Package com.mucommander.ui.dialog.about

Source Code of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.about.AboutDialog

* This file is part of muCommander,
* Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Maxence Bernard
* muCommander is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* muCommander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package com.mucommander.ui.dialog.about;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Style;
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
import javax.swing.text.StyleContext;
import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;

import com.mucommander.RuntimeConstants;
import com.mucommander.desktop.DesktopManager;
import com.mucommander.text.Translator;
import com.mucommander.ui.action.ActionProperties;
import com.mucommander.ui.action.impl.GoToWebsiteAction;
import com.mucommander.ui.action.impl.ShowAboutAction;
import com.mucommander.ui.dialog.FocusDialog;
import com.mucommander.ui.icon.IconManager;
import com.mucommander.ui.layout.FluentPanel;
import com.mucommander.ui.main.MainFrame;
import com.mucommander.ui.theme.Theme;
import com.mucommander.ui.theme.ThemeManager;

* Dialog displaying information about muCommander.
* @author Maxence Bernard, Nicolas Rinaudo
public class AboutDialog extends FocusDialog implements ActionListener {
    // - Styles -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** Style for normal text. */
    private static final String STYLE_NORMAL  = "normal";
    /** Style for headers. */
    private static final String STYLE_HEADER  = "header";
    /** Style for URLs. */
    private static final String STYLE_URL     = "url";
    /** Style for an item's details. */
    private static final String STYLE_DETAILS = "details";
    /** Style for a section title. */
    private static final String STYLE_TITLE   = "title";
    /** Line break string. */
    private static final String LINE_BREAK    = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    // - UI components ----------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** Button that closes the dialog. */
    private JButton     okButton;
    /** Button that opens muCommander's homepage in a browser. */
    private JButton     homeButton;
    /** Button that opens the muCommander's license. */
    private JButton     licenseButton;
    /** Panel in which all the textual information is displayed. */
    private JScrollPane textPanel;

    // - Initialization ---------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Creates a new AboutDialog.
     * @param mainFrame frame this dialog is relative to.
    public AboutDialog(MainFrame mainFrame) {
        super(mainFrame, ActionProperties.getActionLabel(ShowAboutAction.Descriptor.ACTION_ID), mainFrame);

        // Initializes the dialog's content.
        Container contentPane = getContentPane();
        contentPane.add(createIconPanel(), BorderLayout.WEST);
        contentPane.add(createCreditsPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);

        // Makes sure the scroll pane is properly initialized.
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    textPanel.getViewport().setViewPosition(new Point(0,0));


        // Makes OK the default action.

     * Creates the panel that contains all of the about box's text.
    private JScrollPane createCreditsPanel() {
        JTextPane      text;
        StyledDocument doc;

        text = new JTextPane();
        doc  = text.getStyledDocument();


        try {
            // Team.
            insertTitle(doc,          "The muCommander team");

            // Core developers.
            insertHeader(doc,         "Core developers");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Maxence Bernard");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Arik Hadas");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Mariusz Jakubowski");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Nicolas Rinaudo");

            // Contributors.
            insertHeader(doc,         "Contributors");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Ivan Baidakov");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Vassil Dichev");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Karel Klic");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "David Kovar");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Joshua Lebo");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "LeO");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Xavier Martin");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Alejandro Scandroli");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Alexander Yerenkow");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Johann Schmitz");

            // QA
            insertHeader(doc,         "QA");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Joshua Lebo");

            // Translators.
            insertHeader(doc,         "Translators");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "4X_Pro",              "Russian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Roberto Angeletti",   "Italian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Emre Aytaç",          "Turkish");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Tamás Balogh-Walder", "Hungarian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Mykola Bilovus",      "Ukrainian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "ChArLoK_16",          "Arabic");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "György Varga",        "Hungarian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Frank Berger",        "German");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Tony Klüver",         "German");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Marcos Cobeña",       "Spanish");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Cristiano Duarte",    "Brazilian Portuguese");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Jakob Ekström",       "Swedish");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Catalin Hritcu",      "Romanian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Kent Hsu",            "Traditional Chinese");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Jioh L. Jung",        "Korean");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Andrzej Kosiński",    "Polish");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Joze Kovacic",        "Slovenian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Oleksandr Kovalchuk", "Ukrainian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Pieter Kristensen",   "Dutch");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Ján Ľudvík",          "Slovak");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Jaromír Mára",        "Czech");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Xavi Miró",           "Spanish");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Evgeny Morozov",      "Russian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Jonathan Murphy",     "British English");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Nardog",              "Japanese");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Jordi Plantalech",    "Catalan");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Alexey Sirotov",      "Russian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Jeppe Toustrup",      "Danish");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Peter Vasko",         "Czech");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "vboo",                "Belarusian");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "whiteriver",          "Simplified Chinese");

            // Special thanks.
            insertHeader(doc,         "Special thanks");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Semyon Filippov",    "muCommander icon");
            insertDetailedString(doc, "Stefano Perelli",    "Former muCommander icon");

            // Powered by.
            insertTitle(doc,         "Powered by");

            // External Libraries.
            insertHeader(doc,         "Libraries");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Ant",                 "Apache License",                       "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Apache Commons",      "Apache License",                       "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Apache Hadoop",       "Apache License",                       "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Furbelow",            "LGPL",                                 "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "ICU4J",               "ICU License",                          "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "J2SSH",               "LGPL",                                 "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "J7Zip",               "LGPL",                                 "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "jCIFS",               "LGPL",                                 "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "JetS3t",              "Apache License",                       "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "JmDNS",               "LGPL",                                 "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "JNA",                 "LGPL",                                 "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "JUnRar",              "Freeware",                             "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Yanfs",               "BSD",                                  "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Mark James' icons",   "Creative Commons Attribution License", "");

            // External tools.
            insertHeader(doc,         "Tools");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Ant",                 "Apache Software License",              "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "AntDoclet",           "GPL",                                  "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "jdeb",                "Apache Software License",              "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "Launch4j",            "GPL",                                  "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "NSIS",                "zlib/libpng license",                  "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "p7zip",               "LGPL",                                 "");
            insertDetailedUrl(doc,    "ProGuard",            "GPL",                                  "");

            // Version information
            insertTitle(doc,         "Version information");

            // VM information.
            insertHeader(doc,         "muCommander");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Version: " + RuntimeConstants.VERSION);
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Build date: " + getFormatedDate());

            // VM information.
            insertHeader(doc,         "Java");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Runtime version: " + System.getProperty("java.version"));
            insertNormalString(doc,   "VM name: " + System.getProperty(""));
            insertNormalString(doc,   "VM version: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.version"));
            insertNormalString(doc,   "VM vendor: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor"));

            // OS information.
            insertHeader(doc,         "OS");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Name: " + System.getProperty(""));
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Version: " + System.getProperty("os.version"));
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Architecture: " + System.getProperty("os.arch"));

            // Locale information.
            Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
            insertHeader(doc,         "Locale");
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Language: " + locale.getLanguage());
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Country: " + locale.getCountry());
            insertNormalString(doc,   "Encoding: " + System.getProperty("file.encoding"));
        catch(Exception e) {}

        textPanel = new JScrollPane(text, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
        textPanel.getViewport().setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)text.getPreferredSize().getWidth(), 300));

        return textPanel;

     * Creates the about box's left panel.
  private JPanel createIconPanel() {

    // Makes sure the panel's a bit roomier than the default configuration.
    return new FluentPanel(new BorderLayout()) {
      public Insets getInsets() {
        return new Insets(10, 10, 0, 10);
    }.add(new FluentPanel(new BorderLayout())
                  .add(new JLabel(IconManager.getIcon(IconManager.MUCOMMANDER_ICON_SET, "icon128_24.png")),
                  .add(new FluentPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)).add(createAppString()),
            .add(new FluentPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)).add(createCopyright()),
     .add(new FluentPanel(new BorderLayout())
                  .add(createHomeComponent(), BorderLayout.NORTH)
                  .add(createLicenseButton(), BorderLayout.CENTER)
                  .add(createOkButton(), BorderLayout.SOUTH),

  private JLabel createCopyright() {
    return new JLabel("©" + RuntimeConstants.COPYRIGHT+ " Maxence Bernard");

  private JLabel createAppString() {
    return createBoldLabel(RuntimeConstants.APP_STRING);

  private Component createHomeComponent() {
    return DesktopManager.canBrowse() ?
            : new FluentPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)).add(new JLabel(RuntimeConstants.HOMEPAGE_URL));

  private JButton createHomeButton() {
    homeButton = new JButton(ActionProperties.getActionLabel(GoToWebsiteAction.Descriptor.ACTION_ID));
    return homeButton;

  private JButton createLicenseButton() {
    licenseButton = new JButton(Translator.get("license"));
    return licenseButton;

  private JButton createOkButton() {
    okButton = new JButton(Translator.get("ok"));
    return okButton;

    // - Text panel handling ----------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Creates different styles in the specified <code>StyledDocument</code>
     * @param doc document in which to create the styles.
    private static void setStyles(StyledDocument doc) {
        Style master;
        Style currentStyle;
        Font  font;

        master = StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext().getStyle(StyleContext.DEFAULT_STYLE);
        font   = ThemeManager.getCurrentFont(Theme.FILE_TABLE_FONT);

        // Normal style.
        master = doc.addStyle(STYLE_NORMAL, master);
        StyleConstants.setFontFamily(master, font.getFamily());
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(master, font.getSize());
        StyleConstants.setForeground(master, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.FILE_FOREGROUND_COLOR));
        StyleConstants.setBackground(master, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.FILE_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR));
        StyleConstants.setLeftIndent(master, 10);
        StyleConstants.setRightIndent(master, 10);
        StyleConstants.setLineSpacing(master, (float)0.2);
        doc.setParagraphAttributes(0, 0, master, true);

        // Header style.
        currentStyle = doc.addStyle(STYLE_HEADER, master);
        StyleConstants.setBold(currentStyle, true);
        StyleConstants.setFontSize(currentStyle, font.getSize() + 2);
        StyleConstants.setForeground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.FOLDER_FOREGROUND_COLOR));
        StyleConstants.setBackground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.FILE_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR));

        // Title style.
        currentStyle = doc.addStyle(STYLE_TITLE, currentStyle);
        StyleConstants.setAlignment(currentStyle, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
        StyleConstants.setForeground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.ARCHIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR));
        StyleConstants.setBackground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.FILE_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR));

        // Details style.
        currentStyle = doc.addStyle(STYLE_DETAILS, master);
        StyleConstants.setForeground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.HIDDEN_FILE_FOREGROUND_COLOR));
        StyleConstants.setBackground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.FILE_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR));

        // URL style.
        currentStyle = doc.addStyle(STYLE_URL, master);
        StyleConstants.setForeground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.SYMLINK_FOREGROUND_COLOR));
        StyleConstants.setBackground(currentStyle, ThemeManager.getCurrentColor(Theme.FILE_TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR));
        StyleConstants.setUnderline(currentStyle, true);

     * Inserts the specified header in the specified document.
     * @param  doc                  document in which to insert the text.
     * @param  string               text to insert.
     * @throws BadLocationException thrown if something wrong happened to the document.
    private static void insertHeader(StyledDocument doc, String string) throws BadLocationException {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), string + LINE_BREAK, doc.getStyle(STYLE_HEADER));

     * Inserts the specified string in the specified document.
     * @param  doc                  document in which to insert the text.
     * @param  string               text to insert.
     * @throws BadLocationException thrown if something wrong happened to the document.
    private static void insertNormalString(StyledDocument doc, String string) throws BadLocationException {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), string + LINE_BREAK, doc.getStyle(STYLE_NORMAL));

     * Inserts the specified string and details in the specified document.
     * @param  doc                  document in which to insert the text.
     * @param  string               text to insert.
     * @param  details              details that will be added to the text.
     * @throws BadLocationException thrown if something wrong happened to the document.
    private static void insertDetailedString(StyledDocument doc, String string, String details) throws BadLocationException {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), string + " ", doc.getStyle(STYLE_NORMAL));
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "(" + details + ")" + LINE_BREAK, doc.getStyle(STYLE_DETAILS));

     * Inserts the specified URL in the specified document.
     * @param  doc                  document in which to insert the text.
     * @param  url                  url to insert.
     * @throws BadLocationException thrown if something wrong happened to the document.
    private static void insertUrl(StyledDocument doc, String url) throws BadLocationException {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "    ", doc.getStyle(STYLE_NORMAL));
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), url + LINE_BREAK, doc.getStyle(STYLE_URL));

     * Inserts a line break in the specified document.
     * @param  doc                  document in which to insert the text.
     * @throws BadLocationException thrown if something wrong happened to the document.
    private static void insertLineBreak(StyledDocument doc) throws BadLocationException {
        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), LINE_BREAK, doc.getStyle(STYLE_NORMAL));

     * Inserts the specified string, details and URL in the specified document.
     * @param  doc                  document in which to insert the text.
     * @param  string               text to insert.
     * @param  details              details that will be added to the text.
     * @param  url                  url that will be added to the text.
     * @throws BadLocationException thrown if something wrong happened to the document.
    private static void insertDetailedUrl(StyledDocument doc, String string, String details, String url) throws BadLocationException {
        insertDetailedString(doc, string, details);
        insertUrl(doc, url);

     * Inserts the specified title in the specified document.
     * @param  doc                  document in which to insert the text.
     * @param  string               text to insert.
     * @throws BadLocationException thrown if something wrong happened to the document.
    private static void insertTitle(StyledDocument doc, String string) throws BadLocationException {
        int   pos;
        Style style;

        string += LINE_BREAK;
        doc.insertString(pos = doc.getLength(), string, style = doc.getStyle(STYLE_TITLE));
        doc.setParagraphAttributes(pos, string.length(), style, true);
        doc.setParagraphAttributes(doc.getLength(), 0, doc.getStyle(STYLE_NORMAL), true);


    // - Action listening -------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Reacts to validations of the <code>OK</code> or <code>home</code> buttons.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if(e.getSource() == okButton)
        else if(e.getSource() == homeButton) {
            try {DesktopManager.browse(new URL(RuntimeConstants.HOMEPAGE_URL));}
            // Ignores errors here as there really isn't anything we can do.
            catch(IOException ignored) {}
        else if(e.getSource() == licenseButton)
            new LicenseDialog(this).showDialog();

    // - Misc. methods ----------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Returns a formatted version of muCommander's build date.
     * @return a formatted version of muCommander's build date.
    private String getFormatedDate() {
        StringBuilder buffer;

        buffer = new StringBuilder(RuntimeConstants.BUILD_DATE.substring(0, 4));
        buffer.append(RuntimeConstants.BUILD_DATE.substring(4, 6));
        buffer.append(RuntimeConstants.BUILD_DATE.substring(6, 8));

        return buffer.toString();

     * Creates a <code>JLabel</code> displaying the specified text using a bold font.
     * @param  text text to display in the label.
     * @return       a <code>JLabel</code> displaying the specified text using a bold font.
    private JLabel createBoldLabel(String text) {
        JLabel label;
        Font   font;

        label = new JLabel(text);
        font  = label.getFont();
        label.setFont(new Font(font.getFontName(), font.getStyle() | Font.BOLD, font.getSize()));

        return label;


Related Classes of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.about.AboutDialog

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