** A value for prototypes that admit any type, including polymorphic ones. */
public static final Type anyPoly = new JCNoType();
* This exception class is design to store a list of diagnostics corresponding
* to inference errors that can arise during a method applicability check.
public static class InferenceException extends InapplicableMethodException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
List<JCDiagnostic> messages = List.nil();
InferenceException(JCDiagnostic.Factory diags) {
InapplicableMethodException setMessage() {
//no message to set
return this;
InapplicableMethodException setMessage(JCDiagnostic diag) {
messages = messages.append(diag);
return this;
public JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic() {
return messages.head;
void clear() {
messages = List.nil();
protected final InferenceException inferenceException;
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Inference routines">
* Main inference entry point - instantiate a generic method type
* using given argument types and (possibly) an expected target-type.
public Type instantiateMethod(Env<AttrContext> env,
List<Type> tvars,
MethodType mt,
Attr.ResultInfo resultInfo,
Symbol msym,
List<Type> argtypes,
boolean allowBoxing,
boolean useVarargs,
Resolve.MethodResolutionContext resolveContext,
Warner warn) throws InferenceException {
//-System.err.println("instantiateMethod(" + tvars + ", " + mt + ", " + argtypes + ")"); //DEBUG
final InferenceContext inferenceContext = new InferenceContext(tvars);
try {
DeferredAttr.DeferredAttrContext deferredAttrContext =
resolveContext.deferredAttrContext(msym, inferenceContext, resultInfo, warn);
resolveContext.methodCheck.argumentsAcceptable(env, deferredAttrContext,
argtypes, mt.getParameterTypes(), warn);
if (allowGraphInference &&
resultInfo != null &&
!warn.hasNonSilentLint(Lint.LintCategory.UNCHECKED)) {
//inject return constraints earlier
checkWithinBounds(inferenceContext, warn); //propagation
Type newRestype = generateReturnConstraints(resultInfo, mt, inferenceContext);
mt = (MethodType)types.createMethodTypeWithReturn(mt, newRestype);
//propagate outwards if needed
if (resultInfo.checkContext.inferenceContext().free(resultInfo.pt)) {
//propagate inference context outwards and exit
return mt;
// minimize as yet undetermined type variables
if (allowGraphInference) {
} else {
inferenceContext.solveLegacy(true, warn, LegacyInferenceSteps.EQ_LOWER.steps); //minimizeInst
mt = (MethodType)inferenceContext.asInstType(mt);
if (!allowGraphInference &&
inferenceContext.restvars().nonEmpty() &&
resultInfo != null &&
!warn.hasNonSilentLint(Lint.LintCategory.UNCHECKED)) {
generateReturnConstraints(resultInfo, mt, inferenceContext);
inferenceContext.solveLegacy(false, warn, LegacyInferenceSteps.EQ_UPPER.steps); //maximizeInst
mt = (MethodType)inferenceContext.asInstType(mt);
if (resultInfo != null && rs.verboseResolutionMode.contains(VerboseResolutionMode.DEFERRED_INST)) {
log.note(env.tree.pos, "deferred.method.inst", msym, mt, resultInfo.pt);
// return instantiated version of method type
return mt;
} finally {
if (resultInfo != null || !allowGraphInference) {
} else {
* Generate constraints from the generic method's return type. If the method
* call occurs in a context where a type T is expected, use the expected
* type to derive more constraints on the generic method inference variables.
Type generateReturnConstraints(Attr.ResultInfo resultInfo,
MethodType mt, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
Type from = mt.getReturnType();
if (mt.getReturnType().containsAny(inferenceContext.inferencevars) &&
resultInfo.checkContext.inferenceContext() != emptyContext) {
from = types.capture(from);
//add synthetic captured ivars
for (Type t : from.getTypeArguments()) {
if (t.hasTag(TYPEVAR) && ((TypeVar)t).isCaptured()) {
Type qtype1 = inferenceContext.asFree(from);
Type to = returnConstraintTarget(qtype1, resultInfo.pt);
Assert.check(allowGraphInference || !resultInfo.checkContext.inferenceContext().free(to),
"legacy inference engine cannot handle constraints on both sides of a subtyping assertion");
//we need to skip capture?
Warner retWarn = new Warner();
if (!resultInfo.checkContext.compatible(qtype1, resultInfo.checkContext.inferenceContext().asFree(to), retWarn) ||
//unchecked conversion is not allowed in source 7 mode
(!allowGraphInference && retWarn.hasLint(Lint.LintCategory.UNCHECKED))) {
throw inferenceException
inferenceContext.restvars(), mt.getReturnType(), to);
return from;
Type returnConstraintTarget(Type from, Type to) {
if (from.hasTag(VOID)) {
return syms.voidType;
} else if (to.hasTag(NONE)) {
return from.isPrimitive() ? from : syms.objectType;
} else if (from.hasTag(UNDETVAR) && to.isPrimitive()) {
if (!allowGraphInference) {
//if legacy, just return boxed type
return types.boxedClass(to).type;
//if graph inference we need to skip conflicting boxed bounds...
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)from;
for (Type t : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ, InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
Type boundAsPrimitive = types.unboxedType(t);
if (boundAsPrimitive == null) continue;
if (types.isConvertible(boundAsPrimitive, to)) {
//effectively skip return-type constraint generation (compatibility)
return syms.objectType;
return types.boxedClass(to).type;
} else {
return to;
* Infer cyclic inference variables as described in
private void instantiateAsUninferredVars(List<Type> vars, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
ListBuffer<Type> todo = new ListBuffer<>();
//step 1 - create fresh tvars
for (Type t : vars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)inferenceContext.asFree(t);
List<Type> upperBounds = uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER);
if (Type.containsAny(upperBounds, vars)) {
TypeSymbol fresh_tvar = new TypeVariableSymbol(Flags.SYNTHETIC, uv.qtype.tsym.name, null, uv.qtype.tsym.owner);
fresh_tvar.type = new TypeVar(fresh_tvar, types.makeCompoundType(uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)), null);
uv.inst = fresh_tvar.type;
} else if (upperBounds.nonEmpty()) {
uv.inst = types.glb(upperBounds);
} else {
uv.inst = syms.objectType;
//step 2 - replace fresh tvars in their bounds
List<Type> formals = vars;
for (Type t : todo) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
TypeVar ct = (TypeVar)uv.inst;
ct.bound = types.glb(inferenceContext.asInstTypes(types.getBounds(ct)));
if (ct.bound.isErroneous()) {
//report inference error if glb fails
reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_UPPER);
formals = formals.tail;
* Compute a synthetic method type corresponding to the requested polymorphic
* method signature. The target return type is computed from the immediately
* enclosing scope surrounding the polymorphic-signature call.
Type instantiatePolymorphicSignatureInstance(Env<AttrContext> env,
MethodSymbol spMethod, // sig. poly. method or null if none
Resolve.MethodResolutionContext resolveContext,
List<Type> argtypes) {
final Type restype;
//The return type for a polymorphic signature call is computed from
//the enclosing tree E, as follows: if E is a cast, then use the
//target type of the cast expression as a return type; if E is an
//expression statement, the return type is 'void' - otherwise the
//return type is simply 'Object'. A correctness check ensures that
//env.next refers to the lexically enclosing environment in which
//the polymorphic signature call environment is nested.
switch (env.next.tree.getTag()) {
JCTypeCast castTree = (JCTypeCast)env.next.tree;
restype = (TreeInfo.skipParens(castTree.expr) == env.tree) ?
castTree.clazz.type :
case EXEC:
JCTree.JCExpressionStatement execTree =
restype = (TreeInfo.skipParens(execTree.expr) == env.tree) ?
syms.voidType :
restype = syms.objectType;
List<Type> paramtypes = Type.map(argtypes, new ImplicitArgType(spMethod, resolveContext.step));
List<Type> exType = spMethod != null ?
spMethod.getThrownTypes() :
List.of(syms.throwableType); // make it throw all exceptions
MethodType mtype = new MethodType(paramtypes,
return mtype;
class ImplicitArgType extends DeferredAttr.DeferredTypeMap {
public ImplicitArgType(Symbol msym, Resolve.MethodResolutionPhase phase) {
rs.deferredAttr.super(AttrMode.SPECULATIVE, msym, phase);
public Type apply(Type t) {
t = types.erasure(super.apply(t));
if (t.hasTag(BOT))
// nulls type as the marker type Null (which has no instances)
// infer as java.lang.Void for now
t = types.boxedClass(syms.voidType).type;
return t;
* This method is used to infer a suitable target SAM in case the original
* SAM type contains one or more wildcards. An inference process is applied
* so that wildcard bounds, as well as explicit lambda/method ref parameters
* (where applicable) are used to constraint the solution.
public Type instantiateFunctionalInterface(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type funcInterface,
List<Type> paramTypes, Check.CheckContext checkContext) {
if (types.capture(funcInterface) == funcInterface) {
//if capture doesn't change the type then return the target unchanged
//(this means the target contains no wildcards!)
return funcInterface;
} else {
Type formalInterface = funcInterface.tsym.type;
InferenceContext funcInterfaceContext =
new InferenceContext(funcInterface.tsym.type.getTypeArguments());
Assert.check(paramTypes != null);
//get constraints from explicit params (this is done by
//checking that explicit param types are equal to the ones
//in the functional interface descriptors)
List<Type> descParameterTypes = types.findDescriptorType(formalInterface).getParameterTypes();
if (descParameterTypes.size() != paramTypes.size()) {
checkContext.report(pos, diags.fragment("incompatible.arg.types.in.lambda"));
return types.createErrorType(funcInterface);
for (Type p : descParameterTypes) {
if (!types.isSameType(funcInterfaceContext.asFree(p), paramTypes.head)) {
checkContext.report(pos, diags.fragment("no.suitable.functional.intf.inst", funcInterface));
return types.createErrorType(funcInterface);
paramTypes = paramTypes.tail;
try {
funcInterfaceContext.solve(funcInterfaceContext.boundedVars(), types.noWarnings);
} catch (InferenceException ex) {
checkContext.report(pos, diags.fragment("no.suitable.functional.intf.inst", funcInterface));
List<Type> actualTypeargs = funcInterface.getTypeArguments();
for (Type t : funcInterfaceContext.undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
if (uv.inst == null) {
uv.inst = actualTypeargs.head;
actualTypeargs = actualTypeargs.tail;
Type owntype = funcInterfaceContext.asInstType(formalInterface);
if (!chk.checkValidGenericType(owntype)) {
//if the inferred functional interface type is not well-formed,
//or if it's not a subtype of the original target, issue an error
checkContext.report(pos, diags.fragment("no.suitable.functional.intf.inst", funcInterface));
return owntype;
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Bound checking">
* Check bounds and perform incorporation
void checkWithinBounds(InferenceContext inferenceContext,
Warner warn) throws InferenceException {
MultiUndetVarListener mlistener = new MultiUndetVarListener(inferenceContext.undetvars);
List<Type> saved_undet = inferenceContext.save();
try {
while (true) {
if (!allowGraphInference) {
//in legacy mode we lack of transitivity, so bound check
//cannot be run in parallel with other incoprporation rounds
for (Type t : inferenceContext.undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
IncorporationStep.CHECK_BOUNDS.apply(uv, inferenceContext, warn);
for (Type t : inferenceContext.undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
//bound incorporation
EnumSet<IncorporationStep> incorporationSteps = allowGraphInference ?
incorporationStepsGraph : incorporationStepsLegacy;
for (IncorporationStep is : incorporationSteps) {
if (is.accepts(uv, inferenceContext)) {
is.apply(uv, inferenceContext, warn);
if (!mlistener.changed || !allowGraphInference) break;
finally {
if (incorporationCache.size() == MAX_INCORPORATION_STEPS) {
* This listener keeps track of changes on a group of inference variable
* bounds. Note: the listener must be detached (calling corresponding
* method) to make sure that the underlying inference variable is
* left in a clean state.
class MultiUndetVarListener implements UndetVar.UndetVarListener {
boolean changed;
List<Type> undetvars;
public MultiUndetVarListener(List<Type> undetvars) {
this.undetvars = undetvars;
for (Type t : undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
uv.listener = this;
public void varChanged(UndetVar uv, Set<InferenceBound> ibs) {
//avoid non-termination
if (incorporationCache.size() < MAX_INCORPORATION_STEPS) {
changed = true;
void reset() {
changed = false;
void detach() {
for (Type t : undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
uv.listener = null;
/** max number of incorporation rounds */
static final int MAX_INCORPORATION_STEPS = 100;
* This enumeration defines an entry point for doing inference variable
* bound incorporation - it can be used to inject custom incorporation
* logic into the basic bound checking routine
enum IncorporationStep {
* Performs basic bound checking - i.e. is the instantiated type for a given
* inference variable compatible with its bounds?
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
uv.substBounds(inferenceContext.inferenceVars(), inferenceContext.instTypes(), infer.types);
infer.checkCompatibleUpperBounds(uv, inferenceContext);
if (uv.inst != null) {
Type inst = uv.inst;
for (Type u : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
if (!isSubtype(inst, inferenceContext.asFree(u), warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.UPPER);
for (Type l : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
if (!isSubtype(inferenceContext.asFree(l), inst, warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.LOWER);
for (Type e : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
if (!isSameType(inst, inferenceContext.asFree(e), infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.EQ);
boolean accepts(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
//applies to all undetvars
return true;
* Check consistency of equality constraints. This is a slightly more aggressive
* inference routine that is designed as to maximize compatibility with JDK 7.
* Note: this is not used in graph mode.
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
Type eq = null;
for (Type e : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
if (eq != null && !isSameType(e, eq, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.EQ);
eq = e;
for (Type l : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
if (!isSubtype(l, e, warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_EQ_LOWER);
for (Type u : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
if (inferenceContext.free(u)) continue;
if (!isSubtype(e, u, warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_EQ_UPPER);
* Check consistency of equality constraints.
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type e : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
if (e.containsAny(inferenceContext.inferenceVars())) continue;
for (Type u : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
if (!isSubtype(e, inferenceContext.asFree(u), warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_EQ_UPPER);
for (Type l : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
if (!isSubtype(inferenceContext.asFree(l), e, warn, infer)) {
infer.reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_EQ_LOWER);
* Given a bound set containing {@code alpha <: T} and {@code alpha :> S}
* perform {@code S <: T} (which could lead to new bounds).
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type b1 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
for (Type b2 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
isSubtype(inferenceContext.asFree(b2), inferenceContext.asFree(b1), warn , infer);
* Given a bound set containing {@code alpha <: T} and {@code alpha == S}
* perform {@code S <: T} (which could lead to new bounds).
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type b1 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
for (Type b2 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
isSubtype(inferenceContext.asFree(b2), inferenceContext.asFree(b1), warn, infer);
* Given a bound set containing {@code alpha :> S} and {@code alpha == T}
* perform {@code S <: T} (which could lead to new bounds).
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type b1 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
for (Type b2 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
isSubtype(inferenceContext.asFree(b2), inferenceContext.asFree(b1), warn, infer);
* Given a bound set containing {@code alpha == S} and {@code alpha == T}
* perform {@code S == T} (which could lead to new bounds).
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type b1 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
for (Type b2 : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
if (b1 != b2) {
isSameType(inferenceContext.asFree(b2), inferenceContext.asFree(b1), infer);
* Given a bound set containing {@code alpha <: beta} propagate lower bounds
* from alpha to beta; also propagate upper bounds from beta to alpha.
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type b : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
if (inferenceContext.inferenceVars().contains(b)) {
UndetVar uv2 = (UndetVar)inferenceContext.asFree(b);
if (uv2.isCaptured()) continue;
//alpha <: beta
//0. set beta :> alpha
addBound(InferenceBound.LOWER, uv2, inferenceContext.asInstType(uv.qtype), infer);
//1. copy alpha's lower to beta's
for (Type l : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
addBound(InferenceBound.LOWER, uv2, inferenceContext.asInstType(l), infer);
//2. copy beta's upper to alpha's
for (Type u : uv2.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
addBound(InferenceBound.UPPER, uv, inferenceContext.asInstType(u), infer);
* Given a bound set containing {@code alpha :> beta} propagate lower bounds
* from beta to alpha; also propagate upper bounds from alpha to beta.
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type b : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
if (inferenceContext.inferenceVars().contains(b)) {
UndetVar uv2 = (UndetVar)inferenceContext.asFree(b);
if (uv2.isCaptured()) continue;
//alpha :> beta
//0. set beta <: alpha
addBound(InferenceBound.UPPER, uv2, inferenceContext.asInstType(uv.qtype), infer);
//1. copy alpha's upper to beta's
for (Type u : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)) {
addBound(InferenceBound.UPPER, uv2, inferenceContext.asInstType(u), infer);
//2. copy beta's lower to alpha's
for (Type l : uv2.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER)) {
addBound(InferenceBound.LOWER, uv, inferenceContext.asInstType(l), infer);
* Given a bound set containing {@code alpha == beta} propagate lower/upper
* bounds from alpha to beta and back.
public void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type b : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ)) {
if (inferenceContext.inferenceVars().contains(b)) {
UndetVar uv2 = (UndetVar)inferenceContext.asFree(b);
if (uv2.isCaptured()) continue;
//alpha == beta
//0. set beta == alpha
addBound(InferenceBound.EQ, uv2, inferenceContext.asInstType(uv.qtype), infer);
//1. copy all alpha's bounds to beta's
for (InferenceBound ib : InferenceBound.values()) {
for (Type b2 : uv.getBounds(ib)) {
if (b2 != uv2) {
addBound(ib, uv2, inferenceContext.asInstType(b2), infer);
//2. copy all beta's bounds to alpha's
for (InferenceBound ib : InferenceBound.values()) {
for (Type b2 : uv2.getBounds(ib)) {
if (b2 != uv) {
addBound(ib, uv, inferenceContext.asInstType(b2), infer);
abstract void apply(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext, Warner warn);
boolean accepts(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return !uv.isCaptured();
boolean isSubtype(Type s, Type t, Warner warn, Infer infer) {
return doIncorporationOp(IncorporationBinaryOpKind.IS_SUBTYPE, s, t, warn, infer);
boolean isSameType(Type s, Type t, Infer infer) {
return doIncorporationOp(IncorporationBinaryOpKind.IS_SAME_TYPE, s, t, null, infer);
void addBound(InferenceBound ib, UndetVar uv, Type b, Infer infer) {
doIncorporationOp(opFor(ib), uv, b, null, infer);
IncorporationBinaryOpKind opFor(InferenceBound boundKind) {
switch (boundKind) {
case EQ:
return IncorporationBinaryOpKind.ADD_EQ_BOUND;
case LOWER:
return IncorporationBinaryOpKind.ADD_LOWER_BOUND;
case UPPER:
return IncorporationBinaryOpKind.ADD_UPPER_BOUND;
Assert.error("Can't get here!");
return null;
boolean doIncorporationOp(IncorporationBinaryOpKind opKind, Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Infer infer) {
IncorporationBinaryOp newOp = infer.new IncorporationBinaryOp(opKind, op1, op2);
Boolean res = infer.incorporationCache.get(newOp);
if (res == null) {
infer.incorporationCache.put(newOp, res = newOp.apply(warn));
return res;
/** incorporation steps to be executed when running in legacy mode */
EnumSet<IncorporationStep> incorporationStepsLegacy = EnumSet.of(IncorporationStep.EQ_CHECK_LEGACY);
/** incorporation steps to be executed when running in graph mode */
EnumSet<IncorporationStep> incorporationStepsGraph =
* Three kinds of basic operation are supported as part of an incorporation step:
* (i) subtype check, (ii) same type check and (iii) bound addition (either
* upper/lower/eq bound).
enum IncorporationBinaryOpKind {
boolean apply(Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Types types) {
return types.isSubtypeUnchecked(op1, op2, warn);
boolean apply(Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Types types) {
return types.isSameType(op1, op2);
boolean apply(Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Types types) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)op1;
uv.addBound(InferenceBound.UPPER, op2, types);
return true;
boolean apply(Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Types types) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)op1;
uv.addBound(InferenceBound.LOWER, op2, types);
return true;
boolean apply(Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Types types) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)op1;
uv.addBound(InferenceBound.EQ, op2, types);
return true;
abstract boolean apply(Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Types types);
* This class encapsulates a basic incorporation operation; incorporation
* operations takes two type operands and a kind. Each operation performed
* during an incorporation round is stored in a cache, so that operations
* are not executed unnecessarily (which would potentially lead to adding
* same bounds over and over).
class IncorporationBinaryOp {
IncorporationBinaryOpKind opKind;
Type op1;
Type op2;
IncorporationBinaryOp(IncorporationBinaryOpKind opKind, Type op1, Type op2) {
this.opKind = opKind;
this.op1 = op1;
this.op2 = op2;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof IncorporationBinaryOp)) {
return false;
} else {
IncorporationBinaryOp that = (IncorporationBinaryOp)o;
return opKind == that.opKind &&
types.isSameType(op1, that.op1, true) &&
types.isSameType(op2, that.op2, true);
public int hashCode() {
int result = opKind.hashCode();
result *= 127;
result += types.hashCode(op1);
result *= 127;
result += types.hashCode(op2);
return result;
boolean apply(Warner warn) {
return opKind.apply(op1, op2, warn, types);
/** an incorporation cache keeps track of all executed incorporation-related operations */
Map<IncorporationBinaryOp, Boolean> incorporationCache =
new HashMap<IncorporationBinaryOp, Boolean>();
* Make sure that the upper bounds we got so far lead to a solvable inference
* variable by making sure that a glb exists.
void checkCompatibleUpperBounds(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
List<Type> hibounds =
Type.filter(uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER), new BoundFilter(inferenceContext));
Type hb = null;
if (hibounds.isEmpty())
hb = syms.objectType;
else if (hibounds.tail.isEmpty())
hb = hibounds.head;
hb = types.glb(hibounds);
if (hb == null || hb.isErroneous())
reportBoundError(uv, BoundErrorKind.BAD_UPPER);
protected static class BoundFilter implements Filter<Type> {
InferenceContext inferenceContext;
public BoundFilter(InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
this.inferenceContext = inferenceContext;
public boolean accepts(Type t) {
return !t.isErroneous() && !inferenceContext.free(t) &&
* This enumeration defines all possible bound-checking related errors.
enum BoundErrorKind {
* The (uninstantiated) inference variable has incompatible upper bounds.
InapplicableMethodException setMessage(InferenceException ex, UndetVar uv) {
return ex.setMessage("incompatible.upper.bounds", uv.qtype,
* An equality constraint is not compatible with an upper bound.
InapplicableMethodException setMessage(InferenceException ex, UndetVar uv) {
return ex.setMessage("incompatible.eq.upper.bounds", uv.qtype,
uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ), uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER));
* An equality constraint is not compatible with a lower bound.
InapplicableMethodException setMessage(InferenceException ex, UndetVar uv) {
return ex.setMessage("incompatible.eq.lower.bounds", uv.qtype,
uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ), uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER));
* Instantiated inference variable is not compatible with an upper bound.
InapplicableMethodException setMessage(InferenceException ex, UndetVar uv) {
return ex.setMessage("inferred.do.not.conform.to.upper.bounds", uv.inst,
* Instantiated inference variable is not compatible with a lower bound.
InapplicableMethodException setMessage(InferenceException ex, UndetVar uv) {
return ex.setMessage("inferred.do.not.conform.to.lower.bounds", uv.inst,
* Instantiated inference variable is not compatible with an equality constraint.
EQ() {
InapplicableMethodException setMessage(InferenceException ex, UndetVar uv) {
return ex.setMessage("inferred.do.not.conform.to.eq.bounds", uv.inst,
abstract InapplicableMethodException setMessage(InferenceException ex, UndetVar uv);
* Report a bound-checking error of given kind
void reportBoundError(UndetVar uv, BoundErrorKind bk) {
throw bk.setMessage(inferenceException, uv);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Inference engine">
* Graph inference strategy - act as an input to the inference solver; a strategy is
* composed of two ingredients: (i) find a node to solve in the inference graph,
* and (ii) tell th engine when we are done fixing inference variables
interface GraphStrategy {
* A NodeNotFoundException is thrown whenever an inference strategy fails
* to pick the next node to solve in the inference graph.
public static class NodeNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
InferenceGraph graph;
public NodeNotFoundException(InferenceGraph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
* Pick the next node (leaf) to solve in the graph
Node pickNode(InferenceGraph g) throws NodeNotFoundException;
* Is this the last step?
boolean done();
* Simple solver strategy class that locates all leaves inside a graph
* and picks the first leaf as the next node to solve
abstract class LeafSolver implements GraphStrategy {
public Node pickNode(InferenceGraph g) {
if (g.nodes.isEmpty()) {
//should not happen
throw new NodeNotFoundException(g);
return g.nodes.get(0);
boolean isSubtype(Type s, Type t, Warner warn, Infer infer) {
return doIncorporationOp(IncorporationBinaryOpKind.IS_SUBTYPE, s, t, warn, infer);
boolean isSameType(Type s, Type t, Infer infer) {
return doIncorporationOp(IncorporationBinaryOpKind.IS_SAME_TYPE, s, t, null, infer);
void addBound(InferenceBound ib, UndetVar uv, Type b, Infer infer) {
doIncorporationOp(opFor(ib), uv, b, null, infer);
IncorporationBinaryOpKind opFor(InferenceBound boundKind) {
switch (boundKind) {
case EQ:
return IncorporationBinaryOpKind.ADD_EQ_BOUND;
case LOWER:
return IncorporationBinaryOpKind.ADD_LOWER_BOUND;
case UPPER:
return IncorporationBinaryOpKind.ADD_UPPER_BOUND;
Assert.error("Can't get here!");
return null;
boolean doIncorporationOp(IncorporationBinaryOpKind opKind, Type op1, Type op2, Warner warn, Infer infer) {
IncorporationBinaryOp newOp = infer.new IncorporationBinaryOp(opKind, op1, op2);
Boolean res = infer.incorporationCache.get(newOp);
if (res == null) {
infer.incorporationCache.put(newOp, res = newOp.apply(warn));
return res;
* This solver uses an heuristic to pick the best leaf - the heuristic
* tries to select the node that has maximal probability to contain one
* or more inference variables in a given list
abstract class BestLeafSolver extends LeafSolver {
/** list of ivars of which at least one must be solved */
List<Type> varsToSolve;
BestLeafSolver(List<Type> varsToSolve) {
this.varsToSolve = varsToSolve;
* Computes a path that goes from a given node to the leafs in the graph.
* Typically this will start from a node containing a variable in
* {@code varsToSolve}. For any given path, the cost is computed as the total
* number of type-variables that should be eagerly instantiated across that path.
Pair<List<Node>, Integer> computeTreeToLeafs(Node n) {
Pair<List<Node>, Integer> cachedPath = treeCache.get(n);
if (cachedPath == null) {
//cache miss
if (n.isLeaf()) {
//if leaf, stop
cachedPath = new Pair<List<Node>, Integer>(List.of(n), n.data.length());
} else {
//if non-leaf, proceed recursively
Pair<List<Node>, Integer> path = new Pair<List<Node>, Integer>(List.of(n), n.data.length());
for (Node n2 : n.getAllDependencies()) {
if (n2 == n) continue;
Pair<List<Node>, Integer> subpath = computeTreeToLeafs(n2);
path = new Pair<List<Node>, Integer>(
path.snd + subpath.snd);
cachedPath = path;
//save results in cache
treeCache.put(n, cachedPath);
return cachedPath;
/** cache used to avoid redundant computation of tree costs */
final Map<Node, Pair<List<Node>, Integer>> treeCache =
new HashMap<Node, Pair<List<Node>, Integer>>();
/** constant value used to mark non-existent paths */
final Pair<List<Node>, Integer> noPath =
new Pair<List<Node>, Integer>(null, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Pick the leaf that minimize cost
public Node pickNode(final InferenceGraph g) {
treeCache.clear(); //graph changes at every step - cache must be cleared
Pair<List<Node>, Integer> bestPath = noPath;
for (Node n : g.nodes) {
if (!Collections.disjoint(n.data, varsToSolve)) {
Pair<List<Node>, Integer> path = computeTreeToLeafs(n);
//discard all paths containing at least a node in the
//closure computed above
if (path.snd < bestPath.snd) {
bestPath = path;
if (bestPath == noPath) {
//no path leads there
throw new NodeNotFoundException(g);
return bestPath.fst.head;
* The inference process can be thought of as a sequence of steps. Each step
* instantiates an inference variable using a subset of the inference variable
* bounds, if certain condition are met. Decisions such as the sequence in which
* steps are applied, or which steps are to be applied are left to the inference engine.
enum InferenceStep {
* Instantiate an inference variables using one of its (ground) equality
* constraints
EQ(InferenceBound.EQ) {
Type solve(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return filterBounds(uv, inferenceContext).head;
* Instantiate an inference variables using its (ground) lower bounds. Such
* bounds are merged together using lub().
LOWER(InferenceBound.LOWER) {
Type solve(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
List<Type> lobounds = filterBounds(uv, inferenceContext);
//note: lobounds should have at least one element
Type owntype = lobounds.tail.tail == null ? lobounds.head : infer.types.lub(lobounds);
if (owntype.isPrimitive() || owntype.hasTag(ERROR)) {
throw infer.inferenceException
uv.qtype, lobounds);
} else {
return owntype;
* Infer uninstantiated/unbound inference variables occurring in 'throws'
* clause as RuntimeException
THROWS(InferenceBound.UPPER) {
public boolean accepts(UndetVar t, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
if ((t.qtype.tsym.flags() & Flags.THROWS) == 0) {
//not a throws undet var
return false;
if (t.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ, InferenceBound.LOWER, InferenceBound.UPPER)
.diff(t.getDeclaredBounds()).nonEmpty()) {
//not an unbounded undet var
return false;
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
for (Type db : t.getDeclaredBounds()) {
if (t.isInterface()) continue;
if (infer.types.asSuper(infer.syms.runtimeExceptionType, db.tsym) != null) {
//declared bound is a supertype of RuntimeException
return true;
//declared bound is more specific then RuntimeException - give up
return false;
Type solve(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return inferenceContext.infer().syms.runtimeExceptionType;
* Instantiate an inference variables using its (ground) upper bounds. Such
* bounds are merged together using glb().
UPPER(InferenceBound.UPPER) {
Type solve(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
List<Type> hibounds = filterBounds(uv, inferenceContext);
//note: lobounds should have at least one element
Type owntype = hibounds.tail.tail == null ? hibounds.head : infer.types.glb(hibounds);
if (owntype.isPrimitive() || owntype.hasTag(ERROR)) {
throw infer.inferenceException
uv.qtype, hibounds);
} else {
return owntype;
* Like the former; the only difference is that this step can only be applied
* if all upper bounds are ground.
UPPER_LEGACY(InferenceBound.UPPER) {
public boolean accepts(UndetVar t, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return !inferenceContext.free(t.getBounds(ib)) && !t.isCaptured();
Type solve(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return UPPER.solve(uv, inferenceContext);
* Like the former; the only difference is that this step can only be applied
* if all upper/lower bounds are ground.
CAPTURED(InferenceBound.UPPER) {
public boolean accepts(UndetVar t, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return t.isCaptured() &&
!inferenceContext.free(t.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER, InferenceBound.LOWER));
Type solve(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
Infer infer = inferenceContext.infer();
Type upper = UPPER.filterBounds(uv, inferenceContext).nonEmpty() ?
UPPER.solve(uv, inferenceContext) :
Type lower = LOWER.filterBounds(uv, inferenceContext).nonEmpty() ?
LOWER.solve(uv, inferenceContext) :
CapturedType prevCaptured = (CapturedType)uv.qtype;
return new CapturedType(prevCaptured.tsym.name, prevCaptured.tsym.owner, upper, lower, prevCaptured.wildcard);
final InferenceBound ib;
InferenceStep(InferenceBound ib) {
this.ib = ib;
* Find an instantiated type for a given inference variable within
* a given inference context
abstract Type solve(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext);
* Can the inference variable be instantiated using this step?
public boolean accepts(UndetVar t, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return filterBounds(t, inferenceContext).nonEmpty() && !t.isCaptured();
* Return the subset of ground bounds in a given bound set (i.e. eq/lower/upper)
List<Type> filterBounds(UndetVar uv, InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
return Type.filter(uv.getBounds(ib), new BoundFilter(inferenceContext));
* This enumeration defines the sequence of steps to be applied when the
* solver works in legacy mode. The steps in this enumeration reflect
* the behavior of old inference routine (see JLS SE 7
enum LegacyInferenceSteps {
EQ_LOWER(EnumSet.of(InferenceStep.EQ, InferenceStep.LOWER)),
EQ_UPPER(EnumSet.of(InferenceStep.EQ, InferenceStep.UPPER_LEGACY));
final EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps;
LegacyInferenceSteps(EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) {
this.steps = steps;
* This enumeration defines the sequence of steps to be applied when the
* graph solver is used. This order is defined so as to maximize compatibility
* w.r.t. old inference routine (see JLS SE 7
enum GraphInferenceSteps {
EQ_LOWER(EnumSet.of(InferenceStep.EQ, InferenceStep.LOWER)),
EQ_LOWER_THROWS_UPPER_CAPTURED(EnumSet.of(InferenceStep.EQ, InferenceStep.LOWER, InferenceStep.UPPER, InferenceStep.THROWS, InferenceStep.CAPTURED));
final EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps;
GraphInferenceSteps(EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) {
this.steps = steps;
* There are two kinds of dependencies between inference variables. The basic
* kind of dependency (or bound dependency) arises when a variable mention
* another variable in one of its bounds. There's also a more subtle kind
* of dependency that arises when a variable 'might' lead to better constraints
* on another variable (this is typically the case with variables holding up
* stuck expressions).
enum DependencyKind implements GraphUtils.DependencyKind {
/** bound dependency */
/** stuck dependency */
final String dotSyle;
private DependencyKind(String dotSyle) {
this.dotSyle = dotSyle;
public String getDotStyle() {
return dotSyle;
* This is the graph inference solver - the solver organizes all inference variables in
* a given inference context by bound dependencies - in the general case, such dependencies
* would lead to a cyclic directed graph (hence the name); the dependency info is used to build
* an acyclic graph, where all cyclic variables are bundled together. An inference
* step corresponds to solving a node in the acyclic graph - this is done by
* relying on a given strategy (see GraphStrategy).
class GraphSolver {
InferenceContext inferenceContext;
Map<Type, Set<Type>> stuckDeps;
Warner warn;
GraphSolver(InferenceContext inferenceContext, Map<Type, Set<Type>> stuckDeps, Warner warn) {
this.inferenceContext = inferenceContext;
this.stuckDeps = stuckDeps;
this.warn = warn;
* Solve variables in a given inference context. The amount of variables
* to be solved, and the way in which the underlying acyclic graph is explored
* depends on the selected solver strategy.
void solve(GraphStrategy sstrategy) {
checkWithinBounds(inferenceContext, warn); //initial propagation of bounds
InferenceGraph inferenceGraph = new InferenceGraph(stuckDeps);
while (!sstrategy.done()) {
InferenceGraph.Node nodeToSolve = sstrategy.pickNode(inferenceGraph);
List<Type> varsToSolve = List.from(nodeToSolve.data);
List<Type> saved_undet = inferenceContext.save();
try {
//repeat until all variables are solved
outer: while (Type.containsAny(inferenceContext.restvars(), varsToSolve)) {
//for each inference phase
for (GraphInferenceSteps step : GraphInferenceSteps.values()) {
if (inferenceContext.solveBasic(varsToSolve, step.steps)) {
checkWithinBounds(inferenceContext, warn);
continue outer;
//no progress
throw inferenceException.setMessage();
catch (InferenceException ex) {
//did we fail because of interdependent ivars?
instantiateAsUninferredVars(varsToSolve, inferenceContext);
checkWithinBounds(inferenceContext, warn);
* The dependencies between the inference variables that need to be solved
* form a (possibly cyclic) graph. This class reduces the original dependency graph
* to an acyclic version, where cyclic nodes are folded into a single 'super node'.
class InferenceGraph {
* This class represents a node in the graph. Each node corresponds
* to an inference variable and has edges (dependencies) on other
* nodes. The node defines an entry point that can be used to receive
* updates on the structure of the graph this node belongs to (used to
* keep dependencies in sync).
class Node extends GraphUtils.TarjanNode<ListBuffer<Type>> {
/** map listing all dependencies (grouped by kind) */
EnumMap<DependencyKind, Set<Node>> deps;
Node(Type ivar) {
this.deps = new EnumMap<DependencyKind, Set<Node>>(DependencyKind.class);
public GraphUtils.DependencyKind[] getSupportedDependencyKinds() {
return DependencyKind.values();
public String getDependencyName(GraphUtils.Node<ListBuffer<Type>> to, GraphUtils.DependencyKind dk) {
if (dk == DependencyKind.STUCK) return "";
else {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
String sep = "";
for (Type from : data) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)inferenceContext.asFree(from);
for (Type bound : uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.values())) {
if (bound.containsAny(List.from(to.data))) {
sep = ",";
return buf.toString();
public Iterable<? extends Node> getAllDependencies() {
return getDependencies(DependencyKind.values());
public Iterable<? extends TarjanNode<ListBuffer<Type>>> getDependenciesByKind(GraphUtils.DependencyKind dk) {
return getDependencies((DependencyKind)dk);
* Retrieves all dependencies with given kind(s).
protected Set<Node> getDependencies(DependencyKind... depKinds) {
Set<Node> buf = new LinkedHashSet<Node>();
for (DependencyKind dk : depKinds) {
Set<Node> depsByKind = deps.get(dk);
if (depsByKind != null) {
return buf;
* Adds dependency with given kind.
protected void addDependency(DependencyKind dk, Node depToAdd) {
Set<Node> depsByKind = deps.get(dk);
if (depsByKind == null) {
depsByKind = new LinkedHashSet<Node>();
deps.put(dk, depsByKind);
* Add multiple dependencies of same given kind.
protected void addDependencies(DependencyKind dk, Set<Node> depsToAdd) {
for (Node n : depsToAdd) {
addDependency(dk, n);
* Remove a dependency, regardless of its kind.
protected Set<DependencyKind> removeDependency(Node n) {
Set<DependencyKind> removedKinds = new HashSet<>();
for (DependencyKind dk : DependencyKind.values()) {
Set<Node> depsByKind = deps.get(dk);
if (depsByKind == null) continue;
if (depsByKind.remove(n)) {
return removedKinds;
* Compute closure of a give node, by recursively walking
* through all its dependencies (of given kinds)
protected Set<Node> closure(DependencyKind... depKinds) {
boolean progress = true;
Set<Node> closure = new HashSet<Node>();
while (progress) {
progress = false;
for (Node n1 : new HashSet<Node>(closure)) {
progress = closure.addAll(n1.getDependencies(depKinds));
return closure;
* Is this node a leaf? This means either the node has no dependencies,
* or it just has self-dependencies.
protected boolean isLeaf() {
//no deps, or only one self dep
Set<Node> allDeps = getDependencies(DependencyKind.BOUND, DependencyKind.STUCK);
if (allDeps.isEmpty()) return true;
for (Node n : allDeps) {
if (n != this) {
return false;
return true;
* Merge this node with another node, acquiring its dependencies.
* This routine is used to merge all cyclic node together and
* form an acyclic graph.
protected void mergeWith(List<? extends Node> nodes) {
for (Node n : nodes) {
Assert.check(n.data.length() == 1, "Attempt to merge a compound node!");
for (DependencyKind dk : DependencyKind.values()) {
addDependencies(dk, n.getDependencies(dk));
//update deps
EnumMap<DependencyKind, Set<Node>> deps2 = new EnumMap<DependencyKind, Set<Node>>(DependencyKind.class);
for (DependencyKind dk : DependencyKind.values()) {
for (Node d : getDependencies(dk)) {
Set<Node> depsByKind = deps2.get(dk);
if (depsByKind == null) {
depsByKind = new LinkedHashSet<Node>();
deps2.put(dk, depsByKind);
if (data.contains(d.data.first())) {
} else {
deps = deps2;
* Notify all nodes that something has changed in the graph
* topology.
private void graphChanged(Node from, Node to) {
for (DependencyKind dk : removeDependency(from)) {
if (to != null) {
addDependency(dk, to);
/** the nodes in the inference graph */
ArrayList<Node> nodes;
InferenceGraph(Map<Type, Set<Type>> optDeps) {
* Basic lookup helper for retrieving a graph node given an inference
* variable type.
public Node findNode(Type t) {
for (Node n : nodes) {
if (n.data.contains(t)) {
return n;
return null;
* Delete a node from the graph. This update the underlying structure
* of the graph (including dependencies) via listeners updates.
public void deleteNode(Node n) {
notifyUpdate(n, null);
* Notify all nodes of a change in the graph. If the target node is
* {@code null} the source node is assumed to be removed.
void notifyUpdate(Node from, Node to) {
for (Node n : nodes) {
n.graphChanged(from, to);
* Create the graph nodes. First a simple node is created for every inference
* variables to be solved. Then Tarjan is used to found all connected components
* in the graph. For each component containing more than one node, a super node is
* created, effectively replacing the original cyclic nodes.
void initNodes(Map<Type, Set<Type>> stuckDeps) {
//add nodes
nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (Type t : inferenceContext.restvars()) {
nodes.add(new Node(t));
//add dependencies
for (Node n_i : nodes) {
Type i = n_i.data.first();
Set<Type> optDepsByNode = stuckDeps.get(i);
for (Node n_j : nodes) {
Type j = n_j.data.first();
UndetVar uv_i = (UndetVar)inferenceContext.asFree(i);
if (Type.containsAny(uv_i.getBounds(InferenceBound.values()), List.of(j))) {
//update i's bound dependencies
n_i.addDependency(DependencyKind.BOUND, n_j);
if (optDepsByNode != null && optDepsByNode.contains(j)) {
//update i's stuck dependencies
n_i.addDependency(DependencyKind.STUCK, n_j);
//merge cyclic nodes
ArrayList<Node> acyclicNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (List<? extends Node> conSubGraph : GraphUtils.tarjan(nodes)) {
if (conSubGraph.length() > 1) {
Node root = conSubGraph.head;
for (Node n : conSubGraph) {
notifyUpdate(n, root);
nodes = acyclicNodes;
* Debugging: dot representation of this graph
String toDot() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (Type t : inferenceContext.undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
buf.append(String.format("var %s - upper bounds = %s, lower bounds = %s, eq bounds = %s\\n",
uv.qtype, uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER), uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.LOWER),
return GraphUtils.toDot(nodes, "inferenceGraph" + hashCode(), buf.toString());
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Inference context">
* Functional interface for defining inference callbacks. Certain actions
* (i.e. subtyping checks) might need to be redone after all inference variables
* have been fixed.
interface FreeTypeListener {
void typesInferred(InferenceContext inferenceContext);
* An inference context keeps track of the set of variables that are free
* in the current context. It provides utility methods for opening/closing
* types to their corresponding free/closed forms. It also provide hooks for
* attaching deferred post-inference action (see PendingCheck). Finally,
* it can be used as an entry point for performing upper/lower bound inference
* (see InferenceKind).
class InferenceContext {
/** list of inference vars as undet vars */
List<Type> undetvars;
/** list of inference vars in this context */
List<Type> inferencevars;
java.util.Map<FreeTypeListener, List<Type>> freeTypeListeners =
new java.util.HashMap<FreeTypeListener, List<Type>>();
List<FreeTypeListener> freetypeListeners = List.nil();
public InferenceContext(List<Type> inferencevars) {
this.undetvars = Type.map(inferencevars, fromTypeVarFun);
this.inferencevars = inferencevars;
Mapping fromTypeVarFun = new Mapping("fromTypeVarFunWithBounds") {
// mapping that turns inference variables into undet vars
public Type apply(Type t) {
if (t.hasTag(TYPEVAR)) {
TypeVar tv = (TypeVar)t;
if (tv.isCaptured()) {
return new CapturedUndetVar((CapturedType)tv, types);
} else {
return new UndetVar(tv, types);
} else {
return t.map(this);
* add a new inference var to this inference context
void addVar(TypeVar t) {
this.undetvars = this.undetvars.prepend(fromTypeVarFun.apply(t));
this.inferencevars = this.inferencevars.prepend(t);
* returns the list of free variables (as type-variables) in this
* inference context
List<Type> inferenceVars() {
return inferencevars;
* returns the list of uninstantiated variables (as type-variables) in this
* inference context
List<Type> restvars() {
return filterVars(new Filter<UndetVar>() {
public boolean accepts(UndetVar uv) {
return uv.inst == null;
* returns the list of instantiated variables (as type-variables) in this
* inference context
List<Type> instvars() {
return filterVars(new Filter<UndetVar>() {
public boolean accepts(UndetVar uv) {
return uv.inst != null;
* Get list of bounded inference variables (where bound is other than
* declared bounds).
final List<Type> boundedVars() {
return filterVars(new Filter<UndetVar>() {
public boolean accepts(UndetVar uv) {
return uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.UPPER)
.appendList(uv.getBounds(InferenceBound.EQ, InferenceBound.LOWER)).nonEmpty();
private List<Type> filterVars(Filter<UndetVar> fu) {
ListBuffer<Type> res = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type t : undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
if (fu.accepts(uv)) {
return res.toList();
* is this type free?
final boolean free(Type t) {
return t.containsAny(inferencevars);
final boolean free(List<Type> ts) {
for (Type t : ts) {
if (free(t)) return true;
return false;
* Returns a list of free variables in a given type
final List<Type> freeVarsIn(Type t) {
ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type iv : inferenceVars()) {
if (t.contains(iv)) {
return buf.toList();
final List<Type> freeVarsIn(List<Type> ts) {
ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type t : ts) {
ListBuffer<Type> buf2 = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type t : buf) {
if (!buf2.contains(t)) {
return buf2.toList();
* Replace all free variables in a given type with corresponding
* undet vars (used ahead of subtyping/compatibility checks to allow propagation
* of inference constraints).
final Type asFree(Type t) {
return types.subst(t, inferencevars, undetvars);
final List<Type> asFree(List<Type> ts) {
ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type t : ts) {
return buf.toList();
List<Type> instTypes() {
ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type t : undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
buf.append(uv.inst != null ? uv.inst : uv.qtype);
return buf.toList();
* Replace all free variables in a given type with corresponding
* instantiated types - if one or more free variable has not been
* fully instantiated, it will still be available in the resulting type.
Type asInstType(Type t) {
return types.subst(t, inferencevars, instTypes());
List<Type> asInstTypes(List<Type> ts) {
ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type t : ts) {
return buf.toList();
* Add custom hook for performing post-inference action
void addFreeTypeListener(List<Type> types, FreeTypeListener ftl) {
freeTypeListeners.put(ftl, freeVarsIn(types));
* Mark the inference context as complete and trigger evaluation
* of all deferred checks.
void notifyChange() {
void notifyChange(List<Type> inferredVars) {
InferenceException thrownEx = null;
for (Map.Entry<FreeTypeListener, List<Type>> entry :
new HashMap<FreeTypeListener, List<Type>>(freeTypeListeners).entrySet()) {
if (!Type.containsAny(entry.getValue(), inferencevars.diff(inferredVars))) {
try {
} catch (InferenceException ex) {
if (thrownEx == null) {
thrownEx = ex;
//inference exception multiplexing - present any inference exception
//thrown when processing listeners as a single one
if (thrownEx != null) {
throw thrownEx;
* Save the state of this inference context
List<Type> save() {
ListBuffer<Type> buf = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Type t : undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
UndetVar uv2 = new UndetVar((TypeVar)uv.qtype, types);
for (InferenceBound ib : InferenceBound.values()) {
for (Type b : uv.getBounds(ib)) {
uv2.addBound(ib, b, types);
uv2.inst = uv.inst;
return buf.toList();
* Restore the state of this inference context to the previous known checkpoint
void rollback(List<Type> saved_undet) {
Assert.check(saved_undet != null && saved_undet.length() == undetvars.length());
//restore bounds (note: we need to preserve the old instances)
for (Type t : undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
UndetVar uv_saved = (UndetVar)saved_undet.head;
for (InferenceBound ib : InferenceBound.values()) {
uv.setBounds(ib, uv_saved.getBounds(ib));
uv.inst = uv_saved.inst;
saved_undet = saved_undet.tail;
* Copy variable in this inference context to the given context
void dupTo(final InferenceContext that) {
that.inferencevars = that.inferencevars.appendList(inferencevars);
that.undetvars = that.undetvars.appendList(undetvars);
//set up listeners to notify original inference contexts as
//propagated vars are inferred in new context
for (Type t : inferencevars) {
that.freeTypeListeners.put(new FreeTypeListener() {
public void typesInferred(InferenceContext inferenceContext) {
}, List.of(t));
private void solve(GraphStrategy ss, Warner warn) {
solve(ss, new HashMap<Type, Set<Type>>(), warn);
* Solve with given graph strategy.
private void solve(GraphStrategy ss, Map<Type, Set<Type>> stuckDeps, Warner warn) {
GraphSolver s = new GraphSolver(this, stuckDeps, warn);
* Solve all variables in this context.
public void solve(Warner warn) {
solve(new LeafSolver() {
public boolean done() {
return restvars().isEmpty();
}, warn);
* Solve all variables in the given list.
public void solve(final List<Type> vars, Warner warn) {
solve(new BestLeafSolver(vars) {
public boolean done() {
return !free(asInstTypes(vars));
}, warn);
* Solve at least one variable in given list.
public void solveAny(List<Type> varsToSolve, Map<Type, Set<Type>> optDeps, Warner warn) {
solve(new BestLeafSolver(varsToSolve.intersect(restvars())) {
public boolean done() {
return instvars().intersect(varsToSolve).nonEmpty();
}, optDeps, warn);
* Apply a set of inference steps
private boolean solveBasic(EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) {
return solveBasic(inferencevars, steps);
private boolean solveBasic(List<Type> varsToSolve, EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) {
boolean changed = false;
for (Type t : varsToSolve.intersect(restvars())) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)asFree(t);
for (InferenceStep step : steps) {
if (step.accepts(uv, this)) {
uv.inst = step.solve(uv, this);
changed = true;
return changed;
* Instantiate inference variables in legacy mode (JLS,
* During overload resolution, instantiation is done by doing a partial
* inference process using eq/lower bound instantiation. During check,
* we also instantiate any remaining vars by repeatedly using eq/upper
* instantiation, until all variables are solved.
public void solveLegacy(boolean partial, Warner warn, EnumSet<InferenceStep> steps) {
while (true) {
boolean stuck = !solveBasic(steps);
if (restvars().isEmpty() || partial) {
//all variables have been instantiated - exit
} else if (stuck) {
//some variables could not be instantiated because of cycles in
//upper bounds - provide a (possibly recursive) default instantiation
instantiateAsUninferredVars(restvars(), this);
} else {
//some variables have been instantiated - replace newly instantiated
//variables in remaining upper bounds and continue
for (Type t : undetvars) {
UndetVar uv = (UndetVar)t;
uv.substBounds(inferenceVars(), instTypes(), types);
checkWithinBounds(this, warn);
private Infer infer() {
//back-door to infer
return Infer.this;
final InferenceContext emptyContext = new InferenceContext(List.<Type>nil());
// </editor-fold>