* Copyright 2006-2012 The MZmine 2 Development Team
* This file is part of MZmine 2.
* MZmine 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* MZmine 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* MZmine 2; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
* Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.sf.mzmine.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.Format;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.DataPoint;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.RawDataFile;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.Scan;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.impl.SimpleDataPoint;
import net.sf.mzmine.main.MZmineCore;
import org.apache.axis.encoding.Base64;
* Scan related utilities
public class ScanUtils {
* Common utility method to be used as Scan.toString() method in various
* Scan implementations
* @param scan
* Scan to be converted to String
* @return String representation of the scan
public static String scanToString(Scan scan) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
Format rtFormat = MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat();
Format mzFormat = MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getMZFormat();
buf.append(" @");
buf.append(" MS");
if (scan.getMSLevel() > 1)
buf.append(" (" + mzFormat.format(scan.getPrecursorMZ()) + ")");
return buf.toString();
* Find a base peak of a given scan in a given m/z range
* @param scan
* Scan to search
* @param mzMin
* m/z range minimum
* @param mzMax
* m/z range maximum
* @return double[2] containing base peak m/z and intensity
public static DataPoint findBasePeak(Scan scan, Range mzRange) {
DataPoint dataPoints[] = scan.getDataPointsByMass(mzRange);
DataPoint basePeak = null;
for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) {
if ((basePeak == null)
|| (dp.getIntensity() > basePeak.getIntensity()))
basePeak = dp;
return basePeak;
* Calculate the total ion count of a scan within a given mass range.
* @param scan
* the scan.
* @param mzRange
* mass range.
* @return the total ion count of the scan within the mass range.
public static double calculateTIC(Scan scan, Range mzRange) {
double tic = 0.0;
for (final DataPoint dataPoint : scan.getDataPointsByMass(mzRange)) {
tic += dataPoint.getIntensity();
return tic;
* Selects data points within given m/z range
public static DataPoint[] selectDataPointsByMass(DataPoint dataPoints[],
Range mzRange) {
ArrayList<DataPoint> goodPoints = new ArrayList<DataPoint>();
for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) {
if (mzRange.contains(dp.getMZ()))
return goodPoints.toArray(new DataPoint[0]);
* Selects data points with intensity >= given intensity
public static DataPoint[] selectDataPointsOverIntensity(
DataPoint dataPoints[], double minIntensity) {
ArrayList<DataPoint> goodPoints = new ArrayList<DataPoint>();
for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) {
if (dp.getIntensity() >= minIntensity)
return goodPoints.toArray(new DataPoint[0]);
* Binning modes
public static enum BinningType {
* This method bins values on x-axis. Each bin is assigned biggest y-value
* of all values in the same bin.
* @param x
* X-coordinates of the data
* @param y
* Y-coordinates of the data
* @param firstBinStart
* Value at the "left"-edge of the first bin
* @param lastBinStop
* Value at the "right"-edge of the last bin
* @param numberOfBins
* Number of bins
* @param interpolate
* If true, then empty bins will be filled with interpolation
* using other bins
* @param binningType
* Type of binning (sum of all 'y' within a bin, max of 'y', min
* of 'y', avg of 'y')
* @return Values for each bin
public static double[] binValues(double[] x, double[] y, Range binRange,
int numberOfBins, boolean interpolate, BinningType binningType) {
Double[] binValues = new Double[numberOfBins];
double binWidth = binRange.getSize() / numberOfBins;
double beforeX = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double beforeY = 0.0f;
double afterX = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double afterY = 0.0f;
double[] noOfEntries = null;
// Binnings
for (int valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < x.length; valueIndex++) {
// Before first bin?
if ((x[valueIndex] - binRange.getMin()) < 0) {
if (x[valueIndex] > beforeX) {
beforeX = x[valueIndex];
beforeY = y[valueIndex];
// After last bin?
if ((binRange.getMax() - x[valueIndex]) < 0) {
if (x[valueIndex] < afterX) {
afterX = x[valueIndex];
afterY = y[valueIndex];
int binIndex = (int) ((x[valueIndex] - binRange.getMin()) / binWidth);
// in case x[valueIndex] is exactly lastBinStop, we would overflow
// the array
if (binIndex == binValues.length)
switch (binningType) {
case MAX :
if (binValues[binIndex] == null) {
binValues[binIndex] = y[valueIndex];
} else {
if (binValues[binIndex] < y[valueIndex]) {
binValues[binIndex] = y[valueIndex];
case MIN :
if (binValues[binIndex] == null) {
binValues[binIndex] = y[valueIndex];
} else {
if (binValues[binIndex] > y[valueIndex]) {
binValues[binIndex] = y[valueIndex];
case AVG :
if (noOfEntries == null) {
noOfEntries = new double[binValues.length];
if (binValues[binIndex] == null) {
noOfEntries[binIndex] = 1;
binValues[binIndex] = y[valueIndex];
} else {
binValues[binIndex] += y[valueIndex];
case SUM :
default :
if (binValues[binIndex] == null) {
binValues[binIndex] = y[valueIndex];
} else {
binValues[binIndex] += y[valueIndex];
assert noOfEntries != null;
// calculate the AVG
if (binningType.equals(BinningType.AVG)) {
for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < binValues.length; binIndex++) {
if (binValues[binIndex] != null) {
binValues[binIndex] /= noOfEntries[binIndex];
// Interpolation
if (interpolate) {
for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < binValues.length; binIndex++) {
if (binValues[binIndex] == null) {
// Find exisiting left neighbour
double leftNeighbourValue = beforeY;
int leftNeighbourBinIndex = (int) Math
.floor((beforeX - binRange.getMin()) / binWidth);
for (int anotherBinIndex = binIndex - 1; anotherBinIndex >= 0; anotherBinIndex--) {
if (binValues[anotherBinIndex] != null) {
leftNeighbourValue = binValues[anotherBinIndex];
leftNeighbourBinIndex = anotherBinIndex;
// Find existing right neighbour
double rightNeighbourValue = afterY;
int rightNeighbourBinIndex = (binValues.length - 1)
+ (int) Math.ceil((afterX - binRange.getMax())
/ binWidth);
for (int anotherBinIndex = binIndex + 1; anotherBinIndex < binValues.length; anotherBinIndex++) {
if (binValues[anotherBinIndex] != null) {
rightNeighbourValue = binValues[anotherBinIndex];
rightNeighbourBinIndex = anotherBinIndex;
double slope = (rightNeighbourValue - leftNeighbourValue)
/ (rightNeighbourBinIndex - leftNeighbourBinIndex);
binValues[binIndex] = new Double(leftNeighbourValue + slope
* (binIndex - leftNeighbourBinIndex));
double[] res = new double[binValues.length];
for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < binValues.length; binIndex++) {
res[binIndex] = binValues[binIndex] == null
? 0
: binValues[binIndex];
return res;
* Returns index of m/z value in a given array, which is closest to given
* value, limited by given m/z tolerance. We assume the m/z array is sorted.
* @return index of best match, or -1 if no datapoint was found
public static int findClosestDatapoint(double key, double mzValues[],
double mzTolerance) {
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(mzValues, key);
if (index >= 0)
return index;
// Get "insertion point"
index = (index * -1) - 1;
// If key value is bigger than biggest m/z value in array
if (index == mzValues.length)
else if (index > 0) {
// Check insertion point value and previous one, see which one
// is closer
if (Math.abs(mzValues[index - 1] - key) < Math.abs(mzValues[index]
- key))
// Check m/z tolerancee
if (Math.abs(mzValues[index] - key) <= mzTolerance)
return index;
// Nothing was found
return -1;
* Determines if the spectrum represented by given array of data points is
public static boolean isCentroided(DataPoint[] dataPoints) {
// If the spectrum has less than 10 data points, it should be centroid
if (dataPoints.length <= 10)
return true;
boolean centroid = false;
Range mzRange = null;
boolean hasZeroDP = false;
mzRange = new Range(dataPoints[0].getMZ());
for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) {
if (dp.getIntensity() == 0)
hasZeroDP = true;
// If the spectrum has no zero data points, it should be centroid
if (!hasZeroDP)
return true;
double massStep = mzRange.getSize() / dataPoints.length;
double tempdiff, diff = 0, previousMass = dataPoints[0].getMZ();
for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) {
tempdiff = Math.abs(dp.getMZ() - previousMass);
previousMass = dp.getMZ();
if (dp.getIntensity() == 0)
if (tempdiff > (massStep * 1.5d)) {
centroid = true;
if (tempdiff > diff)
diff = tempdiff;
return centroid;
* Finds the MS/MS scan with highest intensity, within given retention time
* range and with precursor m/z within given m/z range
public static int findBestFragmentScan(RawDataFile dataFile, Range rtRange,
Range mzRange) {
assert dataFile != null;
assert rtRange != null;
assert mzRange != null;
int bestFragmentScan = -1;
double topBasePeak = 0;
int[] fragmentScanNumbers = dataFile.getScanNumbers(2, rtRange);
for (int number : fragmentScanNumbers) {
Scan scan = dataFile.getScan(number);
if (mzRange.contains(scan.getPrecursorMZ())) {
DataPoint basePeak = scan.getBasePeak();
// If there is no peak in the scan, basePeak can be null
if (basePeak == null)
if (basePeak.getIntensity() > topBasePeak) {
bestFragmentScan = scan.getScanNumber();
topBasePeak = basePeak.getIntensity();
return bestFragmentScan;
* Removes zero-intensity data points from the given array. This function
* doesn't remove ALL zero data points. In case the spectrum is continuous,
* one zero data point is required to form a correct border of the peak.
* This function may return the original array (same instance) in case
* nothing was removed. Otherwise, it returns a new array.
public static DataPoint[] removeZeroDataPoints(DataPoint dataPoints[],
boolean centroided) {
// First, check if we actually have any zero data point
boolean haveZeroDP = false;
for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) {
if (dp.getIntensity() == 0)
haveZeroDP = true;
// If no zero data point was found, return the original array
if (!haveZeroDP)
return dataPoints;
// Prepare a list of good data points
ArrayList<DataPoint> newDataPoints = new ArrayList<DataPoint>(
for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; i++) {
// If the data point is > 0, add it
if (dataPoints[i].getIntensity() > 0) {
// Check the neighbouring data points, but only if the scan is not
// centroided
if (!centroided) {
if ((i > 0) && (dataPoints[i - 1].getIntensity() > 0)) {
if ((i < dataPoints.length - 1)
&& (dataPoints[i + 1].getIntensity() > 0)) {
// If no data point was removed, return the original array
if (newDataPoints.size() == dataPoints.length)
return dataPoints;
DataPoint[] newDataPointsArray = newDataPoints
.toArray(new DataPoint[0]);
return newDataPointsArray;
* Find the highest data point in array
public static DataPoint findTopDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoints[]) {
DataPoint topDP = null;
for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) {
if ((topDP == null) || (dp.getIntensity() > topDP.getIntensity())) {
topDP = dp;
return topDP;
public static byte[] encodeDataPointsToBytes(DataPoint dataPoints[]) {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream peakStream = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
byte peakBytes[] = byteStream.toByteArray();
return peakBytes;
public static char[] encodeDataPointsBase64(DataPoint dataPoints[]) {
byte peakBytes[] = encodeDataPointsToBytes(dataPoints);
char encodedData[] = Base64.encode(peakBytes).toCharArray();
return encodedData;
public static DataPoint[] decodeDataPointsFromBytes(byte bytes[]) {
// each double is 8 bytes and we need one for m/z and one for intensity
int dpCount = bytes.length / 2 / 8;
// make a data input stream
ByteArrayInputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
DataInputStream peakStream = new DataInputStream(byteStream);
DataPoint dataPoints[] = new DataPoint[dpCount];
for (int i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; i++) {
try {
double mz = peakStream.readDouble();
double intensity = peakStream.readDouble();
dataPoints[i] = new SimpleDataPoint(mz, intensity);
} catch (IOException e) {
return dataPoints;
public static DataPoint[] decodeDataPointsBase64(char encodedData[]) {
byte[] bytes = Base64.decode(new String(encodedData));
DataPoint dataPoints[] = decodeDataPointsFromBytes(bytes);
return dataPoints;