* Copyright 2006-2012 The MZmine 2 Development Team
* This file is part of MZmine 2.
* MZmine 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* MZmine 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* MZmine 2; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.sf.mzmine.util;
import java.text.Format;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.ChromatographicPeak;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.IsotopePattern;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.PeakIdentity;
import net.sf.mzmine.data.PeakListRow;
import net.sf.mzmine.main.MZmineCore;
* Utilities for peaks and peak lists
public class PeakUtils {
* Common utility method to be used as Peak.toString() method in various
* Peak implementations
* @param peak
* Peak to be converted to String
* @return String representation of the peak
public static String peakToString(ChromatographicPeak peak) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
Format mzFormat = MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getMZFormat();
Format timeFormat = MZmineCore.getConfiguration().getRTFormat();
buf.append(" m/z @");
buf.append(" [" + peak.getDataFile().getName() + "]");
return buf.toString();
* Compares identities of two peak list rows. 1) if preferred identities are
* available, they must be same 2) if no identities are available on both
* rows, return true 3) otherwise all identities on both rows must be same
* @return True if identities match between rows
public static boolean compareIdentities(PeakListRow row1, PeakListRow row2) {
if ((row1 == null) || (row2 == null))
return false;
// If both have preferred identity available, then compare only those
PeakIdentity row1PreferredIdentity = row1.getPreferredPeakIdentity();
PeakIdentity row2PreferredIdentity = row2.getPreferredPeakIdentity();
if ((row1PreferredIdentity != null) && (row2PreferredIdentity != null)) {
if (row1PreferredIdentity.getName().equals(
return true;
return false;
// If no identities at all for both rows, then return true
PeakIdentity[] row1Identities = row1.getPeakIdentities();
PeakIdentity[] row2Identities = row2.getPeakIdentities();
if ((row1Identities.length == 0) && (row2Identities.length == 0))
return true;
// Otherwise compare all against all and require that each identity has
// a matching identity on the other row
if (row1Identities.length != row2Identities.length)
return false;
boolean sameID = false;
for (PeakIdentity row1Identity : row1Identities) {
sameID = false;
for (PeakIdentity row2Identity : row2Identities) {
if (row1Identity.getName().equals(row2Identity.getName())) {
sameID = true;
if (!sameID)
return sameID;
* Compare charge state of the best MS/MS precursor masses
* @param row1
* PeaklistRow 1
* @param row2
* PeakListRow 2
* @return true, same charge state
public static boolean compareChargeState(PeakListRow row1, PeakListRow row2) {
assert ((row1 != null) && (row2 != null));
int firstCharge = row1.getBestPeak().getCharge();
int secondCharge = row2.getBestPeak().getCharge();
return (firstCharge == 0) || (secondCharge == 0)
|| (firstCharge == secondCharge);
* Returns true if peak list row contains a compound identity matching to id
public static boolean containsIdentity(PeakListRow row, PeakIdentity id) {
for (PeakIdentity identity : row.getPeakIdentities()) {
if (identity.getName().equals(id.getName()))
return true;
return false;
* Copies properties such as identification results and comments from the
* source row to the target row.
public static void copyPeakListRowProperties(PeakListRow source,
PeakListRow target) {
// Combine the comments
String targetComment = target.getComment();
if ((targetComment == null) || (targetComment.trim().length() == 0)) {
targetComment = source.getComment();
} else {
if ((source.getComment() != null)
&& (source.getComment().trim().length() > 0))
targetComment += "; " + source.getComment();
// Copy all peak identities, if these are not already present
for (PeakIdentity identity : source.getPeakIdentities()) {
if (!containsIdentity(target, identity))
target.addPeakIdentity(identity, false);
// Set the preferred identity
* Copies properties such as isotope pattern and charge from the source peak
* to the target peak
public static void copyPeakProperties(ChromatographicPeak source,
ChromatographicPeak target) {
// Copy isotope pattern
IsotopePattern originalPattern = source.getIsotopePattern();
if (originalPattern != null)
// Copy charge
int charge = source.getCharge();