Package net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking

Source Code of net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking.BlockingCache

*  Copyright 2003-2008 Luck Consulting Pty Ltd
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.

package net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking;

import net.sf.ehcache.CacheException;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
import net.sf.ehcache.Statistics;
import net.sf.ehcache.Status;
import net.sf.ehcache.bootstrap.BootstrapCacheLoader;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.concurrent.ConcurrencyUtil;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.concurrent.Mutex;
import net.sf.ehcache.event.RegisteredEventListeners;
import net.sf.ehcache.exceptionhandler.CacheExceptionHandler;
import net.sf.ehcache.extension.CacheExtension;
import net.sf.ehcache.loader.CacheLoader;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

* A blocking decorator for an Ehcache, backed by a {@link Ehcache}.
* <p/>
* It allows concurrent read access to elements already in the cache. If the element is null, other
* reads will block until an element with the same key is put into the cache.
* <p/>
* This is useful for constructing read-through or self-populating caches.
* <p/>
* This implementation uses the {@link Mutex} class from Doug Lea's concurrency package. If you wish to use
* this class, you will need the concurrent package in your class path.
* <p/>
* It features:
* <ul>
* <li>Excellent liveness.
* <li>Fine-grained locking on each element, rather than the cache as a whole.
* <li>Scalability to a large number of threads.
* </ul>
* <p/>
* This class has been updated to use Lock striping. The Mutex implementation gives scalability but creates
* many Mutex objects of 24 bytes each. Lock striping limits their number to 100.
* <p/>
* A version of this class is planned which will dynamically use JDK5's concurrency package, which is
* based on Doug Lea's, so as to avoid a dependency on his package for JDK5 systems. This will not
* be implemented until JDK5 is released on MacOSX and Linux, as JDK5 will be required to compile
* it, though any version from JDK1.2 up will be able to run the code, falling back to Doug
* Lea's concurrency package, if the JDK5 package is not found in the classpath.
* <p/>
* The <code>Mutex</code> class does not appear in the JDK5 concurrency package. Doug Lea has
* generously offered the following advice:
* <p/>
* "You should just be able to use ReentrantLock here.  We supply
* ReentrantLock, but not Mutex because the number of cases where a
* non-reentrant mutex is preferable is small, and most people are more
* familiar with reentrant seamantics. If you really need a non-reentrant
* one, the javadocs for class AbstractQueuedSynchronizer include sample
* code for them."
* <p/>
* -Doug
* <p/>
* "Hashtable / synchronizedMap uses the "one big fat lock" approach to guard the mutable state of the map.
* That works, but is a big concurrency bottleneck, as you've observed.  You went to the opposite extreme, one lock per key.
* That works (as long as you've got sufficient synchronization in the cache itself to protect its own data structures.)
* <p/>
* Lock striping is a middle ground, partitioning keys into a fixed number of subsets, like the trick used at large
* theaters for will-call ticket pickup -- there are separate lines for "A-F, G-M, N-R, and S-Z".
* This way, there are a fixed number of locks, each guarding (hopefully) 1/Nth of the keys."
* - Brian Goetz
* <p/>
* Further improvements to hashing suggested by Joe Bowbeer.
* @author Greg Luck
* @version $Id: 796 2008-10-09 02:39:03Z gregluck $
public class BlockingCache implements Ehcache {

     * The default number of locks to use. Must be a power of 2
    public static final int LOCK_NUMBER = 2048;

     * Based on the lock striping concept from Brian Goetz. See Java Concurrency in Practice 11.4.3
    protected final Mutex[] locks = new Mutex[LOCK_NUMBER];

        for (int i = 0; i < LOCK_NUMBER; i++) {
            locks[i] = new Mutex();

     * The backing Cache
    protected final Ehcache cache;

     * The amount of time to block a thread before a LockTimeoutException is thrown
    protected int timeoutMillis;

     * Creates a BlockingCache which decorates the supplied cache.
     * @param cache a backing ehcache.
     * @throws CacheException shouldn't happen
     * @since 1.2
    public BlockingCache(final Ehcache cache) throws CacheException {
        this.cache = cache;

     * Retrieve the EHCache backing cache
     * @return the backing cache
    protected Ehcache getCache() {
        return cache;

     * Returns this cache's name
    public String getName() {
        return cache.getName();

     * Sets the cache name which will name.
     * @param name the name of the cache. Should not be null.
    public void setName(String name) {

     * Checks whether this cache element has expired.
     * <p/>
     * The element is expired if:
     * <ol>
     * <li> the idle time is non-zero and has elapsed, unless the cache is eternal; or
     * <li> the time to live is non-zero and has elapsed, unless the cache is eternal; or
     * <li> the value of the element is null.
     * </ol>
     * @return true if it has expired
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @throws NullPointerException  if the element is null
    public boolean isExpired(Element element) throws IllegalStateException, NullPointerException {
        return cache.isExpired(element);

     * Clones a cache. This is only legal if the cache has not been
     * initialized. At that point only primitives have been set and no
     * {@link} or {@link} has been created.
     * <p/>
     * A new, empty, RegisteredEventListeners is created on clone.
     * <p/>
     * @return an object of type {@link net.sf.ehcache.Cache}
     * @throws CloneNotSupportedException
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        return super.clone();

     * Use this to access the service in order to register and unregister listeners
     * @return the RegisteredEventListeners instance for this cache.
    public RegisteredEventListeners getCacheEventNotificationService() {
        return cache.getCacheEventNotificationService();

     * Whether an Element is stored in the cache in Memory, indicating a very low cost of retrieval.
     * @return true if an element matching the key is found in memory
    public boolean isElementInMemory(Serializable key) {
        return cache.isElementInMemory(key);

     * Whether an Element is stored in the cache in Memory, indicating a very low cost of retrieval.
     * @return true if an element matching the key is found in memory
     * @since 1.2
    public boolean isElementInMemory(Object key) {
        return cache.isElementInMemory(key);

     * Whether an Element is stored in the cache on Disk, indicating a higher cost of retrieval.
     * @return true if an element matching the key is found in the diskStore
    public boolean isElementOnDisk(Serializable key) {
        return cache.isElementOnDisk(key);

     * Whether an Element is stored in the cache on Disk, indicating a higher cost of retrieval.
     * @return true if an element matching the key is found in the diskStore
     * @since 1.2
    public boolean isElementOnDisk(Object key) {
        return cache.isElementOnDisk(key);

     * The GUID for this cache instance can be used to determine whether two cache instance references
     * are pointing to the same cache.
     * @return the globally unique identifier for this cache instance. This is guaranteed to be unique.
     * @since 1.2
    public String getGuid() {
        return cache.getGuid();

     * Gets the CacheManager managing this cache. For a newly created cache this will be null until
     * it has been added to a CacheManager.
     * @return the manager or null if there is none
    public CacheManager getCacheManager() {
        return cache.getCacheManager();

     * Resets statistics counters back to 0.
    public void clearStatistics() {

     * Accurately measuring statistics can be expensive. Returns the current accuracy setting.
     * @return one of {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_BEST_EFFORT}, {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_GUARANTEED}, {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_NONE}
    public int getStatisticsAccuracy() {
        return cache.getStatisticsAccuracy();

     * Sets the statistics accuracy.
     * @param statisticsAccuracy one of {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_BEST_EFFORT}, {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_GUARANTEED}, {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_NONE}
    public void setStatisticsAccuracy(int statisticsAccuracy) {

     * Causes all elements stored in the Cache to be synchronously checked for expiry, and if expired, evicted.
    public void evictExpiredElements() {

     * An inexpensive check to see if the key exists in the cache.
     * @param key the key to check for
     * @return true if an Element matching the key is found in the cache. No assertions are made about the state of the Element.
    public boolean isKeyInCache(Object key) {
        return cache.isKeyInCache(key);

     * An extremely expensive check to see if the value exists in the cache.
     * @param value to check for
     * @return true if an Element matching the key is found in the cache. No assertions are made about the state of the Element.
    public boolean isValueInCache(Object value) {
        return cache.isValueInCache(value);

     * Gets an immutable Statistics object representing the Cache statistics at the time. How the statistics are calculated
     * depends on the statistics accuracy setting. The only aspect of statistics sensitive to the accuracy setting is
     * object size. How that is calculated is discussed below.
     * <h3>Best Effort Size</h3>
     * This result is returned when the statistics accuracy setting is {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_BEST_EFFORT}.
     * <p/>
     * The size is the number of {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element}s in the {@link} plus
     * the number of {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element}s in the {@link}.
     * <p/>
     * This number is the actual number of elements, including expired elements that have
     * not been removed. Any duplicates between stores are accounted for.
     * <p/>
     * Expired elements are removed from the the memory store when
     * getting an expired element, or when attempting to spool an expired element to
     * disk.
     * <p/>
     * Expired elements are removed from the disk store when getting an expired element,
     * or when the expiry thread runs, which is once every five minutes.
     * <p/>
     * <h3>Guaranteed Accuracy Size</h3>
     * This result is returned when the statistics accuracy setting is {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_GUARANTEED}.
     * <p/>
     * This method accounts for elements which might be expired or duplicated between stores. It take approximately
     * 200ms per 1000 elements to execute.
     * <h3>Fast but non-accurate Size</h3>
     * This result is returned when the statistics accuracy setting is {@link net.sf.ehcache.Statistics#STATISTICS_ACCURACY_NONE}.
     * <p/>
     * The number given may contain expired elements. In addition if the DiskStore is used it may contain some double
     * counting of elements. It takes 6ms for 1000 elements to execute. Time to execute is O(log n). 50,000 elements take
     * 36ms.
     * @return the number of elements in the ehcache, with a varying degree of accuracy, depending on accuracy setting.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public Statistics getStatistics() throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.getStatistics();

     * Sets the CacheManager
     * @param cacheManager the CacheManager this cache belongs to
    public void setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager) {

     * Accessor for the BootstrapCacheLoader associated with this cache. For testing purposes.
    public BootstrapCacheLoader getBootstrapCacheLoader() {
        return cache.getBootstrapCacheLoader();

     * Sets the bootstrap cache loader.
     * @param bootstrapCacheLoader the loader to be used
     * @throws net.sf.ehcache.CacheException if this method is called after the cache is initialized
    public void setBootstrapCacheLoader(BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) throws CacheException {

     * DiskStore paths can conflict between CacheManager instances. This method allows the path to be changed.
     * @param diskStorePath the new path to be used.
     * @throws net.sf.ehcache.CacheException if this method is called after the cache is initialized
    public void setDiskStorePath(String diskStorePath) throws CacheException {

     * Newly created caches do not have a {@link} or a {@link}.
     * <p/>
     * This method creates those and makes the cache ready to accept elements
    public void initialise() {

     * Bootstrap command. This must be called after the Cache is intialised, during
     * CacheManager initialisation. If loads are synchronous, they will complete before the CacheManager
     * initialise completes, otherwise they will happen in the background.
    public void bootstrap() {

     * Flushes all cache items from memory to auxilliary caches and close the auxilliary caches.
     * <p/>
     * Should be invoked only by CacheManager.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public void dispose() throws IllegalStateException {

     * Gets the cache configuration this cache was created with.
     * <p/>
     * Things like listeners that are added dynamically are excluded.
    public CacheConfiguration getCacheConfiguration() {
        return cache.getCacheConfiguration();

     * Looks up an entry.  Blocks if the entry is null until a call to {@link #put} is done
     * to put an Element in.
     * <p/>
     * If a put is not done, the lock is never released.
     * <p/>
     * If this method throws an exception, it is the responsibility of the caller to catch that exception and call
     * <code>put(new Element(key, null));</code> to release the lock acquired. See {@link net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking.SelfPopulatingCache}
     * for an example.
     * <p/>
     * Note. If a LockTimeoutException is thrown while doing a <code>get</code> it means the lock was never acquired,
     * therefore it is a threading error to call {@link #put}
     * @throws LockTimeoutException if timeout millis is non zero and this method has been unable to
     *                              acquire a lock in that time
     * @throws RuntimeException     if thrown the lock will not released. Catch and call<code>put(new Element(key, null));</code>
     *                              to release the lock acquired.
    public Element get(final Object key) throws RuntimeException, LockTimeoutException {
        Mutex lock = getLockForKey(key);
        try {
            if (timeoutMillis == 0) {
            } else {
                boolean acquired = lock.attempt(timeoutMillis);
                if (!acquired) {
                    StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer("Lock timeout. Waited more than ")
                            .append("ms to acquire lock for key ")
                            .append(key).append(" on blocking cache ").append(cache.getName());
                    throw new LockTimeoutException(message.toString());
            final Element element = cache.get(key);
            if (element != null) {
                //ok let the other threads in
                return element;
            } else {
                //don't release the read lock until we put
                return null;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new CacheException("Get interrupted for key " + key + ". Message was: " + e.getMessage());

     * Gets the Mutex to use for a given key.
     * @param key the key
     * @return one of a limited number of Mutexes.
    protected Mutex getLockForKey(final Object key) {
        int lockNumber = ConcurrencyUtil.selectLock(key, LOCK_NUMBER);
        return locks[lockNumber];

     * Adds an entry and unlocks it
    public void put(Element element) {

        if (element == null) {
        Object key = element.getObjectKey();
        Object value = element.getObjectValue();

        Mutex lock = getLockForKey(key);
        try {
            if (value != null) {
            } else {
        } finally {
            //Release the readlock here. This will have been acquired in the get, where the element was null

     * Put an element in the cache.
     * <p/>
     * Resets the access statistics on the element, which would be the case if it has previously been
     * gotten from a cache, and is now being put back.
     * <p/>
     * Also notifies the CacheEventListener that:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the element was put, but only if the Element was actually put.
     * <li>if the element exists in the cache, that an update has occurred, even if the element would be expired
     * if it was requested
     * </ul>
     * @param element                     An object. If Serializable it can fully participate in replication and the DiskStore.
     * @param doNotNotifyCacheReplicators whether the put is coming from a doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peer, in which case this put should not initiate a
     *                                    further notification to doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peers
     * @throws IllegalStateException    if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the element is null
    public void put(Element element, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalArgumentException,
            IllegalStateException, CacheException {
        cache.put(element, doNotNotifyCacheReplicators);

     * Put an element in the cache, without updating statistics, or updating listeners. This is meant to be used
     * in conjunction with {@link #getQuiet}
     * @param element An object. If Serializable it can fully participate in replication and the DiskStore.
     * @throws IllegalStateException    if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the element is null
    public void putQuiet(Element element) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, CacheException {

     * Gets an element from the cache. Updates Element Statistics
     * <p/>
     * Note that the Element's lastAccessTime is always the time of this get.
     * Use {@link #getQuiet(Object)} to peak into the Element to see its last access time with get
     * @param key a serializable value
     * @return the element, or null, if it does not exist.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @see #isExpired
    public Element get(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
        return this.get((Object) key);

     * Gets an element from the cache, without updating Element statistics. Cache statistics are
     * still updated.
     * <p/>
     * @param key a serializable value
     * @return the element, or null, if it does not exist.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @see #isExpired
    public Element getQuiet(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
        return cache.getQuiet(key);

     * Gets an element from the cache, without updating Element statistics. Cache statistics are
     * still updated.
     * <p/>
     * @param key a serializable value
     * @return the element, or null, if it does not exist.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @see #isExpired
     * @since 1.2
    public Element getQuiet(Object key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
        return cache.getQuiet(key);

     * Returns the keys for this cache.
     * @return a list of {@link Object} keys for this cache.  This is not a live set, so it will not track changes to the key set.
    public List getKeys() throws CacheException {
        return cache.getKeys();

     * Returns a list of all elements in the cache. Only keys of non-expired
     * elements are returned.
     * <p/>
     * The returned keys are unique and can be considered a set.
     * <p/>
     * The List returned is not live. It is a copy.
     * <p/>
     * The time taken is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the cache. On
     * a 1.8Ghz P4, the time taken is approximately 200ms per 1000 entries. This method
     * is not synchronized, because it relies on a non-live list returned from {@link #getKeys()}
     * , which is synchronised, and which takes 8ms per 1000 entries. This way
     * cache liveness is preserved, even if this method is very slow to return.
     * <p/>
     * Consider whether your usage requires checking for expired keys. Because
     * this method takes so long, depending on cache settings, the list could be
     * quite out of date by the time you get it.
     * @return a list of {@link Object} keys
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public List getKeysWithExpiryCheck() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
        return cache.getKeysWithExpiryCheck();

     * Returns a list of all elements in the cache, whether or not they are expired.
     * <p/>
     * The returned keys are not unique and may contain duplicates. If the cache is only
     * using the memory store, the list will be unique. If the disk store is being used
     * as well, it will likely contain duplicates, because of the internal store design.
     * <p/>
     * The List returned is not live. It is a copy.
     * <p/>
     * The time taken is O(log n). On a single cpu 1.8Ghz P4, approximately 6ms is required
     * for 1000 entries and 36 for 50000.
     * <p/>
     * This is the fastest getKeys method
     * @return a list of {@link Object} keys
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public List getKeysNoDuplicateCheck() throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.getKeysNoDuplicateCheck();

     * Removes an {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element} from the Cache. This also removes it from any
     * stores it may be in.
     * <p/>
     * Also notifies the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element
     * with the key actually existed.
     * @param key the key to remove
     * @return true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public boolean remove(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.remove(key);

     * Removes an {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element} from the Cache. This also removes it from any
     * stores it may be in.
     * <p/>
     * Also notifies the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element
     * with the key actually existed.
     * @param key the key to remove
     * @return true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @since 1.2
    public boolean remove(Object key) throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.remove(key);

     * Removes an {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element} from the Cache. This also removes it from any
     * stores it may be in.
     * <p/>
     * Also notifies the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element
     * with the key actually existed.
     * @param key                         the key to remove
     * @param doNotNotifyCacheReplicators whether the put is coming from a doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peer, in which case this put should not initiate a
     *                                    further notification to doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peers
     * @return true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public boolean remove(Serializable key, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.remove(key, doNotNotifyCacheReplicators);

     * Removes an {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element} from the Cache. This also removes it from any
     * stores it may be in.
     * <p/>
     * Also notifies the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element
     * with the key actually existed.
     * @param key                         the key to remove
     * @param doNotNotifyCacheReplicators whether the put is coming from a doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peer, in which case this put should not initiate a
     *                                    further notification to doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peers
     * @return true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public boolean remove(Object key, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.remove(key, doNotNotifyCacheReplicators);

     * Removes an {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element} from the Cache, without notifying listeners. This also removes it from any
     * stores it may be in.
     * <p/>
     * @param key the key to remove
     * @return true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public boolean removeQuiet(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.removeQuiet(key);

     * Removes an {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element} from the Cache, without notifying listeners. This also removes it from any
     * stores it may be in.
     * <p/>
     * @param key the key to remove
     * @return true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
     * @since 1.2
    public boolean removeQuiet(Object key) throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.removeQuiet(key);

     * Removes all cached items.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public void removeAll() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {

     * Removes all cached items.
     * @param doNotNotifyCacheReplicators whether the put is coming from a doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peer,
     *                                    in which case this put should not initiate a further notification to doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peers
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public void removeAll(boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {

     * Flushes all cache items from memory to the disk store, and from the DiskStore to disk.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public void flush() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {

     * Gets the size of the cache. This is a subtle concept. See below.
     * <p/>
     * The size is the number of {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element}s in the {@link} plus
     * the number of {@link net.sf.ehcache.Element}s in the {@link}.
     * <p/>
     * This number is the actual number of elements, including expired elements that have
     * not been removed.
     * <p/>
     * Expired elements are removed from the the memory store when
     * getting an expired element, or when attempting to spool an expired element to
     * disk.
     * <p/>
     * Expired elements are removed from the disk store when getting an expired element,
     * or when the expiry thread runs, which is once every five minutes.
     * <p/>
     * To get an exact size, which would exclude expired elements, use {@link #getKeysWithExpiryCheck()}.size(),
     * although see that method for the approximate time that would take.
     * <p/>
     * To get a very fast result, use {@link #getKeysNoDuplicateCheck()}.size(). If the disk store
     * is being used, there will be some duplicates.
     * @return The size value
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public int getSize() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
        return cache.getSize();

     * Gets the size of the memory store for this cache
     * <p/>
     * Warning: This method can be very expensive to run. Allow approximately 1 second
     * per 1MB of entries. Running this method could create liveness problems
     * because the object lock is held for a long period
     * <p/>
     * @return the approximate size of the memory store in bytes
     * @throws IllegalStateException
    public long calculateInMemorySize() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException {
        return cache.calculateInMemorySize();

     * Returns the number of elements in the memory store.
     * @return the number of elements in the memory store
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public long getMemoryStoreSize() throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.getMemoryStoreSize();

     * Returns the number of elements in the disk store.
     * @return the number of elements in the disk store.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cache is not {@link net.sf.ehcache.Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    public int getDiskStoreSize() throws IllegalStateException {
        return cache.getDiskStoreSize();

     * Gets the status attribute of the Cache.
     * @return The status value from the Status enum class
    public Status getStatus() {
        return cache.getStatus();

     * Synchronized version of getName to test liveness of the object lock.
     * <p/>
     * The time taken for this method to return is a useful measure of runtime contention on the cache.
     * @return the name of the cache.
    public synchronized String liveness() {
        return getName();

     * Sets the time to wait to acquire a lock. This may be modified at any time.
     * <p/>
     * The consequences of setting a timeout are:
     * <ol>
     * <li>if a lock cannot be acquired in the given time a LockTimeoutException is thrown.
     * <li>if there is a queue of threads waiting for the first thread to complete, but it does not complete within
     * the time out period, the successive threads may find that they have exceeded their lock timeouts and fail. This
     * is usually a good thing because it stops a build up of threads from overwhelming a busy resource, but it does
     * need to be considered in the design of user interfaces. The timeout should be set no greater than the time a user
     * would be expected to wait before considering the action will never return
     * <li>it will be common to see a number of threads timeout trying to get the same lock. This is a normal and desired
     * consequence.
     * </ol>
     * The consequences of not setting a timeout (or setting it to 0) are:
     * <ol>
     * <li>There are no partial failures in the system. But there is a greater possibility that a temporary overload
     * in one part of the system can cause a back up that may take a long time to recover from.
     * <li>A failing method that perhaps fails because a resource is overloaded will be hit by each thread in turn, no matter whether there is a still a user who
     * cares about getting a response.
     * </ol>
     * @param timeoutMillis the time in ms. Must be a positive number. 0 means wait forever.
    public void setTimeoutMillis(int timeoutMillis) {
        if (timeoutMillis < 0) {
            throw new CacheException("The lock timeout must be a positive number of ms. Value was " + timeoutMillis);
        this.timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis;

     * Gets the time to wait to acquire a lock.
     * @return the time in ms.
    public int getTimeoutMillis() {
        return timeoutMillis;

     * Register a {@link net.sf.ehcache.extension.CacheExtension} with the cache. It will then be tied into the cache lifecycle.
    public void registerCacheExtension(CacheExtension cacheExtension) {

     * Unregister a {@link net.sf.ehcache.extension.CacheExtension} with the cache. It will then be detached from the cache lifecycle.
    public void unregisterCacheExtension(CacheExtension cacheExtension) {

     * @return the cache extensions as a live list
    public List<CacheExtension> getRegisteredCacheExtensions() {
        return cache.getRegisteredCacheExtensions();

     * The average get time in ms.
    public float getAverageGetTime() {
        return cache.getAverageGetTime();

     * Sets an ExceptionHandler on the Cache. If one is already set, it is overwritten.
    public void setCacheExceptionHandler(CacheExceptionHandler cacheExceptionHandler) {

     * Sets an ExceptionHandler on the Cache. If one is already set, it is overwritten.
    public CacheExceptionHandler getCacheExceptionHandler() {
        return cache.getCacheExceptionHandler();

     * Register a {@link CacheLoader} with the cache. It will then be tied into the cache lifecycle.
     * <p/>
     * If the CacheLoader is not initialised, initialise it.
     * @param cacheLoader A Cache Loader to register
    public void registerCacheLoader(CacheLoader cacheLoader) {
        throw new CacheException("This method is not appropriate for a blocking cache.");

     * Unregister a {@link CacheLoader} with the cache. It will then be detached from the cache lifecycle.
     * @param cacheLoader A Cache Loader to unregister
    public void unregisterCacheLoader(CacheLoader cacheLoader) {
        throw new CacheException("This method is not appropriate for a blocking cache.");

     * @return the cache loaders as a live list
    public List<CacheLoader> getRegisteredCacheLoaders() {
        return cache.getRegisteredCacheLoaders();

     * This method is not appropriate to use with BlockingCache.
     * @throws CacheException if this method is called
    public Element getWithLoader(Object key, CacheLoader loader, Object loaderArgument) throws CacheException {
        throw new CacheException("This method is not appropriate for a Blocking Cache");

     * This method is not appropriate to use with BlockingCache.
     * @throws CacheException if this method is called
    public Map getAllWithLoader(Collection keys, Object loaderArgument) throws CacheException {
        throw new CacheException("This method is not appropriate for a Blocking Cache");

     * This method is not appropriate to use with BlockingCache.
     * @throws CacheException if this method is called
    public void load(Object key) throws CacheException {
        throw new CacheException("This method is not appropriate for a Blocking Cache");

     * This method is not appropriate to use with BlockingCache.
     * @throws CacheException if this method is called
    public void loadAll(Collection keys, Object argument) throws CacheException {
        throw new CacheException("This method is not appropriate for a Blocking Cache");

     * Whether this cache is disabled. "Disabled" means:
     * <ol>
     * <li>bootstrap is disabled
     * <li>puts are discarded
     * <li>putQuites are discarded
     * </ol>
     * In all other respects the cache continues as it is.
     * <p/>
     * You can disable and enable a cache programmatically through the {@link #setDisabled(boolean)} method.
     * <p/>
     * By default caches are enabled on creation, unless the <code>net.sf.ehcache.disabled</code> system
     * property is set.
     * @return true if the cache is disabled.
    public boolean isDisabled() {
        return cache.isDisabled();

     * Disables or enables this cache. This call overrides the previous value of disabled, even if the
     * <code>net.sf.ehcache.disabled</code> system property is set
     * <p/>
     * @param disabled true if you wish to disable, false to enable
     * @see #isDisabled()
    public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) {



Related Classes of net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking.BlockingCache

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