package transientlibs.rlforj.los;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import transientlibs.rlforj.math.Line2I;
import transientlibs.rlforj.math.Point2I;
* Precise permissive visibility algorithm.
* Refer to
* {@link}
* Copyright (c) 2007, Jonathon Duerig. Licensed under the BSD
* license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
* TODO : Do multitile organism by replacing offsetT(0,1)(1, 0) by offsetT(0,
* size.y) (size.x, 0). Also need to consider border tiles.
* @author sdatta
public class PrecisePermissive implements IFovAlgorithm, ILosAlgorithm
class permissiveMaskT
* Do not interact with the members directly. Use the provided
* functions.
int north;
int south;
int east;
int west;
// int width;
// int height;
int[] mask;
public FovType fovType;
public int distPlusOneSq;
ILosBoard board;
// class offsetT
// {
// public offsetT(int newX, int newY)
// {
// x = newX;
// y = newY;
// }
// public int x;
// public int y;
// public String toString()
// {
// return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";
// }
// }
class fovStateT
Point2I source;
permissiveMaskT mask;
Object context;
Point2I quadrant;
Point2I extent;
public int quadrantIndex;
ILosBoard board;
public boolean isLos = false;
class bumpT
public bumpT()
Point2I location;
bumpT parent = null;
public String toString() {
return location.toString()+" p( "+parent+" ) ";
class fieldT
public fieldT(fieldT f)
steep = new Line2I(new Point2I(f.steep.near.x, f.steep.near.y),
new Point2I(f.steep.far.x, f.steep.far.y));
shallow = new Line2I(
new Point2I(f.shallow.near.x, f.shallow.near.y),
new Point2I(f.shallow.far.x, f.shallow.far.y));
steepBump = f.steepBump;
shallowBump = f.shallowBump;
public fieldT()
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
Line2I steep = new Line2I(new Point2I(0, 0), new Point2I(0, 0));
Line2I shallow = new Line2I(new Point2I(0, 0), new Point2I(0, 0));
bumpT steepBump;
bumpT shallowBump;
public String toString() {
return "[ steep "+steep+", shallow "+shallow+"]";
private Vector<Point2I> path;
private ILosAlgorithm fallBackLos=new BresLos(true);
void calculateFovQuadrant(final fovStateT state)
// System.out.println("calcfovq called");
LinkedList<bumpT> steepBumps = new LinkedList<bumpT>();
LinkedList<bumpT> shallowBumps = new LinkedList<bumpT>();
// activeFields is sorted from shallow-to-steep.
LinkedList<fieldT> activeFields = new LinkedList<fieldT>();
activeFields.addLast(new fieldT());
activeFields.getLast().shallow.near = new Point2I(0, 1);
activeFields.getLast().shallow.far = new Point2I(state.extent.x, 0);
activeFields.getLast().steep.near = new Point2I(1, 0);
activeFields.getLast().steep.far = new Point2I(0, state.extent.y);
Point2I dest = new Point2I(0, 0);
// Visit the source square exactly once (in quadrant 1).
if (state.quadrant.x == 1 && state.quadrant.y == 1)
actIsBlocked(state, dest);
CLikeIterator<fieldT> currentField = new CLikeIterator<fieldT>(
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int maxI = state.extent.x + state.extent.y;
// For each square outline
for (i = 1; i <= maxI && !activeFields.isEmpty(); ++i)
int startJ = max(0, i - state.extent.x);
int maxJ = min(i, state.extent.y);
// System.out.println("Startj "+startJ+" maxj "+maxJ);
// Visit the nodes in the outline
for (j = startJ; j <= maxJ && !currentField.isAtEnd(); ++j)
// System.out.println("i j "+i+" "+j);
dest.x = i - j;
dest.y = j;
visitSquare(state, dest, currentField, steepBumps,
shallowBumps, activeFields);
// System.out.println("Activefields size "+activeFields.size());
currentField = new CLikeIterator<fieldT>(activeFields
private final int max(int i, int j)
return i > j ? i : j;
private final int min(int i, int j)
return i < j ? i : j;
void visitSquare(final fovStateT state, final Point2I dest,
CLikeIterator<fieldT> currentField, LinkedList<bumpT> steepBumps,
LinkedList<bumpT> shallowBumps, LinkedList<fieldT> activeFields)
// System.out.println("-> "+steepBumps+" - "+shallowBumps);
// System.out.println("visitsq called "+dest);
// The top-left and bottom-right corners of the destination square.
Point2I topLeft = new Point2I(dest.x, dest.y + 1);
Point2I bottomRight = new Point2I(dest.x + 1, dest.y);
// fieldT currFld=null;
while (!currentField.isAtEnd()
&& currentField.getCurrent().steep
// System.out.println("currFld.steep.isBelowOrContains(bottomRight) "
// + currentField.getCurrent().steep
// .isBelowOrContains(bottomRight));
// case ABOVE
// The square is in case 'above'. This means that it is ignored
// for the currentField. But the steeper fields might need it.
// ++currentField;
if (currentField.isAtEnd())
// System.out.println("currentField.isAtEnd()");
// The square was in case 'above' for all fields. This means that
// we no longer care about it or any squares in its diagonal rank.
// Now we check for other cases.
if (currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAboveOrContains(topLeft))
// case BELOW
// The shallow line is above the extremity of the square, so that
// square is ignored.
// System.out.println("currFld.shallow.isAboveOrContains(topLeft) "
// + currentField.getCurrent().shallow);
// The square is between the lines in some way. This means that we
// need to visit it and determine whether it is blocked.
boolean isBlocked = actIsBlocked(state, dest);
if (!isBlocked)
// We don't care what case might be left, because this square does
// not obstruct.
if (currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAbove(bottomRight)
&& currentField.getCurrent().steep.isBelow(topLeft))
// case BLOCKING
// Both lines intersect the square. This current field has ended.
} else if (currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAbove(bottomRight))
// The square intersects only the shallow line.
addShallowBump(topLeft, currentField.getCurrent(), steepBumps,
} else if (currentField.getCurrent().steep.isBelow(topLeft))
// case STEEP BUMP
// The square intersects only the steep line.
addSteepBump(bottomRight, currentField.getCurrent(), steepBumps,
} else
// case BETWEEN
// The square intersects neither line. We need to split into two
// fields.
fieldT steeperField = currentField.getCurrent();
fieldT shallowerField = new fieldT(currentField.getCurrent());
addSteepBump(bottomRight, shallowerField, steepBumps, shallowBumps);
if (!checkField(currentField)) // did not remove
currentField.gotoNext();// point to the original element
addShallowBump(topLeft, steeperField, steepBumps, shallowBumps);
boolean checkField(CLikeIterator<fieldT> currentField)
// If the two slopes are colinear, and if they pass through either
// extremity, remove the field of view.
fieldT currFld = currentField.getCurrent();
boolean ret = false;
if (currFld.shallow.doesContain(currFld.steep.near)
&& currFld.shallow.doesContain(currFld.steep.far)
&& (currFld.shallow.doesContain(new Point2I(0, 1)) || currFld.shallow
.doesContain(new Point2I(1, 0))))
// System.out.println("removing "+currentField.getCurrent());
ret = true;
// System.out.println("CheckField "+ret);
return ret;
void addShallowBump(final Point2I point, fieldT currFld,
LinkedList<bumpT> steepBumps, LinkedList<bumpT> shallowBumps)
// System.out.println("Adding shallow "+point);
// First, the far point of shallow is set to the new point.
currFld.shallow.far = point;
// Second, we need to add the new bump to the shallow bump list for
// future steep bump handling.
shallowBumps.addLast(new bumpT());
shallowBumps.getLast().location = point;
shallowBumps.getLast().parent = currFld.shallowBump;
currFld.shallowBump = shallowBumps.getLast();
// Now we have too look through the list of steep bumps and see if
// any of them are below the line.
// If there are, we need to replace near point too.
bumpT currentBump = currFld.steepBump;
while (currentBump != null)
if (currFld.shallow.isAbove(currentBump.location))
currFld.shallow.near = currentBump.location;
currentBump = currentBump.parent;
void addSteepBump(final Point2I point, fieldT currFld,
LinkedList<bumpT> steepBumps, LinkedList<bumpT> shallowBumps)
// System.out.println("Adding steep "+point);
currFld.steep.far = point;
steepBumps.addLast(new bumpT());
steepBumps.getLast().location = point;
steepBumps.getLast().parent = currFld.steepBump;
currFld.steepBump = steepBumps.getLast();
// Now look through the list of shallow bumps and see if any of them
// are below the line.
bumpT currentBump = currFld.shallowBump;
while (currentBump != null)
if (currFld.steep.isBelow(currentBump.location))
currFld.steep.near = currentBump.location;
currentBump = currentBump.parent;
boolean actIsBlocked(final fovStateT state, final Point2I pos)
Point2I adjustedPos = new Point2I(pos.x * state.quadrant.x
+ state.source.x, pos.y * state.quadrant.y + state.source.y);
if(!state.board.contains(adjustedPos.x, adjustedPos.y))
return false;//we are getting outside the board
// System.out.println("actIsBlocked "+adjustedPos.x+" "+adjustedPos.y);
// if ((state.quadrant.x * state.quadrant.y == 1
// && pos.x == 0 && pos.y != 0)
// || (state.quadrant.x * state.quadrant.y == -1
// && pos.y == 0 && pos.x != 0)
// || doesPermissiveVisit(state.mask, pos.x*state.quadrant.x,
// pos.y*state.quadrant.y) == 0)
// {
// // return result;
// }
// else
// {
// board.visit(adjustedPos.x, adjustedPos.y);
// // return result;
// }
* ^ | 2 | <-3-+-1-> | 4 | v
* To ensure all squares are visited before checked ( so that we can
* decide obstacling at visit time, eg walls destroyed by explosion) ,
* visit axes 1,2 only in Q1, 3 in Q2, 4 in Q3
if (state.isLos // In LOS calculation all visits allowed
|| state.quadrantIndex == 0 // can visit anything from Q1
|| (state.quadrantIndex == 1 && pos.x != 0) // Q2 : no Y axis
|| (state.quadrantIndex == 2 && pos.y != 0) // Q3 : no X axis
|| (state.quadrantIndex == 3 && pos.x != 0 && pos.y != 0)) // Q4
// no X
// or Y
// axis
if (doesPermissiveVisit(state.mask, pos.x * state.quadrant.x, pos.y
* state.quadrant.y) == 1)
state.board.visit(adjustedPos.x, adjustedPos.y);
return state.board.isObstacle(adjustedPos.x, adjustedPos.y);
void permissiveFov(int sourceX, int sourceY, permissiveMaskT mask)
fovStateT state = new fovStateT();
state.source = new Point2I(sourceX, sourceY);
state.mask = mask;
state.board = mask.board;
// state.isBlocked = isBlocked;
// state.visit = visit;
// state.context = context;
final int quadrantCount = 4;
final Point2I quadrants[] = { new Point2I(1, 1), new Point2I(-1, 1),
new Point2I(-1, -1), new Point2I(1, -1) };
Point2I extents[] = { new Point2I(mask.east, mask.north),
new Point2I(mask.west, mask.north),
new Point2I(mask.west, mask.south),
new Point2I(mask.east, mask.south) };
int quadrantIndex = 0;
for (; quadrantIndex < quadrantCount; ++quadrantIndex)
state.quadrant = quadrants[quadrantIndex];
state.extent = extents[quadrantIndex];
state.quadrantIndex = quadrantIndex;
int doesPermissiveVisit(permissiveMaskT mask, int x, int y)
if (mask.fovType == FovType.SQUARE)
return 1;
else if (mask.fovType == FovType.CIRCLE)
if (x * x + y * y < mask.distPlusOneSq)
return 1;
return 0;
return 1;
public void visitFieldOfView(ILosBoard b, int x, int y, int distance)
permissiveMaskT mask = new permissiveMaskT();
mask.east = mask.north = mask.south = mask.west = distance;
mask.mask = null;
mask.fovType = FovType.CIRCLE;
mask.distPlusOneSq = (distance+1) * (distance+1);
mask.board = b;
permissiveFov(x, y, mask);
* Algorithm inspired by
* @see rlforj.los.ILosAlgorithm1#existsLineOfSight(rlforj.los.ILosBoard, int,
* int, int, int, boolean)
public boolean existsLineOfSight(ILosBoard b, int startX, int startY,
int x1, int y1, boolean calculateProject)
permissiveMaskT mask = new permissiveMaskT();
int dx = x1 - startX;
int adx = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx;
int dy = y1 - startY;
int ady = dy > 0 ? dy : -dy;
RecordQuadrantVisitBoard fb = new RecordQuadrantVisitBoard(b, startX, startY, x1, y1,
mask.east = mask.west = adx;
mask.north = mask.south = ady;
mask.mask = null;
mask.fovType = FovType.SQUARE;
mask.distPlusOneSq = 0;
mask.board = fb;
fovStateT state = new fovStateT();
state.source = new Point2I(startX, startY);
state.mask = mask;
state.board = fb;
state.isLos = true;
state.quadrant = new Point2I(dx < 0 ? -1 : 1, dy < 0 ? -1 : 1);
state.quadrantIndex = 0;
LinkedList<bumpT> steepBumps = new LinkedList<bumpT>();
LinkedList<bumpT> shallowBumps = new LinkedList<bumpT>();
// activeFields is sorted from shallow-to-steep.
LinkedList<fieldT> activeFields = new LinkedList<fieldT>();
activeFields.addLast(new fieldT());
activeFields.getLast().shallow.near = new Point2I(0, 1);
activeFields.getLast().shallow.far = new Point2I(adx + 1, 0);
activeFields.getLast().steep.near = new Point2I(1, 0);
activeFields.getLast().steep.far = new Point2I(0, ady + 1);
Point2I dest = new Point2I(0, 0);
Line2I stopLine = new Line2I(new Point2I(0, 1), new Point2I(adx, ady + 1)), startLine = new Line2I(
new Point2I(1, 0), new Point2I(adx + 1, ady));
// Visit the source square exactly once (in quadrant 1).
actIsBlocked(state, dest);
CLikeIterator<fieldT> currentField = new CLikeIterator<fieldT>(
int maxI = adx + ady;
// For each square outline
int lastStartJ = -1;
Point2I topLeft = new Point2I(0, 0), bottomRight = new Point2I(0, 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= maxI && !activeFields.isEmpty(); ++i)
// System.out.println("i "+i);
int startJ = max(0, i - adx);
startJ = max(startJ, lastStartJ - 1);
int maxJ = min(i, ady);
// System.out.println("Startj "+startJ+" maxj "+maxJ);
// Visit the nodes in the outline
int thisStartJ = -1;
// System.out.println("startJ "+startJ+" maxJ "+maxJ);
for (int j = startJ; j <= maxJ && !currentField.isAtEnd(); ++j)
// System.out.println("i j "+i+" "+j);
dest.x = i - j;
dest.y = j;
topLeft.x = dest.x;
topLeft.y = dest.y + 1;
bottomRight.x = dest.x + 1;
bottomRight.y = dest.y;
// System.out.println(startLine+" "+topLeft+" "+stopLine+"
// "+bottomRight);
// System.out.println("isbelow "+startLine.isBelow(topLeft)+"
// isabove "+stopLine.isAbove(bottomRight));
if (startLine.isAboveOrContains(topLeft))
// not in range, continue
// System.out.println("below start");
if (stopLine.isBelowOrContains(bottomRight))
// done
// System.out.println("Above stop ");
// in range
if (thisStartJ == -1)
thisStartJ = j;
visitSquare(state, dest, currentField, steepBumps,
shallowBumps, activeFields);
lastStartJ = thisStartJ;
// System.out.println("Activefields size "+activeFields.size());
currentField = new CLikeIterator<fieldT>(activeFields
if (calculateProject)
path = GenericCalculateProjection.calculateProjecton(startX, startY, x1, y1, fb);
else {
fallBackLos.existsLineOfSight(b, startX, startY, x1, y1, true);
// calculateProjecton(startX, startY, adx, ady, fb, state);
return fb.endVisited;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see sid.los.ILosAlgorithm1#getProjectPath()
public List<Point2I> getProjectPath()
return path;
// public static void main(String[] args)
// {
// ILosAlgorithm pp = new PrecisePermissive();
// TestBoard b = new TestBoard(false);
// // b.exception.add(new Point2I(10, 11));
// // b.exception.add(new Point2I(11, 10));
// // b.exception.add(new Point2I(14, 15));
// b.exception.add(new Point2I(14, 18));
// System.out.println(pp.existsLineOfSight(b, -10, -10, -19, -15, true));
// System.out.println(pp.getProjectPathX());
// System.out.println(pp.getProjectPathY());
// System.out.println(b.visited);
// }