* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
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package transientlibs.tex;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import transientlibs.slick2d.util.Log;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.Binding;
import transientlibs.processors.misc.Detonator;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.Comparison;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.Int;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.IntSlot;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.MathOperator;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.TBoolean;
* @author kibertoad
public class StringAnalyst {
public String fullStr;
public String nextStr;
public String lastStr;
StringBuilder buildStr = new StringBuilder();
public boolean eof;
public int counter;
public int savedLength;
public int rowCount;
public String moduleDir;
public String baseDir;
public String fileName;
public BufferedReader in = null;
public int mapLineCount = -1; //how many lines in the file
public int longestLength = -1;
public StringAnalyst() {
public static boolean isFileExist(String withName) {
File testFile = new File(Detonator.INSTANCE.gameDataDir + withName);
return testFile.exists();
public static boolean isExactFileExist(String withName) {
File testFile = new File(withName);
return testFile.exists();
public void checkForAliases() {
char c;
int counter = 0;
c = fullStr.charAt(counter);
if ()
String nowStr;
String newStr;
while (counter < savedLength) {
//Log.info("Start analyzing");
//Log.info("Counter: "+counter);
nowStr = getNextString();
//Log.info("Counter after: "+counter+" ->"+nowStr+"<-");
if (nowStr.startsWith("::")) {
fullStr = nowStr.toLowerCase();
Log.debug("ALIAS time");
newStr = Binding.getAlias(nowStr);
Log.debug("Will replace: " + nowStr + " with " + newStr);
fullStr = fullStr.replace(nowStr, newStr);
savedLength = fullStr.length();
Log.debug("New string: " + fullStr);
//Log.info("Done analyzing");
public void openGlobalFile(String theFile) {
fileName = theFile;
if ((Detonator.INSTANCE.pathToData) != null) {
fileName = Detonator.INSTANCE.pathToData + fileName;
Log.debug("Open: " + fileName);
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
eof = false;
try {
nextStr = in.readLine();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
if (nextStr == null) {
eof = true;
public void openFile(String theFile) {
fileName = Detonator.INSTANCE.gameDataDir + theFile;
//if ((Detonator.INSTANCE.pathToData) != null) {
// fileName = Detonator.INSTANCE.pathToData + fileName;
Log.debug("Open: " + fileName);
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
eof = false;
try {
nextStr = in.readLine();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
if (nextStr == null) {
eof = true;
public void openFile(StringReader theFile) {
* This is for reading from a randomly generated map.
Log.debug("Open StringReader: " + theFile);
in = new BufferedReader(theFile);
eof = false;
try {
nextStr = in.readLine();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
if (nextStr == null) {
eof = true;
public void closeFile() {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
in = null;
public void countMapSize(StringReader fromStringReader, String stopAt) {
* This is for reading from a randomly generated map. stopAt is for the
* character to stop at, defualt "end"
if (stopAt == null) {
stopAt = "end";
//Log.info("count from: "+fileName);
BufferedReader reader;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(fromStringReader);
String temp = reader.readLine();
mapLineCount = 0;
longestLength = 0;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.length() != 0) && (!temp.contains(stopAt))) {
if (temp.length() > longestLength) {
longestLength = temp.length(); //set map sizeX
mapLineCount++; //increment map sizeY
temp = reader.readLine();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void countMapSize(String fromFile, String stopAt) {
* This is for reading from a Tex map.map file. stopAt is for the
* character to stop at, defualt "end"
if (stopAt == null) {
stopAt = "end";
//fileName = Detonator.INSTANCE.gameDataDir + fromFile;
fileName = fromFile;
//Log.info("count from: "+fileName);
BufferedReader reader;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String temp = reader.readLine();
mapLineCount = 0;
longestLength = 0;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.length() != 0) && (!temp.contains(stopAt))) {
if (temp.length() > longestLength) {
longestLength = temp.length(); //set map sizeX
mapLineCount++; //increment map sizeY
temp = reader.readLine();
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void reset() {
rowCount = 0;
counter = 0;
public void loadNewString(String theString) {
fullStr = theString;
counter = 0;
public String restOfRow() {
return fullStr.substring(counter, savedLength);
public IntSlot getNextBindedValue() {
if ((lastStr.charAt(0) == 'l') && (lastStr.charAt(1) == '_')) {
//Log.info("Local SLOT: "+lastStr);
return Detonator.INSTANCE.getBindedLocalValueSlot(lastStr);
} else {
//return Detonator.INSTANCE.getBindedGlobalValue(lastStr);
//Log.info("Global SLOT: "+lastStr);
return Detonator.INSTANCE.getBindedValueSlot(lastStr);
public TBoolean getNextBindedTrigger() {
if ((lastStr.charAt(0) == 'l') && (lastStr.charAt(1) == '_')) {
return Detonator.INSTANCE.getBindedLocalTrigger(lastStr);
} else {
return Detonator.INSTANCE.getBindedTrigger(lastStr);
public boolean getNextBoolean() {
if ((lastStr.equals("+")) || (lastStr.equals("true")) || (lastStr.equals("yes"))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public char getNextChar() {
//Log.info("champ: "+fullStr);
//Log.info("count: "+counter);
//counter++; counter++;
char nowChar = fullStr.charAt(counter);
return nowChar;
public void restartAnalysis() {
counter = 0;
public String getNextString() {
char nowChar;
if (counter < savedLength) //not end of row
nowChar = fullStr.charAt(counter);
while ((nowChar == ' ') && (counter < savedLength - 1)) { //skip all empty spaces
nowChar = fullStr.charAt(counter);
} else {
nowChar = '-';
while ((nowChar != ' ') && (counter < savedLength)) {
nowChar = fullStr.charAt(counter);
if (nowChar != ' ') {
lastStr = buildStr.toString().toLowerCase();
if (lastStr.length() == 0) {
counter = savedLength;
//if (nowChar==' ') {counter++;}
//System.out.println("Next string: " + lastStr);
return lastStr;
public int getNextNumber() {
return Integer.parseInt(getNextString());
public static boolean charIsNumber(char nowChar) {
// Log.info("char check: "+nowChar);
return ((nowChar == '0') || (nowChar == '1') || (nowChar == '2') || (nowChar == '3')
|| (nowChar == '4') || (nowChar == '5') || (nowChar == '6') || (nowChar == '7')
|| (nowChar == '8') || (nowChar == '9'));
public boolean checkIfNextIsNumber() {
int tempCounter = counter;
char nowChar = ' ';
while ((nowChar == ' ') && (tempCounter < savedLength)) {
nowChar = fullStr.charAt(tempCounter);
boolean result = charIsNumber(nowChar);
while ((nowChar != ' ') && (tempCounter < savedLength) && (result == true)) {
nowChar = fullStr.charAt(tempCounter);
result = charIsNumber(nowChar);
return result;
public MathOperator getNextMathOperator() {
//Log.info("check for math: " + lastStr);
/* Java 7 edition
switch (lastStr) {
case "+":
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.ADD);
case "-":
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.SUBSTRACT);
case "*":
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.MULTIPLY);
case "/":
case ":":
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.DIVIDE);
case "=":
case ":=":
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.ASSIGN);
return null;
if (lastStr.equals("+")) {
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.ADD);
} else if (lastStr.equals("-")) {
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.SUBSTRACT);
} else if (lastStr.equals("*")) {
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.MULTIPLY);
} else if ((lastStr.equals("/")) || (lastStr.equals(":"))) {
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.DIVIDE);
} else if ((lastStr.equals("=")) || (lastStr.equals(":="))) {
return new MathOperator(MathOperator.MathOperatorValue.ASSIGN);
} else {
return null;
public Comparison getNextComparison() {
if (lastStr.equals("<")) {
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.BELOW);
} else if (lastStr.equals("<=")) {
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.EQUAL_OR_BELOW);
} else if (lastStr.equals("<>")) {
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.NON_EQUAL);
} else if ((lastStr.equals("==")) || (lastStr.equals("="))) {
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.EQUAL);
} else if (lastStr.equals(">=")) {
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.EQUAL_OR_ABOVE);
} else if (lastStr.equals(">")) {
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.ABOVE);
} else {
return null;
/* Java 7 Edition
switch (lastStr) {
case "<":
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.BELOW);
case "<=":
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.EQUAL_OR_BELOW);
case "<>":
case "!=":
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.NON_EQUAL);
case "=":
case "==":
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.EQUAL);
case ">=":
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.EQUAL_OR_ABOVE);
case ">":
return new Comparison(Comparison.ComparisonValue.ABOVE);
return null;
//public Int getNextBindedGlobalValue() {
// return Detonator.instance.getBindedGlobalValue(getNextString());
public double getNextDouble() {
return Double.parseDouble(getNextString());
public float getNextFloat() {
return Float.parseFloat(getNextString());
//public int getNextBoolean() {
public int getNextSkill() {
return Binding.readBinding(Binding.skillBinding, getNextString());
public int getNextPerk() {
return Binding.readBinding(Binding.perkBinding, getNextString());
public int getNextStat() {
return Binding.readBinding(Binding.statBinding, getNextString());
public void readRow() {
counter = 0;
fullStr = nextStr;
if (fullStr == null) {
eof = true;
} else {
savedLength = fullStr.length();
//Log.info("Read row: " + fullStr);
try {
nextStr = in.readLine();
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(StringAnalyst.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
if (nextStr == null) {
eof = true;
public void error(String errorMessage) {
Log.error(fileName + ", row " + rowCount + ", symbol " + counter + ": " + errorMessage);
public void checkForBadChars(String theString) {
for (int counter1 = 0; counter1 < theString.length(); counter1++) {
char theChar;
theChar = theString.charAt(counter1);
if ((int) theChar == 65533) {
Log.info(theString + " : check!");
Log.info("Char code (" + theChar + "): " + (int) theChar);
error("PLEASE DO NOT USE MICROSOFT_WORD FOR WRITING SCRIPTS. Thanks. Also, you've got bad symbol - ' (position " + counter1 + ") in your script. Please replace it with ASCII one. ");
public int getBinding(int bindType) {
return Binding.getBinding(bindType, getNextString());
public int getListBinding(int listType, int bindType) {
return Binding.getListBinding(listType, bindType, getNextString());
public int readBinding(int bindType) {
return Binding.readBinding(bindType, getNextString());
public static ArrayList<String> getFileList(String byExtension, String inPath) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
File dir = new File(inPath);
String[] fileList = dir.list();
if (fileList == null) {
Log.error("Specified directory does not exist");
for (int x = 0; x < fileList.length; x++) {
if ((fileList[x].endsWith(byExtension))) {
return list;
public final static StringAnalyst analyst = new StringAnalyst();