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package transientlibs.objects.misc;
import transientlibs.objects.creatures.items.Item;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.datasets.Action;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.Maps;
import transientlibs.processors.misc.Detonator;
import transientlibs.maps.implementation.TilelessMap;
import transientlibs.maps.entities.Landmark;
import transientlibs.maps.utils.pathfinding.PathFinder;
import transientlibs.maps.tiles.Tile;
import transientlibs.maps.units.Unit;
import transientlibs.maps.implementation.BasicMap;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.Coords;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.Int;
* @author kibertoad
public class GenericTask {
public int ID;
public Tile onTile;
public Action action;
public Coords targetCoords = new Coords();
public Landmark targetLandmark = null;
public Coords movementCoords = new Coords();
public Unit assignedMinion;
public Int progressPoints = new Int(0);
public Int progressPointsNeeded = new Int(100);
public Item targetItem = null; //e. g. what kind of goods to haul
public void killTask() {
public void finishTask() {
Detonator.INSTANCE.activeLandmark = targetLandmark;
public void performTask (int taskPoints) {
progressPoints.value += taskPoints;
//Log.info("Task performed: "+progressPoints.value+"/"+progressPointsNeeded.value);
if (progressPoints.value >= progressPointsNeeded.value) {finishTask();}
public void calculateMovementCoords (Coords fromCoords, TilelessMap fromMap) {
PathFinder pathfinder = new PathFinder(fromCoords, fromMap);
Coords adjustedCoords;
int counter;
int setX;
int setY;
int bestResult = 999999999;
int bestDirection = -1;
BasicMap onMap = Maps.currentMap;
for (counter = 1; counter < 10; counter++) {
adjustedCoords = targetCoords.returnAdjustedCoords(counter);
setX = adjustedCoords.getIntX();
setY = adjustedCoords.getIntY();
onMap.pathfindingGoalX = setX;
onMap.pathfindingGoalY = setY;
pathfinder.goalX = setX;
pathfinder.goalY = setY;
if (pathfinder.path != null) {
if (pathfinder.path.getLength() < bestResult) {
bestResult = pathfinder.path.getLength();
bestDirection = counter;
//Log.info(counter+" is a viable direction.");
if (bestDirection != -1) {
adjustedCoords = targetCoords.returnAdjustedCoords(bestDirection);
movementCoords.x = adjustedCoords.x;
movementCoords.y = adjustedCoords.y;
} else {
movementCoords.x = targetCoords.x;
movementCoords.y = targetCoords.y;
//Log.info("Best path: "+bestDirection+", cost: "+bestResult);
public void bindValues(String prefix) {
Detonator.INSTANCE.activeTask = this;
Detonator.INSTANCE.setBindedValue("progress", progressPoints);
Detonator.INSTANCE.setBindedValue("progressneeded", progressPointsNeeded);
public Landmark getLandmark() {
return targetLandmark;