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package transientlibs.bindedobjects.gamecontent;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.datasets.Action;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import transientlibs.slick2d.util.Log;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.Binding;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.datasets.LesserBindedValue;
import transientlibs.bindedobjects.core.Tex;
import transientlibs.processors.misc.Detonator;
import transientlibs.preui.objects.gui.interfaces.IImage;
import transientlibs.objects.primitives.Int;
import transientlibs.tex.ActList;
import transientlibs.tex.ReqList;
import transientlibs.tex.StringAnalyst;
* @author kibertoad
public class Cards extends LesserBindedValue {
public static float scale = 1;
public Int price = new Int (1000);
public Action action;
public int cardType; //defined in cardgroups
public boolean isStackable = false;
public Int keepLimit = new Int(100000); //item limit
public CombatEffect stats = null;
public ReqList reqs = new ReqList();
public static ReqList globalReqs = new ReqList();
public static ReqList globalActivationReq = new ReqList();
public static ActList globalActs = new ActList();
public static ArrayList<String> globalTags = new ArrayList<String>();
public static String globalGroup = "-";
public static ArrayList<Cards> cards = new ArrayList<Cards>();
public IImage image;
public IImage largeImage;
public static Cards lastCard;
public static void loadAllCards() {
File dir = new File(Detonator.INSTANCE.currentModule.dirName + "cards");
String[] fileList = dir.list();
if (fileList == null) {
Log.warn(Detonator.INSTANCE.currentModule.dirName + "cards");
Log.warn("Specified directory does not exist!");
} else {
for (int x = 0; x < fileList.length; x++) {
if (fileList[x].endsWith(".dat")) {
//loadMap("maps/" + fileList[x]);
globalGroup = "-";
loadCards("cards/" + fileList[x]);
public static void loadCards(String fromFile) {
if (StringAnalyst.isFileExist(fromFile)) {
StringAnalyst reader = new StringAnalyst();
while (!reader.eof) {
public static void analyzeStringForCards(StringAnalyst analyst) {
analyzeStringForCards("-NO-", analyst);
public static void analyzeStringForCards(String getString, StringAnalyst analyst) {
if (!"-NO-".equals(getString)) {
analyst.fullStr = getString;
String nowStr = analyst.lastStr;
boolean withResult = false;
if (nowStr.equals("card")) {
cards.add(new Cards());
lastCard = cards.get(cards.size() - 1);
lastCard.ID = analyst.getBinding(Binding.cardBinding);
//ReqList.lastReqList = lastItems.trainReqs;
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("combateffect")) {
lastCard.stats = new CombatEffect();
CombatEffect.lastCombatEffect = lastCard.stats;
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("type")) {
lastCard.cardType = analyst.readBinding(Binding.cardTypeBinding);
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("reqs")) {
ReqList.lastReqList = lastCard.reqs;
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("name")) {
lastCard.LName.value = analyst.restOfRow();
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("price")) {
lastCard.price.value = analyst.getNextNumber();
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("action")) {
lastCard.action = Action.getActionByCode(analyst.getNextString());
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("desc")) {
lastCard.desc = analyst.restOfRow();
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("tag")) {
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("image")) {
IImage images = Detonator.INSTANCE.imageProvider.getImage(analyst.getNextString());
if (scale != 1) {
Log.info("Rescale: "+images.getName());
//images = TransientSlickImage.rescaleImage(images, scale);
images = Detonator.INSTANCE.imageProvider.rescaleImage (images, scale);
lastCard.image = images;
withResult = true;
if (nowStr.equals("largeimage")) {
lastCard.largeImage = Detonator.INSTANCE.imageProvider.getImage(analyst.getNextString());
withResult = true;
if (withResult == false) {
withResult = Tex.analyzeStringForTex(analyst.fullStr, analyst, false);
if ((withResult == false) && (nowStr.length() > 2) && (!nowStr.startsWith("//"))) {
Log.error("Unknown string: " + nowStr);
public static Cards getCardsByCode(String byCode) {
//return items.get(Binding.readBinding(Binding.itemBinding, byCode.toLowerCase()));
return getCardsByID(Binding.readBinding(Binding.cardBinding, byCode.toLowerCase()));
public static Cards getCardsByID(int getCode) {
for (Cards l : cards) {
if (l.ID == getCode) {
return l;
return null;
public static ArrayList<Cards> getAllCardsByGroup(String itemGroup) {
ArrayList<Cards> list = new ArrayList<Cards>();
for (Cards l : cards) {
if (l.group == null ? itemGroup == null : l.group.equals(itemGroup)) {
return list;
public static ArrayList<Cards> getAllCardsByType(String itemGroup) {
Log.info("All items: " + cards.size());
int byType = Binding.getBinding(Binding.cardTypeBinding, itemGroup);
ArrayList<Cards> list = new ArrayList<Cards>();
for (Cards l : cards) {
if (l.cardType == byType) {
Log.info("Has type: " + l.cardType);
Log.info("need: " + byType);
Log.info("Hits for " + itemGroup + ": " + list.size());
return list;
public boolean isCardType(String currentMode) {
return (cardType == Binding.getBinding(Binding.cardTypeBinding, currentMode));