package examples.templating;
import com.vtence.molecule.Application;
import com.vtence.molecule.Request;
import com.vtence.molecule.Response;
import com.vtence.molecule.WebServer;
import com.vtence.molecule.middlewares.Layout;
import com.vtence.molecule.routing.DynamicRoutes;
import com.vtence.molecule.templating.JMustacheRenderer;
import com.vtence.molecule.templating.Template;
import com.vtence.molecule.templating.Templates;
import static;
public class TemplatingAndLayoutExample {
public void run(WebServer server) throws IOException {
// We use Mustache templates with an .html extension
Templates templates = new Templates(
new JMustacheRenderer().fromDir(locateOnClasspath("examples/templates")).extension("html"));
final Template layout = templates.named("layout");
final Template greeting = templates.named("greeting");
// Apply a common layout to all rendered pages
server.filter("/", Layout.html(layout))
.start(new DynamicRoutes() {{
get("/hello").to(new Application() {
public void handle(final Request request, final Response response) throws Exception {
response.contentType("text/html; charset=utf-8");
String name = request.parameter("name") != null ? request.parameter("name") : "World";
// Mustache can use any object or a Map as a rendering context
response.body(greeting.render(new User(name)));
private static class User {
public final String name;
public User(String name) { = name;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
TemplatingAndLayoutExample example = new TemplatingAndLayoutExample();
// Run the default web server
WebServer webServer = WebServer.create();;
System.out.println("Access at " + webServer.uri() + "/hello?name=Gandalf");