package com.numb3r3.common.opt;
import org.jblas.DoubleMatrix;
import org.jblas.MatrixFunctions;
public class Norm1Tanh extends DifferentiableMatrixFunction {
* TODO Currently jblas supports only Frobenius norm,
* tanh' should actually use the Euclidean norm.
* @param M input double matrix
* @return nrm = norm(x)
* y = (x-x.^3)
* diag(1-x.^2)./nrm - y*x'./nrm^3
public DoubleMatrix derivativeAt(DoubleMatrix M) {
double norm = M.norm2();
DoubleMatrix Squared = M.mul(M);
DoubleMatrix y = M.sub(Squared.mul(M));
DoubleMatrix p1 = DoubleMatrix.diag((Squared.mul(-1)).add(1)).divi(norm);
DoubleMatrix p2 = (y.mmul(M.transpose())).divi(Math.pow(norm, 3));
return p1.subi(p2);
* @param M input double matrix
* @return Return the plain tanh of the function, NOT norm
* as in the original matlab file.
public DoubleMatrix valueAt(DoubleMatrix M) {
return MatrixFunctions.tanh(M);