* This file is part of muCommander, http://www.mucommander.com
* Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Maxence Bernard
* muCommander is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* muCommander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.mucommander.conf;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import com.mucommander.RuntimeConstants;
import com.mucommander.commons.conf.Configuration;
import com.mucommander.commons.conf.ConfigurationException;
import com.mucommander.commons.conf.ConfigurationListener;
import com.mucommander.commons.conf.ValueList;
import com.mucommander.commons.runtime.JavaVersion;
import com.mucommander.commons.runtime.OsFamily;
import com.mucommander.ui.icon.FileIcons;
* muCommander specific wrapper for the <code>com.mucommander.conf</code> API which is used to save 'static' configurations.
* 'static' configurations refer to properties that can be changed from the preferences dialog only.
* those properties do not change often.
* @author Nicolas Rinaudo, Maxence Bernard, Arik Hadas
public class MuPreferences implements MuPreferencesAPI {
// - Misc. variables -----------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Whether or not to automatically check for updates on startup. */
public static final String CHECK_FOR_UPDATE = "check_for_updates_on_startup";
/** Default automated update behavior. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE = true;
/** Description of the format dates should be displayed with. */
public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "date_format";
/** Default date format. */
public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "MM/dd/yy";
/** Character used to separate years, months and days in a date. */
public static final String DATE_SEPARATOR = "date_separator";
/** Default date separator. */
public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_SEPARATOR = "/";
/** Description of the format timestamps should be displayed with.*/
public static final String TIME_FORMAT = "time_format";
/** Default time format. */
public static final String DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = "hh:mm a";
/** Language muCommander should use when looking for text.. */
public static final String LANGUAGE = "language";
/** Whether or not to display compact file sizes. */
public static final String DISPLAY_COMPACT_FILE_SIZE = "display_compact_file_size";
/** Default file size display behavior. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISPLAY_COMPACT_FILE_SIZE = true;
/** Whether or not to ask the user for confirmation before quitting muCommander. */
public static final String CONFIRM_ON_QUIT = "quit_confirmation";
/** Default quitting behavior. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_CONFIRM_ON_QUIT = true;
/** Whether or not to display splash screen when starting muCommander. */
public static final String SHOW_SPLASH_SCREEN = "show_splash_screen";
/** Default splash screen behavior. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_SPLASH_SCREEN = true;
/** Look and feel used by muCommander. */
public static final String LOOK_AND_FEEL = "lookAndFeel";
/** All registered custom Look and feels. */
public static final String CUSTOM_LOOK_AND_FEELS = "custom_look_and_feels";
/** Separator used to tokenise the custom look and feels variable. */
public static final String CUSTOM_LOOK_AND_FEELS_SEPARATOR = ";";
/** Controls whether system notifications are enabled. */
public static final String ENABLE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATIONS = "enable_system_notifications";
/** System notifications are enabled by default on platforms where a notifier is available and works well enough.
* In particular, the system tray notifier is available under Linux+Java 1.6, but it doesn't work well so it is not
* enabled by default. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATIONS = OsFamily.MAC_OS_X.isCurrent() ||
(OsFamily.WINDOWS.isCurrent() && JavaVersion.JAVA_1_6.isCurrentOrHigher());
/** List of encodings that are displayed in encoding selection components. */
public static final String PREFERRED_ENCODINGS = "preferred_encodings";
// - Log variables -------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the log CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String LOG_SECTION = "log";
/** Log level. */
public static final String LOG_LEVEL = LOG_SECTION + '.' + "level";
/** Default log level. */
public static final String DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = "WARNING";
/** Log buffer size, in number of messages. */
public static final String LOG_BUFFER_SIZE = LOG_SECTION + '.' + "buffer_size";
/** Default log buffer size. Should be set to a low value to minimize memory usage, yet high enough to have most of
* the recent log messages. */
public static final int DEFAULT_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE = 200;
// - Shell variables -----------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the shell CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String SHELL_SECTION = "shell";
/** Shell invocation command (in case muCommander is not using the default one). */
public static final String CUSTOM_SHELL = SHELL_SECTION + '.' + "custom_command";
/** Whether or not to use a custom shell invocation command. */
public static final String USE_CUSTOM_SHELL = SHELL_SECTION + '.' + "use_custom";
/** Default custom shell behavior. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_CUSTOM_SHELL = false;
/** Maximum number of items that should be present in the shell history. */
public static final String SHELL_HISTORY_SIZE = SHELL_SECTION + '.' + "history_size";
/** Default maximum shell history size. */
public static final int DEFAULT_SHELL_HISTORY_SIZE = 100;
/** Encoding used to read the shell output. */
public static final String SHELL_ENCODING = SHELL_SECTION + '.' + "encoding";
/** Whether or not shell encoding should be auto-detected. */
public static final String AUTODETECT_SHELL_ENCODING = SHELL_SECTION + '.' + "autodect_encoding";
/** Default shell encoding auto-detection behaviour. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTODETECT_SHELL_ENCODING = true;
// - Mail variables ------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing mail CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String MAIL_SECTION = "mail";
/** Address of the SMTP server that should be used when sending mails. */
public static final String SMTP_SERVER = MAIL_SECTION + '.' + "smtp_server";
/** Outgoing TCP port to the SMTP server. */
public static final String SMTP_PORT = MAIL_SECTION + '.' + "smtp_port";
/** Default outgoing TCP port to the SMTP server. */
public static final int DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT = 25;
/** Name under which mails sent by muCommander should appear. */
public static final String MAIL_SENDER_NAME = MAIL_SECTION + '.' + "sender_name";
/** Address which mails sent by muCommander should be replied to. */
public static final String MAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS = MAIL_SECTION + '.' + "sender_address";
// - Command bar variables -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the command bar CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String COMMAND_BAR_SECTION = "command_bar";
/** Whether or not the command bar is visible. */
public static final String COMMAND_BAR_VISIBLE = COMMAND_BAR_SECTION + '.' + "visible";
/** Default command bar visibility. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_COMMAND_BAR_VISIBLE = true;
/** Scale factor of commandbar icons. */
public static final String COMMAND_BAR_ICON_SCALE = COMMAND_BAR_SECTION + '.' + "icon_scale";
/** Default scale factor of commandbar icons. */
public static final float DEFAULT_COMMAND_BAR_ICON_SCALE = 1.0f;
// - Status bar variables ------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the status bar CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String STATUS_BAR_SECTION = "status_bar";
/** Whether or not the status bar is visible. */
public static final String STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE = STATUS_BAR_SECTION + '.' + "visible";
/** Default status bar visibility. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE = true;
// - Toolbar variables ---------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the toolbar CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String TOOLBAR_SECTION = "toolbar";
/** Whether or not the toolbar is visible. */
public static final String TOOLBAR_VISIBLE = TOOLBAR_SECTION + '.' + "visible";
/** Default toolbar visibility. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_VISIBLE = true;
/** Scale factor of toolbar icons. */
public static final String TOOLBAR_ICON_SCALE = TOOLBAR_SECTION + '.' + "icon_scale";
/** Default scale factor of toolbar icons. */
public static final float DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_ICON_SCALE = 1.0f;
// - Volume list ---------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the volume list CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String VOLUME_LIST_SECTION = "volume_list";
/** Regexp that allows volumes to be excluded from the list. */
public static final String VOLUME_EXCLUDE_REGEXP = VOLUME_LIST_SECTION + '.' + "exclude_regexp";
// - FileTable variables ---------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the folders view CONFIGURATION. */
public static final String FILE_TABLE_SECTION = "file_table";
/** Identifier of the left file table. */
public static final String LEFT = "left";
/** Identifier of the right file table. */
public static final String RIGHT = "right";
/** Whether or not to display hidden files. */
public static final String SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "show_hidden_files";
/** Default hidden files visibility. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES = true;
/** Whether or not to display OS X .DS_Store files. */
public static final String SHOW_DS_STORE_FILES = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "show_ds_store_files";
/** Default .DS_Store files visibility. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_DS_STORE_FILES = true;
/** Whether or not to display system folders. */
public static final String SHOW_SYSTEM_FOLDERS = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "show_system_folders";
/** Default system folders visibility. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_SYSTEM_FOLDERS = true;
/** Scale factor of file table icons. */
public static final String TABLE_ICON_SCALE = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "icon_scale";
/** Default scale factor of file table icons. */
public static final float DEFAULT_TABLE_ICON_SCALE = 1.0f;
/** Whether or not columns should resize themselves automatically. */
public static final String AUTO_SIZE_COLUMNS = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "auto_size_columns";
/** Default columns auto-resizing behavior. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_SIZE_COLUMNS = true;
/** Controls if and when system file icons should be used instead of custom file icons. */
public static final String USE_SYSTEM_FILE_ICONS = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "use_system_file_icons";
/** Default system file icons policy. */
/** Controls whether folders are displayed first in the FileTable or mixed with regular files. */
public static final String SHOW_FOLDERS_FIRST = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "show_folders_first";
/** Default value for 'Show folders first' option. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_FOLDERS_FIRST = true;
/** Controls whether symlinks should be followed when changing directory. */
public static final String CD_FOLLOWS_SYMLINKS = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "cd_follows_symlinks";
/** Default value for 'Follow symlinks when changing directory' option. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_CD_FOLLOWS_SYMLINKS = false;
/** Whether to always show the header of a single tab or not */
public static final String SHOW_SINGLE_TAB_HEADER = FILE_TABLE_SECTION + '.' + "show_single_tab_header";
/** Default value for 'Always show single tab header" */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOW_TAB_HEADER = false;
/** Name of the root element's attribute that contains the version of muCommander used to write the CONFIGURATION file. */
static final String VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = "version";
// - Mac OS X variables --------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing muCommander's Mac OS X integration. */
public static final String MAC_OSX_SECTION = "macosx";
/** Whether or not to use the brushed metal look. */
public static final String USE_BRUSHED_METAL = MAC_OSX_SECTION + '.' + "brushed_metal_look";
/** Default brushed metal look behavior. */
// At the time of writing, the 'brushed metal' look causes the JVM to crash randomly under Leopard (10.5)
// so we disable brushed metal on that OS version but leave it for earlier versions where it works fine.
// See http://www.mucommander.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=746 for more info about this issue.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_BRUSHED_METAL = false;
/** Whether or not to use a Mac OS X style menu bar. */
public static final String USE_SCREEN_MENU_BAR = MAC_OSX_SECTION + '.' + "screen_menu_bar";
/** Default menu bar type. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_SCREEN_MENU_BAR = true;
// - Startup folder variables --------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing muCommander's startup folders. */
public static final String STARTUP_FOLDER_SECTION = "startup_folder";
/** Startup folder type (for the two panels) */
public static final String STARTUP_FOLDERS = STARTUP_FOLDER_SECTION + '.' + "on_startup";
/** The custom folder should be used on startup. */
public static final String STARTUP_FOLDERS_CUSTOM = "customFolders";
/** The last visited folder should be used on startup. */
public static final String STARTUP_FOLDERS_LAST = "lastFolders";
/** Default startup folder type. */
/** Section describing custom folders that were set for the two panel. */
public static final String CUSTOM_FOLDERS_SECTION = STARTUP_FOLDER_SECTION + '.' + "custom_folders";
/** Path to a custom startup folders Section describing the right panel's startup folder. */
public static final String RIGHT_CUSTOM_FOLDER = CUSTOM_FOLDERS_SECTION + '.' + RIGHT;
/** Section describing the left panel's startup folder. */
public static final String LEFT_CUSTOM_FOLDER = CUSTOM_FOLDERS_SECTION + '.' + LEFT;
// - Folder monitoring variables -----------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the automatic folder refresh behavior. */
public static final String REFRESH_SECTION = "auto_refresh";
/** Frequency at which the current folder is checked for updates, -1 to disable auto refresh. */
public static final String REFRESH_CHECK_PERIOD = REFRESH_SECTION + '.' + "check_period";
/** Default folder refresh frequency. */
public static final long DEFAULT_REFRESH_CHECK_PERIOD = 3000;
/** Minimum amount of time a folder should be checked for updates after it's been refreshed. */
public static final String WAIT_AFTER_REFRESH = REFRESH_SECTION + '.' + "wait_after_refresh";
/** Default minimum amount of time between two refreshes. */
public static final long DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_REFRESH = 10000;
// - Progress dialog variables -------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section describing the behavior of the progress dialog. */
public static final String PROGRESS_DIALOG_SECTION = "progress_dialog";
/** Whether the progress dialog is expanded or not. */
public static final String PROGRESS_DIALOG_EXPANDED = PROGRESS_DIALOG_SECTION + '.' + "expanded";
/** Default progress dialog expanded state. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_PROGRESS_DIALOG_EXPANDED = true;
/** Controls whether or not the progress dialog should be closed when the job is finished. */
public static final String PROGRESS_DIALOG_CLOSE_WHEN_FINISHED = PROGRESS_DIALOG_SECTION + '.' + "close_when_finished";
/** Default progress dialog behavior when the job is finished. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_PROGRESS_DIALOG_CLOSE_WHEN_FINISHED = true;
// - Variables used for themes -------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section controlling which theme should be applied to muCommander. */
public static final String THEME_SECTION = "theme";
/** Current theme type (custom, predefined or user defined). */
public static final String THEME_TYPE = THEME_SECTION + '.' + "type";
/** Describes predefined themes. */
public static final String THEME_PREDEFINED = "predefined";
/** Describes custom themes. */
public static final String THEME_CUSTOM = "custom";
/** Describes the user theme. */
public static final String THEME_USER = "user";
/** Default theme type. */
public static final String DEFAULT_THEME_TYPE = THEME_PREDEFINED;
/** Name of the current theme. */
public static final String THEME_NAME = THEME_SECTION + '.' + "path";
/** Default current theme name. */
public static final String DEFAULT_THEME_NAME = RuntimeConstants.DEFAULT_THEME;
// - Variables used by Bonjour/Zeroconf support --------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section controlling parameters related to Bonjour/Zeroconf support. */
public static final String BONJOUR_SECTION = "bonjour";
/** Used do determine whether discovery of Bonjour services should be activated or not. */
public static final String ENABLE_BONJOUR_DISCOVERY = BONJOUR_SECTION + '.' + "discovery_enabled";
/** Default Bonjour discovery activation used on startup. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_BONJOUR_DISCOVERY = OsFamily.MAC_OS_X.isCurrent() ? false : true;
// - Variables used for FTP ----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section containing all FTP variables. */
public static final String FTP_SECTION = "ftp";
/** Controls whether hidden files should be listed by the client (LIST -al instead of LIST -l). */
public static final String LIST_HIDDEN_FILES = FTP_SECTION + '.' + "list_hidden_files";
/** Default value for {@link #LIST_HIDDEN_FILES}. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_LIST_HIDDEN_FILES = false;
// - Variables used for SMB ----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Section containing all SMB variables. */
public static final String SMB_SECTION = "smb";
/** Controls the authentication protocol to use when connecting to SMB servers. */
public static final String SMB_LM_COMPATIBILITY = SMB_SECTION + '.' + "lm_compatibility";
/** Default value for {@link #SMB_LM_COMPATIBILITY}. */
public static final int DEFAULT_SMB_LM_COMPATIBILITY = 0;
/** Controls the authentication protocol to use when connecting to SMB servers. */
public static final String SMB_USE_EXTENDED_SECURITY = SMB_SECTION + '.' + "use_extended_security";
/** Default value for {@link #SMB_USE_EXTENDED_SECURITY}. */
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SMB_USE_EXTENDED_SECURITY = false;
private static final String ROOT_ELEMENT = "preferences";
// - Instance fields -----------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
private Configuration configuration;
private String configurationVersion;
* Prevents instantiation of this class from outside of this package.
MuPreferences() {
configuration = new Configuration(MuPreferencesFile.getPreferencesFile(), new VersionedXmlConfigurationReaderFactory(),
new VersionedXmlConfigurationWriterFactory(ROOT_ELEMENT));
// - Configuration reading / writing -------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Loads the muCommander CONFIGURATION.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
* @throws ConfigurationException if a CONFIGURATION related error occurs.
void read() throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
VersionedXmlConfigurationReader reader = new VersionedXmlConfigurationReader();
// Ensure backward compatibility
configurationVersion = reader.getVersion();
if(configurationVersion == null || !configurationVersion.equals(RuntimeConstants.VERSION)) {
// Rename preferences that have changed (from v0.8.5)
configuration.renameVariable("show_hidden_files", SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES);
configuration.renameVariable("auto_size_columns", AUTO_SIZE_COLUMNS);
configuration.renameVariable("show_toolbar", TOOLBAR_VISIBLE);
configuration.renameVariable("show_status_bar", STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE);
configuration.renameVariable("show_command_bar", COMMAND_BAR_VISIBLE);
// Initializes MAC OS X specific values
if(OsFamily.MAC_OS_X.isCurrent()) {
if(configuration.getVariable(SHELL_ENCODING) == null) {
configuration.setVariable(SHELL_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
configuration.setVariable(AUTODETECT_SHELL_ENCODING, false);
* Saves the muCommander CONFIGURATION.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
* @throws ConfigurationException if a CONFIGURATION related error occurs.
void write() throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
if(configurationVersion != null && !configurationVersion.equals(RuntimeConstants.VERSION)) {
// Clear the configuration before saving to drop preferences which are unused anymore
Configuration conf = new Configuration(MuPreferencesFile.getPreferencesFile(), new VersionedXmlConfigurationReaderFactory(),
new VersionedXmlConfigurationWriterFactory(ROOT_ELEMENT));
for (MuPreference preference : MuPreference.values())
conf.setVariable(preference.toString(), configuration.getVariable(preference.toString()));
// Remove preferences which are not relevant if we're not using MAC
if (!OsFamily.MAC_OS_X.isCurrent()) {
configuration = conf;
// - Configuration listening -----------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds the specified object to the list of registered CONFIGURATION listeners.
* @param listener object to register as a CONFIGURATION listener.
* @see #removeConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener)
void addConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener) {configuration.addConfigurationListener(listener);}
* Removes the specified object from the list of registered CONFIGURATION listeners.
* @param listener object to remove from the list of registered CONFIGURATION listeners.
* @see #addConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener)
void removeConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener) {configuration.removeConfigurationListener(listener);}
// - Configuration source --------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets the path to the CONFIGURATION file.
* @param file path to the file that should be used for CONFIGURATION storage.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the specified file is not a valid file.
* @see #getConfigurationFile()
void setConfigurationFile(String file) throws FileNotFoundException {
* Check whether the preferences file exists
* @return true if the preferences file exits, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException if an error occured.
boolean isFileExists() throws IOException {
return configuration.getSource().isExists();
// MuPreferencesAPI implementation //
public boolean setVariable(MuPreference preference, String value) {
return configuration.setVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public boolean setVariable(MuPreference preference, int value) {
return configuration.setVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public boolean setVariable(MuPreference preference, List<String> value,
String separator) {
return configuration.setVariable(preference.toString(), value, separator);
public boolean setVariable(MuPreference preference, float value) {
return configuration.setVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public boolean setVariable(MuPreference preference, boolean value) {
return configuration.setVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public boolean setVariable(MuPreference preference, long value) {
return configuration.setVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public boolean setVariable(MuPreference preference, double value) {
return configuration.setVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public String getVariable(MuPreference preference) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString());
public String getVariable(MuPreference preference, String value) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public int getVariable(MuPreference preference, int value) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public List<String> getVariable(MuPreference preference, List<String> value, String separator) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString(), value, separator);
public float getVariable(MuPreference preference, float value) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public boolean getVariable(MuPreference preference, boolean value) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public long getVariable(MuPreference preference, long value) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public double getVariable(MuPreference preference, double value) {
return configuration.getVariable(preference.toString(), value);
public ValueList getListVariable(MuPreference preference, String separator) {
return configuration.getListVariable(preference.toString(), separator);
public boolean getBooleanVariable(String name) {
return configuration.getBooleanVariable(name);
public String getVariable(String name) {
return configuration.getVariable(name);
public boolean isVariableSet(MuPreference preference) {
return configuration.isVariableSet(preference.toString());
public String removeVariable(String name) {
return configuration.removeVariable(name);