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package transientlibs.bindedobjects.gamecontent;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.audio.Sound;
import transientlibs.objects.general.Node;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.TBoolean;
import transientlibs.processors.misc.Detonator;
import transientlibs.tex.StringAnalyst;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import transientlibs.slick2d.util.Log;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.Binding;
import transientlibs.preui.objects.gui.interfaces.ISound;
* @author kibertoad
public class SoundsGDX extends Node implements ISound {
public static ArrayList<SoundsGDX> soundList = new ArrayList<SoundsGDX>();
public static float volume = (float) 0.08;
public static TBoolean soundEnabled = new TBoolean(true);
public Sound sound;
public static SoundsGDX lastSound;
public static SoundsGDX currentSound = null;
public static void loadSounds() {
boolean validFile = (new File(Detonator.INSTANCE.gameDataDir + "sound.dat")).exists();
if (validFile) {
StringAnalyst reader = new StringAnalyst();
while (!reader.eof) {
public static void analyzeStringForSounds(StringAnalyst analyst) {
analyzeStringForSounds("-NO-", analyst);
public static Sound loadSoundFile(String theFile) {
return Gdx.audio.newSound(Gdx.files.internal(theFile));
public static void analyzeStringForSounds(String getString, StringAnalyst analyst) {
if (!"-NO-".equals(getString)) {
analyst.fullStr = getString;
String nowStr = analyst.lastStr;
boolean withResult = false;
if (nowStr.equals("sound")) {
soundList.add(new SoundsGDX());
lastSound = soundList.get(soundList.size() - 1);
lastSound.ID = analyst.getBinding(Binding.soundBinding);
//ReqList.lastReqList = lastSounds.trainReqs;
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("file")) {
String path = Detonator.INSTANCE.gameDataDir + "sounds/" + analyst.getNextString();
Log.info("Sounds: Looking for " + path);
boolean validFile = (new File(path)).exists();
if (validFile) {
//lastMusic.LName = analyst.getNextString();
lastSound.sound = loadSoundFile(path);
} else {
Log.info("Sound: can't find " + path);
withResult = true;
if ((withResult == false) && (nowStr.length() > 2) && (!nowStr.startsWith("//"))) {
Log.error("Unknown string: " + nowStr);
public static void stop() {
if (currentSound != null) {
public static void setVolume(float toVolume) {
volume = toVolume / 100;
public static void play(String whichOne) {
if (soundEnabled.value == true) {
public static void play(SoundsGDX whichOne) {
if (soundEnabled.value == true) {
Log.info("Sounds playing: " + whichOne.ID);
if (whichOne.sound != null) {
if (currentSound != whichOne) {
currentSound = whichOne;
//currentSound.sound.play(1, volume);
public static SoundsGDX getSoundByID(int getCode) {
return soundList.get(getCode);
public static SoundsGDX getSoundByCode(String getCode) {
return soundList.get(Binding.readBinding(Binding.soundBinding, getCode.toLowerCase()));