Package net.sf.ehcache.jcache

Source Code of net.sf.ehcache.jcache.JCacheFactory

*  Copyright 2003-2008 Luck Consulting Pty Ltd
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.
package net.sf.ehcache.jcache;

import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache;
import net.sf.ehcache.loader.CacheLoaderFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.ClassLoaderUtil;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.PropertyUtil;
import net.sf.jsr107cache.Cache;
import net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheException;
import net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheFactory;
import net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheLoader;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* A CacheFactory implementation for JCache.
* This factory uses ehcache in singleton CacheManager mode i.e. one per classloader.
* @author Greg Luck
* @version $Id: 744 2008-08-16 20:10:49Z gregluck $
public class JCacheFactory implements CacheFactory {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JCacheFactory.class.getName());

     * Creates a new implementation specific Cache object using the environment parameters.
     * The created cache is not accessible from the JCache CacheManager until it has been registered with the manager.
     * Create caches are registered with a singleton ehcache CacheManager.
     * @param environment String values for the following properties:
     *            String name,
     *            int maxElementsInMemory,
     *            MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy (one of LFU, LRU or FIFO)
     *            boolean overflowToDisk,
     *            boolean eternal,
     *            long timeToLiveSeconds,
     *            long timeToIdleSeconds,
     *            boolean diskPersistent,
     *            long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds,
     *            int maxElementsOnDisk,
     *            String cacheLoaderFactoryClassName
     * Note that the following cannot be set using this factory method:
     * <ol>
     * <li>diskStorePath - this is set on the CacheManager and ignored here
     * <li>RegisteredEventListeners - register any of these after cache creation
     * <li>BootstrapCacheLoader - not supported here
     * </ol>
     * If you need this functionality create a JCache by decorating an Ehcache and put the
     * resulting JCache in the manager.
     * @return a newly created JCache registered in the singleton CacheManager
     * @throws CacheException
    public Cache createCache(Map environment) throws CacheException {

        CacheLoader cacheLoader = null;
        Ehcache cache = null;
        try {
            String name = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("name", environment);

            String maxElementsInMemoryString = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("maxElementsInMemory", environment);
            int maxElementsInMemory = Integer.parseInt(maxElementsInMemoryString);

            String memoryStoreEvictionPolicyString = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("memoryStoreEvictionPolicy", environment);
            MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy =

            String overflowToDiskString = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("overflowToDisk", environment);
            boolean overflowToDisk = PropertyUtil.parseBoolean(overflowToDiskString);

            String eternalString = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("eternal", environment);
            boolean eternal = PropertyUtil.parseBoolean(eternalString);

            String timeToLiveSecondsString = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("timeToLiveSeconds", environment);
            long timeToLiveSeconds = Long.parseLong(timeToLiveSecondsString);

            String timeToIdleSecondsString = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("timeToIdleSeconds", environment);
            long timeToIdleSeconds = Long.parseLong(timeToIdleSecondsString);

            String diskPersistentString = PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("diskPersistentSeconds", environment);
            boolean diskPersistent = PropertyUtil.parseBoolean(diskPersistentString);

            long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = 0;
            String diskExpiryThreadIntervalSecondsString =
                    PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds", environment);
            if (diskExpiryThreadIntervalSecondsString != null) {
                diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds = Long.parseLong(diskExpiryThreadIntervalSecondsString);

            int maxElementsOnDisk = 0;
            String maxElementsOnDiskString =
                            PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("maxElementsOnDisk", environment);
            if (maxElementsOnDiskString != null) {
                maxElementsOnDisk = Integer.parseInt(maxElementsOnDiskString);

            cacheLoader = null;
            String cacheLoaderFactoryClassName =
                            PropertyUtil.extractAndLogProperty("cacheLoaderFactoryClassName", environment);
            if (cacheLoaderFactoryClassName == null) {
                LOG.fine("cacheLoaderFactoryClassName not configured. Skipping...");
            } else {
                CacheLoaderFactory factory = (CacheLoaderFactory)
                cacheLoader = factory.createCacheLoader(environment);

            cache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache(name, maxElementsInMemory, memoryStoreEvictionPolicy,
                    overflowToDisk, null, eternal,
                    timeToLiveSeconds, timeToIdleSeconds, diskPersistent, diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds,
                    null, null, maxElementsOnDisk);

        } catch (net.sf.ehcache.CacheException e) {
            throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(), e);

        return new JCache(cache, cacheLoader);


Related Classes of net.sf.ehcache.jcache.JCacheFactory

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