package examples.simple;
import com.vtence.molecule.Application;
import com.vtence.molecule.Request;
import com.vtence.molecule.Response;
import com.vtence.molecule.WebServer;
import com.vtence.molecule.middlewares.Failsafe;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
public class SimpleExample {
public void run(WebServer server) throws IOException {
// Capture internal server errors and display a 500 page
server.add(new Failsafe());
server.start(new Application() {
public void handle(Request request, Response response) throws Exception {
// An unsupported charset will cause an exception, which will cause the FailSafe middleware
// to render a 500 page
Charset encoding = Charset.forName(request.parameter("encoding"));
// The specified charset will be used automatically to encode the response
response.contentType("text/html; charset=" + encoding.displayName().toLowerCase());
"<html>" +
"<body>" +
"<p>" +
"Les naïfs ægithales hâtifs pondant à Noël où il gèle sont sûrs " +
"d'être déçus en voyant leurs drôles d'œufs abîmés." +
"</p>" +
"</body>" +
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
SimpleExample example = new SimpleExample();
// Run the default web server
WebServer webServer = WebServer.create();;
System.out.println("Access at " + webServer.uri() + "?encoding=utf-8");