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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package uk.nhs.interoperability.payloads.templates;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import uk.nhs.interoperability.payloads.AbstractTest;
import uk.nhs.interoperability.payloads.templates.Section2;
import uk.nhs.interoperability.payloads.templates.TextSection;
import uk.nhs.interoperability.payloads.util.FileWriter;
public class TextSectionTest extends AbstractTest {
public static TextSection section1;
static {
section1 = createSection1();
public static TextSection createSection1() {
TextSection template = new TextSection();
template.setTitle("End of Life Care Artefacts");
Section2 s2 = new Section2();
s2.setTitle("Anticipatory Medicine Box");
s2.setText("<content ID=\"a4\">Anticipatory medicine box is issued and kept in refrigerator at patient home.</content>");
return template;
public void testSerialise() throws SAXException, IOException {
try {
// Normally this template would inherit namespaces from the overall
// document, but as we are calling it directly we need to provide them
// when we serialise. We will also override the root element name to match
// the one used in the sample XML.
String result = section1.serialise("section", parentNamespaces);
//FileWriter.writeFile("output.xml", result.getBytes());
// The sample XML does not include any namespace declarations, so we will
// add some as our configuration expects all the elements to be in the
// correct default namespace for HL7v3 (urn:hl7-org:v3).
testXMLisSimilar("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_01.xml", result, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void testParse() {
String expectedResult = loadExpectedResult("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_01.xml", true);
TextSection template = new TextSection();
template.parse(expectedResult, parentNamespaces);
List<Section2> s2List = template.getSection2();
Section2 s2 = s2List.get(0);
System.out.println("TEXT = '" + s2.getText() + "'");
assertEquals("<content ID=\"a4\" xmlns=\"urn:hl7-org:v3\">Anticipatory medicine box is issued and kept in refrigerator at patient home.</content>", s2.getText().trim());
public void testRoundTrip1() throws SAXException, IOException {
String expectedResult = loadExpectedResult("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_01.xml", true);
TextSection template = new TextSection();
template.parse(expectedResult, parentNamespaces);
String result = template.serialise("section", parentNamespaces);
//FileWriter.writeFile("output.xml", result.getBytes());
testXMLisSimilar("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_01.xml", result, true);
public void testRoundTrip2() throws SAXException, IOException {
String expectedResult = loadExpectedResult("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_02.xml", true);
TextSection template = new TextSection();
template.parse(expectedResult, parentNamespaces);
String result = template.serialise("section", parentNamespaces);
//FileWriter.writeFile("output.xml", result.getBytes());
testXMLisSimilar("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_02.xml", result, true);
public void testRoundTrip3() throws SAXException, IOException {
String expectedResult = loadExpectedResult("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_03.xml", true);
TextSection template = new TextSection();
template.parse(expectedResult, parentNamespaces);
String result = template.serialise("section", parentNamespaces);
//FileWriter.writeFile("output.xml", result.getBytes());
testXMLisSimilar("/TestData/Templates/COCD_TP146229GB01_AH_03.xml", result, true);