import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* This is a class that contains utility methods that help an AI easily get
* important information from a GameState
public class BoardInfoHelper {
private BoardConfiguration board;
public BoardInfoHelper(BoardConfiguration board) {
this.board = board;
* Returns a list of cells adjacent to the given position that has the given value
* @param p The position of the cell
* @param cellValue The cell value (ex. Cell.UNKNOWN or Cell.FLAG)
* @return a list of Positions adjacent to the given position of cells that have the given value
* @see GameState.Position
public List<Position> getAdjacentCellsByValue(Position p, int cellValue) {
return getAdjacentCellsByValue(p.row, p.col, cellValue);
public List<Position> getAdjacentCells(Position p) {
return getAdjacentCells(p.row,p.col);
public List<Position> getAdjacentCellsWithAdjacentBombs(Position p) {
return getAdjacentCellsWithAdjacentBombs(p.row,p.col);
* Returns a list of cells adjacent to the given position that has the given value
* @param row The row number of the cell
* @param col The column number of the cell
* @param cellValue The cell value (ex. Cell.UNKNOWN or Cell.FLAG)
* @return a list of Positions adjacent to the given (row,col) of cells that have the given value
* @see GameState.Position
public List<Position> getAdjacentCellsByValue(int row, int col, int cellValue) {
return getAdjacentCells(row, col).stream().
public List<Position> getAdjacentCells(int row, int col) {
List<Position> ans = new ArrayList<Position>();
if(inBounds(row-1,col-1)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row-1,col-1));
if(inBounds(row-1,col)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row-1,col));
if(inBounds(row-1,col+1)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row-1,col+1));
if(inBounds(row,col-1)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row,col-1));
if(inBounds(row,col+1)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row,col+1));
if(inBounds(row+1,col-1)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row+1,col-1));
if(inBounds(row+1,col)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row+1,col));
if(inBounds(row+1,col+1)) ans.add(Position.valueOf(row+1,col+1));
return ans;
* Returns a list of cell positions from the board that have the given board
* @param cellValue The cell value (ex. Cell.UNKNOWN or Cell.FLAG)
* @return a list of Positions of cells that have the given value
public List<Position> getCellsByValue(int cellValue) {
return enumeratePositions().stream().
filter(p->board.getCell(p) == cellValue).
* Returns a list of cell positions from the board that have a positive value
* @return a list of Positions of cells that have a value of 1,2,...,8
public List<Position> getCellsWithAdjacentBombs() {
return enumeratePositions().stream().
filter(p->board.getCell(p) >= 1).
public List<Position> getAdjacentCellsWithAdjacentBombs(int row, int col) {
return getAdjacentCells(row, col).stream()
.filter(p->board.getCell(p) > 0)
* Returns cells that haven't been picked or flagged yet that are
* bordering a cell that has been picked and has a positive value
* @return a list of Positions of cells that are unknown border cells
public List<Position> getUnknownBorderCells() {
Set<Position> ans = new HashSet<>();
for(Position p : getCellsWithAdjacentBombs())
List<Position> result = new ArrayList<>(ans);
Collections.sort(result, (p1,p2) -> ((p1.row-p2.row)*board.getCols()+p1.col-p2.col));
return result;
* Returns a list of Positions of cells that are unknown border
* cells and that are all part of the same closed off region
* @return
public List<List<Position>> getClosedUnknownBorderCells() {
return partition(getUnknownBorderCells());
* @return A copy of the board as a 2 dimensional array of cells (ints)
public MutableBoard getBoard() {
int[][] ans = new int[board.getRows()][board.getCols()];
enumeratePositions().stream().forEach(p -> ans[p.row][p.col]=board.getCell(p));
return new MutableBoard(ans, board.getBombs());
public boolean validate(int row, int col) {
for(Position p : getAdjacentCellsWithAdjacentBombs(row, col)) {
List<Position> unknown = getAdjacentCellsByValue(p, Cell.UNKNOWN);
List<Position> flags = getAdjacentCellsByValue(p, Cell.FLAG);
int cellValue = board.getCell(p);
if(flags.size() > cellValue || cellValue > flags.size()+unknown.size())
return false;
return true;
public boolean validateAll() {
for(Position p : getCellsWithAdjacentBombs()) {
int u = getAdjacentCellsByValue(p, Cell.UNKNOWN).size();
int f = getAdjacentCellsByValue(p, Cell.FLAG).size();
int c = board.getCell(p);
if(f > c || u + f < c) return false;
return true;
public boolean validate(Position p) {
return validate(p.row, p.col);
private boolean inBounds(int r, int c) {
return r < board.getRows() && c < board.getCols() && r >= 0 && c >= 0;
public List<Position> enumeratePositions() {
List<Position> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(int r=0; r<board.getRows(); r++)
for(int c=0; c<board.getCols(); c++)
return result;
private boolean isAdjacent(Position p1, Position p2) {
return Math.abs(p1.row-p2.row) <= 1 && Math.abs(p1.col-p2.col) <= 1;
/** Jacek's Code */
private boolean sharesElement(List<Position> a, List<Position> b) {
for (Position c : a)
for (Position d : b)
if (isAdjacent(c,d)) return true;
return false;
private List<List<Position>> partition(List<Position> input) {
List<Position> data = new ArrayList<Position>(input);
List<List<Position>> output = new ArrayList<List<Position>>();
while (data.size() > 0) {
Position first = data.get(0);
List<Position> toadd = new ArrayList<Position>();
Iterator<Position> it = data.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Position current =;
if (isAdjacent(first, current)) {
boolean changeMade = true;
while (changeMade) {
changeMade = false;
for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++) {
List<Position> first = output.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < output.size(); j++) {
if (i != j && sharesElement(first, output.get(j))) {
changeMade = true;
if (i > j)
for (List<Position> result : output) {
(p1, p2) -> ((p1.row - p2.row) * board.getCols()
+ p1.col - p2.col));
Collections.sort(output, (a1, a2) -> a1.size() - a2.size());
return output;