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import com.mime.minefront.Game;
import com.mime.minefront.input.Controller;
import com.mime.minefront.level.Block;
import com.mime.minefront.level.Level;

public class Render3D extends Render {

  public double zBuffer[];
  public double zBufferWall[];
  private double renderDistance = 5000;
  private double forward, sideways, sin, cos, up, walking;

  public Render3D(int width, int height) {
    super(width, height);
    zBuffer = new double[width * height];
    zBufferWall = new double[width];

  public void floor(Game game) {
    double ceilingPosition = 8;
    double floorPosition = 8;
    forward = game.controls.z;
    sideways = game.controls.x;
    up = game.controls.y;
    walking = 0;

    double rotation = game.controls.rotation;
    cos = Math.cos(rotation);
    sin = Math.sin(rotation);

    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      zBufferWall[x] = 0;

    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {

      double ceiling = (y - height / 2.0) / height;

      double z = (floorPosition + up) / ceiling;
      if (Controller.walk) {
        walking = Math.sin(game.time / 5.0) * 0.5;
        if (Controller.crouching) {
          walking = Math.sin(game.time / 7.0) * 0.25;
        if (Controller.sprinting) {
          walking = Math.sin(game.time / 3.0) * 0.8;
        z = (floorPosition + up + walking) / ceiling;

      if (ceiling < 0) {
        z = (ceilingPosition - up) / -ceiling;
        if (Controller.walk) {
          z = (ceilingPosition - up - walking) / -ceiling;

      for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        double depth = (x - width / 2.0) / height;
        depth *= z;

        double xx = depth * cos + z * sin;
        double yy = z * cos - depth * sin;
        int xPix = (int) (xx + sideways);
        int yPix = (int) (yy + forward);
        zBuffer[x + y * width] = z;

        pixels[x + y * width] = Texture.floor.pixels[(xPix & 7) + (yPix & 7) * 16];

        if (z > 500) {
          pixels[x + y * width] = 0;

    Level level = game.level;
    int size = 100;
    for (int xBlock = -size; xBlock <= size; xBlock++) {
      for (int zBlock = -size; zBlock <= size; zBlock++) {
        Block block = level.create(xBlock, zBlock);
        Block east = level.create(xBlock + 1, zBlock);
        Block south = level.create(xBlock, zBlock + 1);

        if (block.solid) {
          if (!east.solid) {
            renderWall(xBlock + 1, xBlock + 1, zBlock, zBlock + 1, 0);
            renderWall(xBlock + 1, xBlock + 1, zBlock, zBlock + 1, 1);
          if (!south.solid) {
            renderWall(xBlock + 1, xBlock, zBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, 0);
            renderWall(xBlock + 1, xBlock, zBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, 1);
        } else {
          if (east.solid) {
            renderWall(xBlock + 1, xBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, zBlock, 0);
            renderWall(xBlock + 1, xBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, zBlock, 1);
          if (south.solid) {
            renderWall(xBlock, xBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, 0);
            renderWall(xBlock, xBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, zBlock + 1, 1);

    for (int xBlock = -size; xBlock <= size; xBlock++) {
      for (int zBlock = -size; zBlock <= size; zBlock++) {
        Block block = level.create(xBlock, zBlock);
        for (int s = 0; s < block.sprites.size(); s++) {
          Sprite sprite = block.sprites.get(s);
          renderSprite(xBlock + sprite.x, sprite.y, zBlock + sprite.z);


  public void renderSprite(double x, double y, double z) {
    double upCorrect = -0.0625;
    double sidewaysCorrect = 0.0625;
    double forwardCorrect = 0.0625;
    double walkCorrect = 0.0625;

    double xc = ((x / 2) - sideways * sidewaysCorrect) * 2;
    double yc = ((y / 2) - up * upCorrect) * 2 + (walking * walkCorrect) * 2;
    double zc = ((z / 2) - forward * forwardCorrect) * 2;

    double rotX = xc * cos - zc * sin;
    double rotY = yc;
    double rotZ = zc * cos + xc * sin;

    double xCenter = width / 2;
    double yCenter = height / 2;

    double xPix = (rotX / rotZ * height) + xCenter;
    double yPix = (rotY / rotZ * height) + yCenter;

    double xPixL = xPix - 16 / rotZ;
    double xPixR = xPix + 16 / rotZ;

    double yPixL = yPix - 16 / rotZ;
    double yPixR = yPix + 16 / rotZ;

    int xpl = (int) xPixL;
    int xpr = (int) xPixR;
    int ypl = (int) yPixL;
    int ypr = (int) yPixR;

    if (xpl < 0)
      xpl = 0;
    if (xpr > width)
      xpr = width;
    if (ypl < 0)
      ypl = 0;
    if (ypr > height)
      ypr = height;
    rotZ *= 8;
    for(int yp = ypl; yp < ypr; yp++) {
      for (int xp = xpl; xp < xpr; xp++) {
        if(zBuffer[xp + yp * width] > rotZ) {
          pixels[xp + yp * width] = 0x236DCF;
          zBuffer[xp + yp * width] = rotZ;

  public void renderWall(double xLeft, double xRight, double zDistanceLeft, double zDistanceRight, double yHeight) {
    double wallLenghtX = ((xRight - xLeft));
    double wallLenghtZ = ((zDistanceRight - zDistanceLeft));
    double wallLenght = Math.sqrt(wallLenghtX * wallLenghtX + wallLenghtZ * wallLenghtZ);
    yHeight /= 2;

    double upCorrection = 0.0625;
    double sidewaysCorrection = 0.0625;
    double forwardCorrection = 0.0625;
    double walkCorrection = 0.0625;

    double xcLeft = ((xLeft / 2) - sideways * sidewaysCorrection) * 2;
    double zcLeft = ((zDistanceLeft / 2) - forward * forwardCorrection) * 2;

    double rotLeftX = xcLeft * cos - zcLeft * sin;
    double yCornerTL = ((-yHeight) + (up * upCorrection + walking * walkCorrection)) * 2;
    double yCornerBL = ((+0.5 - yHeight) + (up * upCorrection + walking * walkCorrection)) * 2;
    double rotLeftZ = zcLeft * cos + xcLeft * sin;

    double xcRight = ((xRight / 2) - sideways * sidewaysCorrection) * 2;
    double zcRight = ((zDistanceRight / 2) - forward * forwardCorrection) * 2;

    double rotRightX = xcRight * cos - zcRight * sin;
    double yCornerTR = ((-yHeight) + (up * upCorrection + walking * walkCorrection)) * 2;
    double yCornerBR = ((+0.5 - yHeight) + (up * upCorrection + walking * walkCorrection)) * 2;
    double rotRightZ = zcRight * cos + xcRight * sin;

    double tex30 = 0;
    double tex40 = 8;
    double clip = 0.5;

    if (rotLeftZ < clip && rotRightZ < clip) {

    if (rotLeftZ < clip) {
      double clip0 = (clip - rotLeftZ) / (rotRightZ - rotLeftZ);
      rotLeftZ = rotLeftZ + (rotRightZ - rotLeftZ) * clip0;
      rotLeftX = rotLeftX + (rotRightX - rotLeftX) * clip0;
      tex30 = tex30 + (tex40 - tex30) * clip0;

    if (rotRightZ < clip) {
      double clip0 = (clip - rotLeftZ) / (rotRightZ - rotLeftZ);
      rotRightZ = rotLeftZ + (rotRightZ - rotLeftZ) * clip0;
      rotRightX = rotLeftX + (rotRightX - rotLeftX) * clip0;
      tex40 = tex30 + (tex40 - tex30) * clip0;

    double xPixLeft = (rotLeftX / rotLeftZ * height + width / 2);
    double xPixRight = (rotRightX / rotRightZ * height + width / 2);

    if (xPixLeft >= xPixRight) {

    int xPixLeftInt = (int) (xPixLeft);
    int xPixRightInt = (int) (xPixRight);

    if (xPixLeftInt < 0) {
      xPixLeftInt = 0;
    if (xPixRightInt > width) {
      xPixRightInt = width;

    double yPixLeftTop = (yCornerTL / rotLeftZ * height + height / 2.0);
    double yPixLeftBottom = (yCornerBL / rotLeftZ * height + height / 2.0);
    double yPixRightTop = (yCornerTR / rotRightZ * height + height / 2.0);
    double yPixRightBottom = (yCornerBR / rotRightZ * height + height / 2.0);

    double tex1 = 1 / rotLeftZ;
    double tex2 = 1 / rotRightZ;
    double tex3 = tex30 / rotLeftZ;
    double tex4 = tex40 / rotRightZ - tex3;

    for (int x = xPixLeftInt; x < xPixRightInt; x++) {
      double pixelRotation = (x - xPixLeft) / (xPixRight - xPixLeft);
      double zWall = (tex1 + (tex2 - tex1) * pixelRotation) * wallLenght;

      if (zBufferWall[x] > zWall) {
      zBufferWall[x] = zWall;

      int xTexture = (int) (((tex3 + tex4 * pixelRotation) / zWall));

      double yPixTop = yPixLeftTop + (yPixRightTop - yPixLeftTop) * pixelRotation;
      double yPixBottom = yPixLeftBottom + (yPixRightBottom - yPixLeftBottom) * pixelRotation;

      int yPixTopInt = (int) (yPixTop);
      int yPixBottomInt = (int) (yPixBottom);

      if (yPixTopInt < 0) {
        yPixTopInt = 0;

      if (yPixBottomInt > height) {
        yPixBottomInt = height;

      for (int y = yPixTopInt; y < yPixBottomInt; y++) {
        double pixelRotationY = (y - yPixTop) / (yPixBottom - yPixTop);
        int yTexture = (int) ((pixelRotationY * 8));
        pixels[x + y * width] = Texture.floor.pixels[((xTexture & 7) + 8) + (yTexture & 7) * 16];
        //  pixels[x + y * width] = xTexture * 100 + yTexture * 100 * 256;
        zBuffer[x + y * width] = 1 / (tex1 + (tex2 - tex1) * pixelRotation) * 8;

  public void renderDistanceLimiter() {
    for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) {
      int colour = pixels[i];
      int brightness = (int) (renderDistance / (zBuffer[i]));

      if (brightness < 0) {
        brightness = 0;
      if (brightness > 255) {
        brightness = 255;

      int r = (colour >> 16) & 0xff;
      int g = (colour >> 8) & 0xFF;
      int b = (colour) & 0xFF;

      r = r * brightness / 255;
      g = g * brightness / 255;
      b = b * brightness / 255;

      pixels[i] = r << 16 | g << 8 | b;


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