package transientlibs.rlforj.los;
import java.util.Vector;
import transientlibs.rlforj.math.Point2I;
* Given a set of squares that we are allowed to visit, and two points
* A and B, calculates a monotonic path from A to B, if it exists.
* Else it stops after as far as it can go
* It is useful to calculate a path along which sight runs from A to B
* given B is visible from A. An arrow or bolt can fly along this path.
* @author sdatta
public class GenericCalculateProjection
public static Vector<Point2I> calculateProjecton(int startX, int startY, int x1, int y1,
VisitedBoard fb)
Vector<Point2I> path= new Vector<Point2I>();
// calculate usual Bresenham values required.
int dx=x1-startX;
int dy=y1-startY;
int signX, signY;
int adx, ady;
if(dx>0) {
} else {
if(dy>0) {
} else {
boolean axesSwapped = false;
if (adx < ady)
axesSwapped = true;
final int tmp = adx;
adx = ady;
ady = tmp;
// System.out.println("adx ady "+adx+" "+ady);
//calculate the two error values.
int incE = 2 * ady; //error diff if x++
int incNE = 2 * ady - 2 * adx; // error diff if x++ and y++
int d = 2 * ady - adx; // starting error
Point2I p = new Point2I(0, 0);
int lasti = 0, lastj = 0;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= adx;)
lasti = i;
lastj = j;
i=p.y; j=p.x;
} else {
i=p.x; j=p.y;
System.out.println("GCP loop "+i+" "+j+" d "+d);
if(d<-2*adx) System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
if(i>adx || j>ady) // searching outside range
System.out.println("Outside range "+i+" "+j+" "+adx+" "+ady);
if (axesSwapped) {
path.add(new Point2I(
(j * signX + startX),
(i * signY + startY)));
} else {
path.add(new Point2I(
(i * signX + startX),
(j * signY + startY)));
System.out.println("Added to path "+path.lastElement());
if(i==adx && j==ady)//end reached and recorded
System.out.println("End reached and recorded ");
boolean ippNotrecommended = false;//whether i++ is recommended
if (d <= 0)
// try to just inc x
if (axesSwapped)
p.y = i + 1;
p.x = j;
} else
p.x = i + 1;
p.y = j;
if (fb.wasVisited(p.x, p.y) || /* end */ (i==adx && j==ady))
d += incE;
// i++;
// System.out.println("cannot i++ "+p+"
// "+fb.visitedNotObs.contains(p));
} else
// System.out.println("i++ not recommended ");
ippNotrecommended = true;
// try to inc x and y
if (axesSwapped)
p.y = i + 1;
p.x = j + 1;
} else
p.x = i + 1;
p.y = j + 1;
if (fb.wasVisited(p.x, p.y) || /* end */ (i==adx && j==ady))
d += incNE;
// j++;
// i++;
// System.out.println("cannot i++ j++ "+p+"
// "+fb.visitedNotObs.contains(p));
if (ippNotrecommended)
{ // try it even if not recommended
if (axesSwapped)
p.y = i + 1;
p.x = j;
} else
p.x = i + 1;
p.y = j;
if (fb.wasVisited(p.x, p.y) || /* end */ (i==adx && j==ady))
d += incE;
// i++;
// System.out.println("cannot i++ "+p+"
// "+fb.visitedNotObs.contains(p));
// last resort
// try to inc just y
if (axesSwapped)
p.y = i;
p.x = j + 1;
} else
p.x = i;
p.y = j + 1;
if (fb.wasVisited(p.x, p.y) || /* end */ (i==adx && j==ady))
System.out.println("GCP y++ "+i+" "+j+" last "+lasti+" "+lastj);
if (lasti == i - 1 && lastj == j)// last step was 1 to the
// right
System.out.println("<<- GenericCalculateProj check code");
// this step is 1 step to up,
// together 1 diagonal
// => we dont need last point
d += -incE + incNE;// as if we went 1 step left then took 1
// step up right
// j++;
// System.out.println("cannot j++ "+p+"
// "+fb.visitedNotObs.contains(p));
// no path, end here, after adding last point.
if (axesSwapped) {
path.add(new Point2I(
(j * signX + startX),
(i * signY + startY)));
} else {
path.add(new Point2I(
(i * signX + startX),
(j * signY + startY)));
return path;
public static interface VisitedBoard {
public boolean wasVisited(int x, int y);