package rouge;
import interfaces.IRouge;
import interfaces.IRougeSummaryModel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableDouble;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt;
import common.ScoreType;
public class RougeN implements IRouge
private IRougeSummaryModel peer;
private Set<IRougeSummaryModel> models;
private int byteLimit;
private int wordLimit;
private int n;
private char scoreMode;
private double alpha;
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
* Constructor for the RougeN metric
* @param peer
* The test document
* @param models
* The gold standard documents
* @param byteLimit
* Limit by bytes
* @param wordLimit
* Limit by words
* @param n
* The n in n gram ;)
* @param scoreMode
* Score mode A for average B for best
* @param alpha
* Alpha for F score
public RougeN(IRougeSummaryModel peer, Set<IRougeSummaryModel> models, int byteLimit, int wordLimit, int n, char scoreMode, double alpha)
this.peer = peer;
this.models = models;
this.byteLimit = byteLimit;
this.wordLimit = wordLimit;
this.scoreMode = scoreMode;
this.n = n;
this.alpha = alpha;
* Creates a map of ngrams and the number of times they appeared in the given sentences
* @param sentences
* The sentences from which to construct ngrams
* @param n
* The gram size
* @return A map of ngrams->count
public Map<String, Integer> createNGram(IRougeSummaryModel summary, int n)
Map<String, Integer> results = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int wordCount = 0;
int byteCount = 0;
if (results.size() == 0)
results.put("_cn_", 0);
int count = 0;
String tokens[] = summary.asText().replaceAll("[^\\p{L}\\p{N}]", " ").replaceAll("[ ]+", " ").split("\\s+");
List<String> usedTokens = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; (i < tokens.length) && (wordCount <= wordLimit) && (byteCount <= byteLimit); i++)
if (!tokens[i].matches("[\\p{L}\\p{N}]+"))
byteCount += stringByteSize(tokens[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < usedTokens.size() - n + 1; i++)
String gram = usedTokens.get(i);
for (int j = i + 1; j < i + n; j++)
gram += " " + usedTokens.get(j);
if (results.containsKey(gram))
results.put(gram, results.get(gram) + 1);
results.put(gram, 1);
results.put("_cn_", count);
return results;
* Calculate the size in byte a string takes
* @param s
* The string to work on
* @return The amount of bytes in the string
private int stringByteSize(String s)
int bytes = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.getBytes().length; i++)
bytes += s.getBytes()[i];
return bytes;
* Calculate the score of the ngrams in the test text and the reference text.
* <p>
* The score is the ratio between the hit count - how many ngrams are common to both the test text<br>
* and the reference text - and the total number of ngrams in the reference text
* @param model_grams
* The ngrams of the referenced text
* @param peer_grams
* The ngrams of the test text
* @param hit
* The nubmber of hits between the 2 maps
* @param score
* The score calculated by the number of hits divided by the total number of ngram in the model
public void ngramScore(Map<String, Integer> model_grams, Map<String, Integer> peer_grams, MutableInt hit, MutableDouble score)
Set<String> tokens = model_grams.keySet();
for (String t : tokens)
if (!t.equals("_cn_"))
int h = 0;
if (peer_grams.containsKey(t))
h = peer_grams.get(t) <= model_grams.get(t) ? peer_grams.get(t) : model_grams.get(t);
hit.setValue(hit.intValue() + h);
if (model_grams.get("_cn_").intValue() != 0)
score.setValue((double) (hit.intValue()) / model_grams.get("_cn_").doubleValue());
* Computes the n-gram score of the texts with which the object is initialized
* @return A map containing the scores.<br>
* The map will contain the following fields: totalGramCount, totalGramHit, gramScore, totalGramCountP, gramScoreP,
* gramScoreF
public Map<ScoreType, Double> computeNGramScore()
Map<ScoreType, Double> results = new HashMap<ScoreType, Double>();
MutableInt gramHit = new MutableInt(0);
MutableDouble gramScore = new MutableDouble(0);
// #------------------------------------------------
// # read model file and create model n-gram maps
int totalGramHit = 0;
int totalGramCount = 0;
double gramScoreBest = -1;
double gramScoreP = 0; //# precision
double gramScoreF = 0; //# f-measure
int totalGramCountP = 0;
Map<String, Integer> peer_grams = createNGram(peer, this.n);
if (DEBUG)
int i = 0;
for (String key : peer_grams.keySet())
System.out.print(key + ":" + peer_grams.get(key).intValue());
if (i != peer_grams.size() - 1)
for (IRougeSummaryModel model : models)
Map<String, Integer> model_grams = createNGram(model, this.n);
if (DEBUG)
int i = 0;
for (String key : model_grams.keySet())
System.out.print(key + ":" + model_grams.get(key).intValue());
if (i != model_grams.size() - 1)
ngramScore(model_grams, peer_grams, gramHit, gramScore);
switch (scoreMode)
case 'A':
case 'a':
totalGramHit += gramHit.intValue();
totalGramCount += model_grams.get("_cn_");
totalGramCountP += peer_grams.get("_cn_");
case 'B':
case 'b':
if (gramScore.doubleValue() > gramScoreBest)
//# only take a better score (i.e. better match)
gramScoreBest = gramScore.doubleValue();
totalGramHit = gramHit.intValue();
totalGramCount = model_grams.get("_cn_");
totalGramCountP = peer_grams.get("_cn_");
System.out.println("Warning: Unknown scoring mode - using average mode");
totalGramHit += gramHit.intValue();
totalGramCount += model_grams.get("_cn_");
totalGramCountP += peer_grams.get("_cn_");
results.put(ScoreType.TOTAL_GRAM_COUNT, (double) totalGramCount); // total number of ngrams in models
results.put(ScoreType.TOTAL_GRAM_HIT, (double) totalGramHit);
if (totalGramCount != 0)
gramScore.setValue((double) totalGramHit / (double) totalGramCount);
results.put(ScoreType.R, gramScore.doubleValue());
results.put(ScoreType.TOTAL_GRAM_HIT_P, (double) totalGramCountP); // total number of ngrams in peers
if (totalGramCountP != 0)
gramScoreP = (double) totalGramHit / (double) totalGramCountP;
gramScoreP = 0;
results.put(ScoreType.P, gramScoreP); // precision score
if (((1 - alpha) * gramScoreP + alpha * gramScoreP) > 0)
gramScoreF = (gramScoreP * gramScore.doubleValue()) / ((1 - alpha) * gramScoreP + alpha * gramScore.doubleValue());
gramScoreF = 0;
results.put(ScoreType.F, gramScoreF);
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("total " + n + "-gram model count: " + totalGramCount);
System.out.println("total " + n + "-gram peer count: " + totalGramCountP);
System.out.println("total " + n + "-gram hit: " + totalGramHit);
System.out.println("total ROUGE-" + n + "-R: " + gramScore);
System.out.println("total ROUGE-" + n + "-P: " + gramScoreP);
System.out.println("total ROUGE-" + n + "-F: " + gramScoreF);
return results;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Map<ScoreType, Double> evaluate()
return computeNGramScore();