package examples.middleware;
import com.vtence.molecule.Application;
import com.vtence.molecule.Request;
import com.vtence.molecule.Response;
import com.vtence.molecule.WebServer;
import com.vtence.molecule.lib.AbstractMiddleware;
import com.vtence.molecule.lib.Middleware;
public class CustomMiddlewareExample {
public void run(WebServer server) throws IOException {
// An example of performing some work before handling control to the next or application
Middleware getFirefox = new AbstractMiddleware() {
public void handle(Request request, Response response) throws Exception {
// Tell IE users to get Firefox
String userAgent = request.header("User-Agent");
if (userAgent != null && userAgent.contains("MSIE")) {
} else {
// Hand over control to next application in the stack
forward(request, response);
// An example of performing additional work after getting control back
// (there's already a middleware for that, btw)
Middleware contentLengthHeader = new AbstractMiddleware() {
public void handle(Request request, Response response) throws Exception {
forward(request, response);
// Set content length header on the response
// A simple hello world application
Application helloWorld = new Application() {
public void handle(Request request, Response response) throws Exception {
response.contentType("text/html").body("<html><body>Hello, World</body></html>");
// Deploy middlewares first, followed by our application
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
CustomMiddlewareExample example = new CustomMiddlewareExample();
// Run the default web server
WebServer webServer = WebServer.create();;
System.out.println("Access at " + webServer.uri());