Package transientlibs.rlforj.los

Source Code of transientlibs.rlforj.los.ConePrecisePremisive

package transientlibs.rlforj.los;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import transientlibs.rlforj.math.Point2I;

* Precise Permissive class for computing cone
* field of view.
* @author sdatta
public class ConePrecisePremisive extends PrecisePermissive implements

  public void visitConeFieldOfView(ILosBoard b, int x, int y, int distance, int startAngle, int finishAngle)
    if(startAngle%90==0 && startAngle%360!=0) startAngle--;//we dont like to start at 90, 180, 270
        // because it is screwed up by the "dont visit an axis twice" logic
    // normalize angled
    if(startAngle<0) {startAngle%=360; startAngle+=360; }
    if(finishAngle<0) {finishAngle%=360; finishAngle+=360; }
    if(startAngle>360) startAngle%=360;
    if(finishAngle>360) finishAngle%=360;
    permissiveMaskT mask = new permissiveMaskT();
    mask.east = mask.north = mask.south = mask.west = distance;
    mask.mask = null;
    mask.fovType = FovType.CIRCLE;
    mask.distPlusOneSq = (distance+1) * (distance+1);
    mask.board = b;
    permissiveConeFov(x, y, mask, startAngle, finishAngle);

   * Process one quadrant.
   * @param state
   * @param startAngle
   * @param finishAngle
  void calculateConeFovQuadrant(final coneFovState state, int startAngle, int finishAngle)
//     System.out.println("calcfovq called " + state.quadrantIndex + " "
//        + startAngle + " " + finishAngle);
    LinkedList<bumpT> steepBumps = new LinkedList<bumpT>();
    LinkedList<bumpT> shallowBumps = new LinkedList<bumpT>();
    // activeFields is sorted from shallow-to-steep.
    LinkedList<fieldT> activeFields = new LinkedList<fieldT>();
    activeFields.addLast(new fieldT());
    // We decide the farthest cells that can be seen by the cone ( using
    // trigonometry.), then we set the active field to be in between them.
    if(startAngle==0) {
      activeFields.getLast().shallow.near = new Point2I(0, 1);
      activeFields.getLast().shallow.far = new Point2I(state.extent.x, 0);
    } else {
      activeFields.getLast().shallow.near = new Point2I(0, 1);
      activeFields.getLast().shallow.far = new Point2I(
          (int) Math.ceil(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(startAngle))
              * state.extent.x),
          (int) Math.floor(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(startAngle))
          * state.extent.y));
//      System.out.println(activeFields.getLast().shallow.isAboveOrContains(new offsetT(0, 10)));
    if(finishAngle==90) {
      activeFields.getLast().steep.near = new Point2I(1, 0);
      activeFields.getLast().steep.far = new Point2I(0, state.extent.y);
    } else {
      activeFields.getLast().steep.near = new Point2I(1, 0);
      activeFields.getLast().steep.far = new Point2I(
          (int) Math.floor(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(finishAngle))
              * state.extent.x),
          (int) Math.ceil(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(finishAngle))
          * state.extent.y));
    Point2I dest = new Point2I(0, 0);

//    // Visit the source square exactly once (in quadrant 1).
//    if (state.quadrant.x == 1 && state.quadrant.y == 1)
//    {
//      actIsBlockedCone(state, dest);
//    }

    CLikeIterator<fieldT> currentField = new CLikeIterator<fieldT>(
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int maxI = state.extent.x + state.extent.y;
    // For each square outline
    for (i = 1; i <= maxI && !activeFields.isEmpty(); ++i)
      int startJ = max(0, i - state.extent.x);
      int maxJ = min(i, state.extent.y);
      // System.out.println("Startj "+startJ+" maxj "+maxJ);
      // Visit the nodes in the outline
      for (j = startJ; j <= maxJ && !currentField.isAtEnd(); ++j)
        // System.out.println("i j "+i+" "+j);
        dest.x = i - j;
        dest.y = j;
        visitConeSquare(state, dest, currentField, steepBumps,
            shallowBumps, activeFields);
      // System.out.println("Activefields size "+activeFields.size());
      currentField = new CLikeIterator<fieldT>(activeFields
  private final int max(int i, int j)
    return i > j ? i : j;

  private final int min(int i, int j)
    return i < j ? i : j;
  public class coneFovState extends fovStateT {
    public boolean axisDone[]={false, false, false, false};
  void permissiveConeFov(int sourceX, int sourceY, permissiveMaskT mask,
      int startAngle, int finishAngle)
    coneFovState state = new coneFovState();
    state.source = new Point2I(sourceX, sourceY);
    state.mask = mask;
    state.board = mask.board;
    // state.isBlocked = isBlocked;
    // state.visit = visit;
    // state.context = context;

    //visit origin once
    state.board.visit(sourceX, sourceY);
    final int quadrantCount = 4;
    final Point2I quadrants[] = { new Point2I(1, 1), new Point2I(-1, 1),
        new Point2I(-1, -1), new Point2I(1, -1) };

    Point2I extents[] = { new Point2I(mask.east, mask.north),
        new Point2I(mask.west, mask.north),
        new Point2I(mask.west, mask.south),
        new Point2I(mask.east, mask.south) };
    int[] angles=new int[12];
    angles[0]=0; angles[1]=90; angles[2]=180; angles[3]=270;
    for(int i=4; i<12; i++) angles[i]=720;//to keep them at the end
    int i=0;
    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
        for(int j=3; j>=i; j--)
    for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
        for(int j=4; j>=i; j--)
    // Now angles[0..5] contains 0, 90, 180, 270, startAngle, finishAngle
    // in sorted order.
    int startIndex=0;   
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
//      System.out.println("sorted "+angles[i]);
      angles[i + 6] = angles[i];
      if (angles[i] == startAngle)
        startIndex = i;
    // Twice repeated, also foound out startAngle's index
    //effectively, what we do is:
    // traverse startAngle -> next axis(say 90), 90->180,
    // ...., some axis -> finishAngle.
    // Or startAngle -> endAngle if in same quadrant
    int stA=0, endA=0;
    for(i=startIndex; i<12; i++)
      int quadrantIndex=angles[i]/90;
      switch(quadrantIndex) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
      state.quadrant = quadrants[quadrantIndex];
      state.extent = extents[quadrantIndex];
      state.quadrantIndex = quadrantIndex;
      calculateConeFovQuadrant(state, stA, endA);
//      System.out.println(quadrantIndex+" "+stA+" "+endA);
      if(stA==0) state.axisDone[quadrantIndex]=true;
      if(endA==90) state.axisDone[(quadrantIndex+1)%4]=true;
//      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(state.axisDone));
   * It is here so that actisBlockedCone is called
   * instead of actIsBlocked.
   * Note : I ( sdatta ) made the function name with Code added since
   * I wasnt sure inheritance was working properly when I was debugging this code.
   * Maybe this code can be simplified ?
   * @param state
   * @param dest
   * @param currentField
   * @param steepBumps
   * @param shallowBumps
   * @param activeFields
  void visitConeSquare(final coneFovState state, final Point2I dest,
      CLikeIterator<fieldT> currentField, LinkedList<bumpT> steepBumps,
      LinkedList<bumpT> shallowBumps, LinkedList<fieldT> activeFields)
    // System.out.println("visitsq called "+dest);
    // The top-left and bottom-right corners of the destination square.
    Point2I topLeft = new Point2I(dest.x, dest.y + 1);
    Point2I bottomRight = new Point2I(dest.x + 1, dest.y);
//    System.out.println(dest);
    // fieldT currFld=null;

    boolean specialCase=false;
    while (!currentField.isAtEnd()
        && currentField.getCurrent().steep
//      System.out.println("currFld.steep.isBelowOrContains(bottomRight) "
//          + currentField.getCurrent().steep
//              .isBelowOrContains(bottomRight));
      // case ABOVE
      // The square is in case 'above'. This means that it is ignored
      // for the currentField. But the steeper fields might need it.
      // ++currentField;
//      System.out.println("currFld.steep.isBelowOrContains(bottomRight) and shallow "+
//          currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAboveOrContains(bottomRight)+" "+
//          currentField.getCurrent().steep.isBelowOrContains(topLeft));
          currentField.getCurrent().steep.isBelowOrContains(topLeft)) {
    if (currentField.isAtEnd())
//      System.out.println("currentField.isAtEnd()");
      // The square was in case 'above' for all fields. This means that
      // we no longer care about it or any squares in its diagonal rank.

    // Now we check for other cases.
    if (currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAboveOrContains(topLeft))
      // case BELOW
      // The shallow line is above the extremity of the square, so that
      // square is ignored.
//      System.out.println("currFld.shallow.isAboveOrContains(topLeft) "
//          + currentField.getCurrent() +
//          currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAboveOrContains(topLeft)+" "+
//          currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAboveOrContains(bottomRight)+" "+
//          currentField.getCurrent().steep.isAboveOrContains(topLeft)+" "+
//          currentField.getCurrent().steep.isAboveOrContains(bottomRight));
    // The square is between the lines in some way. This means that we
    // need to visit it and determine whether it is blocked.

    boolean isBlocked = actIsBlockedCone(state, dest);
    if (!isBlocked)
      // We don't care what case might be left, because this square does
      // not obstruct.

    if (currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAbove(bottomRight)
        && currentField.getCurrent().steep.isBelow(topLeft))
      // case BLOCKING
      // Both lines intersect the square. This current field has ended.
    } else if (currentField.getCurrent().shallow.isAbove(bottomRight))
      // case SHALLOW BUMP
      // The square intersects only the shallow line.
      addShallowBump(topLeft, currentField.getCurrent(), steepBumps,
    } else if (currentField.getCurrent().steep.isBelow(topLeft))
      // case STEEP BUMP
      // The square intersects only the steep line.
      addSteepBump(bottomRight, currentField.getCurrent(), steepBumps,
    } else
      // case BETWEEN
      // The square intersects neither line. We need to split into two
      // fields.
      fieldT steeperField = new fieldT(currentField.getCurrent());
      fieldT shallowerField = currentField.getCurrent();
      // System.out.println("activeFields "+activeFields);
      addSteepBump(bottomRight, shallowerField, steepBumps, shallowBumps);
      if (!checkField(currentField)) // did not remove
        currentField.gotoNext();// point to the original element
//      System.out.println("B4 addShallowBumps "
//          + currentField.getCurrent());
      addShallowBump(topLeft, steeperField, steepBumps, shallowBumps);
   * Visit the square, also decide if it is blocked
   * @param state
   * @param pos
   * @return
  boolean actIsBlockedCone(final coneFovState state, final Point2I pos)
    final Point2I stateQuadrant = state.quadrant;
    Point2I adjustedPos = new Point2I(pos.x * stateQuadrant.x
        + state.source.x, pos.y * stateQuadrant.y + state.source.y);
    //Keep track of which axes are done.
    if (
           (pos.x==0 && stateQuadrant.y>0 && !state.axisDone[1])
        || (pos.x==0 && stateQuadrant.y<0 && !state.axisDone[3])
        || (pos.y==0 && stateQuadrant.x>0 && !state.axisDone[0])
        || (pos.y==0 && stateQuadrant.x<0 && !state.axisDone[2])
        || (pos.x!=0 && pos.y!=0)
      if (doesPermissiveVisit(state.mask, pos.x * stateQuadrant.x, pos.y
          * stateQuadrant.y) == 1)
        state.board.visit(adjustedPos.x, adjustedPos.y);
    return state.board.isObstacle(adjustedPos.x, adjustedPos.y);

Related Classes of transientlibs.rlforj.los.ConePrecisePremisive

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