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package transientlibs.bindedobjects.gamecontent;
import transientlibs.objects.creatures.LookType;
import transientlibs.objects.general.Node;
import transientlibs.tex.StringAnalyst;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import transientlibs.slick2d.util.Log;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.datasets.BindedValue;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.Binding;
* @author kibertoad
public class Looks extends BindedValue {
public int frequency;
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<Looks>> looks = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Looks>>();
public static ArrayList<LookType> lookTypes = new ArrayList<LookType>();
public static Looks lastLooks;
public static int lastLookGroup;
public static final int typeStage = 1;
public static final int valueStage = 2;
public static int currentStage = 1;
public static void loadLooks() {
if (StringAnalyst.isFileExist("looks.dat")) {
StringAnalyst reader = new StringAnalyst();
boolean withResult = false;
while (!reader.eof) {
reader.readRow(); //reader.getNextString(); reader.getNextString();
//outputAll (lookTypes);
//outputAll (looks.get(0));
//outputAll (looks.get(1));
//outputAll (looks.get(2));
//outputAll (lookTypes);
public static void analyzeStringForLooks(StringAnalyst analyst) {
analyzeStringForLooks("-NO-", analyst);
public static void analyzeStringForLooks(String getString, StringAnalyst analyst) {
boolean withResult = false;
if (!"-NO-".equals(getString)) {
analyst.fullStr = getString;
String nowStr = analyst.lastStr;
if (nowStr.equals("type")) {
currentStage = typeStage;
lookTypes.add(new LookType());
LookType.lastLookType = lookTypes.get(lookTypes.size() - 1);
LookType.lastLookType.ID = analyst.getBinding(Binding.lookTypeBinding);
LookType.lastLookType.LName.value = analyst.lastStr;
looks.add(new ArrayList<Looks>());
withResult = true;
int nowType;
ArrayList<Looks> nowGroup;
nowType = Binding.safeReadBinding(Binding.lookTypeBinding, nowStr);
//if known look group name is the first word, add new
if (nowType != -1) {
// Log.info("New looks classifier found");
currentStage = valueStage;
nowGroup = looks.get(nowType);
nowGroup.add(new Looks());
lastLooks = nowGroup.get(nowGroup.size() - 1);
lastLooks.ofType = nowType;
lastLooks.frequency = 10;
lastLooks.ID = analyst.getListBinding(Binding.lookList, nowType);
withResult = true;
//nowGroup = looks.get(lastLookGroup)
if (nowStr.equals("name")) {
//Log.info("current stage: "+currentStage);
if (currentStage == valueStage) {lastLooks.LName.value = analyst.restOfRow();}
else LookType.lastLookType.LName.value = analyst.restOfRow();
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("freq")) {
lastLooks.frequency = analyst.getNextNumber();
withResult = true;
if ((withResult == false) && (nowStr.length()>2) && (!nowStr.startsWith("//"))) {
Log.error("Unknown string: "+nowStr);
public static String returnLookName (int lookType, int lookID) {
return looks.get(lookType).get(lookID).LName.value;